Where is the installation download for Subsonic 2.2? - subsonic

Anyone know why I can't download the subsonic website development tool install anymore?
It only shows a source download. Does anyone have a link to a full install download?

Oh he's back - Eric's going to work up his installer. Maybe next week.

Download the latest 2.1 release. Then download the 2.2 zip and copy the files over the 2.1 installation.
The reason you can't get a 2.2 install is because the developer that used to contribute that to the project, took a hiatus from contributing. Although there's a rumor he's back, so it may happen eventually.

I eventually found the correct download location. Thanks for all the help.
http://code.google.com/p/subsonicproject/ Looks like it has moved over to google code.


Unable to start web2py

I installed Web2py on my machine. When I click web2py.exe, a console appears for a second and disappears. Nothing more than that. What must be missing?
As per different blog post, the latest web2py version is broken. You can download an older version from the the for the time being. For my case, I am now started with a older version.
Download older version from here
It seems to be broken. However, you can download the source and run it like this:
python web2py.py
There's a discussion mentioning the problem on the web2py group and Nico Zanferrari has a fix in his repository.

Xuggler for Linux

I am trying to configure Xuggler on my Linux machine by following this tutorial: http://blog.xuggle.com/2009/01/23/how-to-install-xuggler-on-linux/
In one step it says "Download the latest Xuggler .tar.gz file for Linux from here" but i dont see any file or link there. Can someone please share the link from where I can download xuggler.tar.gz? I tried google but could not find anything.
Thanks much in advance!
That post is pretty old, and refers to the older versions of Xuggler where you had to actually install it.
There's a "no-install" version now (since 5.2 or 5.3), and you can download the JAR files here.
Just download the one for the architecture of Linux you are using and add it to your project and you should be good!

SVN 1.7.1 Issue

I have just upgraded to SVN 1.7.1 and I have had nothing but problems trying to get my netbeans and everything else to work with it. I have tried 'svn upgrade' but I get an error which is as follows:
C:\wamp\Projects>svn upgrade BMPortal
svn: E155019: Can't upgrade 'C:\wamp\Projects\BMPortal' as it is not a
pre-1.7 working copy directory
svn: E150000: Missing default entry
Could anyone suggest a way to fix this. The reason why I am trying to upgrade is because my netbeans says:
The Path 'C:\wamp\Projects\BMPortal' appears to be part of a
Subversion 1.7 or greater working copy. Please upgrade your Subversion
client to use this working copy.
As I have upgraded my SVN Client to 1.7, I don't know why it is still moaning at me.
Just FYI:
The SVN Server is on an Arch Linux box running UberSVN.
The client (my computer) is Windows 7 64bit.
I actually had the very same problem (or at least the same error message!).
After trying everything you have said earlier and not getting any results, I realise that I had copied some files to the project that contains svn files from an older (1.6) version. I delete the 1.6 folders and the everything worked fine again.
I hope this could help some other people too!
Best regards,
Your Netbeans installation seems to use another SVN-Client as the one when you type svn on the console.
So you have to upgrade your Netbeans-Subversion plugin too.
Sorry to waste your time guys, I have finally found a work around for this, http://netbeans.org/projects/versioncontrol/pages/Subversion1_7
But thanks again all the same! It's much appreciated!
SVN v1.7.0 and above uses a new working copy file format, so you need to upgrade your working copy to the new format. If you right-click the folder in Windows Explorer, the TortoiseSVN context menu items should show only "SVN Upgrade working copy" - click that to upgrade it.
Warning: If you use any other SVN apps as well as TortoiseSVN on the same PC, they may not work with the new working copy file format.
It's worth upgrading in my opinion though - must faster, better merging, better dialogs and error reporting, etc!

Create Upgrade Patch For InstallShield Installer

For our latest release, we want our customers to only download an upgrade patch of our applications and instead of uninstall and re-install all the process will be done by upgrader patch but I know nothing about this even after I googled it! Where to start guys? Note that our new release includes database upgrade as well as production code!
We are using .NET 4.0, Visual Studio 2010, C# and VB.NET in our software.
I might be a bit late to the party but hopefully this post helps anybody else who is looking for this answer.
You can use the 'Patch Design' method to create patches. You can find it in Installation Designer tab under Media.
For this you will need the latest build (msi/exe) and one or more previous build(s). In 'Patch Design' add a new patch configuration. From there you can specify latest version and previous version(s) of your setup file. If you are using Express version then you will need uncompressed build for both latest and previous. If you have Professional version then it can decompress it for you.
After this, just hit Build Patch and it will create a update.exe with only differences between latest and previous builds. It is quite smart in a way where it will only add the binary differences.
Good luck.

Old versions of Sub Sonic

I am working on an opensource app that using SubSonic 2.0.3
I need to regenerate some of the code so I need the tool that does that.
I cannot find this version 2.0.3 of the code generator executable.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
If you were just using ActiveRecord, there isn't that much difference (to my knowledge) between 2.0.3 and 2.2 so you could download and use 2.2 to update. With all the bug fixes in 2.2 from 2.0.3 I think it would be worth the effort.
Looks like the old codeplex hosting for subsonic is gone.
They haven't tagged any specific versions in the new github repository, but I bet that if you downloaded the 2.0 source you'd be able to get what you need.
