Operate on values within structurally similar types in Haskell - haskell

Excuse me for my extremely limited Haskell-fu.
I have a series of data types, defined in different modules, that are structured the same way:
-- in module Foo
data Foo = Foo [Param]
-- in module Bar
data Bar = Bar [Param]
-- * many more elsewhere
I'd like to have a set of functions that operate on the list of params, eg to add and remove elements from the list (returning a new Foo or Bar with a different list of params, as appropriate).
As far as I can tell, even if I create a typeclass and create instances for each type, I'd need to define all of these functions each time, ie:
-- in some imported module
class Parameterized a where
addParam :: a -> Param -> a
-- ... other functions
-- in module Foo
instance Parameterization Foo where
addParam (Foo params) param = Foo (param:params)
-- ... other functions
-- in module Bar
instance Parameterization Bar where
-- this looks familiar...
addParam (Bar params) param = Bar (param:params)
-- ... other functions
This feels tedious -- far past the degree where I start thinking I'm doing something wrong. If you can't pattern match regardless of constructor (?) to extract a value, how can boilerplate like this be reduced?
To rebut a possible line of argument: yes, I know I could simply have one set of functions (addParam, etc), that would explicitly list each constructor and pattern match put the params -- but as I'm building this fairly modularly (the Foo and Bar modules are pretty self-contained), and I'm prototyping a system where there will be dozens of these types, a verbose centralized listing of type constructors seems... wrong.
It's quite possible (probable?) that my approach is simply flawed and that this isn't anywhere near the right way to structure the type hierarchy anyhow -- but as I can't have a single data type somewhere and add a new constructor for the type in each of these modules (?) I'm stumped at how to get a nice "plugin" feel without having to redefine simple utility functions each time. Any and all kind suggestions gladly accepted.

You can have default implementations of functions in a typeclass, e.g.
class Parameterized a where
params :: a -> [Param]
fromParams :: [Param] -> a
addParam :: a -> Param -> a
addParam x par = fromParams $ par : params x
-- ... other functions
instance Parameterized Foo where
params (Foo pars) = pars
fromParams = Foo
However, your design does look suspicious.

You could use a newtype for Foo and Bar, and then deriving the implementation based on the underlying structure (in this case, lists) automatically with -XGenerializedNewtypeDeriving.
If they're really supposed to be structurally similar, yet you've coded it in a way that no code can be shared, then that is a suspicious pattern.

It's hard to tell from your example what would be the right way.
Why do you need both Foo and Bar if they are structurally similar? Can't you just go with Foo?
If, for some reason I can't see, you need both Foo and Bar you'll have to use a type class but you can clean up the code using Template Haskell.
Something like
$(superDuper "Foo")
could generate the code
data Foo = Foo [Param]
instance Parameterization Foo where
addParam (Foo params) param = Foo (param:params)
superDuper :: String -> Q [Dec]
superDuper n =
let name = mkName n
dataD = DataD [] name [] [NormalC name [] ] -- correct constructor here
instD = InstanceD [] ... -- add code here
return [dataD, instD]
That would at least get rid of the boiler plate coding.


Can I pass a typeclass dictionary to a function explicitly?

Let’s say I have some typeclass:
data Foo = Foo deriving (Show)
class Monad m => MonadFoo m where
getFoo :: m Foo
Since GHC implements typeclasses via dictionary passing (uses of SPECIALIZE notwithstanding), it effectively transforms getFoo into something like the following under the hood:
data MonadFooDict m = MonadFooDict { getFoo :: m Foo }
...and it inserts an additional argument at the beginning of calls to getFoo that threads the dictionary around.
Sometimes, I might want to pick an instance dynamically, so passing a dictionary myself might be desirable. I can simulate this myself by creating an instance that will thread the dictionary around for me.
newtype DynamicMonadFoo a = DynamicMonadFoo
{ runFoo :: MonadFooDict DynamicMonadFoo -> a }
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
, MonadReader (MonadFooDict DynamicMonadFoo) )
instance MonadFoo DynamicMonadFoo where
getFoo = join $ asks _getFoo
Now, given some function with a MonadFoo constraint, I can use the runFoo function to pass it an explicit typeclass dictionary:
showCurrentFoo :: MonadFoo m => m String
showCurrentFoo = do
foo <- getFoo
return ("current foo: " ++ show foo)
ghci> runFoo showCurrentFoo MonadFooDict { _getFoo = return Foo }
"current foo: Foo"
This is really cool, but it seems like such a simple task that GHC might expose some sort of library to do this without all the boilerplate (and ideally in a way that would work more nicely with non-monadic typeclasses). Given that GHC has some “reflection-esque” capabilities like Data.Typeable, this doesn’t seem outside the realm of possibility, but I’m not sure if it actually exists in some form.
Do any existing built-ins or other libraries allow doing this more automatically?
There is an article on this at the School of Haskell:
Reflecting values to types and back
See the section towards the end entitled Dynamically constructing type-class instances and But what about manual dictionaries?

Haskell - Declaring the type of multiple functions

I often find myself writing multiple functions with the same type. Let's call this type FuncType. I might write something like this:
funcA :: FuncType
funcB :: FuncType
funcC :: FuncType
funcD :: FuncType
-- Implementations
This feels like a lot of unnecessary typing (typing as in tapping on the keyboard, not declaring types of functions). Is there maybe some way to do this more concisely? What I want would look something along the lines of:
(funcA, funcB, funcC, funcD) :: FuncType
-- Implementations
I really tried to google this but I came up empty. If this isn't a feature of the language, why not? Am I missing something? Am I doing something wrong if I find myself needing this?
Do what you tried without the parentheses.
funcA, funcB, funcC, funcD :: FuncType
In the Haskell 2010 report, you can see in chapter 4 (Declarations and Bindings) that a type signature (gendecl) looks like this:
vars :: [context =>] type
and vars look like this:
var-1 , … , var-n
Which is exactly the form you're looking for.
Sidenote: Haddock will apply a documentation if it finds it around that type signature to every symbol in that (vars) list.
Alternatively to MasterMastic's answer, you can also actually give the repeated type a name using a type declaration:
-- | why GoodName is a good name
type GoodName = Complicated -> Function -> Type
-- | Foo explanation.
foo :: GoodName
foo = ...
-- | Bar explanation.
bar :: GoodName
bar = ...
This way, you only need to repeat the name instead of the potentially much longer type. Benefits of this style over foo, bar :: Complicated -> Function -> Type include:
the named type serves as documentation
the named type can be reused elsewhere
the function definitions and type signatures are next to each other
you can have different haddock comments for the different functions
your source code looks more regular
if only one of the functions later gets refactored to take additional arguments, the change is more local.
Of course, you can also combine these approaches as foo, bar :: GoodName. Because of type inference, you can usually even leave out the type signature altogether and let the compiler figure out the type.

Data constructors without breaking the open/closed principle

I have a data constructor like this
class FooClass a where
foo :: a -> b
class BarClass a where
bar :: a -> b
data FooBar = Foo :: FooClass a => a -> IO ()
| Bar :: BarClass a => a -> IO ()
So that I can use pattern matching:
foobar :: FooBar -> a -> IO ()
foobar (Foo f) x = f (foo x)
foobar (Bar f) x = f (bar x)
However, this breaks the open/closed principle.
I'd like to be able to extend FooBar with additional methods based on other classes.
How would I implement this in Haskell?
As others have pointed out, this code is flawed in ways that obscure your question. It's also probably dangerous to try to think too hard about how OO principles translate to FP. They have a place, because much of OO is embedded in FP naturally, but it's much better to learn FP directly first and then observe the laws later as certain special cases.
In particular, we can talk about how greater refinement of types is a form of extension. For instance, comparing the types like
(Num a) => a -> IO ()
(Num a, Show a) => a -> IO ()
we can talk about how the second function takes in a set of types which is a natural subtype of the inputs to the first function. In particular, the set of possible types that can be input to the second function is a refinement of the inputs to the first. As users of these functions, there are fewer valid ways to use the second function. As implementers of these functions, there are more valid ways to implement the second function. In fact, we know the following
All values which are valid inputs to the second function are also valid inputs to the first
All functions which are correctly typed by the first signature are also correctly typed by the second.
This duality between giving and taking is explored in the study of Game semantics. The idea of "open for extension" plays out trivially in that we can always decide to ask for a more refined type, but it's almost completely uninteresting since that's just obvious in how refined types are used.
So what about ADTs (data declarations) directly? Are then Open/Closed? Mu—ADTs aren't objects, so the rule does not apply directly.
The trick to doing your example in Haskell is to use functions instead of classes:
-- FooBar is like a base class
-- with methods foo and bar.
-- I've interpreted your example liberally
-- for purposes of illustration.
-- In particular, FooBar has two methods -
-- foo and bar - with different signatures.
data FooBar = FooBar {
foo :: IO (),
bar :: Int -> Int
-- Use functions for classes, like in Javascript.
-- This doesn't mean Haskell is untyped, it just means classes are not types.
-- Classes are really functions that make objects.
fooClass :: Int -> FooBar
fooClass n = FooBar {
foo = putStrLn ("Foo " ++ show n)
bar = \n -> n+1
barClass :: FooBar
barClass = FooBar {
foo = putStrLn "Bar ",
bar = \n -> n * 2
-- Now we can define a function that uses FooBar and it doesn't matter
-- if the FooBar we pass in came from fooClass, barClass or something else,
-- bazClass, say.
foobar (FooBar foo bar) = do
-- invoke foo
-- use bar
print (bar 7)
Here FooBar is 'open for extension' because we can create as many FooBar values as we like with different behaviours.
To 'extend' FooBar with another field, baz, without changing FooBar, fooClass or barClass, we need to declare a FooBarBaz type that includes a FooBar. We can still use our foobar function, we just have to first extract the FooBar from the FooBarBaz first.
So far, I've been keeping close to OOP. This is because Bertrand Meyer worded the open closed principle to require OOP or something very like it:
software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open
for extension, but closed for modification
In particular, the word "extension" is traditionally interpreted as meaning "subclassing". If you're prepared to interpret the principle as merely "having extension points", then any function that takes another function as parameter is "open for extension". This is so common in functional programming that it's not considered a principle. The "parameterisation principle" just doesn't sound the same.

How to handle functions of a multi-parameter typeclass, who not need every type of the typeclass?

I've defined a typeclass similar to an interface with a bunch of functions required for my program. Sadly, it needs multiple polymorphic types, but not every function of this multi-parameter typeclass needs every type. GHC haunts me with undeduceable types and i can't get the code running.
A reduced example:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
class Foo a b where
-- ...
bar :: a -> ()
baz :: Foo a b => a -> ()
baz = bar
GHC says
Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
How can I do this for b? Especially when I want to keep b polymorphic. Only an instance of Foo should define what this type is.
This is impossible.
The underlying problem is that a multiparameter type class depends on every type parameter. If a particular definition in the class doesn't use every type parameter, the compiler will never be able to know what instance you mean, and you'll never even be able to specify it. Consider the following example:
class Foo a b where
bar :: String -> IO a
instance Foo Int Char where
bar x = return $ read x
instance Foo Int () where
bar x = read <$> readFile x
Those two instances do entirely different things with their parameter. The only way the compiler has to select one of those instances is matching both type parameters. But there's no way to specify what the type parameter is. The class is just plain broken. There's no way to ever call the bar function, because you can never provide enough information for the compiler to resolve the class instance to use.
So why is the class definition not rejected by the compiler? Because you can sometimes make it work, with the FunctionalDependencies extension.
If a class has multiple parameters, but they're related, that information can sometimes be added to the definition of the class in a way that allows a class member to not use every type variable in the class's definition.
class Foo a b | a -> b where
bar :: String -> IO a
With that definition (which requires the FunctionalDependencies extension), you are telling the compiler that for any particular choice of a, there is only one valid choice of b. Attempting to even define both of the above instances would be a compile error.
Given that, the compiler knows that it can select the instance of Foo to use based only on the type a. In that case, bar can be called.
Splitting it in smaller typeclasses might be sufficient.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
class Fo a => Foo a b where
-- ...
foo :: a -> b -> ()
class Fo a where
bar :: a -> ()
baz :: Foo a b => a -> ()
baz = bar
Assuming you really want to use more than one instance for a given a (and so cannot use functional dependencies as others mentioned), one possibility which may or may not be right for you is to use a newtype tagged with a "phantom" type used only to guide type selection. This compiles:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
newtype Tagged t a = Tagged { unTagged :: a } -- Also defined in the tagged package
-- on Hackage
class Foo a b where
bar :: Tagged b a -> ()
baz :: Foo a b => Tagged b a -> ()
baz = bar
Then you will be able to wrap your values in such a way that you can give an explicit type annotation to select the right instance.
Another way of refactoring multi-parameter type classes when they get awkward is to use the TypeFamilies extension. Like FunctionalDependencies, this works well when you can reframe your class as having only a single parameter (or at least, fewer parameter), with the other types that are different from instance to instance being computed from the actual class parameters.
Generally I've found whenever I thought I needed a multi-parameter type class, the parameters almost always varied together rather than varying independently. In this situation it's much easier to pick one as "primary" and use some system for determining the others from it. Functional dependencies can do this as well as type families, but many find type families a lot easier to understand.
Here's an example:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances #-}
class Glue a where
type Glued a
glue :: a -> a -> Glued a
instance Glue Char where
type Glued Char = String
glue x y = [x, y]
instance Glue String where
type Glued String = String
glue x y = x ++ y
glueBothWays :: Glue a => a -> a -> (Glued a, Glued a)
glueBothWays x y = (glue x y, glue y x)
The above declares a class Glue of types that can be glued together with the glue operation, and that have a corresponding type which is the result of the "gluing".
I then declared a couple of instances; Glued Char is String, Glued String is also just String.
Finally I wrote a function to show how you use Glued when you're being polymorphic over the instance of Glue you're using; basically you "call" Glued as a function in your type signatures; this means glueBothWays doesn't "know" what type Glued a is, but it knows how it corresponds to a. You can even use Glued Char as a type, if you know you're gluing Chars but don't want to hard-code the assumption that Glued Char = String.

How to define a class that allows uniform access to different records in Haskell?

I have two records that both have a field I want to extract for display. How do I arrange things so they can be manipulated with the same functions? Since they have different fields (in this case firstName and buildingName) that are their name fields, they each need some "adapter" code to map firstName to name. Here is what I have so far:
class Nameable a where
name :: a -> String
data Human = Human {
firstName :: String
data Building = Building {
buildingName :: String
instance Nameable Human where
name x = firstName x
instance Nameable Building where
-- I think the x is redundant here, i.e the following should work:
-- name = buildingName
name x = buildingName x
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStr $ show (map name items)
items :: (Nameable a) => [a]
items = [ Human{firstName = "Don"}
-- Ideally I want the next line in the array too, but that gives an
-- obvious type error at the moment.
--, Building{buildingName = "Empire State"}
This does not compile:
Couldn't match expected type `a' against inferred type `Human'
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for `items' at TypeTest.hs:22:23
In the expression: Human {firstName = "Don"}
In the expression: [Human {firstName = "Don"}]
In the definition of `items': items = [Human {firstName = "Don"}]
I would have expected the instance Nameable Human section would make this work. Can someone explain what I am doing wrong, and for bonus points what "concept" I am trying to get working, since I'm having trouble knowing what to search for.
This question feels similar, but I couldn't figure out the connection with my problem.
Consider the type of items:
items :: (Nameable a) => [a]
It's saying that for any Nameable type, items will give me a list of that type. It does not say that items is a list that may contain different Nameable types, as you might think. You want something like items :: [exists a. Nameable a => a], except that you'll need to introduce a wrapper type and use forall instead. (See: Existential type)
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data SomeNameable = forall a. Nameable a => SomeNameable a
items :: [SomeNameable]
items = [ SomeNameable $ Human {firstName = "Don"},
SomeNameable $ Building {buildingName = "Empire State"} ]
The quantifier in the data constructor of SomeNameable basically allows it to forget everything about exactly which a is used, except that it is Nameable. Therefore, you will only be allowed to use functions from the Nameable class on the elements.
To make this nicer to use, you can make an instance for the wrapper:
instance Nameable (SomeNameable a) where
name (SomeNameable x) = name x
Now you can use it like this:
Main> map name items
["Don", "Empire State"]
Everybody is reaching for either existential quantification or algebraic data types. But these are both overkill (well depending on your needs, ADTs might not be).
The first thing to note is that Haskell has no downcasting. That is, if you use the following existential:
data SomeNameable = forall a. Nameable a => SomeNameable a
then when you create an object
foo :: SomeNameable
foo = SomeNameable $ Human { firstName = "John" }
the information about which concrete type the object was made with (here Human) is forever lost. The only things we know are: it is some type a, and there is a Nameable a instance.
What is it possible to do with such a pair? Well, you can get the name of the a you have, and... that's it. That's all there is to it. In fact, there is an isomorphism. I will make a new data type so you can see how this isomorphism arises in cases when all your concrete objects have more structure than the class.
data ProtoNameable = ProtoNameable {
-- one field for each typeclass method
protoName :: String
instance Nameable ProtoNameable where
name = protoName
toProto :: SomeNameable -> ProtoNameable
toProto (SomeNameable x) = ProtoNameable { protoName = name x }
fromProto :: ProtoNameable -> SomeNameable
fromProto = SomeNameable
As we can see, this fancy existential type SomeNameable has the same structure and information as ProtoNameable, which is isomorphic to String, so when you are using this lofty concept SomeNameable, you're really just saying String in a convoluted way. So why not just say String?
Your items definition has exactly the same information as this definition:
items = [ "Don", "Empire State" ]
I should add a few notes about this "protoization": it is only as straightforward as this when the typeclass you are existentially quantifying over has a certain structure: namely when it looks like an OO class.
class Foo a where
method1 :: ... -> a -> ...
method2 :: ... -> a -> ...
That is, each method only uses a once as an argument. If you have something like Num
class Num a where
(+) :: a -> a -> a
which uses a in multiple argument positions, or as a result, then eliminating the existential is not as easy, but still possible. However my recommendation to do this changes from a frustration to a subtle context-dependent choice, because of the complexity and distant relationship of the two representations. However, every time I have seen existentials used in practice it is with the Foo kind of tyepclass, where it only adds needless complexity, so I quite emphatically consider it an antipattern. In most of these cases I recommend eliminating the entire class from your codebase and exclusively using the protoized type (after you give it a good name).
Also, if you do need to downcast, then existentials aren't your man. You can either use an algebraic data type, as others people have answered, or you can use Data.Dynamic (which is basically an existential over Typeable. But don't do that; a Haskell programmer resorting to Dynamic is ungentlemanlike. An ADT is the way to go, where you characterize all the possible types it could be in one place (which is necessary so that the functions that do the "downcasting" know that they handle all possible cases).
I like #hammar's answer, and you should also check out this article which provides another example.
But, you might want to think differently about your types. The boxing of Nameable into the SomeNameable data type usually makes me start thinking about whether a union type for the specific case is meaningful.
data Entity = H Human | B Building
instance Nameable Entity where ...
items = [H (Human "Don"), B (Building "Town Hall")]
I'm not sure why you want to use the same function for
getting the name of a Human and the name of a Building.
If their names are used in fundamentally different ways,
except maybe for simple things like printing them,
then you probably want two
different functions for that. The type system
will automatically guide you to choose the right function
to use in each situation.
But if having a name is something significant about the
whole purpose of your program, and a Human and a Building
are really pretty much the same thing in that respect as far as your program
is concerned, then you would define their type together:
data NameableThing =
Human { name :: String } |
Building { name :: String }
That gives you a polymorphic function name that works for
whatever particular flavor of NameableThing you happen to have,
without needing to get into type classes.
Usually you would use a type class for a different kind of situation:
if you have some kind of non-trivial operation that has the same purpose
but a different implementation for several different types.
Even then, it's often better to use some other approach instead, like
passing a function as a parameter (a "higher order function", or "HOF").
Haskell type classes are a beautiful and powerful tool, but they are totally
different than what is called a "class" in object-oriented languages,
and they are used far less often.
And I certainly don't recommend complicating your program by using an advanced
extension to Haskell like Existential Qualification just to fit into
an object-oriented design pattern.
You can try to use Existentially Quanitified types and do it like this:
data T = forall a. Nameable a => MkT a
items = [MkT (Human "bla"), MkT (Building "bla")]
I've just had a look at the code that this question is abstracting from. For this, I would recommend merging the Task and RecurringTaskDefinition types:
data Task
= Once
{ name :: String
, scheduled :: Maybe Day
, category :: TaskCategory
| Recurring
{ name :: String
, nextOccurrence :: Day
, frequency :: RecurFrequency
type ProgramData = [Task] -- don't even need a new data type for this any more
Then, the name function works just fine on either type, and the functions you were complaining about like deleteTask and deleteRecurring don't even need to exist -- you can just use the standard delete function as usual.
