Obtaining First Excel Sheet Name With OleDbConnection - excel

I have one problem. I need to get the excel sheet name in a work book, which looks on the very left sheets tab -the first one from my point of view.
I am using this code:
public static string GetFirstExcelSheetName(OleDbConnection connToExcel)
DataTable dtSheetName =
connToExcel.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);
List<String> lstExcelSheet = new List<string>(dtSheetName.Rows.Count);
foreach (DataRow row in dtSheetName.Rows)
return lstExcelSheet[0];
The problem here is it is returning the rows not in the visual tab order but in a very different order - most probably the row created date.
How can it be possible to get the sheetnames table ordered according to their tab order so that I can easily get the 1st excel sheet name?
kalem keki

It should be the zero-th item in the workbooks(?) collection.
I think you have the right index, wrong collection.
Sorry, didn't notice you're using the rows collection of a datatable.
That's a different problem.
How do you create the datatable?
You might have to change the sort property of the dataview.

Dim dtSheetnames As DataTable = oleDBExcelConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, New Object() {Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, "TABLE"})
Dim FirstSheetName As String = dtSheetnames.Rows(0)!TABLE_NAME.ToString

The row 0 is not the first sheet in the excel file, rows are sorted by alphabetical order in this collection :/

I recommend using the NPOI library (http://npoi.codeplex.com/) rather than OleDB to retrieve data (including metadata) from Excel.
IIRC, OleDB will also fail for sheet names that include spaces or dollar signs.

OleDbConnection oconn = new OleDbConnection(#"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + Session["path"].ToString() + "; Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;Persist Security Info=False;");
myCommand.Connection = oconn;
DataTable dbSchema = oconn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);
if (dbSchema == null || dbSchema.Rows.Count < 1)
throw new Exception("Error: Could not determine the name of the first worksheet.");
string firstSheetName = dbSchema.Rows[0]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();


Proper way to get excel sheet names using C# and oledb

I'm trying to figure out why the behavior I'm seeing and the "documented" behavior are different. I've read both of these articles:Read and Write Excel Documents Using OLEDB and Working with MS Excel(xls / xlsx) Using MDAC and Oledb and this is text from the second link.
If you read in the second link it says:
To Retrieve Schema Information of Excel Workbook :
You can get the worksheets that are present in the excel workbook using GetOleDbSchemaTable. Use the following snippet.
DataTable dtSchema = null;
dtSchema = conObj.GetOleDbSchemaTable(
OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, new object[] { null, null, null, "TABLE" });
Here dtSchema will hold the list of all workbooks. Say we have two workbooks : wb1, wb2. The above code will return a list of wb1, wb1$,wb2,wb2$. We need to filter out $ elements.
However when I run this code I only get "wb1$ and wb2$". I can easily remove the $ in code but I'm trying to make sure I'm not going to have code that breaks when I put it on a different computers/OS/environment and it behaves as is documented. Can somebody tell my what or if something changed since these were written or if I'm missing some key piece. Something to note this is being developed in VS2015, Windows 7 Pro, and Office 2010 installed.
//Connection String
//string connstring = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + path + ";Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=NO;IMEX=1';"; // Extra blank space cannot appear in Office 2007 and the last version. And we need to pay attention on semicolon.
//string connstring = Provider = Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = " + path + "; Extended Properties = 'Excel 8.0;HDR=NO;IMEX=1'; "; //This connection string is appropriate for Office 2007 and the older version. We can select the most suitable connection string according to Office version or our program.
using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(_connectionString))
//DataTable sheetNames = conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, new object[] { null, null, null, "TABLE" }); //Get All Sheets Name
DataTable sheetNames = conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null); //Get All Sheets Name
// Loop through all Sheets to get data
foreach (DataRow dr in sheetNames.Rows)
string sheetName = dr["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();
//if (!sheetName.EndsWith("$"))
// continue;
return sheetNames;

Input/Export data through MS Excel into OATS Scripts

When trying to get the Input the data from the Excel Sheet while working with OATS tool, it always gets into the catch block of the function. The below is the script written. Please help us resolve this issue.
public String getInputfromExcel(int argColumnNumber,int argRowNumber)throws Exception
String inputExcelName = dataPath+".xlsx";
String cellContent = "12";
Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File(inputExcelName));
Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(0);
Cell a1 = sheet.getCell(argColumnNumber, argRowNumber);
cellContent = (a1.getContents()).toString();
catch (Exception e)
addReport("Getting Input From Excel", "Fail","Exception while reading value from excel sheet");
return cellContent;
Axel has brought up the point. On a further note, if I remember correctly, the function sheet.getCell(arg1, arg2) has first argument as rowNumber and 2nd as columnNumber (both the values are 0 based index).
Its old quetion....but just posting answer it might be helpful for someone needy.
In Oracle Application Testing Suite. NO NEED of external JARs to read/write data.
You can enable DataTable module in the tool
Complete explanation given here, http://www.testinghive.com/how-to-read-write-excel-in-oats/
//Define Sheet name to be read, and provide comma seperated to read multiple sheets
String sheetName = "Sheet1";
//Mention excel sheet path
String strFile= "C:\\Demo\\test.xls";
//Defined array list to add Sheets to read
List sheetList = new ArrayList();
// Iports Sheet1
datatable.importSheets(strFile, sheetList, true, true);
//get rowcount
info("Total rows :"+datatable.getRowCount());
int rowcount=datatable.getRowCount();
//Loop to read all rows
for (int i=0;i<rowcount;i++)
//Set current row fromw here you need to start reading, in this case start from first row
datatable.setCurrentRow(sheetName, i);
String strCompany=(String) datatable.getValue(sheetName,i,"Company");
String strEmpFName=(String) datatable.getValue(sheetName,i,"FirstName");
String strEmpLName=(String) datatable.getValue(sheetName,i,"LastName");
String strEmpID=(String) datatable.getValue(sheetName,i,"EmpID");
String strLocation=(String) datatable.getValue(sheetName,i,"Location");
//prints first name and last name
System.out.println("First Name : "+strEmpFName+", Last Name : "+strEmpLName);
//Sets ACTIVE column in excel sheet to Y
String strActive="Y";
datatable.setValue(sheetName, i, datatable.getColumn(sheetName, datatable.getColumnIndex("Active")), strActive);
//Updates sheet with updated values ie ACTIVE column sets to Y

Opening excel file prompts a message box "content recovery of the workbook"

While I'm trying to open excel file a message box is prompting like "We found a problem with some content in file name. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes.". What actually done is i have a excel template designed and copying the file to another file and created temp file I'm inserting data to temp file using OPEN XML and data is getting from the database.
i have tried the solutions provided in the net but those fixes are not resolving my issue.My excel is 2010
Anyone solution provided is much appreciated.
I had this problem. It was caused by the way I was storing numbers and strings in cells.
Numbers can be stored simply using cell.CellValue = new CellValue("5"), but for non-numeric text, you need to insert the string in the SharedStringTable element and get the index of that string. Then change the data type of the cell to SharedString, and set the value of the cell to the index of the string in the SharedStringTable.
// Here is the text I want to add.
string text = "Non-numeric text.";
// Find the SharedStringTable element and append my text to it.
var sharedStringTable = document.WorkbookPart.GetPartsOfType<SharedStringTablePart>().First().SharedStringTable;
var item = sharedStringTable.AppendChild(new SharedStringItem(new Text(text)));
// Set the data type of the cell to SharedString.
cell.DataType = new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.SharedString);
// Set the value of the cell to the index of the SharedStringItem.
cell.CellValue = new CellValue(item.ElementsBefore().Count().ToString());
This is explained in the documentation here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/cc861607.aspx
Another few cases that can cause this type of error:
Your sheet name is longer than 31 characters
You have invalid characters in sheet name
You have cells with values longer than 32k
The issue is due to using
at the same time
when we call
it will do following operations
Hence, removing
will solve this problem "We found a problem with some content in file name. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes."
Another possible cause could be exceeded maximum number of cell styles.
You can define:
up to 4000 styles in a .xls workbook
up to 64000 styles in a .xlsx workbook
In this case you should re-use the same cell style for multiple cells, instead of creating a new cell style for every cell.
I added the right cellReference and fixed this issue for me:
for (int colInx = 0; colInx < reader.FieldCount; colInx++)
AppendTextCell(alpha[colInx] + "1", reader.GetName(colInx), headerRow);
private static void AppendTextCell(string cellReference, string cellStringValue, Row excelRow)
// Add a new Excel Cell to our Row
Cell cell = new Cell() { CellReference = cellReference, DataType = new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.String) };
CellValue cellValue = new CellValue();
cellValue.Text = cellStringValue.ToString();
Same warning but the problem with me was that I was using a client input (name of wave) as sheet name for the file and when date was presented within the name, the character '/' used as date part separator was causing the issue.
I think Microsoft need to provide a better error log to save people time investigate such minor issues. Hope my answer will save someone else's time.
The issue was due to storing a string in the cell directly using cell.CellValue = new CellValue("Text"). It is possible to store numbers like this but not string. For string, define data type as string before assigning the text using Cell.DataType = CellValues.String;

Can I import INTO excel from a data source without iteration?

Currently I have an application that takes information from a SQLite database and puts it to Excel. However, I'm having to take each DataRow, iterate through each item, and put each value into it's own cell and determine highlighting. What this is causing is 20 minutes to export a 9000 record file into Excel. I'm sure it can be done quicker than that. My thoughts are that I could use a data source to fill the Excel Range and then use the column headers and row numbers to format only those rows that need to be formatted. However, when I look online, no matter what I seem to type, it always shows examples of using Excel as a database, nothing about importing into excel. Unless I'm forgetting a key word or to. Now, this function has to be done in code as it's part of a bigger application. Otherwise I would just have Excel connect to the DB and pull the information itself. Unfortunately that's not the case. Any information that could assist me in quick loading an excel sheet would be appreciated. Thanks.Additional Information:Another reason why the pulling of the information from the DB has to be done in code is that not every computer this is loaded on will have Excel on it. The person using the application may simply be told to export the data and email it to their supervisor. The setup app includes the needed dlls for the application to make the proper format.Example Code (Current):
For Each strTemp In strColumns
excelRange = worksheet.Cells(1, nCounter)
excelRange.Value2 = strTemp
excelRange.Interior.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Gray.ToArgb()
excelRange.BorderAround(Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous, Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThin, Excel.XlColorIndex.xlColorIndexAutomatic, Type.Missing)
nCounter += 1
Now, this is only example code in terms of the iteration I'm doing. Where I'm really processing the information from the database I'm iterating through a dataTable's Rows, then iterating through the items in the dataRow and doing essentially the same as above; value by value, selecting the range and putting the value in the cell, formatting the cell if it's part of a report (not always gray), and moving onto the next set of data. What I'd like to do is put all of the data in the excel sheet (A2:??, not a row, but multiple rows) then iterate through the reports and format each row then. That way, the only time I iterate through all of the records is when every record is part of a report.
Ideal Code
excelRange = worksheet.Cells("A2", "P9000")
excelRange.DataSource = ds 'ds would be a queried dataSet, and I know there is no excelRange.DataSource.
'Iteration code to format cells
I know my examples were in VB, but it's because I was also trying to write a VB version of the application since my boss prefers VB. However, here's my final code using a Recordset. The ConvertToRecordset function was obtained from here.
private void CreatePartSheet(Excel.Worksheet excelWorksheet)
excelWorksheet.Name = "Part Sheet";
string[] strColumns = Constants.strExcelPartHeaders;
CreateSheetHeader(excelWorksheet, strColumns);
System.Drawing.Color clrPink = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(203, 192, 255);
System.Drawing.Color clrGreen = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(100, 225, 137);
string[] strValuesAndTitles = {/*...Column Names...*/};
List<string> lstColumns = strValuesAndTitles.ToList<string>();
System.Data.DataSet ds = _dataFactory.GetDataSet(Queries.strExport);
ADODB.Recordset rs = ConvertToRecordset(ds.Tables[0]);
excelRange = excelWorksheet.get_Range("A2", "ZZ" + rs.RecordCount.ToString());
excelRange.Cells.CopyFromRecordset(rs, rs.RecordCount, rs.Fields.Count);
int nFieldCount = rs.Fields.Count;
for (int nCounter = 0; nCounter < rs.RecordCount; nCounter++)
int nRowCounter = nCounter + 2;
List<ReportRecord> rrPartReports = _lstReports.FindAll(rr => rr.PartID == nCounter).ToList<ReportRecord>();
excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorksheet.get_Range("A" + nRowCounter.ToString(), "K" + nRowCounter.ToString());
excelRange.NumberFormat = "#";
if (rrPartReports.Count > 0)
excelRange.Interior.Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(230, 216, 173).ToArgb(); //Light Blue
foreach (ReportRecord rr in rrPartReports)
if (lstColumns.Contains(rr.Title))
excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorksheet.Cells[nRowCounter, lstColumns.IndexOf(rr.Title) + 1];
excelRange.Interior.Color = rr.Description.ToUpper().Contains("TAG") ? clrGreen.ToArgb() : clrPink.ToArgb();
if (rr.Description.ToUpper().Contains("TAG"))
rs.Find("PART_ID=" + (nCounter + 1).ToString(), 0, ADODB.SearchDirectionEnum.adSearchForward, "");
excelRange.AddComment(Environment.UserName + ": " + _dataFactory.GetTaggedPartPrevValue(rs.Fields["POSITION"].Value.ToString(), rr.Title));
if (nRowCounter++ % 500 == 0)
progress.ProgressComplete = ((double)nRowCounter / (double)rs.RecordCount) * (double)100;
progress.Message = "Done Exporting to Excel";
Can you use ODBC?
dbName = "c:\docs\test"
scn = "DRIVER=SQLite3 ODBC Driver;Database=" & dbName _
& ";LongNames=0;Timeout=1000;NoTXN=0;SyncPragma=NORMAL;StepAPI=0;"
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open scn
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open "select * from test", cn
Worksheets("Sheet3").Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset rs
BTW, Excel is quite happy with HTML and internal style sheets.
I have used the Excel XML file format in the past to write directly to an output file or stream. It may not be appropriate for your application, but writing XML is much faster and bypasses the overhead of interacting with the Excel Application. Check out this Introduction to Excel XML post.
There are also a number of libraries (free and commercial) which can make creating excel document easier for example excellibrary which doesn't support the new format yet. There are others mentioned in the answers to Create Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file from C#
Excel has the facility to write all the data from a ADO or DAO recordset in a single operation using the CopyFromRecordset method.
Code snippet:
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").CopyFromRecordset rst
I'd normally recommend using Excel to pull in the data from SQLite. Use Excel's "Other Data Sources". You could then choose your OLE DB provider, use a connection string, what-have-you.
It sounds, however, that the real value of your code is the formatting of the cells, rather than the transfer of data.
Perhaps refactor the process to:
have Excel import the data
use your code to open the Excel spreadsheet, and apply formatting
I'm not sure if that is an appropriate set of processes for you, but perhaps something to consider?
Try this out:
Perhaps post some code, and we might be able to track down any issues.
I'd consider this chain of events:
query the SQLite database for your dataset.
move the data out of ADO.NET objects, and into POCO objects. Stop using DataTables/Rows.
use For Each to insert into Excel.

Why does one ADO.NET Excel query work and another does not?

I'm working on a SharePoint workflow, and the first step requires me to open an Excel workbook and read two things: a range of categories (from a range named, conveniently enough, Categories) and a category index (in the named range CategoryIndex). Categories is a list of roughly 100 cells, and CategoryIndex is a single cell.
I'm using ADO.NET to query the workbook
string connectionString =
"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" +
"Data Source=" + temporaryFileName + ";" +
"Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES\"";
OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
OleDbCommand categoryIndexCommand = new OleDbCommand();
categoryIndexCommand.Connection = connection;
categoryIndexCommand.CommandText = "Select * From CategoryIndex";
OleDbDataReader indexReader = categoryIndexCommand.ExecuteReader();
if (!indexReader.Read())
throw new Exception("No category selected.");
object indexValue = indexReader[0];
int categoryIndex;
if (!int.TryParse(indexValue.ToString(), out categoryIndex))
throw new Exception("Invalid category manager selected");
OleDbCommand selectCommand = new OleDbCommand();
selectCommand.Connection = connection;
selectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Categories";
OleDbDataReader reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader();
if (!reader.HasRows || categoryIndex >= reader.RecordsAffected)
throw new Exception("Invalid category/category manager selected.");
Don't judge the code itself too harshly; it's been through a lot. Anyway, the first command never executes correctly. It doesn't throw an exception. It just returns an empty data set. (HasRows is true, and Read() returns false, but there is no data there) The second command works perfectly. These are both named ranges.
They are populated differently, however. There's a web service call that fills up Categories. Those values are displayed in a dropdown box. The selected index goes into CategoryIndex. After hours of banging my head, I decided to write a couple of lines of code so that the dropdown's value goes into a different cell, then I copy the value using a couple of lines of C# into CategoryIndex, so that the data is set identically. That turned out to be a blind alley, too.
Am I missing something? Why would one query work perfectly and the other fail to return any data?
I have found the issue. Excel was apparently unable to parse the value in the cell, so it was returning nothing. What I had to do was adjust the connection string to the following:
string connectionString =
"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" +
"Data Source=" + temporaryFileName + ";" +
"Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=NO;IMEX=1\"";
It would have been helpful if it would have thrown an exception or given any indication of why it was failing, but that's beside the point now. The option IMEX=1 tells Excel to treat all values as strings only. I'm quite capable of parsing my own integers, thankyouverymuch, Excel, so I didn't need its assistance.
