vba code for excel - to encoding gibberish to hebrew - excel

i have files that open with excel.
when i open the file the text is like gibberish.
i need to encode - tools-internet option - general-encode - hebrew iso-visual
and then the file turn to hebrew
there is a vba code that do that ?

I don't really have a way to test this, so I am just taking a shot:
Excel.ActiveWorkbook.WebOptions.Encoding = msoEncodingHebrew

Use the following function from ADODB Stream, with the following code.
Page 1255 is the original Hebrew page.
And you need to reference the latest Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library.
Public Function CorrectHebrew(gibberish As String) As String
Dim inStream As ADODB.stream
Set inStream = New ADODB.stream
inStream.Charset = "WIndows-1255"
inStream.WriteText gibberish
inStream.Position = 0 ' bring it back to start preparing for the ReadText
inStream.Charset = "UTF-8"
CorrectHebrew = inStream.ReadText ' return the corrected text
End Function


How to add image file as Ole object in excel using java

I tried with Aspose cell.
But I am able to add pdf file properly.
When I add jpg file, it shows in the excel file but doesnot get opened.
I tried with following way.
Here image shown like a thumbnail , but I dont want that.
Here it shows proper icon for the file but file does not get opened when double clicked.
Help from the community is highly apraciated.
Thank you.
See the following two lines of code that you also need to add:
Here is complete sample code that I tested and it works fine:
Sample code:
// Get the image file.
String path = "e:\\test\\myfile.jpg";
File file = new File(path);
// Get the picture into the streams.
byte[] img = new byte[(int) file.length()];
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Instantiate a new Workbook.
Workbook wb = new Workbook();
// Get the first worksheet.
Worksheet sheet = wb.getWorksheets().get(0);
// Add an Ole object into the worksheet with the image shown in MS Excel.
int oleObjIndex = sheet.getOleObjects().add(14, 3, 200, 220, img);
OleObject oleObj = sheet.getOleObjects().get(oleObjIndex);
// Set embedded ole object data and other attributes.
// Save the excel file
Hope, this helps a bit.
PS. I am working as Support developer/ Evangelist at Aspose.
i just use the same code,but i found when i open the new Excel,it shows as a image,i have to check it twice to transfer it to an OLE.
whats worry

Read Arabic text from text file using VBA and copying to Excel based on conditions

I have text file containing about 15,000 to 20,000 lines. These lines are either only in English or only in Arabic or combination of English and Arabic text. I need to write code in VBA to read each line and based on certain conditions, i need to copy the lines from text file to various Excel rows.
I have tried using FileSystemObject and other solutions but unable to read the code. While text with only English comes fine, however lines with Arabic text shows as Gibberish characters when pasted into Excel.
I am on PC with English settings. If i try to manually copy the text with Arabic characters and paste into Excel, it works perfectly fine.
Kindly let me know if you have done something similar in the past and possible approach on how this can be done using Excel VBA.
I think you have to use utf-8 encoding
Try something like this(read first 100 characters and past it to Cells A6):
You have to set reference to "Microsoft Active Data Objects 6.1 Library"
Sub UTF_8()
Dim obj As ADODB.Stream
Dim objFilePath As String
Dim objText As String
objFilePath = "C:\Arabic.txt"
Set obj = New ADODB.Stream
obj.Charset = "utf-8"
obj.LoadFromFile (objFilePath)
objText = obj.ReadText(100)
Range("A6").Value = objText
Set obj = Nothing
End Sub

X++ SysExcelWorkbook.saveAs - change encoding

I'm trying to convert XLS to CSV using job in AX2012. I have some non-ASCII characters in my XLS and I need to find out how can I set SysExcelWorkbook.saveAs method to use specific encoding (eg. UTF-8).
static void ExcelToCsv(Args _args)
SysExcelApplication application;
SysExcelWorkbooks workbooks;
SysExcelWorkbook workbook;
FileName xlsFile, csvFile;
application = SysExcelApplication::construct();
workbooks = application.workbooks();
xlsFile = #"C:\test.xlsx";
csvFile = #"C:\result.csv";
workbook = workbooks.item(1);
workbook.saveAs(csvFile, 6);
// workbook.saveAs(resFile, 22);
// workbook.saveAs(resFile, 23);
// workbook.saveAs(resFile, 24);
The code above generates CSV, but all non-ASCII characters are not displaying property when opening in text editor. I expect that I will be able to choose encoding for my CSV file programmatically or use source (XSL) encoding. Is there a way to achieve this with X++?
I don't think you can do this without some workarounds as it appears to be an Excel limitation. It's do-able though if you really need it.
It uses the Excel COM object to do the work, and you can see the reference here, where I can't find any options to specify encoding:
Here is the same issue, albeit in Powershell instead of X++ with solution (I think) being to export to UnicodeText instead of CSV, then replacing \t with , in the output file.
It looks like you could output to UnicodeText by making the below change to your code, then you could just use some other string-replace to update the final file.
// workbook.saveAs(csvFile, 6); // 6 == #xlCSV
workbook.saveAs(csvFile, #xlUnicodeText);
I'm not sure if this truly fixes your encoding issue without testing. I'd also want to double-check how single/double quotes are handled.

export Crystal report to Excel (empty rows)

I am trying to export a report to excel. When I export my report to Excel I am getting blank rows between each detail section. I assume this is because I have a context menu in form of a normal text element which overlies the "normal" text elements.
Does anybody have any advice on how I can stop the blank rows occurring? Is it possible to suppress a text element only when it is exported to Excel?
Try to make it compact.
It should be no space between each object. You should set every object on the same row has the same height and every object on column has the same width.
When there's a space between objects, it will create a cell on excel.
There are 2 articles from Ken Hamady that might be helpfull:
http://www.kenhamady.com/news0506.shtml (scroll to the bottom of the page)
Another option , if you are working with tabular data is to use a report extension like it is shown in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hk6FJ1dvb4
This approach will use the Crystal report as a datasource and will export the data from a grid with much better formatting. The video is using a 3rd party tool, but it is free - http://www.r-tag.com/Pages/CommunityEdition.aspx
Use This Code:
Public Shared Sub ExportDataSetToExcel(ByVal ds As DataTable, ByVal filename As String)
Dim response As HttpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response
response.Buffer = True
response.Charset = ""
response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Using sw As New StringWriter()
Using htw As New HtmlTextWriter(sw)
Dim dg As New DataGrid()
dg.DataSource = ds
response.Charset = "UTF-8"
response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Finally I've solved this issue, after a long time researching. Make the fields inside the details section fill the whole height of the section... no spaces between fields and top and bottom edges.
instead of this

Exporting a Microsoft Access table to UTF-16 CSV

I have an Access table with some Chinese characters that I need to export into a CSV file with UTF-16 encoding. If this is not possible, I could also try exporting the table into an XLS or CSV file, and then convert the encoding to UTF-16.
I have a feeling there is no simple way of doing this using Access and/or Excel and/or VBA, but if there is, I would love to hear it! If not, a solution using Java would be helpful.
I'm sure it would be helpful if I knew what encoding the file was already in. The Chinese characters show up correctly when I export the file to Microsoft Excel 2000, but they do not show up correctly in Microsoft Access. They were originally typed into Microsoft Excel. I think that means they are in Unicode rich text, but I'm not sure.
Thanks much!
I use ADO streams to do this sort of thing. I had to do this for a TON of websites where I was helping them with SEO automation.
' accept a byte array containing utf-8 data
' and convert it to a string
Public Function ConvertStringToUtf8Bytes(ByRef strText As String) As Byte()
Dim objStream As ADODB.Stream
Dim data() As Byte
' init stream
Set objStream = New ADODB.Stream
objStream.Charset = "utf-16"
objStream.Mode = adModeReadWrite
objStream.Type = adTypeText
' write bytes into stream
objStream.WriteText strText
' rewind stream and read text
objStream.Position = 0
objStream.Type = adTypeBinary
objStream.Read 3 ' skip first 3 bytes as this is the utf-8 marker
data = objStream.Read()
' close up and return
ConvertStringToUtf8Bytes = data
End Function
