Has anyone been able to use a SubSonic generated collection as a "business object datasource" with Microsoft report (rdlc)? I have generated the SubSonic class code but for some reason the report datasource window is not seeing the class as a potential object collection datasource.
Is there something I need to do for this to work?
Thanks in advance...vsdotnetguy
I have loaded Reporting Service reports from business objects before (loaded via NHibernate -- which isn't exact but close enough for argument sake).
Couple of key points:
1. return your objects in List, even if you are only returning one object.
2. You want FLAT business objects. You might have to go thru a DTO transformation to get that. By flat, I mean the most complex property you can have in a business object is a string and a number (int, decimal, double). If you are expecting to grab a value like this:
myObject.Customer.Name, forget it. Create a CustomerName property.
3. If you need data from multiple places try to break up your reports into subreports. You key off of the datasource key to figure out what data to return to the report.
I'll add more as I remember, it has been a few months since I've done this.
Yes I've done it, you should only need to make sure the project containing your reports references your SubSonic project (obviously :).
Sometimes I've also found that Visual Studio can get a little borked and require a restart before repopulating the datasource window with SubSonic generated objects.
Thx Chris and Adam,
Here is the answer I found.
In my case I wanted to dynamically set the main and subreport datasources at run time using the SubSonic object collections. However, I also wanted to design the report layout using drag and drop of the datasource columns.
But I was unable to design the report using drag&drop because none of my SubSonic collections were showing up in the Website Data Sources.
However, later while I was doing some control binding using the ObjectDataSource control, I noticed that NOW my SubSonic collections were showing up in the Website DataSources window and I could drag and drop the report layout.
So if you are dynamically setting the report datasources at run time and ARE NOT using the ObjectDataSource control already in your project, you MUST add a dummy ObjectDataSource control to one of your aspx pages. This will then make the business object datasources show up in the report designer.
The current CRM UI allows you to create relatively complex queries which you can even extend further with tools like FetchXML Builder.
However, when we get to select the columns in the View layout, the interface provides access only to the first direct related set of entities and does not navigate further down.
There are many cases where the column you want to include in the View is just "two-clicks" away and you cannot include it because is "too far". To make things worse, the FetchXML Builder allows you to re-write the join but it does not allow you change the the columns layout you started with when you opened the View initially. IOW, you can modify the query logic but you cannot include additional columns as required.
One possible solution would be to edit the solution directly and inject the FetchXML directly (I have not tried this though) but I would like to listen to the community opinion first or to other possible solution.
Regards and thank you for taking your time.
Unfortunately this is a long existing limitation. There is no supported customization workaround to circumvent this other than building a Fetchxml report or Power BI report to embed with the necessary layout.
From documentation:
You can include columns from the current entity or any of the related entities that have a 1:N entity relationship with the current entity.
You can tweak the layoutxml of any view, but still it has to be in supported zone to avoid failures.
In my application, i would like to replace a viewpanel with a repeat control.
However, part of the functionality is there is a UI aspect that allows users to select certain fields (that correspond to the view), and only display the documents that match. The view is doing a filter that allows users to select aspects of the view to create a search (the code is under search of the view) that allows the view panel to be updated with the results of the search.
one of the things that is curious is that the viewpanel has a value of "#{javascript:view2}" vice an actual view name.
The viewpanel defines the search view and the ...
I'd like to be able to apply that same functionality to the repeat control. I don't see those attributes on the repeat control... Any pointers? Its been a while since i've worked with xpages... long enough that I've forgotten a lot already....
Read this blog post I did a while back, it should explain what you need.
The view panel doesn't filter anything, it just displays rows from a datasource, same as a repeat control. Indeed you can add components to a ViewPanel's column, pulling from the current row by adding a var property to the dominoView datasource.
The view is bound to #{javascript:view2} (which would be better done by binding to #{view2} - there's no need to call SSJS here). view2 is a dominoView datasource somewhere on your page. The datasource is a wrapper that has properties to capture the settings for filtering and searching that you want to do. At runtime, they are calculated and changes the ViewEntries in the datasource.
Finally there's is the underlying Domino View object available also to LotusScript. This holds and will always hold all entries. The dominoView datasource queries that using the filtering and searching properties and retrieves a ViewEntryCollection or a ViewNavigator.
So whether you use a View Panel, Repeat Control, Data View or whatever else, those are just components to visually represent a collection of ViewEntries or Documents. All can be bound to a dominoView datasource. Where repeat controls and Data Views give you extra power is you can bind them to any kind of collection, not just a dominoView datasource (e.g. DocumentCollection, ViewEntryCollection, multi-value field, Java collection, etc).
I often find that doing the searches in Java and then passing the results to the repeat as a List work better and allow more options. I can get all the information I need in Java and load that into a Map or Tree. This gives me the ability to do custom sorting in the Java class and also to combine data from other views/databases easily. Since the data is now in memory it gets reloaded fast. The only thing you have to watch for is the size of the data. If you have a view with many entries (10K?) you might not want to load everything into memory...
I'm not sure if you've found a solution yet, but consider using jQuery dataTables. Oliver Busse wrote a very detailed blog post about integrating dataTables into XPages.
To get the specific formatting, I used a repeat control to include the "td", "tr" and "thead" attributes Oliver listed in his blog post.
Is it possible to associate a view with different documents (not simultaneously of course)?
What I want to achieve: the application can have multiple documents of the same type, that can be added during runtime, and set of suitable views, the main of which is CFormview-based. The user can choose the number of the document to show per combobox in the toolbar. The views then associate themselves with this document and update with data from it.
Is it possible to achieve with CMultiDocTemplate?
If yes, how? especially is it possible to retrieve a document by it order number?
If not I'll probably have to abstain from using the templates altogether, which of course means more coding (and more questions to friendly community), but it will do what I want it to do and not Microsoft thought I should be doing
Yes, you could but not out of the 'box'. Instead I'd recommend a different strategy. Rather than trying to attach a View to an existing CDocument derived class LOAD the Views CDocument with the information you want. That could done by adding a simple Copy method to the CDocument or you could move your actual data into a separate class then just point the CDocument to 'data' you want.
Trying to change the CDocument instance for a CView is going against the MFC grain which normally means lot of ASSERTS.
I am trying to write an application which accesses Notes databases through the C API, this works so far as I can get the list (summary info) of the notes in a view or folder with NIFOpenCollection() and NIFReadEntries().
However, this will return the notes in a seemingly arbitrary order. How can I retrieve all notes in a view or folder, sorted by a specific column? NIFSetCollation() doesn't seem to help with that, as it only allows to specify a collation/order which is already defined in the template(?).
The collation has to have been previously defined in the design of the NSF file that you are accessing. I.e., NIFSetCollation should work, but you have to have laid the groundwork for it first. Normally, one would do this by using Domino Designer to set up the column sorting for the views that your code is accessing. It would be far more ambitious to try to actually write code to set up the collation in the view from scratch.
(BTW: A template is a separate file, usually an NTF, from which an NSF can inherit design elements, including column sorting for views. But this is not a runtime relationship as far as your code will be concerned. Templates are not relevant here.)
I have a strange thing, I'm using dynamic field binding in a custom control.
The field binding is created like this.
XPage (Datasource "document" is placed here)
Custom Control (String passed in)
(to get errors if there are any)
Repeat (CompositeData is passed to a bean that returns the strings for Rows,columns)
Repeat (repeat 1 variable used for Columns)
Custom Control (fieldname is passed in)
field binding is done like this
The problem is that when I save the XPage I get an error in the messages control
Document has been saved by another user - Save created a new document as a response to that modified document.
And all fields are cleared.
Any ideas how to debug this or is there something I'm missing?
The "Document has been saved by another user" error is only tip of the iceberg - there are some really strange problems with reapeats that repeats fields that are bound and repeatControls property is set to false. The decoding part of xpages lifecycle cannot handle it properly - the controls will be losing data. You should use repeatControls set to true as Martin suggests.
"Repeat control variable doesn't exists" is probably caused by the property that removes repeats set to true. You can solve this by either changing it to false or by adding additional data context that will keep repeated value.
And finally for this to have add/remove functionality You can use Dynamic Content Control and show(null) hack to rebuild the repeat content.
To manage this complexity better I would advise You to stop using document data source and start creating some managed beans.
If You will follow my suggestions I guarantee that You will get the functionality You are looking for as I have few apps that works great and have this kind of complex data editors in them.
I don't know if it'll help you, but I pass both the document datasource and the field name as parameters to a DynamicField control, and use it like this:
The type of the datasource is com.ibm.xsp.model.DataSource, it's listed as dataInterface under Data Sources.
Do you have repeatControls="true" set for the repeat control?
It sounds like you've got the datasource defined multiple times on the XPage (plus custom controls). Either that or the save button has save="true" but the code saves the document back-end, or code in multiple places saves the same document. I've used the same method of passing the datasource down to the custom control, but that may just be because that was what I saw on a blog.