What commands must I learn to become an effective Linux shell script programmer? - linux

I have recently started moving into the world of Linux development. I wanted to learn some new things and thought bash might be fun. As I learn more about bash programming I have found that there are quite an assortment of useful tools to be used (such as grep, tr, awk, etc.) There are so many that I just do not know which ones are "vital" to learn.
Shell scripting commands depend heavily on the configuration of the system itself, and can change drastically over time, unlike most programming languages (where a core library ships with the language itself and represents the "core" set of commands that a programmer would use when interacting with the outside world). Therefore,
As a modern Linux shell script programmer, which command line tools should I be familiar with?

Compressing and uncompressing various archives.
Using the man pages
alias is always helpful
as mentioned by others sed & grep (RegEx is good to know in general), sort, head, tr, cut
echo & printf (their differences and when to use what)
Getting the return value (not as useful but still handy when writing scripts) via $?
top, ps, kill, how to background/foreground/suspend a process
The important thing is combining the many tools that exists and where most become extremely useful. Using man whenever you are stuck is probably the most important thing.

I'd recommend especially that you become familiar with locate, grep and find. sed, awk and vim are next, and around these are cat, less, tail / head, ls (yes, ls!), and the many ways in which bash can help you.
Especially about Bash: beware of bashisms!

Depends on what you're doing, obviously, but I get a lot of mileage out of find, grep, rsync, and ssh. The simple ones are useful, too: cat, tail, wc, ps. There's a lot you can do with a for loop, too, and wildcard syntax is essential. For example,
$ for i in {app,web}{01,02}; do ssh $i date; done
That will ssh into hosts app01, app02, web01, and web02 and execute the date command on each one.

Try looking at commandlinefu. People come up with all sorts of things there, and you're bound to find examples of stuff which may be useful in the future.
But generally, top used commands, by John are nice as a guidance.
And of course, here be dragons, list of stuff you shouldn't do: deadly ones

You should know some console-based text editor. Pico might suffice. I myself am a vi guy, though Emacs is also acceptable. (Though I will recommend vi: that is a de-facto standard on nearly any platform of Unix, and things like grep/sed behave very similar to vi.)
Screen: extremely useful when you don't have a GUI or don't want to/can't open up many terminal windows or PuTTY sessions. Allows you to have multiple shell sessions open, and you can toggle between them (and many other things.
top: good for monitoring processes, CPU usage, and memory usage
watch: runs a command every "n" seconds and displays its output. E.g., watch -n 1 "ls -aio" executes "ls -aio" every time 1 second.

you should probably know everything on this list:
maybe not everything is essential all the time, but knowing at least a cursory overview of each can help a lot for basic functionality.

perl, xargs, lsof, find, grep, bash, tar, gzip, tr, tail, diff, patch, and bc.
And everything that is in SUS2 (Single UNIX Specification).

Like you mentioned, learn awk, sed and grep. They will be very good friends of yours.
Also, very important, learn to use properly a text editor such as vim.
I would also recommend you to get familiar with a good scripting language such as perl or python.

Don't worry about the commands directly. Rather when you find yourself struggling with something try a few quick Google and man page searches and see how you can improve what you're trying to do right then and there. Keep it relevant and you will get more useful results.


bash vs csh vs others - which is better for application maintenance? [duplicate]

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What Linux shell should I use?
I am starting to get proficient in a Linux environment and i'm trying to pick a weapon of choice in terms of command shell scripting (as i'm still a big n00b at this) that will help me (and others) manage, test and administer a set of server side applications running on a *NIX environment.
My question is: What is(are) the preferred command shell(s) out there when the following criteria are considered:
How easy is it to learn/understand for a junior dev who has never had an exposure to shell scripting?
Is there a big pool of developers out there that know this shell script?
Is it safe and easy to use - will script errors be silent or give intelligent error output, will it let the uninitiated shoot them selves in the foot?
How portable is it? - Can i expect the same script to run in OpenSolaris as well as Redhat, FreeBSD? (granted command syntax and options for specific OS will change accordingly)
How standard is it? Is it expected to be included on most distro's of *NIX or does it have to be installed additionally?
I understand that there are camps out there who hold strong feelings for/against specific command shells, i am just looking for an informed opinion.
These days, just about any non-embedded (or large embedded) operating system has a POSIX:2001 a.k.a. Single Unix v3 compatibility layer. This is native on unix platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, *BSD, etc.) and installable on other platforms such as Windows and Android. POSIX specifies a shell language, usually known as POSIX sh. This language is derived from the Bourne shell.
Most unix systems have one of two implementations of POSIX sh: ksh or bash, which have additional useful features compared to POSIX. However some less mainstream systems (especially embedded ones) may have only POSIX-mandated features.
Given your objectives, I see three choices:
Restrict yourself to POSIX sh. Pro: you don't have to worry about differing variants, since there's a standard and compliant implementations are readily available. Con: you don't benefit from bash and ksh's extensions.
Use the intersection of ksh and bash. This is attractive in appearance, but it does mean you have to use two reference documents instead of just one — and even the features that bash and ksh have in common don't always use the same syntax. Figuring out which one you want to use on a given system is also a pain.
Choose one of ksh or bash. Both bash and ksh are available on all unix-like platforms and on Windows. Both have an open source implementation (the only one for bash, ATT ksh93 for ksh) that can be installed on most platforms. I'd go for bash over ksh for two reasons. First, it's the default on Linux, so you'll find more people who're used to it. Second, there are systems that come with an older, less-featured implementation of ksh; even if you can install ksh93, it's another thing you have to think about when deploying.
Forget about csh for scripting, and forget about zsh if you want common default availability.
See also What are the fundamental differences between the mainstream *NIX shells?, particularly the “for scripting” part of my answer.
Note that shell programming involves other utilities beyond the shell. POSIX specifies those other utilities. “Bash plus other POSIX utilities” is a reasonable choice, distinct from “POSIX utilities (including sh)”.
csh is almost always wrong.
Z shell (zsh)
It's said zsh is the most powerful for now so I would recommend trying it.
No matter which shell you learn - their syntax is very similar. Only built-in commands may slightly differ. But don't choose those old and unmaintained.
Bash is the most popular. But almost every command in bash works in zsh the same way. There are some exceptions of course.
AFAIK, every shell handles it the same way. But be warned - shells are stupid, they are not as smart as programming languages.
I saw zsh working on all Linuxes, FreeBSD and OpenSolaris.
See 4. Distros have zsh in their repos.
Why I prefer zsh (Z shell) to bash:
files matching like this: for file in ./**/*.java; do ... (I mean ./**/*.ext)
wants me to confirm when I do rm * :)
tab-autocompletion is a lot better, I can write dmdomi[tab] and it suggests dnddomainname. java wants class name as the first parameter, zsh will suggest all classes available in the package and all subpackages.
But you are not limited to zsh only. If something does not work for you, you just write it in bash or sh. This is what is "#!/bin/bash" on top of the script for. :-)
To start quickly, use my .zshrc config: http://www.rozne.geozone.pl/.zshrc The only thing you should change there is export LANG="pl_PL.UTF-8". You probably don't want Polish locale.
Shell scripts for any *nix shell are generally deceptively simple. Easy things are usually easy, sometimes hard things are easy, sometimes easy-seeming things are hard. No shell is particularly better than the others in this area but some are worse (I can't seriously recommend csh). Some will say that bash is the worst 'modern' shell, which may be true but you can't completely escape it anyway.
There's an argument to be made that using the most 'popular' shell is best for maintainability for the same reason Windows is best (and I'm not saying that it is): It's easy to find people you can hire who know how to use it. There are simply more people who have at least a passing familiarity with bash-specific features, say, than ksh or zsh. Finding people who actually understand what they're doing is another matter.
All shells have various gotchas, corner-cases and weird behaviors. Mostly it comes down to what you're used to. Shooting yourself in the foot is what I'd call a grand Unix tradition and no *nix shell can truly keep you safe.
Nearly every shell you'll see is highly portable to almost every platform. Even though this is true you won't necessarily be able to run the same (say) bash script on three different boxes unless you were careful about what utilities you used and which options you passed them. Writing portable shell scripts is hard for reasons having nothing to do with which shell they're written for.
Nearly every Linux uses bash by default and has most shells available. FreeBSD includes sh, csh and tcsh by default with bash and others in ports. Once upon a long time ago, Mac OS X used tcsh by default, but it now uses bash by default, and includes zsh along with most common shells. Beyond that I cannot comment.
Personally I use bash out of (mostly) inertia. If I weren't so familiar with it already I would use zsh instead.
bash is the standard and is very good at interactive use (good completion supporting many programs, history, readline support, many kinds of string expansion). It is also good at scripting, for a shell (arrays and hashes, quoting, string manipulation); though writing reliable scripts requires you to learn a lot more.
If you want your programs to be able to grow, work with elaborate data structures, and use some useful libraries, you should learn a language like python, ruby or perl. Most of those have interactive interpreters as well, not as convenient as a shell but useful for quick testing. IPython, for Python, is particularly useful; it lets you explore documentation very easily, can load and reload source, includes a debugger. It also includes some standard shell commands and can pass the rest to a standard shell by prefixing them with a !.
Thanks to being interactive most shells are easy enough to learn once you start using them exclusively
I believe bash, and the posix subset, is better known by a wide margin. But the languages I mentioned are as well known as many shells.
You can easily shoot yourself in the foot, convenience often makes undesirable things easy.
and 5. Portability of the shell itself shouldn't be a problem; you may need to recompile to get more modern features on some of the OSes you mention. Using a full-blown language with its own libraries will help smoothe the variation of your multiplicity of platforms.

Linux utility to know command for a particular task

In my initial days of using linux I usually had to search google to know the command for
doing a particular task. Once I have the command name, i can view its usage using man command-name.
Similarly I was thinking of some utility which can tell the command to do a particular task if the task to be done is specified as an argument and opens the man page for that command
findUtilty "find all files in a directory"
I want to know if some utility of that kind exists, if so it will be very handy especially for newbies.
If not then i may like to implement it.
Not as nice as you are asking about, but
apropos <keyword>
man -k <keyword>
can be very useful.
Parsing natural language is hard because there are thousands of ways to rephrase one sentence. Google does it best as far as I know. So, there is no such tool. There are handy and practical manuals that makes it easy to find the right tool for the job. Also, there is a huge community behind core-utils (and linux in general), so try both forums and IRC. Often, the latter is the fastest. And people tend to parse natural language as expected :)
apropos will do something like you suggest.
I guess it is: List of Unix utilities # Wikipedia
on Debian (and presumably derived systems) this is also useful:
sudo apt-cache search <keyword>
Few years ago NetBSD decided to rewrite its apropos. The new implementation does a full text search with results ranked in order of relevance. It comes close to what you have asked. See the output here

A better Linux shell? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I use bash, and have done so for over a decade - but occasionally I wonder whether there has been any significant new developments in the world of Linux shells.
A few years back Microsoft released PowerShell, which seemed very interesting. Is there any comparable innovation going on in Linux shells?
You do realize bash 4 has very recently been released with a load of new features and language additions?
Shell options globstar (**/foo) does a recursive search, dirspell fixes typos during pathname expansion.
Associative arrays, map strings to strings, instead of just numbers to strings.
The autocd shell option allows changing directories by just typing the directory path instead of having to put cd in front.
&>> and |& redirection operators that redirect both stdout and stderr
Loads of additions to existing builtins for improved scripting convenience.
Check out:
The "official" changelog: http://tiswww.case.edu/php/chet/bash/CHANGES
A short guide to some of the new features: http://bash-hackers.org/wiki/doku.php/bash4
I'd take a look at zsh or fishshell.
One of the least touted features of Bash (and several other shells) is the ability to write your own loadables, and have the shell run them as builtins.
Lets say you write the loadable 'on' .. and you want it to work like this:
on node 123 run some command
on class nodes run some command
on all nodes run some command
... etc ..
You can follow simple examples on how to write a loadable, then enable it as a bash built in via enable -f /path/to/loadable loadable_name
So in our case, enable -f /opt/bash/loadables/on on
... in your bashrc , and you've got it.
So, if you want to have bash interpret your spiffy new language natively, you would write a loadable named 'use' or 'switch_to', then modify the parser to load a different grammar / runtime if a certain environment variable was set.
switch_to my-way-cool-language
funkyfunc Zippy(int p) [[
jive.wassup(p) ]]
Most people are not going to want to hack their shell, however. I did want to point out that facilities exist to take Bash and make it the way you want it, without fiddling too much with core code.
See /path-to-bash-source/examples/loadables, you might be able to get that to fly where you work, since you're still using Bash.
You can run PowerShell on Linux via Pash. It uses Mono the way PowerShell uses .NET.
I think the "original improved shell" is ksh93. bash came into existence at a time when the ksh source code was proprietary; if ksh had been open-source then, it might not have been deemed necessary to have a new shell (though with the FSF you never know). ksh is worth studying, especially for its ability to be extended through C modules, but it's not a clear win over bash. bash's autocompletion is clearly superior, which may be enough to make bash a win overall. In any case bash and ksh have made substantial effort to converge, so differences are minor.
The other interesting shell is zsh, which attempts to be everything that ksh is while also including csh. Since I never saw any point or use to csh, I am not the right person to advocate for zsh. I will point out one unusual incompatibility: by default, in zsh a variable $var always expands to a single token, even if it contains spaces. This behavior is incompatible with all other sh-derived shells, and it is occasionally inconvenient, but really it makes a lot more sense than the original, and it saves a hell of a lot of quoting.
csh was the first shell to have job control, but in my mind it (and its successors) has been superseded by bash and ksh. It was never mucn fun to write scripts in.
Finally, there are many tiny shells designed for rescue floppies (!) and other Spartan environments, but it sounds like you have little interest in those.
(In the matter of innovation, I should add that more than half the scripts I used to write as shell scripts are now Lua scripts. Others could say the same for Python or Ruby, or back in the day, Perl or Tcl. So I think the real innovation is migration away from the shell for programmable interaction at the command line.)
IIRC, Powershell is Object Oriented, whereas most unix shells and utilities operate on text. On that regard, Squirrel Shell might interest you. I've never used it, though.
If you’re willing to lose sh compatibility, you could look at using a scripting language like Python or Tcl as your shell. rlwrap can be very handy if the interpreter doesn't provide line editing, command history, completion, etc.
One philosophy regarding shells is that they should primarily only be used to connect processes with files (here is one page that espouses that approach). That said, people have written some remarkably complex software using them.
Shells don't come much more inovative than the Scheme Schell. All the power of Scheme combined with the ability to run Unix commands and an embedded awk interpreter (written in Scheme, of course). The only drawback is that it needs a tiny bit of patching to build on 64 bit Linux.
It's not exactly Bourne-shell, but it's different. Of course, you have to learn Scheme - bonus!
if you like ruby, you can use rush (ruby-unix shell, not irb)
see the presentation here
or official website to see more examples

How to learn your way through Linux's shell

I want to stop losing precious time when dealing with Linux/Unix's shell.
If I could get to understand it well, that would be great. Otherwise:
I may end up losing a day just for setting up a crontab.
I'll keep wondering why the shebang in this script doesn't work.
I'll keep wondering what the real difference is between:
. run.sh
. ./run.sh
sh run.sh
sh ./run.sh
You see, it's these kind of things that cripple my Linux/Unix life.
As a programmer, I want to get much better at this. I suppose it's best to stay with the widely-used bash shell, but I might be wrong. Whatever tool I use, I need to understand it down to its guts.
What is the ultimate solution?
Just for fun:
. run.sh --- "Source" the code in run.sh. Usually, this is used to get environment variables into the current shell processes. You probably don't want this for a script called run.sh.
./run.sh --- Execute the run.sh script in the current directory. Generally the current directory is not in the default path (see $PATH), so you need to call out the relative location explicitly. The . character is used differently than in item #1.
. ./run.sh --- Source the run.sh script in the current directory. This combines the use of . from items #1 and #2.
sh run.sh --- Use the sh shell interpretor on run.sh. Bourne shell is usually the default for running shell scripts, so this is probably the same as item #2 except it finds the first run.sh in the $PATH rather than the one in the current directory.
sh ./run.sh --- And this is usually the same as #2 except wordier.
Command line interfaces, such as the various shell interpretors, tend to be very esoteric since they need to pack a lot of meaning into a small number of characters. Otherwise typing takes too long.
In terms of learning, I'd suggest using bash or ksh and don't let anyone talk you into something else until you are comfortable. Please don't learn with csh or you will need to unlearn too much when you start with a Bourne-type shell later.
Also, crontab entries are a bit trickier than other uses of shell. My guess is you lost time because your environment was set differently than on the command line. I would suggest starting somewhere else if possible.
Man pages are probably the "ultimate" solution. I'm always amazed at what gems they contain.
You can even use man bash to answer some of the questions you raise in this question.
Try the Linux Documentation Project's BASH pages here [tldp.org].
PS: The difference is that . is the same as the source command. This only requires read permission. To use ./run.sh, you need execute permissions. When you use 'sh', you are explicitly specifying the command you want to run the script with (here, you only need read permission). If you are using a shell to execute it, there shouldn't be a problem there. If you want to use a different program, such as 'python', you could use python run.py. Another trick is to add a line #!<program> to the beginning of your script. In your case, #!/bin/sh would do, and for Python, #/usr/bin/env python is best.
I think immersing yourself in it is the answer. It's like learning to walk, to type, to use an ergonomic keyboard, or type in dvorak. Commit to it completely. And yes, you will absolutely slow down. And you'll be forced to look at your hands or google things constantly. But eventually it will come to you.
Funny story, I killed my apartment's internet access by doing an ifconfig release. Completely didn't know that ifconfig renew was not a command. Had to call a friend when google didn't load ;) dhcpcd later and I was back to googling everything.
Oreily has an older book that teaches you about bash, and bash scripting at the end. Most everything you need to know is on the web, but spread out.
The best way to learn is by reading, and then trying things out. MAN pages are often very helpful, and there are tons of Shell scripting tutorials out there. If shell scripting is what you are after, just read, and then practice the things you read by writing little scripts that do something neat or fun. If you are looking for more info on all of the different command line applications that can be run from a shell, those are more distro dependent, so look in the documentation for your favorite distro.
There are some decent online guides that will help you feel more comfortable in the shell(s). For example:
Steve Parker's Unix/Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial
UNIX Shell Programming, by Stephen G. Kochan and Patrick H. Wood, available online at Google Books. Also available in hardback. Amazon has it.
UNIX shell scripting with sh/ksh. Apparently used as part of a class at Dartmouth College. ksh is the Korn shell, and it's close enough to bash that the info will be useful.
Spend some time reading those kinds of tutorials and, above all, playing in the shell. Pretty soon, it'll start to feel like $HOME. (Okay, sorry for the bad pun...)
use the shell a lot, type "[prog-name] --help" a lot, type "man [prog-name]" a lot, and make notes on what works and what does not -- even if those notes seem obvious at the time. By tomorrow, they might not be so obvious, again. OTOH, in a couple of weeks they definitely should be!
Have a gander at some of the many books on working with shells, like From Bash to Z Shell (which covers Bash and Z), slog through a shell-scripting tutorial, or Gnu's Bash manual.
While sticking with Bash might be best, while just learning, the fish shell might be a little bit easier to use. I played around with it for a few weeks, and while it didn't seem as powerful as bash, it did seem pretty user friendly.
The way I really learned my way around in Linux was to install gentoo. It takes forever but you begin to see how everything ties together.
Go grab the latest instructions and start following them. Do it enough times and it starts to stick.
After a while you get comfortable building everything from scratch.
I find trying to learn a new command using the man pages sometimes a bit overwhelming.
I prefer man pages for refreshing my memory.
When I want to learn a command I look for examples then use the man pages to fine tune what I want it to do.

Which Scripting language is best? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
For writing scripts for process automisation in Linux platform, which scripting language will be better? Shell script, Perl or Python or is there anything else? I am new to all of them. So, am just thinking to which one to go for?
The answer is: Whatever best fits the job!
My rule of thumb;
Bash - for a short script that might need a for loop to do something repetitively.
Perl - anything to do with some kind of text processing or file processing, especially if it's a one off. Just do a dirty nasty perl script and be done with it
Python - If it's something you might want to do again or something very like it. Then at least you have a chance of being able to reuse the script.
Go for all three of them, start with bash/awk/sed plus fileutils (grep, find, and so on) and then move up the abstraction hierarchy with perl and python.
That way you will be able to decide for yourself which one fits your needs best. I say start with bash and friends because they are ubiquitous, some machines will not have perl or python installed and you'll feel helpless there, especially in traditional unix land (ie, not linux)
When choosing a scripting language to help automate your linux / unix environment, the most important thing in my opinion is... your replacement :-)
By which I mean the next / other sysadmins who may have to maintain your scripts. I am currently working in an environment where the lead Unix guy is a real script head, but he has mainly restrained himself to using bash, with some perl and windows vbscript thrown in for good luck. At least it has forced me to brush up my perl.
While agreeing with the other comments here, my suggestion would be to master bash - where possible do as much as possible in bash, as most people know it, and can maintain / debug it. And it will be most portable. Use with sed & awk is particularly powerful.
When you have that mastered, you can come back here and ask "What scripting language should I learn after bash?" :-)
I use Perl for anything beyond extremely simple scripts.
I also 'use warnings', 'use strict', avoid backticks, call system as 'system($command, #and_args)'. And because I like it to be maintainable: IPC::Run (for pipes), File::Fu (for filenames, tempfiles, etc), YAML (for configs or misc data), and Getopt::Helpful (so I can remember what the options were.)
I think it depends on how complex the tasks are you want to automate. Personally, I've always gone with shell-scripts, which enables you to call on awk, sed, grep, find, ls, cat, etc. which can be combined together to do pretty much anything you can achieve using perl or python. On the other hand, if the processes you want to automate are complex (e.g., not just a linear sequence of steps) then you'll probably find that writing the scripts in perl or python (or even ruby!) is much quicker and makes them easier to maintain.
I'd recommend bash, awk, and sed.
bash - http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/
awk - http://www.uga.edu/~ucns/wsg/unix/awk/
sed - http://www.ce.berkeley.edu/~kayyum/unix_tips/sedtips.html
Just some ideas.
Depends on the complexity and problem domain of the task at hand.
Bash scripts are quick and dirty for simple system automation tasks. For more complex things than moving files around and running commands, I'd personally say Perl is next in line as the defacto sys-admin goto automation tool. For more focus on code reuse and readability/maintainability I'd want to step it up it up to Python or Ruby.
PHP can also be used to automate tasks, however it is not widely accepted for this purpose in my experience.
It really comes down to what language you are most interested in learning, most can be used for automation, in addition to many other things.
I prefer shell scripts only for very small tasks. Writing robust shell scripts requires a lot of knowledge about possible pitfalls, which you only learn by doing. But learning even the basics will increase your productivity a lot!
If I need to have complex logic, I usually use Python. By complex I mean anything that has more than two if -statements =)
Perl is okay for its original purpose, but be warned that many of the perlisms you learn are not applicable anywhere else.
Python and Ruby are roughly equivalent. I'd recommend you learn one of them well and check out a tutorial on the other. I prefer Python but it really comes down to personal preference.
To summarize: Learn basics of shell scripts. Learn at least Python or Ruby well.
If you want minimalistic, compact and fast solution (faster than Python/Ruby) then -> go for LUA scripting language :-)
However Lua speed & code compactness is achieved by relativelly small Lua language core, so if you want "batteries included" (aka. very big "standard" libraries) then Lua is not for you. Otherwise, guys who come from C/C++ world very enjoys Lua speed :-)
Lua vs Ruby 1.9 benchmark (you can look also Lua Vs Python 3):
I have been getting Python recommended all the time. It's supposed to let you do anything. For the small tasks i use shell scripts though.
I would usually say the one you know best which can achieve the results you want. Like all religious wars, and after learning a large number of languages, you realise that you can do most things in most languages (Note I did say most). I use Perl. It is maybe not as up to date as Python or Ruby, but it does have massive library support from CPAN. And I have not found anything I can't do in it yet. When I do I will look at other languages to find out which one can fill that gap.
If I was starting today, maybe I would pick Python or Ruby, but I don't know enough about them to make a judgement call. Do any of your friends/colleagues know scripting languages. This could help you massively as the support when learning a new language is very important.
Good luck
Well, it's like this:
Perl is not the most user friendly scripting language, but it has CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network), which contains thousands of libraries that implement almost anything you may think of, and Perl is really powerful when it comes to text processing. The disadvantage would be that perl code is kinda hard to maintain (if you don't know it very well).
Python is a scripting language that is becoming more and more popular among scripters. It doesn't have a community like CPAN (yet), but it's more readable, and it's easier to maintain. It's as fast as perl.
Ruby is the newest trend in scripting languages. Ruby is full OOP, which means that everything is an object. Its advantage is that the code is very readable, and it's pretty easy to learn, if you are a beginner. The main disadvantage is its execution speed, which kinda s*x.
That depends on which type of automation you are doing like if it is testing autoamtion Perl is suggested because Perl is much powerful extension modules via CPAN, an online Perl module inventory. If you only need a handy tool to complete a simple source file, awk is very convenient. If you are planning to use the scripts to automate a big project, Perl is a better choice with more features.
Again Python was designed from the start as an object-oriented language. Perl 5 has some o-o features added on, but it looks to me like an awkward retrofit. Python has well-implemented o-o features for multiple inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.n summary, it seems to me that Python dominates Perl in most applications except for fairly short shell-script sorts of applications, and there they are roughly comparable.
If I had to pick one, it would have to be AWK. It's lightweight, has a small learning curve and has many useful functions like index and substr.
Depends on what you want to do, I regularly use all of them:
Shell for simple batching of commands with perhaps a loop or an if-statement.
Perl when I'm munching files and do some text replacement and souch things.
Python when need more logic.
Under *nix you should use the right tool for the right work, which can be hard for the beginner since it's so many things to learn (after some 15 years as a *nix user I still find new things). My recommendation is to look at all the languages quickly to see what they can do, and then start with using shell for everything, when your scripts gets clunky move them to something else.
Just write your commands one after the other, put it in a file and run this file with
promp> bash file
and you have your first automation. Then learn about bash variables, loops and control structures.
I second Python - powerful, simple, performant, and... actually quite fun, compared to perl or bash. Also if you know it, you'll find other uses, it's used in a lot of projects.
And not just as a "classic" scripting language, take for example the twisted project. That's true for Perl too I guess, but I like Python better order of magnitudes myself
Bottom line though is like has been said beofre, make sure you have the right tool for the job...
If you aim at having a simple script program "controlling" another (command-line, of course) program, then you should review Tcl/Tk, especially its dialect expect - they're simple and oriented towards that goal - it's very easy to create a script that controls ftp and even does a su with them!
Awk's very nice to process text files - not as powerful as perl, yet much more simple and straightforward (and without the horrible syntax).
Of course, your mileage may vary, so I guess the best answer would be to ask you: what do you want to write scripts for? And then: Are you familiar with any language script? The answers to these questions will point you to the scripting language you should use, according to the pros/cons of each one and their main target.
On Linux? Choose your poison, basically. I like Python, others Ruby, still others Perl. Pick one and go for it. :-)
I'd say Python - it has a very high readability, it is simple( no curly brackets, key words as close to english as possible etc.) and you can do almost everything in it, from simple to very complex things. It is also popular and fun to code.
This may sound a little odd, I had been using bash for over 10 years. I have started using PHP5 and it was difficult at first, but now I have a much better reusable code base.
I wouldn't recommend it as a starting point though!
