SharePoint: SPS vs STS sitetemplate workflow features/functionality - sharepoint

Is there any difference on workflow features / functions in MOSS 2007 between SPS and STS Site Definitions?
If I use SPS -> do i have same workflow functionality as STS site definition.
Maybe this is silly question but couldn`t find suitable answer...

The SPS and STS templates you refer to are not site templates, they are Site Definitions.
There is difference between the SPS and STS definition of course. The main one being that STS basically replaces the SPS template, microsoft has classified the SPS site template as obsolete (remnand from SharePpoint portal server (SPS) 2003, even though other site defs seem to refer to and use the templates belonging to the SPS site def.
Both don't use workflows for any of the out of the box functionality provided by the def. and the templates referenced in them (not 100% sure about this though). You can of course add workflows to them once the site based on either def. has been created. You can even enable the publishing feature later on if need be, and then use the workflow used by sharepoint publishing for scheduling content publication. the mentioned defs. are for team sites and are pretty basic.
See this and this post for more on the SPS definition template.


Filter web parts no longer available in Sharepoint Online

My company switched from an onsite SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint Online.
I had some pages that consisted of multiple web parts, including the filter web parts.
I've rebuilt these pages in Sharepoint Online, but none of the filter web parts are available.
Every list is set to use classic experience - except the site itself, which I do not have control over.
According to IT support these specific filter web parts are simply not available in SharePoint Online, and therefore they can't help me.
I honestly don't trust that answer completely, which is why I'm asking here ;-)
Can the filter web parts be made available for classic view in Sharepoint Online?
Suggestion on what would need to be configured in order for these to be made available?
Possible links to official Microsoft documentation?
Thanks :-)
Per my test, the filter web parts are available in SharePoint Online. As the below picture shows:
You could donot have access to the web part gallery. Ask the site admin to give your access to the web part gallery: please go to site settings-> Web parts, grant the user access to the library.

Creating subsites in Sharepoint Online on a Site generated by a Teams team

I want to create a Subsite in Sharepoint Online within a site that was automatically generated via a MS Teams team but the option to do so doesnt exist.
The option to create Subsite seems to ONLY exist if a Site was created from within Sharepoint Online.
I can understand that a workaround would be to create it as another Site within Sharepoint Online and then link the relevant Sites together under a HUB.
Am I missing something or this feature does not exist in Sharepoint Online unless I create the Subsites as Sites and then link them up via a Hub?
Thank you in advance for the help.
There is a setting in the SharePoint Online Admin Center to Hide or Show the create subsites option.
Microsoft is discouraging the use of subsites, and the creation of subsites is likely to continue to be phased out as more features and capabilities are added to Hubs. While there are still exceptions to the rule, since there are still aspects that Hubs cannot accomplish (like connecting Hubs together to a parent Hub), you should seriously consider building your solution to use separate site collections.
Depending on how the rest of your SharePoint environment is architected, a better approach would be to setup that team site as a hubsite, then create the additional site collections you need, and link it to the new hubsite. This way you kind of mimic the subsite structure ( but not all its features ) while preserving every site independent.
For more information on best practices on SharePoint site Architecture, see

Does feature stappling is allowed in custom web templates for SharePoint 2010?

Does feature stappling is allowed in custom web templates for SharePoint 2010?If not , I guess I need to use the feature receiver to activate features?
SharePoint 2010 and web templates - Feature stapling
Primary purpose of the feature
stapling is to extend and customize
existing site definitions. Usually
these are used to provide some custom
functionalities for the out of the box
site definitions, but technique is
definitely available also for the
custom site definitions.

Is it possible to apply a template to SharePoint online services "home" tab?

I can apply a template to a subsite when creating it, however, on the home/parent site, there does not seem to be an option to apply a template. You can only list the templates.
Note: This is for: Microsoft
SharePoint Online.
It is not possible.
You can use MetaVis Architect to create a SharePoint Site Template and then use MetaVis Site Creator to deploy that MetaVis SharePoint Template to BPOS Microsoft online. You can get a free trial at You can also use MetaVis Architect Suite to move your site structure and content to BPOS Microsoft online.

How can I reverse engineer an existing workflow in moss

I know that we can reverse engineers sites definitions and other sharepoint moss entities but can we take a workflow that has been created via the UI and reverse engineer it to a based workflow?
Each of the OOTB workflows in MOSS are acctually what you call " based workflows".
IE - the OOTB workflows are provisioned via features, which you can find the manifests for in 12Hive/Templates/Features.
Find the feature.xml for the workflow you want to reverse engineer and it will point you to the dll. You can use Reflector to then see inside the assembly.
On top of the VS workflow, all the OOTB workflows add .aspx initiation forms to the workflow. These forms collect the parameters (IE approver's email) that get passed into the workflow.
This should get you pretty far down your path.
