The type or namespace name 'Script' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web' - iis

I just deployed a website into IIS 7 (about which I am woefully ignorant), and upon trying to build the site, I receive this error. I did a little googleing and I saw an article that said I should put system.web.extensions.dll into the /bin. But, I also saw an article saying not to do that. I tried it anyway, but I just received a different error ('Resource cannot be found').
I am totally clueless as to what else to try

Can you use the "Publish" command in Visual Studio to publish directly to the site? If not, then use that command to publish to a similar site on your machine, then copy it to the customer site.
You should also look into the IIS Web Deployment Tool. It can copy an entire site, including IIS settings and any databases. It will be built into VS2010.

Go to control panel, then programs, turn windows features on or off, scroll down to framework 3.5.1 expand, make sure both sub options are selected, this might help your issue.


iis 10 .net core 2.1 website configuration error

Good Day,
I am running into an error that I have never run into before. I have a brand new server (Windows 2016) and I have added IIS 10 to it. I have also installed .net Core 2.1 and 2.2 runtime and SDKs onto the server. When I set up a .net Core 2.1 website, it appears to set up fine, but when I try to click on any of the features in the features view, I get a really generic error message (it happens for any .net Core website I set up). The error is an alert that states: There was an error while performing this operation. Details: [empty] Filename: \\?\D:\Apps\Test\web.config Error: [empty]
I found one place where this question was asked before, but I have IIS Rewrite 2.1, .net Core 2.1 and 2.2 and I have this site set up on another server (test env) and it works perfectly fine there! I have also made sure that IUSR and IIS_User both have read/write capabilities to the folder and every file in it.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you,
In my experience, this sort of error normally means there is either something it doesn't like in the web.config (XML element it doesn't recognize) or the web.config is missing.
Normally (for me anyway) this is because I've forgotten to install URL Rewrite as that's pretty much the only "extra" thing I use - but you've got that covered already.
It might be worth checking that the App Pool for the site is configured correctly and running (should be same as your other machine, check the basic settings and the advanced).
The only other thing I can think of, is that you've installed some of the features for IIS through the Windows Features, but not all of them. I sometimes have to go back through the lists and make sure all the right things are definitely checked.
Last step would be to create a real simple little mini site, with just a default page, use the IIS GUI to change some site level settings so it creates its own web.config, make sure it runs, then have a look at the differences between the files.
Hope any of that helps

How to configure an MVC6 app to work on IIS?

So I'm building an MVC6 app in Visual Studio 2015 and have managed to figure most stuff out, however, I haven't yet worked out deployment.
In MVC4 (what I was using before), our process* was publish to a folder, then setup the website in IIS (Right-Click on Sites -> Add Website).
Actually, our process is set it up in IIS and TeamCity, but not for test apps like this :).
I followed this process and obviously it's trivial to setup the IIS website and publish to the correct folder...but that does not actually work for me.
We're running IIS 8 on Windows Server 2012 and we've installed the .Net 4.6 runtime on the server.
The following steps have worked for me and should help you host your project on IIS.
Using Visual Studio 2015 Preview as your IDE,
Create an ASP .NET 5 Starter App.
Check that it is working outside of IIS.
Once complete, publish the application. In this example, I have selected the location C:\PublishWebApp.
3.1. When publishing your application, make sure that you have:
Disabled precompilation
Selected amd64
(See image below)
Upon a successful publish, go to C:\PublishWebApp.You should see the folders approot and wwwroot inside.
Now open the IIS Manager (I am assuming you have the ASP .NET 4.5 feature enabled)
Create a new website.
6.1 : Select the wwwrooot folder as the website's physical path. In this example, it is C:\PublishWebApp\wwwroot.
Check the website to see that it is working. If you encounter any errors, please post them here.
If the precompile option is ticked in the Publish Web Settings window pictured above, then you must
Go to the wwwroot folder of your published web application. In this example, it is C:\PublishWebApp\wwwroot.
Locate web.config.
Inside the folder of your published application, there is an packages folder inside of the approot folder which should contain a folder named after your application, with a folder for the version underneath. Inside that folder should be a folder named root. In web.config, set the value for the key kre-app-base to the root folder. For reference, see the line of code below. In this example, the application name is WebApplication10.
<add key="kre-app-base" value="..\approot\packages\WebApplication10\1.0.0\root" />
I Spent hours on debugging the issue finally got it worked, steps:
1) Publish your MVC6 application using visual studio into file system, make sure you are selecting correct DNX Target version in my case its dnx-clr-win-x64.1.0.0-rc1-update1.
In the output folder map "wwwroot" folder to your applicaiton in IIS (DO NOT Map it to sup-applicaiton, only ROOT application in IIS works with DNX for example "Default Web Site").
I have just spent a day trying to get this working. i found this here (search for posts by GuardRex) invaluable, complete the steps the accepted answer gave, that's the start of it.
Pretty much if you try to add an application to a site there is bunch of workarounds and extra configuration needed that is detailed in the link.
For starters:
1)Make sure you have the HttpPlatform handler installed here
2)Seems obvious but make sure .net5 is installed on your server here
I know this is if you are adding an application to a site, but there's some pitfalls and much needed refinements needed for the deployment process at the moment that everyone should be aware of.

How to publish MSHTHML.dll and SHDOCVW.dll to Azure

I have a 3rd party web page screen capture DLL from that lets me target a URL and save the page to a image file. I've moved this code into my Azure-based project and when I run it on my local sandboxed dev box and save to the Azure blob, everything is fine. But when I push the bits to my live server on Azure, it's failing.
I think this is because either MSHTML.dll and/or SHDOCVW.dll are missing from my Azure configuration.
How can I get these libraries (plus any dependent binaries) up to Azure?
I found the following advice on an MSFT forum but haven't tried it yet.
Hello, I haven't tried mshtml in the cloud. But generally speaking, to
use a native dll in a Web Role, you add the dll to the Web Role
project just like adding a picture (choose add existing items). Then
make sure the Build Action is set to Content. This tells Visual Studio
to copy the dll file to the output package.
Also check dependencies carefully. A lot of problems related to native
code are caused by missing dependencies, such as a particular VC++
runtime dll.
Thought I'd ask here first before I burn a day or two on an unproven solution.
EDIT #1:
it turns out that our problem was not related to MSHTML.dll or SHDOCVW.dll missing from the Azure server. They're there.
The issue is that by default new server instance have the IE security hardening feature enabled, and this was preventing our 3rd party dll from executing script. So we needed to turn off the enhanced IE security configuration settings. This is also a non-trivial exercise.
In the meantime, we just created a server-side version of the feature on our site we need to make screen captures from (e.g. we eliminated JSON-based rendering of UI on the client), and we were able to proceed.
I think the solution mentioned in the MSDN forum thread is correct. You should put them as part of your project files, so that the SDK will package and deploy them to the VM on the cloud.
But if they are COM and need to be registed you'd better call the register command via the Startup feature. Please check

deploying a winform application using clickonce and iis fails

I'm trying to deploy a winform application with IIS and ClickOnce. I can access the publish.htm page and the install even starts when I click on the provided link.
However I get this error during the installation process:
Downloading http://MyWebSiteUrl/.../Interop.SHDocVw.dll did not succceed.
The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
Can anybody help me out on this ?
I found out that I needed to check "use .deploy file extension" (under properties>Publish>Options>Deployment
[Answering this old question because it comes up as the best match in my case and the accepted answer was of no use to me].
Background, in an IIS hosted ClickOnce scenario, the downloadable components are itemized in a manifest file at the root of the deployment (that's how you can specify a single download link and deploy all the supporting components).
I was converting a tested application from a WiX installation to a lightweight version with ClickOnce and received the HTTP 500 error without anything else in the logs. Naturally, I failed to think it through and instead found myself getting dragged down the rabbit hole on the internets, with instructions for detailed logging, magic spells, etc.
Upon more sober reflection, the problem was simple and I should have been able to tell immediately from the IIS log: a 500 followed by a 0 is shorthand for 'you're an idiot, the content isn't where you said it was' and it had almost nothing to do with ClickOnce.
I had copy/paste/edited an existing download link template in MVC that was in use for simple apps and it happened to cater to only two levels of subfolders in the manifest. When I ported a more complex project structure, I ended up leaving items in a Resources sub-sub-subfolder that looked fine in the manifest but the path was being truncated in MVC so that the related item could not be found.
Moral of the story - if you get a 500 error always check first to make sure your non-functioning appliance is plugged into a working outlet...

SharePoint 2010 GAC deployment doesn't update

The following issue just crept up on me. The steps mentioned below had worked just fine until about 2 days ago.
When I deploy a update to a solution (of web parts) to a SharePoint 2010 server I don't see the update. The solution does get installed, but from what I can tell the installed web parts are over a month old (nothing new is installed).
I do the following steps through PowerShell:
retract the solution from the web app
remove the solution
add the solution
install the solution to the web app
I have tried restarting the Web App, restarting IIS and also restarting the server. Nothing seems to work.
I notice that after I remove the solution it does get removed from the GAC. After I add/install it the solution does reappears in the GAC.
Am I missing something? Am I overlooking a step that I should be doing? Something to try?
I never deactivated/reactivated the Feature.
After following the same steps I mentioned in my question I just deactivated, then reactivated, the Feature and everything started to working fine.
This is an easy thing to I can start to implement with my solution updates. However, why did I never have to do this step before?
In general, you should check your ULS log to see which version of your solution is running. If you see the old one, then you can be sure that your activated site feature is still bound to the old version. In this case you have to Inactivate the site feature indeed to loose that tie and then Activate to bind to the new one (it appears Activate always ties the site feature to the newest version of the solution).
Maybe you had not to do this earlier, because you did not change the version number of your solution, appearing as the same version in GAC on the server. In this case you had your site feature already pointing to the correct version of your solution, therefore didn't have to reset the feature.
You have probably checked, but just in case. Make sure that the powershell script is not adding a month old package.
Is the problem in the web part code or the configuration? The configuration usually unghosts itself sooner or later and refuses to update from the solution - you can update the file in the gallery manually if anything has changed there. For most updates there won't be any changes because existing web parts won't get updates applied anyway - they will use new code but old configuration.
If the problem is the code itself, does the assembly appear to the system to be unchanged? All the hardcoded full name references in SharePoint config files mean that usually you are deploying a new assembly but with the same version numbers. This can mean that the system doesn't bother making the update. I have found it very useful to update AssemblyFileVersion (which does not affect binding) on every build and have a page in _layouts that displays the file versions of all the loaded assemblies so I know exactly what is running.
