What would be the simplest system to send sms from linux server? - linux

What would be the simplest system to send sms from linux server? It`s a Debian system. There would be not much SMSes. What hardware and software to use? Maybe use some SMS sending service?

Yeah, I think the simplest way would be getting a serial GSM modem, or a GSM phone with a serial connection, and a SIM card. Some USB ones can work, but is better getting a serial one and staying on the safe side.
Serial modems don't need any drivers, you just need to connect via the serial port (/dev/tty...) and dump there the commmands...
Also, if you want it easier, you can install the SMS Tools available on Linux. They are packaged with the easy name 'smstools' in Ubuntu, Debian, and other Distros.
Last version is number 3, and you can get some info on this site:

If you like to to do it yourself and utilize your old mobile phone, try this recipe :-)
There is a real advantage in this approach over using some email SMS service: computer network problems don't affect local hardware. It's especially important if you use SMSes for monitoring your server.

Each cell phone company offers email addresses to send sms messages to phones. For example verizon uses something like 55512345678#vtext.com to send messages. All you need to do is find a list of each provider's email domain and then find out the service your user subscribes. After that just send the sms like a regular email. This is how most software does it.

Since you are probably looking for a lithuanian service (judging from your name), look into www.gsms.lt.

Maybe this Question helps you. Otherwise take a look at Kannel.

There is another option perl independent exec. Download and Run directly.
No Moderm required. Global sms supported and free try.
you can refer http://www.sms4mail.com/smsmail/smscmd.htm

Use a modem connected to a serial port. And use gnokii.

the simplest way is to use a GPRS modem or a pool of modems. More advance - buy gateway service in cell network operator.


VoIP service to make a bridge between Android phone and Ubuntu server

I want to write an application which will be a bridge between VoIP app and phone line.
- I am writing in Skype to user XXX "call to ******"
- User XXX call me back and by phone modem calling to ******
- So I can speak throw my VoIP and phone modem for free (except internet and phone fees)
I thought to use something like this.
The better description is here in Calling section.
But it is outdated and my server part is on Ubuntu
Could you please advice VoIP (e.g. Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, etc) which I can use for such purpose? It would be great to have a client on Android Phone and server on Ubuntu.
Thank a lot,
If I have well understood, the use case is:
A wants to call B through an application running in a mobile device
B has a phone land or mobile line, but not a VoIP one to receive the call.
Bridge between internet and phone lines is to be done at home (A's home) without specific subscription costs, that is to say, without the services of a VoIP provider (I should like here to suggest rethinking the use of a well stablished solution as costs to call phone lines from IP can be really cheap).
Well, there is a lot of solutions for this scenario. I am going to speak about one of them that I consider interesting because it opens the way to a lot of additional communication services.
First, the softphone. To make and receive calls, A will need an application in his or her device. Consider a softphone as Zoiper or Jitsi Meet.
Then, the gateway between VoIp and phone lines. Asterisk can do the work as a SIP server. It is a lightweight linux software with a lot of features. It can switch VoIP lines with land phone lines via FXS - FXO cards (if the phone lines are analogue ones), ISDN cards, VoIP interfaces, bluetooth using mobile devices, etc.
Last, but not least, the connection. Ok, you do not want to expose your gateway to the dangers of all those wicked people of internet, eager to stole your phone line minutes. Connection between mobile and server could be done using a VPN (e.g. OpenVPN), or through a web app (SIP on top of WebRTC).
Once you have the asterisk working at home, you could use it as an answering machine sending email messages with the received audio, as (if your local regulations allow it) a recorder, as an IVR or as a part of a security system, calling sequencially phone numbers in case of emergency.

Tools for bluetooth monitoring

For my project I have an Android phone and an Arduino device that communicate via Bluetooth. I was wondering if anyone knows any software tools I could use to monitor a bluetooth communications between two devices. Something like a packet eavesdropping. Preferably for Linux.
Take a look at ubertooth one. In the linked webpage there are instructions on how to build the dongle, as well as links to shops selling assembled dongles may be bought. Ubertooth one should work well with Kismet, and thus in Linux, by using a BT plugin (disclaimer: I have no personal experience on this).
Sounds like you are after a Bluetooth sniffer.
Bad news: They are almost exclusively Windows OS based and cost mega-$.
If you were using BlueZ for one side of the communication you could use the BlueZ HCIDUMP app and Wireshark.
I don't think anyone has made a Linuz/Bluez Sniffer - could be wrong.

How to use minicom to communicate via sms with my usb modem?

I am using a huawei e355 usb modem on linux. I would like to send my usb modem texts from my cell phone and would want my usb modem to store it in some log file and may be communicate back. How do I go about doing this?
I went through a lot of articles but they were more about setting up the modem rather than using it in this particular way.
The best option for your needs would be Gammu. You can download it here http://wammu.eu/. You can also get it over your paket manager.
There is a python API available which makes interacting with texts easier.
For your needs I would recommend you run the gammu-sms daemon (gammu-smsd) and have a script which interacts with the contents of your sms. Check the RunOnReceive variable in the /etc/gammu-smsdrc file.
Try http://www.question-defense.com/2010/07/27/use-minicom-for-linux-modem-dialup-at-command-testing.
This allows you to send and receive texts from the modem; you can then set a callback for what to do once a text is received. I'm currently working on something along these lines, too, so I don't have a complete answer, but this should get you started.

Is there any telephony framework in linux?

I have a USB 3g modem, On windows it comes with software with which, I can use it for calling, sending and receiving SMS. Now, I want to write similar open source application in linux ( I also want to provide DTMF detection functionality ).
In windows, we can achieve this through TAPI, what are the similar technologies/frameworks in linux? Is there any similar opensource application ( I want to use as a reference )?
Yes it is is called ofono - project started by Intel/Nokia for Maemo/Moblin. From wikipedia:
oFono is a free, open source project for mobile telephony (GSM/UMTS)
applications. It uses high-level D-Bus API for use by telephony
applications. It uses 3GPP standard. It is free software released
under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2.
And Asterisk and Freeswitch are PBX software and probably are not what you are looking for.
I'm not sure about a USB modem, but for VOIP telephony, Freeswitch is excellent. It uses a generic socket API to make it extensible via any number of languages. It can handle inbound and outbound calls, text-to-speech, voice recognition, etc.
My Vodafone Merlin card was recognized as a ttySx ant it was possible to interact by simple AT-commands like with old analog modems. There were also extra commands for reasing the sim card address book, sms and I believe also for sending sms.
We use sms tools: http://smstools3.kekekasvi.com/
The SMS Server Tools 3 is a SMS Gateway software which can send and receive short messages through GSM modems and mobile phones.
You can send short messages by simply storing text files into a special spool directory. The program monitors this directory and sends new files automatically. It also stores received short messages into another directory as text files. Binary messages (including Unicode text) are also supported, for example ring tone messages. It's also possible to send a WAP Push message to the WAP / MMS capable mobile phone.
The program can be run as a SMS daemon which can be started automatically when the operating system starts. High availability can be ensured by using multiple GSM devices (currently up to 64, this limit is easily changeable).
The program can run other external programs or scripts after events like reception of a new message, successful sending and also when the program detects a problem. These programs can inspect the related text files and perform automatic actions, for example storing information into a database (for example MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server), sending an automatic reply, forwarding messages via eMail (SMS to eMail gateway), ... and whatever you like."
Asterisk would be the usual suspect for what you want - http://www.asterisk.org/

How can I know what bluetooth stacks are installed in my cellphone and how to they works?

I want to send almost 4k size data to any cellphone by using bluetooth.
Firstly to do this, I need to find what stacks are in my phone and what stacks are acting when I send a data.
I really struggle to find the way; however, it is really hard.
If you know how to find it, please give me some information!!
See http://32feet.NET if you are talking about Windows Mobile. It is a managed library for Bluetooth, OBEX, and IrDA. We support both the Microsoft stack, but also have support for Widcomm. And now also Bluesoleil and Stonestreet One Bluetopia.
You can either send and receive the data as an OBEX message, or over a simple bluetooth connection. See a copy of the user's guide at http://www.alanjmcf.me.uk/comms/bluetooth/32feet.NET%20—%20User’s%20Guide.html
Goto "https://www.bluetooth.org/tpg/listings.cfm" type the name of your mobile. This will give you information on the Bluetooth stack inside and the profiles supported.
