Firebird determine if a string is all numbers - string

I have a VARCHAR field in a Firebird 2.0 table that can contain alphanumeric characters. I need to sort data on this field, sorting all values that contain only numbers as numbers, and sort all other values as 0.
For example, if I have four values,
"1", "2", "10", "string",
I need to sort it as
"string", "1", "2", "10".
Default sort with string sorts as
"1", "10", "2", "string".
I was thinking of casting the values to INTEGER, but I'm getting conversion error on strings, which is of course correct. How to work around this?

You can use builtin function LPAD:
LPAD(<numer_field>, 10)

Create extra column where you store sortable values using your application. Then do sorting based on that column.
If you want your numbers to be at the end then insert "ZZZ" (or "ÜÜÜ" or whatever is last character in your language) in front of numbers. Like Format("ZZZ%012d", my_num);


How to convert a column of string array to array format and coalesce the first non null value in the dataset

I have dataset which consists of two columns. Where "Values" column consists of string in list/array and the column datatype is char. I need to get coalesce first non null value in the new column since we also have null values other rows. I am new to SAS. Could you please help me with the solution.
Required Output
So you have a long string with comma separated values? You can use SCAN() to select one item from the list. Since your list has extra [ and ] you can just include those extra characters in the set of delimiter characters for SCAN().
data want;
set have;
first = scan(values,1,'[,]');
If the values can include the delimiter use the 'q' modifier. That will ignore delimiters that are inside of quoted strings. If you want to remove the quotes from the result use the DEQUOTE() function.
data want;
set have;
first = dequote(scan(values,1,'[,]','q'));

Power Query excel

i am trying to use a if formula in power query. For example, if the Column contains “guy” then value is male and the false value is “female”. I tried different ways and I can’t find the right formula to use in power query. Can anyone help me please?
If you are entering this into the Add Custom Column dialog, something like (for case-insensitive):
= if Text.Contains([Column],"guy", Comparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) then "male" else "female"
It sounds like you are wanting to conditionally replace values in a column, based on the existing values in that column? If so, you can use the Table.ReplaceValue function in Power Query:
= Table.ReplaceValue(Source,
each [Gender],
each if [Gender] = "guy" then "male" else "female",
That will change all values of "guy" to "male', and ALL other values to "female", as you stated.
You can also leave values in place that don't meet the criteria, by simply referencing the column name instead of a specifying a new value:
= Table.ReplaceValue(Source,
each [Gender],
each if [Gender] = "guy" then "male" else [Gender],
Create a table with a column called Gender, and load it to power query. Right-click on the column header and choose Replace Values to get the UI to build your statement for you, then replace the generated code with the above modification(s) and apply to your actual requirements. The key is using the each expression to tell Power Query to test at the row value level. If you omit each, you'll see the error:
"Expression.Error: There is an unknown identifier. Did you use the [field] shorthand for a _[field] outside of an 'each' expression?"
= Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type","ColumnName",each if[Column] ="""Guy""" then"""Male""" else"""Female""")

Need initial N characters of column in Postgres where N is unknown

I have one column in my table in Postgres let's say employeeId. We do some modification based on the employee type and store it in DB. Basically, we append strings from these 4 strings ('ACR','AC','DCR','DC'). Now we can have any combination of these 4 strings appended after employeeId. For example, EMPIDACRDC, EMPIDDCDCRAC etc. These are valid combinations. I need to retrieve EMPID from this. EMPID length is not fixed. The column is of varying length type. How can this be done in Postgres?
I am not entirely sure I understand the question, but regexp_replace() seems to do the trick:
with sample (employeeid) as (
select employeeid,
regexp_replace(employeeid, 'ACR|AC|DCR|DC.*$', '', 'gi') as clean_id
from sample
employeeid | clean_id
1ACR | 1
100DCRAC | 100
The regular expression says "any character after any of those string up to the end of the string" - and that is then replace with nothing. This however won't work if the actual empid contains any of those codes that are appended.
It would be much cleaner to store this information in two columns. One for the empid and one for those "codes"

"Does Not Contain" text filter filters too much

By using Power Query, I have created an address list from address fields in approx. 15000 individual excel files.
I now have a list with 15143 rows but I have run into problems with the "Does Not Contain" Text filter.
I want to keep rows that do not contain the search term "foo" in a specific column.
When I first use the "Contains" "foo" Text Filter it returns a list of 150 rows
But when I use the "Does Not Contain" "foo" Text Filter instead the list is shortened to only 3218 rows.
A bit unexpected result...
If I recall my maths lessons correctly 15143-150=14993, not 3218.
This is driving me nuts!
Do I do something wrong or is it the Almighty Microsoft Bug that has hit me, once again?
This behavior is related to the expected Sql logic for null: if a row field is null, it doesn't contain "foo" but it also doesn't not contain "foo". Put differently, a WHERE filter skips rows that evaluate to null, and not null is also null.
You can see this in Power Query:
Source = Table.FromColumns({{null, "foo", "bar"}}),
FilteredRows = Table.SelectRows(Source, each
not Text.Contains([Column1], "foo") or Text.Contains([Column1], "foo"))
... only returns the last two rows.
In Power Query if you want to avoid this bizarre kind of logic, you can replace null with empty string and then you get nicer behavior:
= Table.ReplaceValue(Source,null,"",Replacer.ReplaceValue,{"Column1"})

How to tokenize a string and assign tokens to column in Teradata?

I have multiple strings of the form {key1=value, key2=value2, key3=value3 ...} with a known set of keys. The key names are set and known, with only the values changing between records. I would like to tokenize the string with the space delimiter as my tokenizing character then strip off the key names and assign each one to a column in sequential order. Is this something I can do in-database in teradata 15?
Starting with TD14 there's NVP to extract data from name-value-pairs, e.g.
NVP(col, 'key1', '{ ,\ }', '=')
