No default radio button selected (J2ME, Java) - java-me

Currently working on a mobile app in J2ME and have questions with ChoiceGroup radio button answer options. Any suggestion on how to make it so that no default answer is selected? We've tried:
cg8.setSelectedIndex( -1, true ); But get an out of bounds exception error
cg8.setSelectedFlags( boolean[] ) with all false, but also get another error.
To get around this, we've also tried creating an invisible radio button and have that set as selected, but couldn't find a way to make an invisible radio button either.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be great appreciated!!

It sounds to me like the platform is enforcing an appropriate convention, although I must apologise for taking a purist standpoint here; this won't really answer your question.
Radio buttons are used when there are multiple exclusive choices, of which one must be made; it makes a certain amount of sense, therefore, for the user interface to ensure that something is always selected. Ideally, the initial selection in a radio group should always be a safe and sensible default.

As far as I know, the only way to not have any radio button pre-selected is to draw the control yourself. Re-implement a radio button list using a Canvas or a CustomItem.
It's a lot of work, unfortunately.
You should look into LWUIT as it may have an intermediary solution.


Combox nested within another Combobox

Using wxPython, is it possible to nest a combobox inside other combobox in a similar way to how submenus are nested within menus? I need something similar for a wx.Combobox or a wx.Choice.
Or is there any widget with which this can be done?
Well, there are some possibilities:
# possibly also:
You might also use a button (or some control) to invoke a PopupMenu. It may be confusing for the user though, and you might get into trouble when trying to position the Popup menu correctly. Generally speaking, I advice not to be too creative when making UI.
Have you seen wxpython demo? It is a nice showcase of all possible widgets. You can obtain it from here:

MonoTouch Dismiss Keyboard (sort of)

I am writing a MonoTouch iOS app. I have read many postings about ResignFirstResponder and I am using that.
My app is a typical table view app. I have done my own custom table cell view. The UITextField controls that cause the numeric keypad to come up in the first place are all on the custom table cell.
Currently I have it so that if you tap on the background of the cell I call ResignFirstResponder on all the text fields. This seems to work, but is not intuitive. I had a new beta tester get it last night and he tapped on one of the text fields and the keypad came up and he was lost as to how to get rid of it. After I told him to just tap the background, he now is fine, but obviously I want a solution that is obvious and doesn't require me to tell everyone how it works.
I read one post about a way to add a DONE button to the keypad, but it looked like a total hack and even broke when 3.2.1 came out and I don't want to have to worry about my app breaking when a new OS comes out.
I would keep the background click->ResignFirstResponder that you have already, but add to it.
Curious, what button do you have set in the bottom right of the keyboard? There are options to show a Done, Search, Go, Next etc. buttons that can be setup to ResignFirstResponder. Pick the button that makes sense in your situation.
You can hook into the bottom right button by setting a callback to UITextField.ShouldReturn and calling ResignFirstResponder. You can just return false (that return value is for allowing line breaks in your UITextField).
Found an example here of hooking up ShouldReturn.

How do I get action buttons with custom layouts to be styled like standard action buttons in Android 3.0+

I'm having a bit of trouble with custom action buttons in the honeycomb+ action bar. I'm adding a menu item that uses a custom layout (using the android:actionLayout attribute). The reason for the custom layout is that I want a button that has two lines of text that can be updated dynamically.
However, I still want this action button to operate like the other standard buttons. By this I mean that the background fades in when the button is selected, and fades out again if it is unselected, all in the style of the platform (the colour seems to differ between different platforms/devices - I've seen both grey and blue versions)
I've tried using the action button style for the custom layout:
and I've tried setting the background for the custom layout to:
but to no avail, and I'm kind of trying things fairly randomly as I can't find any documentation on how to do this (or if indeed it is even possible).
I know I can approximate this behaviour myself by setting the background, but it would be nice if I could just set the item to behave like a normal action button in terms of how it appears when the user interacts with it.
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Ah, sorry to answer my own question but I have just stumbled upon a way to do this. I was halfway there - you need your custom layout's style to inherit from ActionButton:
but then you also need to make the layout clickable:
for it to work. Using both of these makes the custom action buttons look just like the regular ones when you press them.
Hopefully that'll help someone trying to do this!

Visual C++ ListBox as Preference Chooser

So I'm building a tool that allows a user to edit a whole bunch of preferences for various things. There are several groups of settings, too many to use a TabControl without creating arrow sliders to view all of the tabs, so I decided I would try and use a ListBox to list the groups of preferences, and then when they click on them, the settings that they can change show up to the right of the box.
I'm just not sure how to do this. Obviously it would invoke something in the OnSelectionChanged function of the ListBox, but I'm not sure where to go from there. Surely a dialog can have dynamic design, right? Would I mimic the creation of a tabbed-dialog where I create my designs and then bind them to the TabControl, and just do something similar for the ListBox? Again, it's not the ListBox itself that is dynamic. The user will click on "Settings A" from the ListBox, and to the right of the ListBox will be settings 1, 2, and 3 that each have textboxs/radios/checks.
Any hints on how I can accomplish this? I just think it looks nicer than having a whole bunch of tabs lined up across the top of the box. Thanks in advance to any brilliant minds who can help me out. I'm versed in C++, but I'm very much a beginner at VC++.
You can a vertical splitter with two panes:
one which contains the list
another one which contains the configuration dialogs you would normally use in a tab control
Each time the list selection changes you can load the appropriate dialog in the right pane. You can find a splitter tutorial here:

Group box with title as Check box

I am using Visual Studio 6.0 (VC++ with MFC) in Windows XP platform. I am trying to create a group box with the title of the group box as a check box. My intention is this: If the check box is enabled, the controls inside the group box should be enabled; or else disabled.
Is this possible to accomplish? If yes, please give me some directions.
There are a few things you can try, depending on how true you want to stay to your idea and how much work you are prepared to put into the effort:
Simple method
Use a normal group box, and then inside this make the first item be the checkbox. This is simple to accomplish, but you lose the goal of having the checkbox as the title.
Funky drawing method 1
Use a normal group box, then in the space over where you know the title is to go, place your checkbox. You will have to perform some tricky calculation to get it to fit in nicely and draw well without flicker.
Funky drawing method 2
Use some form of superclass or subclass/subclass on the group box. You can override the WM_PAINT handler to draw in only the frame for the group box. Place a normal checkbox in the place where you know the title is to go. This should work better because you will have more control over the drawing, but it is likely to be tricky to get right. In my experience, subclassing is lower risk to implement than superclassing.
Are you using the Dialog editor? If so, put down the group box. Next, on top of it, put a check box over the line of the group box. Edit the resource to set the Z order, or do it in code. You want the checkbox to be on top of the group box. Add a handler for the checkbox and enable / disable controls depending on the check box state.
I wrote one called CGroupCheck a few years back and it's available from CodeProject:
