How do I prevent access to a set of folders, but allow access to images in a subfolder of one of the folders (with .htaccess)? - .htaccess

In my root web folder I have a list of folders (files, modules, classes) that I'm using .htaccess to prevent access to. However, in the modules/ folder, there are modules that carry their own images, which I'd like to allow access to.
How do I allow access to images in a folder under modules/, but still prevent accessing any other files in that same directory path?

Try this in your .htaccess. It should let you grant access to images within the directory. You may need to tweak this to make it work for you.
<FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

I believe if you read this document: you will gain insight as to how to achieve the access permissions you desire.
To sum it up, without rewriting the document: you can allow access to the directories that you wish either through .htaccess files in those folders, and .htaccess files can be placed at any level in your directory tree.
Further, the article also makes some suggestions that may perform better by using your main server config file instead of .htaccess files.
Hope this helps,


How can i disable access to a folder using htaccess without disallowing access to its files?

I want to disable access of a specific folder of my domain say:
BUT since i will be adding files inside /newsletters I want all files to be accessible.. say:
Thank you in advance.

Allow access to a folder with HTACCESS

I've been searching and I haven't found a solution that fits my need right now.
I have a website and all its files are inside the public_html folder.
I want to create a folder called "uploads" inside public_html and then BE ABLE TO ACCESS it with
I want it to list all the fles I've put there via FTP, but right now it shows me FORBIDDEN.
How can I be allowed to see the list of files and folders?
Thank you.

Is there a security difference between storing files outside of the DocumentRoot versus "deny from all" htaccess directives?

Knowing that a deny from all directive will traverse all sub-directories and files below it, and ignoring the obvious caveats of "if you forget" to copy the .htaccess file or if you typo creating an .htaccess file...
Is there a risk in security between storing non-public files outside of the DocumentRoot versus placing an .htaccess file with a deny from all directive in each non-public directory in the DocumentRoot?
There are a few things to consider here:
.htaccess is only going to protect your file from access over the
web. For example, suppose you have a typical FTP server setup with
virtual users who are restricted to the document root. If an
attacker gains access to your FTP server (which is not that
far-fetched given how insecure most FTP configurations are), they
will have access to both the .htaccess file and any of your
protected files that are in the document root.
That was just one example that may not apply to your environment,
but the idea that I'm really trying to get at is that .htaccess
files don't give you that much depth in your security. They protect
you in one context (access over the Internet) but not in others.
Your server administrator has the ability to disable specific .htaccess
directives, to disable certain Apache modules (which your .htaccess file
may use), and even to disable the use of .htaccess files period. If you
don't have control over your Apache configuration (which I'm assuming
is the case since you're choosing to overwrite it with an .htaccess file),
you also don't really have control over whether your .htaccess file is going
to be respected. It really comes down to your relationship with your
host/server administrator and what they decide to allow.
Finally, if the .htaccess file is writable by the user your Apache
server is running as, a determined hacker can modified that file.
Ex. if you're using Wordpress, many popular themes will demand write
access to the .htaccess file so that they can control URL rewriting.
I'd imagine some other Content Management Systems do the same.
With all that said, using an .htaccess file (or directly altering your Apache configuration files) may still be a perfectly valid security measure for you. It depends on what your environment as a whole looks like -- how your server is configured, what you're trying to protect, etc. Hopefully I at least gave you some things to think about.

Protecting folder and its files

I wish to protect folder with core files of CMS and its sub folders and files from accessing via web, and I tried with .htaccess file with this:
order deny,allow
deny from all
Problem I have is that I can protect that folder but some script from that folder or its sub folder then do not work good.
I also tried with this:
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
allow from 76.xx.xx.xx
In this case 76.xx.xx.xx is static IP of site.
Is there any way to prevent accessing files in that folder but still to make all work ok?
Another question.
I wish to secure more my site from hackers. So, is there any way to prevent injecting malicious files and code in my scripts/files and/or to block my site of executing files from other sites, hosts, to allow just working with local files.
I prefer .htaccess file, but if it is needed I have access to WHM if there is need for editing other files (but in that case I will need step by step guide). I am running site on Linux VPS with Cent-OS 5 system.
The usual way to do this is to put the accessible files in an apache-accessible directory, but all the rest into a directory out of the way from Apache. For example:
mycms -> softlink to /usr/local/mycms/public
Or better yet, make mycms an alias in Apache config, pointing at the public directory. This way, the files that should be accessible are, those that shouldn't be aren't, and you can still reference all your other files simply by ../lib/ etc.
I know this does not really answer your question literally, and if the CMS directory structure is not under your control, this may not be the best way to do it.
Another way is through rewrites - simply rewrite all requests to your CMS directory except for your CMS's entry script into requests for the entry script.

Upload file security >> Restricting names and extensions not enough? (can not rename, or move files)

"The most important safeguard is to keep uploaded files where they cannot be directly accessed by the users via a direct URL. This can be done either by storing uploaded files outside of the web root or configuring the web server to deny access to the uploads directory.
Another important security measure is to use system-generated file names instead of the names supplied by users when storing files on the file system. This will prevent local file inclusion attacks and also make any kind of file name manipulation by the user impossible"
I understand this, however - I am providing options for Wordpress users to upload files to their image directory, so I can not do either of these afaik. The files need to go into the images directory, and be named a name of their choosing.
Here is what I am doing so far:
1) Only allowing files with names with one extension, and the extension must be from a trusted list.
2) Only allowing alphanumeric, spaces and underscores in the first part of the name and less than 30 chars.
3) Not allowing files with the name .htaccess to be uploaded
4) Only allowing admin access to the upload and using wp nonces
5) Checking mime type
6) Checking file size
Some questions I have are:
If I deny uploading any file named '.htaccess' and am denying any file with .php extension, shouldn't this prevent someone from upolading an image file with .php code embedded?
I understand that I can use php to copy images without malicious code, however I am planning to allow the upload of .ttf files and .css files as well.
I could scan those files with php for script question marks, etc. Is this advisable? If so what would I search for beyond this?
If I am only allowing admins access and am using nonces and the above methodology, how secure is my code and are their other things that I should be doing?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I thought I would bump this - having a hard time finding much feedback here.
If you do a thorough scrubbing of file names, and only whitelist image, text and css files, what kind of security does that buy you.
Currently, I am uploading as a random name in a directory, scrubbing the name, one extension, whitelisted and re-saving in a public image directory. And only allowing access by wp admins.
You should disable PHP execution in the images directory. That would prevent a lot of the potential problems you've considered without having to worry about having missed some tricky filename construction. Add php_flag engine off to the apache configuration for that directory.
Unless you really need them for some reason, you should also disable .htaccess files, at least in the images directory. Everything you can do in a .htaccess file can be done in an apache configuration file outside of any directory that might be writeable by the web server. See the AllowOverride directive.
