Is this really DDD? - domain-driven-design

I am 80% sure I should not be asking this question because it might come across as negative and I mean no disrespect to anyone, especially the author of this book. I have seen several posts recommending this book and its companion project. I have not read the book, but I have spent a few hours today studying the project. And while it does look very complete, I am having a very hard time with how much the details of various things are scattered around. I am struggling in my own designs with how much I have to change if an entity changes, and this project does not make me very comfortable as a solution.
For example, there is a Employee object that inherits from a Person. Person has a constructor with first-name, last-name, etc. and therefore, so does Employee. Private to Employee are members for first name, last name, plus public properties for the same.
There is an EmployeeFactory that knows about both Employee and Person properties, as well as the SQL column names (to pull values from a reader).
There is an EmployeeRepository with unimplemented PersistNewItem and PersistUpdatedItem methods that I suspect, if implemented, would build SQL for INSERT and UPDATE statements like I see in CompanyRepository. These write the properties to strings to build the SQL.
There is a 'Data Contract' PersonContract with the same private members and public properties as Person, and an EmployeeContract that inherits from PersonContract like Employee does Person, with public properties mirroring the entities.
There is a static 'Converter' class with static methods that map entities to Contracts, including
EmployeeContract ToEmployeeContract(Employee employee)
which copies the fields from one to the other, including Person fields. There may be a companion method that goes the other way - not sure.
I think there are unit tests too.
In all I count 5-10 classes, methods, and constructors with detailed knowledge about entity properties. Perhaps they're auto-generated - not sure. If I needed to add a 'Salutation' or other property to Person, I would have to adjust all of these classes/methods? I'm sure I'd forget something.
Again, I mean no disrespect and this seems to be a very thorough, detailed example for the book. Is this how DDD is done?

Domain Driven Design is really simple. It says: make your Model classes mirror the real world. So if you have Employees, have an Employee class and make sure it contains the properties that give it its 'Employee-ness'.
The question you are asking is NOT about DDD, but rather about class architecture in general. I think you're correct to question some of the decisions about the classes you're looking at, but it's not related to DDD specifically. It's more related to OOP programming design patterns in general.

DDD s new enough (at least in some senses) that it may be a little early to say exactly "how it's done." The idea's been around for a fair long while, though, although we didn't make up a cool name for it.
In any case, the short answer (IMAO) is "yes, but...." The idea of doing a domain-driven design is to model the domain very explicitly. What you're looking at is a domain model, which is to say an object-oriented model that describes the problem domain in the problem domain's language. The idea is that a domain model, since it models the "real world", is relatively insensitive to change, and also tends to localize change. So, if for example your idea of what an Employee is changes, perhaps by adding a mailing address as well as a physical address, then those changes would be relatively localized.
Once you have that model, though, you have what I maintain are architectural decisions still to be made. For example, you have the unimplemented persistence layer, which might indeed be simply construction of SQL. It could also be a Hibernate layer, or use Python pickling, or even be something wild like a Google AppEngine distributed table structure.
The thing is, those decisions are made separately, and with other rationales, than the domain modeling decisions.
Something I've experimented with to some good result is doing the domain model in Python and then building a simulator with it instead of implementing the final system. That makes for something the customer can experiment with, and also potentially allows you to make quantitative estimates about the things the final implementation must determine.

to me, what makes DDD different from "mere" model-driven design is the notion of "aggregate roots", i.e. an application is only allowed to hold references to aggregate roots, and in general you will only have a repository for the aggregate root class, not the classes that the aggregate root uses
this cleans up the code considerably; the alternative is repositories for every model class, which is "merely" a layered design, not DDD


How to Approach Domain Modelling with Polymorphic Entity in Domain-Driven Design?

I am rebuilding a software in accounting. This sofware can handle many types of transactions, e.g. sales, inventory restock, and expenses. I have no background in accounting, but I learned some concepts online. I am trying to model the domain with these principles in mind:
A journal entry consists of several recordings, each of which is either a debit or credit. These recordings' total of debit and credit must be equal (balanced) in a given journal entry
A journal entry must be created based off of a source document. One cannot simply create a journal entry without any reason.
From those, I conclude that there has to be these entities present:
JournalEntry entity, which has many JournalEntryItem value objects. This entity is responsible for keeping all its entries in a balanced state.
SourceDocument entity, which has some information of transactions being made
Both JournalEntity and SourceDocument are each an aggregate root, with JournalEntity referencing to a SourceDocument identity.
Now here is the problem. Source documents that are the basis of journal entry creation, can be different things with different behaviors. For example, an 'expense' source document may consists of list of pair of expense category and expense amount, while a 'sales' source document may consists of related inventories, amount of each inventories, and the price of each inventory per one unit.
This makes me think of another approach in the model:
Create an abstract SourceDocument class, with shared properties like date of creation and identity attribute
Create SalesSourceDocument, ExpenseSourceDocument, etc., that are extended from the abstract SourceDocument
JournalEntry entity will still have to reference SourceDocument identity.
While this can make sense, I don't think this is the best way to model the problem in DDD, specifically because it requires to have an abstract entity.
From the sources I read online about DDD, when encountering such problem where I need an abstract entity, I need to separate it into different bounded contexts. However, I'm not sure if it can be done, because a SourceDocument identity may return a concrete SalesSourceDocument in 'sales' context, but it may also return nothing in 'expense' context.
What is the best way to approach this problem?
I think what's important to recognize here is that the source document terminology is to describe the relationship between a journal entry and a document, from a JournalEntry's perspective. Documents are ARs of their own, which can most likely exist without a journal so why should their abstraction be named after the relationship with another AR?
Source document most likely is a necessary terminology to describe the document relating to a journal entry and chances are it will be part of your model too, but perhaps in the form of a value object such as SourceDocument { id, type }.
That doesn't mean you couldn't have a Document abstraction as well if useful: there's no reason to avoid polymorphism at all cost when it's useful.
I may be wrong with that analysis (all models are wrong anyway), but I just wanted to give you a different perspective on that specific modeling aspect.
I am rebuilding a software in accounting. This sofware can handle many
types of transactions, e.g. sales, inventory restock, and expenses. I
have no background in accounting, but I learned some concepts online.
If you can learn your whole domain online then chances are that it's a generic sub-domain where an off the shelf product can most likely be bought. Rather than going online and try to come up with a model on your own you should be involving domain experts: perhaps your entire vision is wrong here.
Furthermore, given the source documents will most likely live in different contexts, it seems like the Accounting context could be acting as a supporting BC that doesn't have explicit knowledge or dependency on other BCs.
What is the best way to approach this problem?
Treat your separate use cases as separate until you discover domain concerns that require aligning them.
Your sales documents and your expense documents are different things, and your data model should reflect that: the information associated with each is stored in different tables; the schemas of those tables evolve in responses to changes specific to the domain that they manage.
Duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction -- Sandi Metz
This is one of those questions where an answer can become quite long so I'm going to do my best to keep it short. I am no expert in accounting but I have had to implement a lot of it in my career. As such I will be developing one of those generic sub-domains when I have time (one day).
One of my recommendations is not to build classification as a code structure. However, it isn't always easy to identify classification. A "simple" example may be a Customer. We could have a GoldCustomer and SilverCustomer. We could subclass these from an abstract Customer. We have to decide why we are doing this. If, for example, it is to determine that some minimum order amount per period requires and upgrade/downgrade the customer Type in order to qualify for some discount then that can be easily abstracted into its own concept. If the business decides to add PlatinumCustomer or BronzeCustomer then we have to make code changes to inherit from the abstract class. If we rather model that concept as something that can be defined through additional instances (data) then we do not need to have code structures representing those:
public class CustomerDiscount
public int Type { get; }
public decimal MinimumSpend { get; }
public int Period { get; }
public decimal DiscountPercent { get; }
What I am getting at is that a generic subdomain that may be purchased off-the-shelf (as stated by #p|a|x) would not know about any concepts in any other domain but would need to be able to represent the requirement as a set of instances that relate to its domain specific language.
At the heart of it accounting is about an Account that has debits and credits. From there it is a matter of grouping transactions using a Journal and having some form of PostingRule that could represent the breakdown of amounts into transactions. If memory serves Martin Fowler has some accounting bits in his analysis patterns book. Your accounts are also classified using a Chart of Accounts (COA) and sometimes these are standardised (SCOA). These classifications are what make things interesting in that they typically also determine your posting rules.
I am no fan of abstract classes in your domain as they tend to complicate matters but, as mentioned by #p|a|x, there is no reason to avoid them totally. I find abstract classes and inheritance in general are better suited to technical concerns than business domain models. If you have some technical solution to a business bit then you may find them useful. If you do find yourself considering inheritance of any kind try to see if you cannot represent the relationship using some other concept/class.

Domain Driven Design implementation issue between modeling and coding

I am studying hard DDD now. After months of studying, I found a contradiction between modeling and coding. As you know, DDD has the principle of "Domain 1st, Tech 2nd". However, there are "definite" constraints when moving the actual model into the implementation, for example:
Original model:
With the domain concept, posts are associated with multiple comments, and comments are an ordinary model that depends on the post. Moving this into code ...
class Post{
Integer postId;
String title;
String content;
String writer;
Collection<Comment> comments;
class Comment{
String content;
Like this... But if there are hundreds of millions of comments, there will be performance problems. According to the solution I have investigated, finally I change the original model as follows....
Revised model:
Also the code will change...
class Post{
Integer postId;
String title;
String content;
String writer;
class Comment{
Integer postId;
String content;
This revised model works well for me and I am satisfied with the solution. But I feel something inconsistent. It seems that the model is distorting due to technical constraints. If we show the first and second models to the domain experts and talk about the diagram, he or she will better understand the first model.
Am I misunderstanding about DDD concept? If so, give me some advice. Thank you.
One of the changes in mindset that come with Domain Driven Design is that your domain will constantly evolve with changes to your understanding of the domain. It is not just that the domain will evolve, but your understanding and perception about it will evolve, as well.
What you are running into right now, in my opinion, is trying to rationalize the design based on the loading of one or more entities into an aggregate by looking at it from how it is persisted. This common parent and child relationship feels natural, because it is the way that most of us have done things in the past. Even from a DDD perspective, it is easy to get caught up in the "Comments can't exist without Posts" paradigm.
This comes down to the fact that you are modelling based upon data inside of the domain, instead of use cases. Look at it this way... Posts are not simply a collection of Comments. Instead, a Comment refers to a specific Post. The nuance sounds minor, but it has broad-reaching consequences. When modeled in this fashion, it matches your revised model - and it is completely and totally fine. The only thing you need to change is your mindset, being that Comment can be considered an Aggregate, just as a Post is. They both are going to have use cases where the other one must exist, but at the same time, you need to see that you are unlikely to do something where both are impacted as part of the same use case (outside of deletion of the Post).
To illustrate, consider this use case:
As a Writer, I want to be able to edit the Content of my Post.
Your new model actually effectively supports that. Instead of looking at the relationship, you are looking at how the domain is used. Should you load Comments for a Writer to edit? Without knowing your domain, I would still assume that you would not want to do so. There are use cases that will likely involve both Posts and Comments, and that is also fine. Since you have two Aggregates inside of a single Bounded Context, you will be able to support use cases that are solely based on Posts, solely based on Comments, or a combination of both.
In terms of the technical concerns, you mention "hundreds of millions of comments". I assume that you mean system-wide, and not for a single Post? Assume that you have an active post, and that it sees 20k comments in its lifetime. For a properly designed and optimized database, this should still not be an issue. When it becomes an issue, if it ever does, it can be further addressed by additional changes to the technology used, as opposed to changing the domain. You can look at things like caching strategies (outside of the domain, since that is an application concern and not a domain concern), external indexes, eventual consistency, etc.
Highly recommend taking a read through Vaughn Vernon's "Effective Aggregate Design" series of articles, if you have not already:
Effective Aggregate Design
Additionally, his excellent book "Implementing Domain-Driven Design", is a must-read, in my opinion. While the Evans material is essential, it is more like the theoretical concepts; whereas the Vernon material talks about how to put the concepts into practice and what the implications of those decisions are.
As an addendum, like plalx points out in the comments below. None of this is meant to be a generalization about Posts and Comments in general, but explicitly how they apply to your domain, as it has been described to us and what could be inferred from your models. Posts and Comments will likely behave differently for others, because others will have distinct use cases. Even within your own domain, should Posts and/or Comments exist in a different context, they could behave differently. Above all else, try and make sure that everything you add to your domain model (in general) is added because of a specific and direct use case. It is tempting to simply start data modeling, but you will start to find yourself trying to force use cases into the domain model. Domain modeling should not be a finite process, or a single step in the process. Be willing and able to adapt to changes in understanding or changes to the way that the business changes its overall operational strategies over time.
One pitfall I notice about people entering the DDD world is that they visualize their ARs as source of READ operations as well. So, many times they tend to "model" the ARs and its entities/value objects in a way that "appeals" a DTO that is meant to hydrate the UI.
In your case, I would make Post an AR and Comments another AR. Adding a comment shouldn't require to instantiate Post at all. Editing a Post shouldn't require to 'load' the comments at all.
Use an independent mechanism to project your post/comments into a POCO/DTO class that may make sense to have a collection of comments in your post.
Does it make sense?

Naming of domain objects that act like ddd building blocks such as repositories

When comming accross concepts within a Domain Model where there exists something that has a name and sounds like an object but overlaps with the responsiblility of one of the 5 main DDD building blocks what is the best practice for naming this object and or dealing with design which may or may not include that name or phrase in the actual implementation?
To give a more concrete example lets say that we are designing a time tracking application in the spirit of DDD and encounter something that the domain experts refer to as a "time log" which is supposed to be the log which holds punch-in and corresponding punch-out times for all employees.
With this information my initial thought is that if there were a class written called TimeLog which allowed for querying existing time entries and also for persisting new or amended time log entries that such a class is really playing the role of a DDD repository. For simplicity sake, lets assume that after various discussions and refactoring that we come to a conclusion that each time log entry is essentially it's own aggregate root and thus has the need for a corresponding repository.
Now we are left with the option of either naming our repository as TimeLog which seems more in line with the DDD concept of ubiquitous language or we could call it TimeLogEntryRepository which seems to fit the more general convention for naming Repositories after the Aggregate root that they query/persist. I'm leaning more towards the the idea of using TimeLog since it is more descriptive of the actual role that it plays in the domain model which should in turn help in communicating design to domain experts. The choice of using TimeLogEntryRepository on the other hand follows existing DDD conventions and thus would make the design easier to follow for developers. A compromise could also be to go with the TimeLog naming but to have all repositories implement an IRepository interface or inherit from a common Repository base class to help developers locate and distinguish repository classes from others that make up the domain model. The main concern I have with using a base class is that it may encourage the use of marker interfaces or a weak unnecessary base class just for the purpose of organization and not due to behavioral factors.
What is the best practice in cases like this? I can see the same type of issue perhaps happening for services as they are another piece of the typical DDD building blocks that developers typically name using a "Service" suffix such as in SomeComplexActivityService but for Entities and Value Objects this is really a non-issue. I'm especially interested to see what others may have to say that have more DDD experience under their belt.
I personally prefer TimeLog.
It's actually amazing how much easier it becomes once you switch focus to business instead of technology. Proper naming is main weapon to keep that focus sharp.
The same goes for services - instead of ApplicationRegistrationService, I use ApplicationRegistrator.
Here's quite nice article about repositories.
I second #Arnis L. suggestion. I would also add that in respect to DDD your domain should reflect the actual UL (Ubiquitous Language) which you share with business analysist and other people that are often non technical people. So I think that you will talk with them about TimeLog and not TimeLogEntryRepository. Repository is just a pattern and it's name should not be in the naming conventions.

DDD what all terms mean for Joe the plumber who can't afford to read books few times?

I am on a tight schedule with my project so don't have time to read books to understand it.
Just like anything else we can put it in few lines after reading books for few times. So here i need some description about each terms in DDD practices guideline so I can apply them bit at a piece to my project.
I already know terms in general but can't put it in terms with C# Project.
Below are the terms i have so far known out of reading some brief description in relation with C# project. Like What is the purpose of it in C# project.
I am really confused about Infrastructure, Repository and Services
When to use Services and when to use Repository?
Please let me know if anyway i can make this question more clear
I recommend that you read through the Domain-Driven Design Quickly book from infoq, it is short, free in pdf form that you can download right away and does its' best to summarize the concepts presented in Eric Evan's Blue Bible
You didn't specify which language/framework the project you are currently working on is in, if it is a .NET project then take a look at the source code for CodeCampServer for a good example.
There is also a fairly more complicated example named Fohjin.DDD that you can look at (it has a focus on CQRS concepts that may be more than you are looking for)
Steve Bohlen has also given a presentation to an crowd on DDD, you can find the videos from links off of his blog post
I've just posted a blog post which lists these and some other resources as well.
Hopefully some of these resources will help you get started quickly.
This is my understanding and I did NOT read any DDD book, even the holy bible of it.
Services - stateless classes that usually operate on different layer objects, thus helping to decouple them; also to avoid code duplication
Factories - classes that knows how to create objects, thus decouple invoking code from knowing implementation details, making it easier to switch implementations; many factories also help to auto-resolve object dependencies (IoC containers); factories are infrastructure
Repository - interfaces (and corresponding implementations) that narrows data access to the bare minimum that clients should know about
Aggregates - classes that unifies access to several related entities via single interfaces (e.g. order and line items)
Domain Objects - classes that operate purely on domain/business logic, and do not care about persistence, presentation, or other concerns
Infrastructure - classes/layers that glue different objects or layers together; contains the actual implementation details that are not important to real application/user at all (e.g. how data is written to database, how HTTP form is mapped to view models).
Repository provides access to a very specific, usually single, kind of domain object. They emulate collection of objects, to some extent. Services usually operate on very different types of objects, usually accessed via static methods (do not have state), and can perform any operation (e.g. send email, prepare report), while repositories concentrate on CRUD methods.
DDD what all terms mean for Joe the plumber who can’t afford to read books few times?
I would say - not much. Not enough for sure.
I think you're being quite ambitious in trying to apply a new technique to a project that's under such tight deadlines that you can't take the time to study the technique in detail.
At a high level DDD is about decomposing your solution into layers and allocating responsibilities cleanly. If you attempt just to do that in your application you're likely to get some benefit. Later, when you have more time to study, you may discover that you didn't quite follow all the details of the DDD approach - I don't see that as a problem, you proabably already got some benefit of thoughtful structure even if you deviated from some of the DDD guidance.
To specifically answer your question in detail would just mean reiterating material that's already out there: Seems to me that this document nicely summarises the terms you're asking about.
They say about Services:
Some concepts from the domain aren’t
natural to model as objects. Forcing
the required domain functionality to
be the responsibility of an ENTITY or
VALUE either distorts the definition
of a model-based object or adds
meaningless artificial objects.
Therefore: When a significant process
or transformation in the domain is not
a natural responsibility of an ENTITY
or VALUE OBJECT, add an operation to
the model as a standalone interface
declared as a SERVICE.
Now the thing about this kind of wisdom is that to apply it you need to be able to spot when you are "distorting the definition". And I suspect that only with experience (or guidance from someone who is experienced) do you gain the insight to spot such things.
You must expect to experiment with ideas, get it a bit wrong sometimes, then reflect on why your decisions hurt or work. Your goal should not be to do DDD for its own sake, but to produce good software. When you find it cumbersome to implement something, or difficult to maintain something think about why this is, then examine what you did in the light of DDD advice. At that point you may say "Oh, if I had made that a Service, the Model would be so nmuch cleaner", or whatever.
You may find it helpful to read an example.:

data access in DDD?

After reading Evan's and Nilsson's books I am still not sure how to manage Data access in a domain driven project. Should the CRUD methods be part of the repositories, i.e. OrderRepository.GetOrdersByCustomer(customer) or should they be part of the entities: Customer.GetOrders(). The latter approach seems more OO, but it will distribute Data Access for a single entity type among multiple objects, i.e. Customer.GetOrders(), Invoice.GetOrders(), ShipmentBatch.GetOrders() ,etc. What about Inserting and updating?
CRUD-ish methods should be part of the Repository...ish. But I think you should ask why you have a bunch of CRUD methods. What do they really do? What are they really for? If you actually call out the data access patterns your application uses I think it makes the repository a lot more useful and keeps you from having to do shotgun surgery when certain types of changes happen to your domain.
// or
GetCustomer(new HaventPaidBillSpecification())
// is better than
foreach (var customer in GetCustomer()) {
/* logic leaking all over the floor */
"Save" type methods should also be part of the repository.
If you have aggregate roots, this keeps you from having a Repository explosion, or having logic spread out all over: You don't have 4 x # of entities data access patterns, just the ones you actually use on the aggregate roots.
That's my $.02.
DDD usually prefers the repository pattern over the active record pattern you hint at with Customer.Save.
One downside in the Active Record model is that it pretty much presumes a single persistence model, barring some particularly intrusive code (in most languages).
The repository interface is defined in the domain layer, but doesn't know whether your data is stored in a database or not. With the repository pattern, I can create an InMemoryRepository so that I can test domain logic in isolation, and use dependency injection in the application to have the service layer instantiate a SqlRepository, for example.
To many people, having a special repository just for testing sounds goofy, but if you use the repository model, you may find that you don't really need a database for your particular application; sometimes a simple FileRepository will do the trick. Wedding to yourself to a database before you know you need it is potentially limiting. Even if a database is necessary, it's a lot faster to run tests against an InMemoryRepository.
If you don't have much in the way of domain logic, you probably don't need DDD. ActiveRecord is quite suitable for a lot of problems, especially if you have mostly data and just a little bit of logic.
Let's step back for a second. Evans recommends that repositories return aggregate roots and not just entities. So assuming that your Customer is an aggregate root that includes Orders, then when you fetched the customer from its repository, the orders came along with it. You would access the orders by navigating the relationship from Customer to Orders.
So to answer your question, CRUD operations are present on aggregate root repositories.
I've done it both ways you are talking about, My preferred approach now is the persistent ignorant (or PONO -- Plain Ole' .Net Object) method where your domain classes are only worried about being domain classes. They do not know anything about how they are persisted or even if they are persisted. Of course you have to be pragmatic about this at times and allow for things such as an Id (but even then I just use a layer super type which has the Id so I can have a single point where things like default value live)
The main reason for this is that I strive to follow the principle of Single Responsibility. By following this principle I've found my code much more testable and maintainable. It's also much easier to make changes when they are needed since I only have one thing to think about.
One thing to be watchful of is the method bloat that repositories can suffer from. GetOrderbyCustomer.. GetAllOrders.. GetOrders30DaysOld.. etc etc. One good solution to this problem is to look at the Query Object pattern. And then your repositories can just take in a query object to execute.
I'd also strongly recommend looking into something like NHibernate. It includes a lot of the concepts that make Repositories so useful (Identity Map, Cache, Query objects..)
Even in a DDD, I would keep Data Access classes and routines separate from Entities.
Reasons are,
Testability improves
Separation of concerns and Modular design
More maintainable in the long run, as you add entities, routines
I am no expert, just my opinion.
The annoying thing with Nilsson's Applying DDD&P is that he always starts with "I wouldn't do that in a real-world-application but..." and then his example follows. Back to the topic: I think OrderRepository.GetOrdersByCustomer(customer) is the way to go, but there is also a discussion on the ALT.Net Mailing list ( about DDD.
