Should I create a separate application for my Website Admins? - web

IS it best to configure permissions within a website for Administration access, separate webPages, or a completely separate application to administer changes on the site?

I usually configure permissions within the same website and have separate web pages for administration.
In some cases, having the same page with more controls can be useful as well, for instance, if you want a page to Approve/Reject comments, or something like that, instead of creating a separate interface you just add a few buttons depending on the role of the logged in user.

I often find that with questions starting "Is it best to" that there's usually a someone and a sometime involved (a kind of pragmatics type thinking - whome and in what context)
Different contexts will offer up different pro's and con's for each of the scenarios you've presented here and depending on who requires what functionality may also sway your choice.
With regard to the "who" part there may be other questions you'll be asking yourself about the process you're going through. Is it my users that require admin access, is it my development team, is it the managing director with little I.T. experience etc etc.
Questions about the medium used may also play a role in the decision you make. Are the "admin" people going to be on a PC, sales reps on-the-road using a palmtop which might suit it's own software application etc.


Login system for only one user

I'm using NodeJS to create a simple blogging platform as a bit of an experiment. However while creating the admin panel (to allow one to compose posts and edit existing ones, change themes, etc.) I realised that I would need to create a login system. I am aware of passport.js, however I question the need for a login system where the software will administrated by one user.
My question is, is it necessary to have a login system for a platform that only has one administrator and no other users? If not, what approach should I take for this platform then?
In my opinion, it depends on what you want.
If you want to make some security relative practices and learn the principles inside, you should do more deeper research about security, and then choose a particular solution.
If you just want a 'door', which prevent others from accessing your control panel, and your application is just a simple blog system, not some popular huge system, in this case, I think static password would be good enough to hold, just require a password from user interface(frontend), then send it to your backend(nodejs), check if it's really yourself so that your backend logic can decide whether grant this access(you can hardcode the password in the backend part), done.

Sandbox solutions seem to be too severely crippled

I am learning SharePoint and the different kind of solutions you can deploy. From the training I am watching it seems like you should try your best to use a Sandbox Solution when ever possible. This is because Farm Solutions can mess things up too much.
However, two of the main things I would do with WebParts are not supported in Sandbox Solutions. Those are Visual WebParts and WebPart communication. (The first is not allowed because it needs to hit the file system and the second is disallowed because it uses reflection).
It seems to me that my WebParts will always want to do at least one of those things. (WebParts that don't communicate are not really that modular are they?)
Am I missing the point or are Sandbox Solutions a "nice idea" that are not really used in actual code?
Yes, I agree with you that Sandbox solutions are very restrictive.
But, it is that restriction that gives them their value. Due to the restrictions a Sandboxed solution cannot bring down a farm (atleast that is the theory, someone may find a way to do it).
This means that you can open up to many more users to deploy things on the farm. It is also a requirement to deploy things to SharePoint Online.
That Sandbox solutions are more restrictive, means that development is more cumbersome, you have to program your way around the restrictions. This makes solutions more expensive. Therefore, the default should be farm unless you have a good reason not to use it.
I think some of the comments here are missing the entire point of a Sandbox solution, they have been deliberately given a reduced set of privileges for many reasons:
a) A site collection administrator can add a SB solution hence they need not be farm admins therefore better security of the farm.
b) You can trust that an SB will NOT bring down the farm, they don't even run under the normal SharePoint worker process, instead they are hosted under their own process that acts as a host to check to see if the resources accessed are allowed for an SB solution.
c) The cloud is coming, there’s no getting away from that fact, when somebody else is hosting your SharePoint solution do you really think you'll get access to the farm?
I think understanding the impact of running as a Sandbox Solution from a non-developer perspective is important, after all you wouldn't create a custom solution of any kind and expect the customer to grant you domain level accounts to run it, therefore when creating SharePoint solutions, think running your solution with the minimal amount of permissions by default, if there is really no other way then explore farm solutions.
Here's a useful guide from MS:
If your environment allows you to install farm solutions, then yes, sandboxed solutions are restrictive and stop you doing what you want.
However, if your environment does not allow regular solution deployment, as is the case with shared hosting and some large corporates then they are not restrictive because without them you wouldn't be able to use custom code at all.
Sandbox is horrible, i totally disagree with the statement "it is that restriction that gives them their value". you cannot do a many thing in sandbox.
1. no session
2. no web-part communication
3. no file upload controls
4. no redirect...
and it just makes things painful as hell. we are in the midst of developing an enterprise application facing outside users, my advice, if you considering Sandbox for these purposes, i would say add 150% more time for your project just to deal with sandbox issues.
most people talk about benefits, but all the benefits are not really benefits.. for example, if even a single sandbox application code raises exception which is unhandled... good luck, it will crash the entire farm, and tracking the issue is real nightmare.
if you can stay out of sandbox

SharePoint site hierarchy for company intranet - multiple sites or sub-sites with one root?

I'm the IT Manager at a mid-size manufacturing company. We are getting our feet wet with SharePoint - so far we're got one blog in production use> It's the CEO's.
We have use cases for a couple of list-based "applications" with some simple workflow that will be implemented by one of our developers. We also want to give our users (at least the more tech-savvy ones) the ability to create and work with their own departmental sites.
We're concerned, however, that we might be starting something that could quickly get out of control if it's widely adopted (which would be a good thing). Since we don't really understand all the architectural trade-offs, we could end up with massive amounts of user data in a structure that bites us down the road.
Our biggest question is whether to have multiple sites for each use vs. a single root site from which everything else descends. Multiple sites would give us flexibility to make changes or develop new features without creating problems for all the users. However, multiple sites might be harder to back-up, search, and maintain user profiles/security. A single massive site seems to reverse the cost/benefits.
I'd appreciate any insight on the one vs. many trade-offs, or links to resources that discuss it. Links to general SharePoint "enterprise best practices" (sorry) would also be appreciated.
However, multiple sites might be harder
to back-up, search, and maintain user
profiles/security. A single massive
site seems to reverse the
I would consider this as incorrect. First we need to clarify when we say multiple sites, do we mean multiple site collections or multiple sites - they are two entirely different things.
Now even if they are multiple different site collections, in SQL database, they are just one database, since the database is created as web application level and not site level.
That was regarding backup.
Coming to search and user profiles, again your assumption is wrong. Search and User Profiles are Shared SErvices and they work fine as long as they reside in single Shared Services Provider. Both are farm level services.
A single massive site is (if you really mean site here not site collection) is a complete no-no and a bad design.
I would recommend having multiple site collections (something like Overall department in your company like HR, Finance , IT) and then have subistes under it. This way you have one database in SQL to manage and still you can scale by adding content database to existing web application.
Again here, I assume that you are creating your topology at company level. If this is at some lower level it needs to be refined.
Read some articles on taxonomy and site architecture on Technet before going ahead with any one.
Planning worksheets for SharePoint Server 2010
Plan sites and site collections
Sites and site collections overview
Plan site navigation
It purely depends upon your needs and requirements. even having a deferent web applications for deferent site i can provide you one citation taking backup as advantage. You might have few sites where data does not changes frequently like organizational policies, process documents etc. in this case taking regular backups/search crawling does not make sense(although you can opt for differential backup and incremental crawl but still in a week or fortnightly you have to take full backup). hence i would suggest carefully analyze your requirements and then take a decision. Microsoft has provided a good list of checklist and templates for planning purpose. few of the links are provided in madhur's reply and rest you can google upon.

Backdoor Strategy- opinion needed

I'm creating an application to track publications and grants for a university. Professors will need to put they CV into the system when it is up and running. Yeah, right.
The person in charge is planning on hiring someone to input all of the information, but my questions is how?
The strategy I'm thinking of is to install a backdoor. The lucky undergrad can log in as any professor using the backdoor. Once all the data is removed, the backdoor can be removed.
Doing so would probably be as simple as editing out a comment in the config file. The IT guys would still have access, but since they control the machines, they would have access anyway. Are there any flaws to this strategy?
Instead of installing a backdoor, why not create a priviledged user role. Users with this role can view and modify data for any other users (or a select group of users if you want to be fancy - and more secure - with it). So, the undergrad could use an account with this role to input the necessary data. When he is done, an admin can remove the role from his account, effectively closing the "back door".
You risk the undergrad dealing some other damage. What you should do is have them create a new user, give that user a small partition, and have the user enter the data on to that. Then just copy it over when he's done. Bad idea to give a student actual access, and even worse to have him log on as the guy - he should have his own user.
Don't underestimate the ongoing need for staff, students, or temps to enter and maintain the data. As simple as upkeep may be after the initial loading (typing) period, some professors simply will not do it, and will delegate it to staff.
In an eerily similar application (ours tracks publications and grants, among other things, as part of a career review for raises and promotions) our decision was to use a "proxy" system, where certain users can "switch to" other users. It's not really a switch because we store who was doing the input/editing along with who the data applies to.
Contrary to what Justin Ethier said about privileged roles, these people are the least privileged in the system, allowed only to switch to another account and do data entry.

Website administration - Integrated into main website or separate section?

From a usability perspective, is it better to integrate admin section on the main website or have a separate section to manage content?
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
EDIT: the application is a CMS for very non-techno friendly staff.
It depends on the project and part you want to administer, imho.
For example comments on newsposts should be administered in the website itself by showing a "delete" linkbutton for each comment. Otherwise the mods would have to look up the comment in the admin section => not very user friendly.
But in general I think a seperate admin section will usually be more clear to your client. You'd want them to see the site as a normal user would see it.
At the very least I would recommend moving all your administration files to a separate folder. That way if you're using a platform like .NET you can very easily control folder access though role and user-based web.config permissions.
Having your administration files all segregated allows you to do other things easily too, like delete them if you decide to move them to another server later. Also you can exclude them in your robots.txt file (although by putting it in the robots.txt file you will be telling other people this section exists, and robots don't have to mind this file).
I feel like my answer missed the mark a little considering your question. Of course in-line editing is easier than going to a separate page from a usability perspective, but whenever I hear of mixing admin users with regular users giant alarm bells go off in my head.
I think that it depends on the function of the site and how intrusive it will be to your staff. Does it make sense for them to make changes while browsing the site and will they eventually become discouraged with your system because it forces them to inject unnecessary steps into their process? How long will the edits take? Does it make sense to show a completely different interface to administrators? I think an answer to this question requires a lot more understanding of what specific function you're trying to accomplish and will vary on a case by case basis.
I have never liked adding administration pages into the main site. It seems like it is too much of a risk from someone accidently getting access to the administration portion of the site. Even if you review the security over and over, there is always that possibility that something unexpected will happen, and it is a huge mess to clean up (what was modified, who accessed what etc. etc.). In my opinion keeping it as a seperate site is the easiest way to go.
While there is a level of convenience in being able to login to the main part of a site as a privileged user, and then clicking on parts of a page to edit/alter it, there is also a measure of security in having it in a separate area.
I have found that having a separate section of the website that is devoted specifically to administrative tasks makes the tasks easier to organize and use. Just look at Wordpress (especially the new 2.7 release), Drupal (a very popular cms), and Joomla (another very popular cms). If you would like to test these feature out to see why I think the separate section is better, you can go to and test out both Drupal and Joomla.
From a usability, the more integrated the better but it tends to add severely to the complexity. Its always best if you can perform the action within the context in which it occurs - lock out a bad user, trim a log thats too big etc. however since these tend to have significant side effects the security aspect trumps this a lot of the time out of fear.
I think you need to look at doing a risk assessment with regards to integrating the administration capabilities right into the application.
What would be the implication for the system if someone were able to escalate privelages and gain access to the admin functions. if every user was locked out maliciously - damage to the site, the reputation, SLA etc?
What destructive functions can an admin perform from this section ? delete lots of data? crash the app? alter costs that have material impact on users/customers?
Are the admin functions integrated in the app or isolated into specific admin functions?
Does the application have a public face or is it an intranet that is assumed secure?
I personally have never felt at ease integrating the admin section with the site out of fear that a security breach caused by my ineptness or something beyond my control like bad defaults, unpatched exploit. However, when the client is writing the cheque I tend to do what they feel is best.
I come from the school of Usability that says "minimise guess work". So, what kind of information did you get from your user group sessions?
Remember, you're not (and we're not) typical users of your system. Anything we say is going to be a guess. What's worse is that any opinion shown here is likely to be ill informed for your situation (but probably awesome at what they do). The only way you'll have an informed opinion on what to do is by going out and asking your users in intelligent ways.
Because this is a security issue some of your user mix should be people who specialise in security. Just because it's easier to use doesn't mean it's the most appropriate.
