Is there a "Resharper-like" addin for MonoDevelop? - resharper

I've googled and not come up with much. Has anyone run across something like Resharper for Mono?

Not that I'm aware of, no. A few people have discussed it but nothing concrete has emerged. We've been trying to implement some of the low-hanging fruit among the R# features that matter to people, such as the camelCase completion list matching - please file enhancement bugs if you can think of any more!
Also, now that MonoDevelop is no longer GPL there's the possibility that JetBrains could actually implement a R# addin for MD, if there's enough demand. R# as whole is immensely complex, so I don't imagine anyone else could build a decent equivalent any time soon.
UPDATE: There is an experimental Resharper-like source analysis and quick fix feature built into MonoDevelop 3.0. It can be enabled in Preferences.


Is haskellmode-vim dead?

I just disabled haskellmode-vim from my plugin configurations. Basically this was for three reasons:
I prefer neocomplcache for my auto completion needs.
Apparently it wasn't updated since 2010.
It doesn't seem to be compatible with cabal
I hope that someone jumps in the pit and points out that I just have misconfigured the whole thing (as in I configured the most basic thing in the readme). To make this a question:
Is it possible to setup haskellmode such that ...
... it gets its configuration from cabal?
... it doesn't set `completefunc' so that neocomplcache still works?
Author here. I haven't had much chance to work with Haskell since 2010, so haskellmode for Vim has not been developed since then, either.
I used to think someone must have written something better since, or that my old code probably doesn't work with newer releases, but every few months, someone mails me telling that they are still using this plugin and it still works for them (which is a mix of pleasant surprise and uncomfortable reminder of the lack of development/maintenance).
Some of them have created clones on github (last time I checked, there were about a dozen), usually to accomodate the latest fashion in Vim plugin management (there may have been small hacks to make it build via cabal, but I recall no complete integration). Vim gives you a lot of control over the order of plugin loading, if you want someone else to override the completefunc.
I still expect haskellmode-vim to drop out of usage sooner or later. However, if someone were to step forward willing to take on maintenance for one of the github clones, that would be fine, too.
As long as credit is given, and modified plugins are marked as such, I'm also happy to see ideas from haskellmode-vim used in other plugins (there used to be a happy exchange of such ideas between vim and emacs haskell plugins), so more modern and active plugins could absorb any missing features from haskellmode-vim.

vs2012 crystal reports vs fast reports

I am hoping that someone can give me advice on the following. My company is in the process of changing over from delphi XE2 to VS2012. In delphi we used Fast Reports but now that we are moving over I would like to know which is better Fast or crystal Reports. I am hoping someone can shed some light on this.
Please do yourself a favor and search google for "I hate Crystal Reports". The sheer number and ferocity of complaints is astounding. From absentee customer service and legacy black box licensing to useless documentation and lack of flexibility, I'm surprised this product is still around. Use anything else you can, we roll our own reports via the web.
We abandoned Crystal Reports years ago and we are using the ReportDesigner included in Visual Studio. It's a powerful tool but I recommended to stick with Fast Reports if it covers all your needs (also consider other aspects: i.e. report conversion).

AutoCAD 2006 vs. 2012

I'm looking to learn AutoCAD. I have found several videos online that relate to 2006 AutoCAD - but is there a difference to any of of the versions. I have seen job postings asking to know AutoCAD 2008 -- what happens if I only know 2011 or even 2010. Can I work with 2008? Is there a difference to any of this versions or years?
AutoCAD is a lot like Windows... They have major releases and minor releases, so the change from 2006-2007 was a significant change. They roll out a major release every couple years or so. Still, it just depends on what you're doing. If you've got to draw a line, it's drawing a line, and that doesn't change a lot from one release to another. Some companies use the "features" of the software, but lots of them don't. My advice: get an account with Autodesk University here and click through the online classes. Look for some basic AutoCAD classes. It will really help you learn about the software and the changes made from one release to another. Also: If you get an interview for a CAD job, they will probably give you a test... usually it's just drawing something in CAD from a piece of paper. I had one of these where I had to use a version of AutoCAD called Architectural Desktop. I had never even seen Architectural Desktop before, so I asked the person interviewing me, "Where do I start?" He showed my how to start, and I actually got the job. That was 7 years ago and I still work for that company today. Use the free tutorials to acquaint yourself with the software, but don't be intimidated by it. If you get as far as testing in an interview, do your best, and don't be afraid to ask questions.
If I recall correctly 2006 was still a version without the ribbon interface. In any case, the most significant change in user interface in the recent years was exactly that - caused quite a bit of stir when it was first introduced, and many drafters still switch to "old" toolbar.
As far as changes go, yes, there are quite a few. But as Asheville said, they more relate to some advanced features of the software, which at this time you will probably not be using. My advice would be to start with some of the newer versions ("the ribbon" ones) and adjust yourself to it. After you've grasped the fundamentals, and found your way around, and wish to expand your knowledge in a more systematic way (although we all know this almost never works :) I would go to one of the either; "Autocad xxxx Bible", or "Mastering Autocad xxxx" books where xxxx signifies the version. They are quite heavy (figuratively and literally) and you can skim through as you progress. Most of the things in there you probably won't need, unless you find yourself working in a large draft office which has it's own way of organizing data, drawing styles, ...
Autocad forums are also a good place to ask questions (search first !) ... the community there is quite helpful.

How do I start contributing to GNOME?

How do I start contributing to GNOME? I can program in C++ and Python, but have never touched C. I am not familiar with GTK even.
To be honest, I have no idea how GNOME works. All I have is a deep desire to somehow contribute to it.
Where do you recommend do I start? Any tutorial, mailing list or anything. I am ready to do the hard work, I just need a direction.
PS: I could have googled for the problem, but nothing beats the experience I have seen since Google returns SO for most of the questions.
Visit Join GNOME.
Figure out what you want to do for them
If it's development, then:
learn C and GTK
checkout the source code
browse through the bug-tracker to find a reasonably sized task and ask for help of more senior committers to tell you what is at your level
fix it and submit a patch
wait for roses and glory
But maybe you can help with other things, as mentioned on Join GNOME
Design / Artworks
Technical Documentation (review, proofreading)
Best of luck and thank you for trying to contribute.
Be sure to check out GNOME Love as well. It's a site aimed at getting people started with GNOME.
You may find it handy and useful by creating new extensions for Gnome shell.
There are a lot of extensions on It requires JavaScript programming. It will also give you insights of how things work in Gnome.
start simple program with below manual.
The GTK+ tutorial
GTK+ 2 Reference Manual
GTK+ 3 Reference Manual
show your program here: (Project Showcase)
also to note:
you don't have to learn C (even though it's a good idea). You can use PyGtk for GTK development in python (but i won't recommend that because of the speed of python).
GTK bindings for c++ also exit it's called gtkmm. It have binding for many other librays (Cluttermm, Cairomm, Pangomm).
there are bindings for A LOT of languages but native C is the best solution.
I would recommend learning vala because of it's ease of use but also because of it's speed (but that's just personal preference).
also check the gnome-devel-demo out. can be useful

One man bugtracker?

Recently I've been doing lots of weekend coding, and have began to really need a bugtracker as things are gaining speed. This is probably the worst case scenario because I basically have to let things cool down over the week,so I simply can't remember the bugs in my head. So far I've been using a text file to jot down bugs,but I'd rather use something a bit better.
The biggest points here are ease of use and very little setup time.Don't want to spend more than an hour learning the basics and trying to install something. Also in my case I'm on a Mac so that would help, but solutions for other platforms are welcomed as they will likely help others.
FogBugz has a student/startup edition that's free indefinitely, for 2 or less users.
Personally, I use Excel. (Wait, come back, I'm not crazy!) For a bigger / team project, I've gotten a ton of mileage out of Bugzilla, but that tends to be kind of overkill for a one-person project.
But, a well-organized spreadsheet, with columns for things like "status", "description", "code module", "resolved date," etc, gets you pretty close to what you'd need for a small project. Sorting a spreadsheet by column isn't anywhere near a search, but its a whole lot better than "find in text file."
Heck, if you use Google docs rather than excel, you can even publish the thing as an RSS feed and get it anywhere.
And, the major advantage is that the setup time and learning curve are both effectively nil.
Addendum: And of course, the instant your "One-Person Bug Tracker" becomes a "Two-Person Bug Tracker" you must switch to something better. Bugzilla, FogBugz, anything. Trust me, I've been there.
Trac or Redmine are both pretty good. I don't know how easy they are to set up on a Mac.
It's worth mentioning that FogBugz also has a free version for up to 2 users, which would suit you. It is hosted so there is no installation and you can use something like Fluid to access it in its own window.
I don't think you need a full blown bugtracker for your scenario.
Try tiddly wiki, store each bug in a tiddler and give them tags like 'open' or 'closed'.
There is no installation required (only one html file), and it's very easy to use.
And platform neutral.
If you're working on a LAMPP stack, then for ease of setup and use I would probably recommend Mantis. It's written in PHP / MySQL and the only installation involved was specifying where the database should be created and what credentials should be used.
Oh, and its FOSS.
I would suggest Omnigroup's Omnifocus - it's an excellent task tracker, and if you just make the mental leap from bug to task, I think it works famously for one man projects as well as being an excellent way to organize your no doubt burgeoning task queue.
Eclipse has a really interesting system--I don't know why so few people seem to know about it.
It's tied in with their to-do list. It gives you the ability to enter bugs with as much or as little info as you like. You can tie it to versioning or an external bug tracker if you like. It's a decent bug tracker in itself.
The real trick is how it works with your source code.
Before you begin work you select a bug from the list. All the time you're coding, it tracks what files you are editing. It can close old tabs for you, and will also highlight areas of the source tree that you have modified a lot.
The nice thing is, you can go back to any bug you've edited an you will get your "Environment" back. Not only all your notes and stuff, but the same tabs will open up and the same sections of code in the navigator will be highlighted.
Also eclipse works with virtually any language, it's not just restricted to Java...
let me put in a good word for ditz - it's a bit bare-bones, but it has the invaluable feature that bugs are checked into your repository. it's also very easy to use once you get used to its way of doing things
You can use fogbugz for free if you're a one man team.
It's super easy to use and quick to learn.
They made it so that bugs are really easy to enter, no mandatory fields.
I'm the author of BugTracker.NET mentioned in another post. If I were looking for a tracker for JUST ONE PERSON with MINIMUM hassle, I'd use FogBugz, because it's hosted. No installation, no need to worry about backups.
But, what are you doing about version control? Don't you have to worry about that too, and backing that up? If so, consider something like Unfuddle or CVSDude where you can get BOTH Subversion and Trac, or Subversion and Fogbugz.
I use Mantis at home and I'm happy with it. It can be a pain in the arse to get it working so you can choose to download a free and ready-made VM installation. Cannot be easier than that,
Maybe a spreadsheet would be the next logical step? I know it sounds really un-sexy, but if you're the only user, you don't have to worry much about others mucking it up, and it adds a few basic features over a text file like sorting. Then if you later need to graduate to something RDBMS-backed, you would likely have a feasible import path. I just know that for me, when working by myself, I don't tend to get around to putting bugs in anything that requires more care and feeding than that (of course when working with others the collaborative needs make a more defined repository a requirement, but that's a different story).
EDIT: After noting the availability of free, hosted access to FogBugz, I'm re-thinking the bar for care and feeding...
RT from BestPractical is great.
I also get a lot of mileage out of just keeping a list of items in a text file with vi, if I can express them all in one line. This is usually for many small todo items on a single component or task.
I've tried and even though it's a little bit rough on the edges, it's free and was built with ASP.NET:
Are you using a source control repository as well? If not, you really should, even though you're only a one-man team.
My personal preference is to use a VMWare Virutal Application (free) that offers no-hassle setup gives you access to both Trac and Subversion. You can find many different virual appliances through searching. Here is one example of getting a Trac/SVN virtual appliance up and running:
Trac is an excellent project management tool that sports a bug tracker, wiki, and integrated source control management. It's adaptable to your needs, and fits me very well personally.
I use bugzilla for this purpose. Plus for me was that it has integration with Eclipse (precisely with Mylyn). FogBuzz has it to but AFAIK it is nonfree.
Plus it sits on my laptop so I can code and add/remove bugs when offline (it was biggest disadvantage of hosted solutions for me)
Installation was not a problem in Ubuntu (and any debian-based distro I suppose).
I dig ELOG in those cases, it's more of a personal blog, but it's easy to handle and install, the data is local on your computer and you can search all entries via fulltext. Always sufficed for me.
If you have a Windows box with IIS and MSSQL (including SQL Server Express), you should look at It is free and open source (you get the source code), and it is extensible.
Even if you are a one man shop, having a free bug tracking system with this much power will allow you to grow over time, because it is fairly easy to add future users into the system.
You can also customize it for the look of your organization, business or product.
Ontime 2008 by Axosoft is free for a single user licence. It's industrial strength and will give you alot more that just bug tracking!
Jira which now has free personal licenses.
I am using leo for this purpose. To be more specific, its cleo plugin.
Of course you might need to spend some time to get used to leo, but it will pay off.
A flat text file is just a list, an Excel spreadsheet is a two-dimensional list.
leo lets you keep the data in a tree! And it also has clones.
