Which libraries are indispensable? - programming-languages

If you moved to a new programming language, which libraries do you feel must be supported if you're to keep using the language?
I am interested in both specific libraries (eg, bindings for libXYZ should exist) and categories (eg, a regular expression library should exist).
As an extension to this, what are the deal breaker features or design decisions (language level or library level) that would persuade you to switch to another language or to ignore it? Does your current main language support these well? How could they be improved upon?
I am interested to hear what people find most important for their choice of programming language besides syntax, platform support, efficiency and paradigm.

String handling is still essential today. So either the language or the standard library should have a nice set of string handling features.

A Strong xUnit-like library.
Webservice support
XML Processing
A database connectivity library
A Networking library
A threading library
A File IO library
In terms of frameworks:
A Rich GUI library
An AJAX library
An application server.

It wasn't that important a few decades ago, but support for networking is very important.
At the very least high-level stuff like HTTP.

Things that I use all the time is only the basic stuff like collections, network and I/O stuff. And I would expect that language to support it directly not by adding a library to it.

A solid Math library helps quite a bit.

Regular expressions
Logging & other diagnostics
Collections (lists/maps/stacks/etc)


Options for wrapping a C++ library for Haskell (and other languages)

This question is about design / is fairly open-ended.
I'd like to use OpenCV, a large C++ library, from Haskell.
The closest solution at the moment is probably Arjun Comar's attempt to adapt the Python / Java binding generator.
See here, here, and here.
His approach generates a C interface, which is then wrapped using hsc2hs.
Due to OpenCV's lack of referential transparency in its API, as well as its frequent use of call parameters for output, for Arjun's approach to fully succeed he'll need to define a new API for OpenCV, and implement it in terms of the existing one.
So, it seems it might not be too much extra work to go whole-hog and define an API using an interface description languages (IDL), such as SWIG, protobuf-with-RPC, or Apache Thrift.
This would provide interfaces to a number of languages besides Haskell.
My questions:
Is there anything better than SWIG for a server-free solution?
(I just want to call into C++; I'd rather not go through a local server.)
If there's no good server-free solution, should I use protobuf-with-RPC or Thrift?
Related: How good is Thrift's Haskell support?
From the code, it looks like it needs updating (I see references to GHC 6).
Related: What's a good protobuf-with-RPC solution?
With Apache Thrift, you get Haskell support. You are correct, code is not generally "latest", but you rarely care. You can do complex things on other abstraction levels and keep things as simple as possible at messaging level.
Google Protobuf has no support for Haskell, nor does SWIG. With Protobuf you get C++, Java, JavaScript and Python, to my knowledge the main languages at Google. Have a look at this presentation. Without contest, Thrift and Protobuf are the best in house.
It seems in your case you have to go with Thrift, as it supports Haskell.
It sounds like the foreign function interface for C++ is what you want:
Disclaimer: I haven't used it, only heard good things about it.

What is your programming language of choice for a multi-threaded http downloading application?

I'm eager to learn a new programming language.
Which one(s) would you suggest for a program that:
downloads millions of URLs, in a multi-threaded manner
interacts with a DB of some sort to store downloaded data
Think web crawler/search engine styled projects. And know that I'm up for learning literally anything.
Please post your favorite language, why you chose it, and your favorite tutorial/reference manual (preferably free!) for said language.
Note: I will update this post occasionally to include everyone's best answers.
F# is nice choice, cause the idiomatic patterns of async operations (esp IO) and parallelization is the key strengths of language.
You can do it easy and .NET Framework's BCL is at your service also.
Personally, I use Python for stuff like this. You can use the urllib2 module to download content via HTTP and the I find the syntax of Python to be pleasing.
Furthermore, you can thread easily in Python.
Good Luck.

What is the best way to create multiple language versions of a domain?

I would like to create a set of domain objects in multiple languages, so that I can target different platforms. I have been looking at external DSLs as a way to define a language for my domain, and then potentially writing adapters that generate code for the languages I'm interested in targeting. Is this the best way to solve this problem? Or is it just simpler to maintain multiple versions of the project?
I think that Apache Thrift delivers what you are asking for.
Sorry for late answer, but as you mention C# being your main language, this practically fully supported Visual Studio based technology is exactly what you are looking for.
You have to understand what you want to abstract with your DSLs, but the multiple-platform support is trivial on top of that.
Disclaimer: This is our technology, but it's publicly open and it solves exactly the problem presented in the question.
Note! Mind the very "alpha" stage of the current download, I suggest you skip the zipped download and grab the latest source. I am updating better construct in relatively near future. Check out the "Context" implementation in "Production/Dev/AbstractionTemplate" solution.
It is difficult to be helpful without understanding what you are planning to use your DSL for.
Is portability your main problem here?
To succesfully target these different platforms, you will probably have to maintain plaftorm-specific layers anyway (generated or not).
If you plan to write your whole application in your DSL, then use your own compiler to transform it into runnable code for each platform, well it is most probably a bad idea, too complex and overengineered.
However, if you have a well-defined chunk of platform-independent logic, then a DSL is a good choice. Just write an interpreter for it on each target platform (provided that performance is not critical, this is also simpler and easier than generating code).
What is the best way to create multiple language versions of a domain?
This is (was?) somehow the idea of Model Driven Architecture (MDA). Quoting Model-driven architecture from Wikipedia:
The Model-Driven Architecture approach
defines system functionality using a
platform-independent model (PIM) using
an appropriate domain-specific
language (DSL).
Then, given a platform definition
model (PDM) corresponding to CORBA,
.NET, the Web, etc., the PIM is
translated to one or more
platform-specific models (PSMs) that
computers can run. This requires
mappings and transformations and
should be modeled too.
The PSM may use different Domain
Specific Languages (DSLs), or a
General Purpose Language (GPL) like
Java, C#, PHP, Python, etc. Automated tools generally
perform this translation.
Depending on the complexity of your domain and the availability of a MDA Tool, this might be an option (with a lower implementation cost).
See also
MDA: Nice idea, shame about the ...
Language Workbenches and Model Driven Architecture
UML vs. Domain-Specific Languages
DSL in the context of UML and GPL
UML or DSL: Which Bear Is Best? (be sure to read this one)

Platform for creating a visual programming language

I'm interested in creating a visual programming language which can aid non-programmers(like children) to write simple programs, much like Labview or Simulink allows engineers to connect functional blocks together without the knowledge of how they are internally built. Is this called programming by demonstration? What are example applications?
What would be an ideal platform which can allow me to do this(it can be a desktop or a web app)
Check out Google Blockly. Blockly allows a developer to create their own blocks, translations (generators) to virtually any programming language (or even JSON/XML) and includes a graphical interface to allow end users to create their own programs.
Brief summary:
Blockly was influenced by App Inventor, which itself was based off Scratch
App Inventor now uses Blockly (?!)
So does the BBC microbit
Blockly itself runs in a browser (typically) using javascript
Focused on (visual) language developers
language independent blocks and generators
includes a Block Factory - which allows visual programming to create new Blocks (?!) - I didn't find this useful myself...except for understanding
includes generators to map blocks to javascript/python
e.g. These blocks:
Generated this code:
See https://developers.google.com/blockly/about/showcase for more details
Best wishes - Andy
The adventure on which you are about to embark is the design and implementation of a visual programming language. I don't know of any good textbooks in this area, but there are an IEEE conference and refereed journal devoted to this field. Margaret Burnett of Oregon State University, who is a highly regarded authority, has assembled a bibliography on visual programming languages; I suggest you start there.
You might consider writing to Professor Burnett for advice. If you do, I hope you will report the results back here.
There is Scratch written by MIT which is much like what you are looking for.
A restricted form of programming is dataflow (aka. flow-based) programming, where the application is built from components by connecting their ports. Depending on the platform and purpose, the components are simple (like a path selector) or complex (like an image transformator). There are several dataflow systems (just I've made two), some of them has no visual editor, some of them are just a part of a bigger system, and there're some which don't even mention the approach. (Did you think, that make, MS-Excel and Unix Shell pipes are some kind of this?)
All modern digital synths based on dataflow approach, there's an amazing visual example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h-RhyopUmc
AFAIK, there's no dataflow system for definitly educational purposes. For more information, you should check this site: http://flowbased.org/start
There is a new open source library out there: TUM.CMS.VPLControl. Get it here. This library may serve as a basis for your purposes.
There is Snap written by UC Berkeley. It is another option to understand VPL.
Pay attention on CoSpaces Edu. It is an online platform that enables the creation of virtual worlds and learning experiences whilst providing a more flexible approach to the learning curriculum.
There is visual coding named "CoBlocks".
Learners can animate and code their creations with "CoBlocks" before exploring and sharing them in mobile VR.
Also It is possible to use JavaScript or TypeScript.
If you want to go ahead with this, the platform that I suggest is the one used to implement Scratch (which already does what you want, IMHO), which is Squeak Smalltalk. The Squeak environment was designed with visual programming explicitly in mind. It's free, and Smalltalk syntax can learned in half an hour. Learning the gigantic class library may take just a little longer.
The blocks editor which was most support and development for microbit is microsoft makecode
Scratch is a horrible language to teach programming (i'm biased, but check out Pipes Visual Programming Language)
What you seem to want to do sounds a lot like Functional Block programming (as in functional block programming language IEC 61499 and other VPLs for mechatronics development). There is already a lot of research into VPLs so you might want to make sure that A) what your are trying to do has an audience and B) what you are trying to do can be done easily.
It sounds a bit negative in tone, but a good place to start to test the plausibility of your idea is by reading Davor Babic's short blog post at http://blog.davor.se/blog/2012/09/09/Visual-programming/
As far as what platform to use - you could use pretty much anything, just make sure it has good graphic libraries (You could use Java with Swing - if you like pain - or Python with TKinter) just depends what you are familiar with. Just keep in mind who you want to eventually launch the language to (if its iOS, then look at using Objective-C, etc.)

Programming language with native code support, No framework (I write the framework)

I'm looking for a programming language. It should be an easy language to learn, and should have a Garbage Collector. It should be a basic language with features like basic types (integer, boolean), arrays and etc, and I should write the framework.
It is for a game editor I want to write. The editor's designer will write the code of the UI in this programming language. The framework will be a 2D graphics and audio framework, and in the future it'll be 3D too.
I thought about the new Go language, but it doesn't have much support and theres no binding to OpenGL and etc.
Any ideas?
The obvious two are [C](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language)) or C++. However, [D](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D_(programming_language)) is closer to Java and C# given that it has a garbage collector in the standard, as well as an alternative standard library that is fairly closer to Java than the C++ standard library. The downside with D is that they tools are not as mature as C++ or C and the community isn't as large.
The obvious solution though it to look down the list of compiled languages on wikipedia and see which you like the look of.
Well, that's a fairly broad question and without more specific requirements it is difficult to give a focused answer, but it sounds like C (or C++) would fit the bill for you. The languages you described all owe their syntax to C. C will compile to native code. C is basic language in that there is not much to learn beyond the basic syntax and it has all the basic primitives that you require.
Now that you've added the requirement of a garbage collected language, I suppose that you could try Go, but that language is not mature and there's always a risk there.
If you don't want to manage memory all by yourself like C or C++, you can try the new Go language. It compiles to native code (albeit for Linux and MacOSX only for now) and comes with a basic framework that can be easily replaced with your own framework.
It has a very active user base, so IMO it is possible to mature quickly.
You may want to look at Lua.
Lua is a relatively tiny language which manages to be capable and universal with just a few concepts. The BNF specification for the whole language fits easily on one page. It has numbers, booleans, tables and functions, and surprisingly that's all the datatypes it needs. It can even work in an object-oriented fashion.
There's a compiler, Luac, that compiles Lua to bytecode.
Lua is already being used as a UI programming language for games. Addons for World of Warcraft and a few other games are programmed in Lua. I believe Lua is a very good fit for this kind of task.
You want OpenGL? OK... http://luagl.wikidot.com/ is an OpenGL library for Lua.
Since we don't know what you want to do, I don't know what are the chances we success. Therefor, what about a language where you have to set the probability of your statement to fail :
Meet GOTO++.
Don't say "thanks you", it's on me.
Enjoy a challenge?
Try go.
Here's a tech talk by rob pike, and here is a discussion group: http://groups.google.com/group/golang-nuts/topics
C++ is Great, it's not scripting lang, so you don't even need a scripting host.
