Sharepoint Custom List with custom new forms not able to add to folders - sharepoint

I have a custom list which has customized edit and new forms which were required by the user.
I then tried to add a new item to a folder (folders have the text of the year e.g. 2010) and when I click save on the customized new form it saves correctly but always to the root of the list.
I am wondering if there is a fix or a work around for this as it is highly annoying.
Alternatively can anyone recommend a way to implement a field which will auto calculate + 1 year from creation date, which might be a possible alternative however it will have to take into account the following.
Where the current year runs october to september.
Thanks for any help this has been driving me mad trying to find a solution.

Can't help much without knowing what you based the custom form on, but for a new form the folder to save to usually shows up in the query string.

The form is a basic custom form list which I have then just modified parts to remove fields that are not required or need to be read only.
The original form worked perfectly and allowed items to be added to the list subfolders.
The new one has no additional code and is using the standard sharepoint DataFormWebPart to create the custom list form and so I have no back end code to insert the item etc, although I may have to resort to this...will I?

You need to be careful when modifying standard forms. I recommend you go back to a copy of the standard form and verify that that saves correctly. Remove the "unneeded" fields until it stops working.
Sometimes with this sort of customisation you need to use css rather than server side changes to modify the form so that the functionality remains in place after the component is hidden.

It is definitely not an issue with the removal of fields as I created a new copy of the original and then changed it to a custom field saved it and tried to add an item.
It went straight into the root.
I tried the original form and it saves to the sub folder correctly.

Okay only work around I have for this at moment (I am currently in discussion with MS) is this.
I used the method getTagFromIdentifierAndTitle(tagName, identifier, title)
This returned the element I was after and then I basically went to the row dom node and deleted it.
I am hoping to have a nicer method but at least it is a work around for now.


One custom display form for all the lists

Good day to you. I am newbie in SharePoint 2013 so please bear with me. I have created around 15 lists in my website each containing same columns but different data (they differ semantically).
I am aware that we can change the default view, edit and display form for each list by creating new form in SharePoint Designer 2013. This seems like a very bad approach as far as the maintenance is concerned. I know my lists are exactly the same so why do I have to create same 15 display forms for each of the lists?
Is there a way to create one custom Display form (may be in a central location, i don't know i am just thinking :P ) for all the lists? Is there a way to tell a list to use a specific display form? Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks.
If i understand your question correctly, you have 15 lists with same set of columns. You want to change the display/look of the form. All 15 lists should have same look and feel right!! If yes, then why don't you try with some html, javascript solution. Since you are in sharepoint 2013, javascript support for solutions is very good like rest queries. You can use SPServices also.
If you want to to add data to the list whenever you click on the "New Item" link in the list then hijack this link such that it should navigate to your custom form. Pass your list name as query parameter. Whenever user is saving the form, get the list name from the query parameter and save the data to that list.
There could be another ways also to achieve the solution with html and javascript.
Useful links:
Microsoft, Microsoft, SPServices
Sam I think you can create a custom content type and create custom display form for your content type. Enable the content type in each of your lists so automatically this customized form would be available.
The advantage of this approach is that suppose if you need one more list after some time you can just add this content type and your form would be available into the new list as well.
The approach is explained in the link below.
Check this one also
Just wanted to write the solution which I implemented as it might help others as well. (Thanks Hiren and Mihir for your valuable inputs)
I had 15 lists and I was showing the data to the user using content search web part with custom display template. All of the lists were using the same display template so I made a new page just to show the item details. In the display template I pointed the item URL (i hijacked the list name and the current item id) to my new page and displayed the item. Let me know if anyone is interested in the whole solution or further elaboration is required.

Saving to multiple lists from 1 sharepoint 2007 list form

I have a request form I'm working on, wherein different departemnts need to be able to update it. To minimize overlap and lost changes I'd like to be able to submit data from the new form to different lists, but I cannot find a way to do this.
Does anyone have any experience trying to do anything similar?
If you're familiar with JQuery andSPServices I could envisage a way to do this.
In the EditForm.aspx, add the JQuery and SPServices libraries. using the $.(document).Ready function, I'd do a quick item update with the SPServices and just copy a column with the same data, so in effect no change looks to have taken place. I'd add in the edit comments something like "Pseduo checkout to [name], [date_time]".
Then allow the user to edit the form as normal but in the code you've added, you trap the PreSave Action and check that the person trying to do the save is the same as the last modified - if it is, save as normal, otherwise, return false on the PreSave and it will be denied. When you actually allow the save, set the edit comments to something sensible.
To complete this, check before doing the pseudo checkout, that the last comments don't contain the psuedo checkout phrase so that you can prevent anyone opening/editing the form whilst somebody else is in the middle of an edit.
This gives a cheap and relatievly easy to implement Check-In/Check-Out for a list. Not perfect of course but should work well in most scenarios (not in datasheet though, so you might need to prevent that type of edit).
If you have two lists would you not then have the problem of potentially two requests for the same thing?
Does none of the version control options for the list solve the problem of potentially multiple concurrent editors?
While SPService is certainly a solution, but you will have to build a UI of ur own.
Try writing a event receiver, which can copy over item to another list as soon as it is created.
It will be nice if you can tell why you really want to have a copy of item in another list
i.e. Auditing purpose etc. , you can get a perfect solution for this in Forum

Multiple Sharepoint Forms

I am trying to split out what I originally wanted in a single form. The downside was that I wanted to keep multiple lists and I found that I could not use a single form with multiple lists.
What I am trying to do is to keep my customer information in a separate list/form so I can re-use it in a different application as well.
What I would like to do is give a picker to pick the customer from a list, and if the customer is not listed to allow the creation of a new one.
What I am wondering is how I can leave the main form, create the new customer, and then return to the main form but with the new customer information passed to the new form as selected. In ASP.NET one of the ways I would do this is through the querystring, but I am not sure if that is doable or preferred in Sharepoint.
Any thoughts or links to tutorials would be great.
Please keep in mind that due to access/security limitations I am trying to do this strictly through the browser and Sharepoint Designer.
With your access limitations, I don't see a solution that will allow the refresh of the original form to get the new data. You may be able to hack in some JQuery stuff to do this, but I just don't see it being an easy/value-for-time thing to do.
You may just have to allow the form user to save the form without customer info and come back to it.
A list view can then highlight forms with no customer info. This all depends on the usage scenario.
You can use the Source query string parameter to get you back to the original form after completing the new customer form. However, unless you add some code (either javascript or server side) you won't get the id of the new customer.
The best option is probably using jquery and the sharepoint web services. It's quite easy if you start with the right scripts, and you can do something like your original plan - make a simple form in a jquery ui popup.
You can also use javascript to manage linking between multiple forms, but you need to be careful about clearing out already entered form data.
Another option would be to edit dispform.aspx and add dataviews for other lists, along with appropriate add buttons, and add javascript to the new customer form that sets the value of a connecting lookup field. However, that tends to require quite a bit of messing about with list guids and other undocumented bits.

Change template html in sharepoint discussion reply box

I have a wss 3.0 install which needs an "anonymous" discussion board. I can modify the view so no usernames are displayed, however when I click on "reply", the message I'm replying to shows up in the rich text box with the username of the previous poster.
Is there a way to remove that username? or Remove the previous posted text altogether? I've found the schema.xml file with lots of relevant info under the ..12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\DiscussionsList\Discuss folder, but not sure if this is the easiest way to adjust this setting.
Any comments appreciated.
Best practice says that you should always create a custom list definition instead of trying to modify the OOB assets.
The easiest way to do this is take a copy of the 12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\DiscussionsList\Discuss folder, modify the feature Ids and names so that its unique. Then your free to change the schema render template (i.e view schema) and modify the edit and display forms.
If you need to modfify the actual entry form you may consider a custom control template :
Custom list definition :
I have a similar requirement (hide or mask the author inside the reply thread.). What exactly inside of schema.xml do you think will allow you to do accomplish that?
Not sure if the list forms are exposed to xslt. If so, then perhaps this is another approach.
FWIW, the other solutions I have investigated:
(1) A custom event handler. Unfortunately, I can't pinpoint which event fires when someone click reply.
(2) Anonymous blog comments (
(3) the other thing I am considering, is to introduce a global anonymous active directory login, which users can use to post anonymously. Not ideal, but for the amount of time I have spent researching a solution, might be my last hope.

ExpressionEngine: which hooks to use to rewrite field contents on save and edit?

Not having much luck with this query in the ExpressionEngine forums and it's time-sensitive, so I figured I'd see if there's any EE-junkies hanging around Stack Overflow.
I'm working on an EE extension and I need to know what hooks to use to parse a custom field's contents when it's first saved, parse it before being displayed to be edited, and parse it when the edited contents are saved once more. My problem is I'm new to EE extension development, and I'm having trouble figuring out which in the long list of hooks I need to use. Best I can tell:
submit_new_entry_end is what I need to tie into when the entry is first created
publish_form_entry_data is what I need to tie into for parsing before the user edits the entry
And I must be overlooking the hook that will let me edit the entry data before it is saved back to the database. Anyone have some advice?
With trial and error, I finally answered my own question. The hooks that you want in order to parse a custom field's contents on save and reparse them before the entry is displayed are:
submit_new_entry_start (called whenever an entry is submitted; "new" appears to be meaningless)
publish_form_entry_data (I had this one right)
