Does CouchDB support unqiue key constraint? - couchdb

I come from a RDBMS background, and I have an application here which requires good scalability and low latency. I want to give CouchDB a try. However, I need to detect when a particular INSERT operation fails due to a unique key constraint. Does CouchDB support this? I took a look at the docs, but I could not come across anything relevant.

The _id for each document is unique (within the same database), but there are no constraints for other fields in the document.
Particularly, there are no constraints that run across two or more documents.
You can set up validation documents to set up validation rules for documents, but again they are on a document by document basis.

As the above poster says, there are no constraints for other fields than the document _id. The _id can be automatically generated by couchdb or you can create your own. (for my purposes I have created my own as I knew I could guarantee the key's uniqueness).
At the lowest API level, if you attempt a PUT request of an existing document id, it will be rejected with a HTTP 409 error - unless you supply the correct revision (_rev property) of the existing document.
I wouldn't run anything mission-critical with couchdb but the code is out of Apache incubation and quite functional. A number of people are running websites with it.


MongoDB, how to manage user related records

I'm currently trying to learn Node.js and Mongoodb by building the server side of a web application which should manage insurance documents for the insurance agent.
So let's say i'm the user, I sign in, then I start to add my customers and their insurances.
So I have 2 collection related, Customers and Insurances.
I have one more collection to store the users login data, let's call it Users.
I don't want the new users to see and modify the customers and the insurances of other users.
How can I "divide" every user related record, so that each user can work only with his data?
I figured out I can actually add to every record, the _id of the one user who created the record.
For example I login as myself, I got my Id "001", I could add one field with this value in every customer and insurance.
In that way I could filter every query with this code.
Would it be a good idea? In my opinion this filtering is a waste of processing power for mongoDB.
If someone has any idea of a solution, or even a link to an article about it, it would be helpful.
Thank you.
This is more a general permissions problem than just a MongoDB question. Also, without knowing more about your schemas it's hard to give specific advice.
However, here are some approaches:
1) Embed sub-documents
Since MongoDB is a document store allowing you to store arbitrary JSON-like objects, you could simply store the customers and licenses wholly inside each user object. That way querying for a user would return their customers and licenses as well.
2) Denormalise
Common practice for NoSQL databases is to denormalise related data (ie. duplicate the data). This might include embedding a sub-document that is a partial representation of your customers/licenses/whatever inside your user document. This has the similar benefit to the above solution in that it eliminates additional queries for sub-documents. It also has the same drawbacks of requiring more care to be taken for preserving data integrity.
3) Reference with foreign key
This is a more traditionally relational approach, and is basically what you're suggesting in your question. Depending on whether you want the reference to be bi-directional (both documents reference each other) or uni-directional (one document references the other) you can either store the user's ID as a foreign user_id field, or store an array of customer_ids and insurance_ids in the user document. In relational parlance this is sometimes described to as "has many" or "belongs to" (the user has many customers, the customer belongs to a user).

In cosmosdb, should I reference other documents using id, resource id, or self link?

I'm working on designing my CosmosDB collections and deciding what I will and won't nest in a single document, etc. There's no way around it, though - there will be scenarios where I need to reference documents from one collection within another.
I see that in CosmosDB there are several ways to identify a document - id, resource id and self link. It looks like id is enforced to be unique and can either be set by server or to whatever you want it to be. Next, it looks like resource id is always auto generated by the server and is guaranteed to be unique as well. Last, it looks like self link is built up using the id of the database, collection and document, meaning it'll also be unique. I see three different unique keys, all having their own uses and semantics.
Which one should I use internally when referencing other documents?
What about referencing documents in different collections - would resource id or self link be more "universal identifier" than just id?
DO use natural key for id values, if possible.
DO use id for cross-document references.
DO use names for collection/database references.
DO NOT use _rid or _selflink when you need a reliable long-term reference.
Why not use _rid/selflink?
_rid - system-assigned identity in Comsos DB inner storage. It value is stable as long as document does not move in storage but it will change whenever document is recreated in storage.
_selflink - system-assigned identity similar to _rid, but in addition to _rid it includes similar resource sub-keys for the Cosmos DB database and collection the document is in. So it is a reference to the document from the account level.
First, most likely _rid/_selflink have the potential to be slightly more performant as they are closer to actual data. Though in 99% of situations it should be negligible.
On the downside, _rid/_selflink will change when you move your documents for whatever reason. E.g.,:
backup and restore
delete document and recreate this with exactly the same data
rename Cosmos DB database/collection (currently achieved by creating new and moving data)
recreate collection to get some new feature not applicable to existing collections
refactor collections structure by moving document types (for business/performance or security concerns)
Should this happen, you would be in a world of pain to discover and fix all references from within your data documents. Ouch. That's fragile and cumbersome assuming you have lots of documents and non-trivial models.
Also, if you look at Microsoft API clients (e.g., the C# client), then the comfortable path is nowadays is to work with database/collection names and ids. Don't fight it. You'll just make your code uglier and you own life harder than intended.
Using them for temporary ad-hoc identities is ok though.
Why id?
id is user-assigned key to a document with uniqueness guarantee within a partition.
It is optimized for retrieval in API and perf-wise = faster to develop, better performance.
It can be set to a natural key - human-readable and business-wise meaningful without loading the referenced document. = fewer lookups, less confusion, fewer RU/s.
It is part of the user data and will never change when you move your documents around = predictable behavior, fewer bad surprises during disaster recovery.
The only caveat is that, as always with user-given identities, you have to plan a bit to be sure the identity range really is unique enough for your needs. Your app can always set stricter uniqueness properties (though they would not be enforced by Cosmos DB) or if you need ultimate uniqueness, then use Guids.
What about containers?
Same arguments apply to containers/databases.
The id is only unique within the document partition. You could have as many documents with the same id as long as they have a different partition key values.
The _rid is indeed unique and it's the best form of identification for a document. You can achieve the same by using the id and also providing the partition key value if your collection is partitioned.
There are two different types of reading a document directly without querying for it.
Using its self link which looks like this dbs/db_resourceid/colls/coll_resourceid/documents/doc_resourceid and uses the _rid values
Using its alternative link which looks like this dbs/db_id/colls/coll_id/documents/doc_id which uses the id
The safest form of document identification you can use is the one that uses the _rids.
In both of your questions, you should go with the self link.

Combine CouchDB databases with replication while recording source db

I’m just starting out with CouchDB (2.1), and I’m planning to use it to replicate confidential per-user data from a mobile app up to my server. I’ve read that per-user databases are the best way to do this, and I’ve set that up. Each database has a mix of user-created documents of types Foo and Bar.
Now, I’d also like to be able to collect multi-user slices of that data together into one database and build views on it for admin reporting. Say I want a database which contains all the Foos from all users. So far so good, an entry in _replicator with a filter from each user database to one target does the job.
But looking at the combined database, I can’t tell which user a given Foo came from. I could write the user id into each document within the per-user database but that seems redundant and adds the complexity of validation. Is there any other way?
CouchDB's replicator simply tries to match up the exact state of a given document in the target database — and if it can't, it stores ± the exact source contents anyway (as a conflicting version).
Furthermore the _rev field of a document, which the replication system uses to check if a document needs to be updated, is actually based on (a hash over) the other document fields.
So unfortunately you can't add metadata during replication. This would indeed be handy for this and other per-user vs. shared replication situations, but it's not something CouchDB currently supports, and it would break some optimizations to add support for it.
I could write the user id into each document within the per-user database but that seems redundant and adds the complexity of validation. Is there any other way?
Including something like a .user field in each document is the right solution.
As far as being redundant, I wouldn't think of it that way — or at least, not as a bad thing. You'll find with CouchDB (and like other NoSQL stores) there's a trend to "denormalize" data to begin with. Especially given the things replication lets me do operationally and architecturally, I'd much rather have a self-contained document than one that relies on metadata derived from a database name.
I'm not sure exactly how in your case an extra field will make validation more complex, so I can't fully speak to that. You do want to make sure the user writing the document has set it "honestly", and so yes there is a bit more complication, but usually not too burdensome in most cases.

MongoDB: Architecture and security best-practices

Assuming we build a web page that features some sort of profile page for users, then every user is supposed to be identified by use of a unique id. In MongoDB this is most likely the _id column of a document. When handling the link to a users profile, I don't feel comfortable exposing an actual database ID in the weblink, such as
Instead, I'd like to introduce a shorter identifier, as can also be seen on youtube where every video has a unique 10 digit alphanumeric code.
My question now is:
1) From a security point of view: is it worth hiding the actual ID of a document from public or does it in fact not enhancing system security?
2) I am expecting performance drawbacks by using my own identifier, as the native _ID of MongoDB is most likely indexed and "optimized", whereas my identifier always requires some sort of data mapping or additional indexing. What is your experience? Is there any documented difference in using a native index and a manually created one for MongoDB?
1) From a security point of view: is it worth hiding the actual ID of a document from public or does it in fact not enhancing system security?
Usually an attacker should not have any benefit from knowing ObjectID's. That means unless you build some security vulnerability in your application which can be exploited by knowing an ID.
Another thing you need to be aware is that ObjectID's are not entirely random. They also leak a machine identifier, the process-id of the process which generated it and the date and time the ID was generated. See the documentation for more information. None of that information is really security-critical (although creation-time is something you might not want to reveal in some cases), but might be valuable information for an attacker trying to exploit some other vulnerability of your system.
That means hiding ObjectsIDs as part of a defense in depth strategy can be useful, but it is only security through obscurity. Do not expect ObjectIDs to be secret.
2) I am expecting performance drawbacks by using my own identifier, as the native _ID of MongoDB is most likely indexed and "optimized", whereas my identifier always requires some sort of data mapping or additional indexing.
Did you know that your _id values don't need to be an ObjectID? You can use any value of any type you want as long as it is unique on collection level. So if your data already has an unique identifier, you can use that as _id and save some bytes and an index. To do this, simply set the _id field of a document to the desired value before you insert it into the database.
If you want to retain the _id:ObjectID pattern, you can just create an unique index on your application-specific ID field. You now have at least two indexes which are updated on every insert, but the performance penalty for this should not be very severe unless your application is very write-heavy (which would be unusual in the context of web application).
By the way: The URL is not very search-engine friendly. It would be better to have URLs like They are more readable for both search engines and human users.

How to selectively replicate private and shared portions of a CouchDB database?

We're looking into using CouchDB/CouchCocoa to replicate data to our mobile app.
Our system has a large number of users. Part of the database is private to each user -- for example their tasks. These I've been able to replicate without problem using filtered replication.
Here's the catch... The database also includes shared information only some of which pertains to a given user. How do I selectively replicate that shared information? For example a user's task might reference specific shared documents. Is there a way to make sure those documents are included in the replication without including all the shared documents?
From the documentation it seems that adding doc_ids to the replication (or adding another replication with those doc ids) might be one solution. Has any one tried this? Are there other solutions?
EDIT: Given the number of users it seems impractical to tag each shared document with all the users sharing it but perhaps that's the only way to do this?
Final solution mostly depends on your documents structure, but currently I see two use-cases:
As you keep everything within single database, probably you have some fields set to recognize, that document is shared or document is private, right? Example:
owner: "Mike"
participants: [] // if there is nobody mentioned, document looks like as private(?)
So you just need some filter that would handle only private documents and only shared ones: by tags, number of participants, references or somehow.
Also, if you need to replicate some documents only for specific user (e.g. only for Mike), than you need special view to handle all these documents and, yes, use replication by document ids, but this wouldn't be an atomic request: you need some service script to handle these steps. If shared documents are defined by references to them, than the only solution is the same: some service script, view that generated document reference tree and replication by doc._id's.
Review your architecture. Having per user database is normal use-case for CouchDB and follows way of data partitioning and isolation. So you may create per user database that would be private only for that user. For shared documents you may create additional databases playing with database members of security options. Each "shared" database will handle only certain number of participants by names or by groups, so there couldn't be any data leaks unless that was not a CouchDB bug(:
This approach looks too weird from first sight, but everything you've needed there is to create some management script that would handle database creation and publication, replications would be easy as possible and users data is in safe.
P.S. I've supposed that "sharing" operation makes document visible not for every one, but for some set of users. If I was wrong and "shared" state means "public" state than p2. will be more simpler: N users databases + 1 public one.
