How do you get the path of the running script in groovy? - groovy

I'm writing a groovy script that I want to be controlled via a properties file stored in the same folder. However, I want to be able to call this script from anywhere. When I run the script it always looks for the properties file based on where it is run from, not where the script is.
How can I access the path of the script file from within the script?

You are correct that new File(".").getCanonicalPath() does not work. That returns the working directory.
To get the script directory
scriptDir = new File(getClass().protectionDomain.codeSource.location.path).parent
To get the script file path
scriptFile = getClass().protectionDomain.codeSource.location.path

As of Groovy 2.3.0 the #SourceURI annotation can be used to populate a variable with the URI of the script's location. This URI can then be used to get the path to the script:
import groovy.transform.SourceURI
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Paths
URI sourceUri
Path scriptLocation = Paths.get(sourceUri)
Note that this will only work if the URI is a file: URI (or another URI scheme type with an installed FileSystemProvider), otherwise a FileSystemNotFoundException will be thrown by the Paths.get(URI) call. In particular, certain Groovy runtimes such as groovyshell and nextflow return a data: URI, which will not typically match an installed FileSystemProvider.

This makes sense if you are running the Groovy code as a script, otherwise the whole idea gets a little confusing, IMO. The workaround is here:
Basically this involves changing to pass in the location of the Groovy script as an environment variable.
As long as this information is not provided directly by Groovy, it's possible to modify the groovy.(sh|bat) starter script to make this property available as system property:
For unix boxes just change $GROOVY_HOME/bin/groovy (the sh script) to do
before calling startGroovy
For Windows:
In startGroovy.bat add the following 2 lines right after the line with
the :init label (just before the parameter slurping starts):
#rem get name of script to launch with full path
A bit further down in the batch file after the line that says "set
JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dgroovy.starter.conf="%STARTER_CONF%" add the

For gradle user
I have same issue when I'm starting to work with gradle. I want to compile my thrift by remote thrift compiler (custom by my company).
Below is how I solved my issue:
task compileThrift {
doLast {
def projectLocation = projectDir.getAbsolutePath(); // HERE is what you've been looking for. {
session(remotes.compilerServer) {
// Delete existing thrift file.
new File("$projectLocation/thrift/").eachFile() { f ->
def fileName=f.getName()
put from: f, into: "$compilerLocation/$fileName"
execute "mkdir -p $compilerLocation/gen-java"
def compileResult = execute "bash $compilerLocation/genjar $serviceName", logging: 'stdout', pty: true
assert compileResult.contains('SUCCESSFUL')
get from: "$compilerLocation/$serviceName" + '.jar', into: "$projectLocation/libs/"

One more solution. It works perfect even you run the script using GrovyConsole
File getScriptFile(){
new File(this.class.classLoader.getResourceLoader().loadGroovySource(
println getScriptFile()

workaround: for us it was running in an ANT environment and storing some location parent (knowing the subpath) in the Java environment properties (System.setProperty( "dirAncestor", "/foo" )) we could access the dir ancestor via Groovy's properties.get('dirAncestor').
maybe this will help for some scenarios mentioned here.


Execute Python script using Laravel?

I'm trying to execute a python script in a Laravel 5.8 project but I'm having problems with the Symfony/process class.
Basically, I want to run this python script that takes an excel form from the storage folder.
My first try was this
$process = new Process('C:\Python\python.exe C:\Users\"my path"\laravel\storage\app\images\');
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new ProcessFailedException($process);
echo $process->getOutput();
And the error is
Fatal Python error: _Py_HashRandomization_Init: failed to get random numbers to initialize Python
I also tried with shell_exec(), and if the two files (the excel and the python script are in the public path - app/public) it works.
I think the problem is that python only executes on the app/public folder, so I don't know how to run this in another path.
Python output is telling me that:
Working directory: C:\Users\"my path"\laravel\public
Does anyone know how to run this?
You can pass the working directory as the second argument of the process class
So it can be:
$process = new Process('C:\Python\python.exe C:\Users\"my path"\laravel\storage\app\images\', "/my/working/path/");
Also you may pass command as array
$process = new Process(['C:\Python\python.exe', 'C:\Users\"my path"\laravel\storage\app\images\'], "/my/working/path/");

Tesseract not using path variable

Why does my Tesseract instance require me to explicitly set my datapath, but doesn't want to read the environment variable?
Let me clarify: running the code
ITesseract tesseract = new Tesseract();
String result = tesseract.doOCR(myImage);
Throws an error:
Error opening data file ./tessdata/eng.traineddata
Please make sure the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable is set to the
parent directory of your "tessdata" directory.
I already have set my environment variable, ie doing
echo $TESSDATA_PREFIX returns /usr/share/tessdata/
Now, setting the path variable explicitly in my code, ie:
Itesseract tesseract = new Tesseract();
String result = tesseract.doOCR(myImage);
I'm using Manjaro 17.0.5
The library was initially designed to use the data files bundled in its tessdata folder. In your case, if you want to read from the standard tessdata directory, you would want to set datapath as follows:

How to create a JSCS config file on windows

When I try to create a JSCS config file:
C:\Blog\BlogWeb>jscs --auto-configure "C:\Blog\BlogWeb\temp.jscs"
I get the following error:
safeContextKeyword option requires string or array value
What parameter am I supposed to pass? What is a safecontextkeyword?
New to NPM and JSCS, please excuse ignorance.
JSCS was complaining that I didn't have a config file, so I was trying to figure out how to create one.
JSCS looks for a config file in these places, unless you manually specify it with the --config option:
jscs it will consequentially search for jscsConfig option in package.json file then for .jscsrc (which is a just JSON with comments) and .jscs.json files in the current working directory then in nearest ancestor until it hits the system root.
I fixed this by:
Create a new file named .jscsrc. Windows Explorer may not let you do this, so may need to use the command line.
Copy the following into it. It doesn't matter if this is the preset you want to use or not. The command will overwrite it.
"preset": "jquery",
"requireCurlyBraces": null // or false
Verify that it works by running a command such as:
run the command
jscs --auto-configure .jscsrc

Groovy Postbuild do not execute scripts on Jenkins

I've written simple groovy script, but I don't know how to execute it on Jenkins.
Look at this simple script:
String jbN = System.getenv('JOB_NAME')
println jbN
println "Hello"
I would except that I will reveived at least "Hello". Script give no return. I've just received Build step 'Groovy Postbuild' marked build as failure(or success)
It seems that script is not executed.
I didn't add it, but I have already script which will analize logs, so I need it to execute it post-build.
The problem is bigger then I thought. Plugins: "Scriptler" or "Groovy Plugin" do not print anything.
Script which I'm trying to print out:
String jbN = System.getenv('JOB_NAME')
println jbN
I found the solution:
Script was executed but wasn't printed to console output.
To print result to console output you need to write:
manager.listener.logger.println("Some string") instead of println.
To make it shorter do:
logger = manager.listener.logger.&println
// and call like this:
logger("test log message")
EDIT: add in logger example and to describe how to get env vars (and how to not get them) and to hopefully save people some debugging time . . . this is simple but awkward stuff.
To get the workspace you can go through the manager object. Like this:
To get env vars, this does not work:
String jbN = System.getenv('JOB_NAME')
It shows jbN is null.
That makes sense as JOB_NAME is not an actual system environment var.
This also does not work to get env vars, an exception is thrown:
This does work to get jenkins job "env vars" like WORKSPACE, JOB_NAME, BUILD_NAME:
def build = Thread.currentThread().executable
workspace = build.getEnvVars()["WORKSPACE"]
Example of use, you can call a groovy script in workspace like this:
evaluate(new File( + "/dirinworkspace/scriptname.groovy"))
In your case you want to use the Groovy plugin rather than the Groovy Postbuild plugin.
The Groovy Postbuild plugin is made to change the build result (postbuild).
The Groovy plugin is made to run simple Groovy scripts inside your job.
Click Manage Jenkins-->Script Console

cucumber jvm CucumberException: No features found at []

In my cucumber -jvm, Maven, junit Setup I have my testRunner file as
package com.lebara.testrunner;
import cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
glue = {"com.lebara.stepdefs","com.lebara.framework.main", "com.lebara.testrunner"},
features = "C:/Users/sarthak.dayanand/Documents/WebRefreshTest/CukeAutomation/LebaraWebAutomationTest1/src/main/resources",
format = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-report", "json-pretty:target/cucumber-report.json"},
tags = {"#UserJourney"}
public class RunCukesTest {
I have my feature file in the above mentioned directory.
If I run it, I get the following exception:
cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: No features found at [C:/Users/sarthak.dayanand/Documents/WebRefreshTest/CukeAutomation/LebaraWebAutomationTest1/src/main/resources/cucumber]...
If I remove the "features" option in the testrunner, it tries to look for feature files in the same directory as my
cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: No features found at [com/lebara/testrunner]
And if I put the feature files there, it works.
My question is why is my feature file not being picked up from my previous location, which I thought to be the default file structure for cucumber - maven setup.
How do I make it pick up from there? Help appreciated.
Where exactly are your test runner and feature files? I've got the following setup which works perfectly:
The Maven/Cuke conventions will have the tests executed from the tests/java directory and the feature files found in the test/resources directory. My test runner is basically the same as yours but with less options:
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
#Cucumber.Options(format = {"pretty"})
public class TestRunner { }
Hope this helps if you hadn't already found an answer.
I have a setup similar to yours (not using the Maven/Cucumber conventions). In my options, I don't specify the path from root, but from the project's source folder where the features are held. It makes sense, since otherwise the tests would only be runnable from your machine.
In your case, I think it should be:
features = "src/main/resources"
Just add features = { "classpath:features/feature.feature"}, and the feature must under test/resources/features/feature.feature.
format = {"pretty", "html:target/html"},
features = {"classpath:features/feature.feature"},
snippets = SnippetType.CAMELCASE
Note classpath.
When you compile your code if you are using maven open up target/test-classes/features and you will see feature.feature
//Removing the space between "**classpath**" and "**:com/**" helped.
features = {"classpath:com/tk/feature/"}, //NOTE: NO SPACE
glue = {"classpath:"},
plugin = {
public class RunAPITests {}
If you are providing the complete path of the feature file i.e.
"C:/Users/sarthak.dayanand/Documents/WebRefreshTest/CukeAutomation/LebaraWebAutomationTest1/src/main/resources" as in your query, try again by replacing the '/' character with '\\'(double back slash) as below.
This is a git repo which uses the latest cucumber version : Cucumber- Example
Clone this repo and run it in your local machine. The #Given is defined and it should pass. The #Then and #When should be shown as undefined.
This is how the output for it should look :
Output for the Belly feature
Use the structure mentioned :
src / test / java/ io /cucumber / {Step definitions java and run cucumber test files here}
src /test / resources/ io/ cucumber / {feature files here}
You can run the gradle build using ./gradlew clean build
and the cucumber test using ./gradlew clean test --info
If this works, then use the same format in your project.
Just changing .Feature to .feature the problem got resolved for me.
Also make sure the path for feature is righly mention in CucumberOptions as per your feature folder
Some of the online tutorial have mentioned .Feature which brings this problem
so changing the case will solve this problem
There is another instance in which 'Feature Not Found' error occurs. I am posting the solution under this answer as there is no similar question.
I got this error when trying to run the Runner file first time after setting up Cucumber project in Maven. The solution i found was as follows: Go to the folder in which the 'feature' file is present in Windows Explorer. Check the size of the feature file you are trying to run. If the size is '0' KB, it will show the 'Feature Not Found' error. Make some changes to file until a value greater than zero is displayed. Run again after making changes.
features = {"src/main/resources/cucumber/features"},//your feature path
tags = "not #Wip",
glue = {"classpath:steps"},
plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber/html"})
You must set the feature directory correctly
By putting the feature file under src/test/java where the runner and steps file or
by putting it under src/main/java the problem will get resolved.
