How to implement an asynchronous timer on a *nix system using pthreads - multithreading

I have 2 questions :
Q1) Can i implement an asynchronous timer in a single threaded application i.e i want a functionality like this.
Timer mytimer(5,timeOutHandler)
.... //this thread is doing some other task
and after 5 seconds, the timeOutHandler function is invoked.
As far as i can think this cannot be done for a single threaded application(correct me if i am wrong). I don't know if it can be done using select as the demultiplexer, but even if select could be used, the event loop would require one thread ? Isn't it ?
I also want to know whether i can implement a timer(not timeout) using select.
Select only waits on set of file descriptors, but i want to have a list of timers in ascending order of their expiry timeouts and want select to tell me when the first timer expires and so on. So the question boils down to can a asynchronous timer be implemented using select/poll or some other event demultiplexer ?
Q2) Now lets come to my second question. This is my main question.
Now i am using a dedicated thread for checking timeouts i.e i have a min heap of timers(expiry times) and this thread sleeps till the first timer expires and then invokes the callback.
i.e code looks something like this
lock the mutex
check the time of the first timer
condition timed wait for that time(and wake up if some other thread inserts a timer with expiry time less than the first timer) Condition wait unlocks the lock.
After the condition wait ends we have the lock. So unlock it, remove the timer from the heap and invoke the callback function.
go to 1
I want the time complexity of such asynchronous timer. From what i see
Insertion is lg(n)
Expiry is lg(n)
:( this is what makes me dizzy ) the problem is that i have a min heap of timers according to their times and when i insert a timer i get a unique id. So when i need to cancel the timer, i need to provide this timer id and searching for this timer id in the heap would take in the worst case O(n)
Am i wrong ?
Can cancellation be done in O(lg n)
Please do take care of some multithreading issues. I would elaborate on what i mean by my previous sentence once i get some responses.

It's definitely possible (and usually preferable) to implement timers using a single thread, if we can assume that the thread will be spending most of its time blocking in select().
You could check out using signal() and SIGALRM to implement the functionality under POSIX, but I'd recommend against it (Unix signals are ugly hacks, and when the signal callback function runs there is very little that you can do inside it safely, since it is running asynchronously to your app thread)
Your idea about using select()'s timeout to implement your timer functionality is a good one -- that is a very common technique and it works well. Basically you keep a list of pending/upcoming events that is sorted by timestamp, and just before you call select() you subtract the current time from the first timestamp in the list, and pass in that time-delta as the timeout value to select(). (note: if the time-delta is negative, pass in zero as the timeout value!) When select() returns, you compare the current time with the time of the first item in the list; if the current time is greater than or equal to the event time, handle the timer-event, pop the first item off the head of the list, and repeat.
As for efficiency, your big-O times will depend entirely on the data structure you use to store your ordered list of timers. If you use a priority queue (or a similar ordered tree type structure) you can have O(log N) times for all of your operations. You can even go further and store the events-list in both a hash table (keyed on the event IDs) and a linked list (sorted by time stamp), and that can give you O(1) times for all operations. O(log N) is probably sufficiently efficient though, unless you plan to have a really large number of events pending at once.

man pthread_cond_timedwait
man pthread_cond_signal

If you are a windows App, you can trigger a WM_TIMER message to be sent to you at some point in the future, which will work even if your app is single threaded. However, the accuracy of the timing will not be great.
If your app runs in a constant loop (like a game, rendering at 60Hz), you can simply check each time around the loop to see if triggered events need to be called.
If you want your app to basically be interrupted, your function to be called, then execution to return to where it was, then you may be out of luck.

If you're using C#, System.Timers.Timer will do what you want. You specify an event handler method that the timer calls when it expires, which can be in the class that you invoke the timer from. Note that when the timer calls the event handler, it will do it on a separate thread, which you need to take into account if you're updating the user interface, or use its SynchronizingObject property to run it on the UI thread.


Is there a way to make time pass faster in linux

I'm not quite sure how timekeeping works in linux short of configuring an NTP server and such.
I am wondering if there is a way for me to make time tick faster in linux. I would like for example for 1 second to tick 10000 times faster than normal.
For clarification I don't want to make time jump like resetting a clock, I would like to increase the tick rate whatever it may be.
This is often needed functionality for simulations and replaying incoming data or events as fast as possible.
The way people solve this issue is that they have an event loop, e.g. libevent or boost::asio. The current time is obtained from the event loop (e.g. the time when epoll has returned) and stored in the event loop variable current time. Instead of using gettimeofday or clock_gettime the time is read from that current time variable. All timers are driven by the event loop current time.
When simulating/replaying, the event loop current time gets assigned the timestamp of the next event, hence eliminating time durations between the events and replaying the events as fast as possible. And your timers still work and fire in between the events as they would in the real-time but without the delays. For this to work your saved event stream that your replay must contain a timestamp of each event, of course.

locking between 2 user threads

I have a main thread that creates/destroys objects. Let's name the object 'f'.
Now, every time this object is created it is added to the tailqueue of another object - say 'mi' . conversely when this object is deleted.
Now, there is another thread that runs every second, that tries to gather say statistics for this object 'f'. So it basically walks through all the max possible instance of 'mi' (say 2048)and then for each such 'mi', it gathers all the 'f' objects attached to it, sends a cmd down to the lower layer which emits some values corresponding to these objects. Now it must update the corresponding 'f' objects with these values.
Now the concern is what IF one of these 'f' objects gets deleted by the main thread while this walk is happening every 1s ?
Intuitively one would think of having a lock at the 'mi' level that is acquired before beginning the walk and released post the walk /update of all the 'f' objects belonging to a particular instance of 'mi', correct?
But the only hitch with this is that there could be 10,000's and even millions of 'f' objects tied to this instance of 'mi'.
The other requirement being that the main thread performance of creating/destroying these 'f' objects should be high i.e at the rate of atleast 10000 objects per second....
So given that, i'm not sure if it's feasible to have this per 'mi' object lock? Or am i overestimating the side effects of lock contention?
Any other ideas ?
Now the concern is what IF one of these 'f' objects gets deleted by
the main thread while this walk is happening every 1s ?
If an f object gets deleted while the other thread is trying to use it, undefined behavior will be invoked and you will probably end up spending some hours debugging your program to try to figure out why it is occasionally crashing. :) The trick is to make sure that you never delete any f while the other thread might be using it -- typically that would mean that your main thread needs to lock the mi's mutex before removing the f from its queue -- once the f is no longer in the queue, you can release the mutex before deleting the f if you want to, since at that point the other thread will not be able to access the f anyway.
i'm not sure if it's feasible to have this per 'mi' object lock?
It's feasible, as long as you don't mind your main thread occasionally getting held off (i.e. blocked waiting in a mutex::lock() method-call) until your other thread finishes iterating through the mi's queue and releases the mutex. Whether that holdoff-time is acceptable or not will depend on what the latency requirements of your main thread are (e.g. if it's generating a report, then being blocked for some number of milliseconds is no problem; OTOH if it is operating the control surfaces on a rocket in flight, being blocked for any length of time is unacceptable)
Any other ideas ?
My first idea is to get rid of the second thread entirely -- just have main thread call the statistics-collection function directly once per second, instead. Then you don't have to worry about mutexes or mutex-contention at all. This does mean that your main thread won't be able to perform its primary function during the time it is running the statistics-collection function, but at least now its "down time" is predictable rather than being a random function of which mi objects the two threads happen to try to lock/access at any given instant.
If that's no good (i.e. you can't tolerate any significant hold-off time whatsoever), another approach would be to use a message-passing paradigm rather than a shared-data paradigm. That is, instead of allowing both threads direct access the same set of mi's, use a message-queue of some sort so that the main thread can take a mi out of service and send it over to the second thread for statistics-gathering purposes. The second thread would then scan/update it as usual, and when it's done, pass it back (via a second message-queue) to the primary thread, which would put it back into service. You could periodically do this with various mi's to keep statistics updated on each of them without every requiring shared access to any of them. (This only works if your main thread can afford to go without access to certain mi's for short periods, though)

Synchronized calls across different computers

I have three Linux boxes, each running my program.
The program needs to call a certain callback at regular intervals, and each call must happen at the exact same time across the three boxes. I don't need any other synchronization except for the calls.
If it helps, the three boxes have their clocks synchronized by NTP (one of the boxes is the master).
Is there a way to accomplish this with good precision? Preferably non Linux specific. To make things simple, the callback must be called each N ms even if a previous call hasn't completed yet.
How about you send a request to execute the function far enough ahead of time including a timestamp when the function should be executed? The receiving application would sleep/wait the remaining time (some time is lost due to latency), then execute the function at the precise timestamp you requested.
If the called function itself takes longer than your interval, you should probably consider using threads. If the function executes quickly but transfer of the results takes longer then you should get away with something like select() without additional threads.

Multithreading Task Library, Threading.Timer or threads?

Hi we are building an application that will have the possibility to register scheduled tasks.
Each task has an time interval when it should be executed
Each task should have an timeout
The amount of tasks can be infinite but around 100 in normal cases.
So we have an list of tasks that need to be executed in intervals, which are the best solution?
I have looked at giving each task their timer and when the timer elapses the work will be started, another timer keeps tracks on the timeout so if the timeout is reached the other timer stops the thread.
This feels like we are overusing timers? Or could it work?
Another solution is to use timers for each task, but when the time elapses we are putting the task on a queue that will be read with some threads that executes the work?
Any other good solutions I should look for?
There is not too much information but it looks like that you can consider RX as well - check more at
You can think about your tasks as generated events which should be composed (scheduled) in some way. So you can do the following:
Spawn cancellable tasks with Observable.GenerateWithDisposable and your own Scheduler - check more at Rx 101 Sample
Delay tasks with Observable.Delay
Wait for tasks with 'Observable.Timeout
Compose tasks in any preferable way
Once again you can check more at specified above links.
You should check out Quartz.NET.
Quartz.NET is a full-featured, open
source job scheduling system that can
be used from smallest apps to large
scale enterprise systems.
I believe you would need to implement your timeout requirement by yourself but all the plumbing needed to schedule tasks could be handled by Quartz.NET.
I have done something like this before where there were a lot of socket objects that needed periodic starts and timeouts. I used a 'TimedAction' class with 'OnStart' and 'OnTimeout' events, (socket classes etc. derived from this), and one thread that handled all the timed actions. The thread maintained a list of TimedAction instances ordered by the tick time of the next action required, (delta queue). The TimedAction objects were added to the list by queueing them to the thread input queue. The thread waitied on this input queue with a timeout, (this was Windows, so 'WaitForSingleObject' on the handle of the semaphore that managed the queue), set to the 'next action required' tick count of the first item in the list. If the queue wait timed out, the relevant action event of the first item in the list was called and the item removed from the list - the next queue wait would then be set by the new 'first item in the list', which would contain the new 'nearest action time'. If a new TimedAction arrived on the queue, the thread calculated its timeout tick time, (GetTickCount + ms interval from the object), and inserted it in the sorted list at the correct place, (yes, this sometimes meant moving a lot of objects up the list to make space).
The events called by the timeout handler thread could not take any lengthy actions in order to prevent delays to the handling of other timeouts. Typically, the event handlers would set some status enumeration, signal some synchro object or queue the TimedAction to some other P-C queue or IO completion port.
Does that make sense? It worked OK, processing thousands of timed actions in my server in a reasonably timely and efficient manner.
One enhancement I planned to make was to use multiple lists with a restricted set of timeout intervals. There were only three const timeout intervals used in my system, so I could get away with using three lists, one for each interval. This would mean that the lists would not need sorting explicitly - new TimedActions would always go to the end of their list. This would eliminate costly insertion of objects in the middle of the list/s. I never got around to doing this as my first design worked well enough and I had plenty other bugs to fix :(
Two things:
Beware 32-bit tickCount rollover.
You need a loop in the queue timeout block - there may be items on the list with exactly the same, or near-same, timeout tick count. Once the queue timeout happens, you need to remove from the list and fire the events of every object until the newly claculated timeout time is >0. I fell foul of this one. Two objects with equal timeout tick count arrived at the head of the list. One got its events fired, but the system tick count had moved on and so the calcualted timeout tick for the next object was -1: INFINITE! My server stopped working properly and eventually locked up :(

Node.JS: setTimeout that does not keep the process running

I would like to add a one hour timeout to this process so that it will not stay forever in the case of a stream deadlock. The only problem is if I say setTimeout, the process has no opportunity to end ahead of schedule.
Is there a way to put in a forced exit timeout after about an hour, without keeping the process running? Or am I stuck between using process.exit and doing without this timeout?
I don't know when unref was added to Node but this is now one possible solution. Reusing Matt's code:
var timeoutId = setTimeout(callback, 3600000);
timeoutId.unref(); // Now, Node won't wait for this timeout to complete if it needs to exit earlier.
The doc says:
In the case of setTimeout when you unref you create a separate timer that will wakeup the event loop, creating too many of these may adversely effect event loop performance -- use wisely.
Don't go hog wild with it.
If you save the value returned by setTimeout you can always cancel it before it fires with clearTimeout, like this:
var timeoutId = setTimeout(callback, 3600000); // 1 hour
// later, before an hour has passed
Possible Solution using a new feature that was implemented as process.watchers(), but I don't know whether it was included in a released version yet. The pull request is still open as of this post.
But generally speaking, you would write a custom setTimeout function that add all timeouts to a counter, and right before the timeouts to the callback, it would remove from the counter.
Then create an ongoing interval, and the interval would check and notice when all the walkers are just timeouts set by your custom function.
When it notices this, it would (clear all of its those timeouts, causing an) exit.
This of course is not great, because
The concept is not proven. (I do not know what kind of data will be returned by process.watchers(), or if it even works yet)
The interval is a polling method. (not nice if you want immediate return at the same time as low CPU usage)
