Managing site deployments between demo/staging/live on production servers - code-organization

The way we currently manage site roll outs to the server and then switching sites between demo/acc/live "mode" is a bit hap-hazard and i'm looking to improve the whole process.
I've been reviewing automated deployment tools, but also the way the server is structured. I'll save the automated deployment questions for another post, here i'm interested in how people organise code on their production servers.
We currently have 3 top level folders on the data drive, "demo", "acceptance" and "live". There's tenuous differences between what classifies something as "demo" or "acc" which i won't go into, suffice to say i want to be rid of all argument/ambiguity.
Our rollout procedure is as follows, once a site is developed, roll it out under an "acceptance" host header such as under the "acceptance" folder. The client reviews the site, we give it a test to make sure all connection strings/permissions etc are correct. The client gives the OK to go live. At this point, we completely re-roll out the site under the "live" folder and give it the live host header. of course at this point the site is totally untested in its deployed state (not talking about unit tests here, i mean file permissions, iis setup mistakes etc). The site then has to be re-tested :(
I think a structure something like this, would be much better:
This way, a new site can be rolled out to a version1 folder under an "acc" host header. If the client gives the OK, you simply switch the headers and youre away. If there are change requsts, they go under a v1.1 which can have the acceptance header, once it gets the ok, swap the headers and youre good. Rinse and repeat.
This process would also be much easier to manage for an automated deployment script. Having all the code for a site under a single parent folder means upload permissions can be restricted to a single site, so you cant accidentally overwrite another site's code, its much easier to keep a track of what versions there are on the server, the project management wiki can easily be maintained... the list goes on!
What are your methods of code organisation and rollout management?

Most people don't operate in the way you've proposed because they use separate servers for test and live.
We have stripped all configuration out of our projects, so we can deploy exactly the same code to the test and live machines and they will automatically pick up the correct config. This prevents unexpected "oops I'm pointing at test instead of live" moments.
Your idea may well work - but what if you do decide to split your servers up in the future (you can't exactly run performance testing against it if it could potentially impact your live websites for example).


How to affordably release a webapp for my job company

First of all, I'm not really sure if this question goes here in stackoverflow or if I should ask it on another place. Please if that's the case, indicate me in the right way :)
So, for context, this is an app that I was asked to develop for my job. At first I thought in doing a webapp and host it inside the company servers and domain (intranet), but it isn't possible due to external issues that I can't control.
Is there another way to achieve this? The app must have a database and should be accessible for a bunch of users at the same time.
Of course we want to spend the least amount of money possible to make this happen. Also, using a workstation of our own to host everything is not possible either.
Edit: I didn't finish developing, but for now I'm developing it in Python Flask.
The number of users is small really, just up to five people.
OK - I guess a lot of what you'll get in response to this is your definition is too vague. Things such as scale, number of users, programming languages used to create the web app etc are important when talking about hosting.
However, for me, there are three very good options out there for free hosting, up to a certain amount of traffic.
1.) Heroku -
A world known web hosting platform. You can publish code through GitHub, and it has some extensive coverage for different types of web apps. Definitely worth a look.
2.) Netlify -
Similar to Heroku, but used by some major companies. Allows you to host for free to a point, and is relatively simple to get started with.
3.) Vercel -
A bit more technical in my opinion - but again, very similar to the above two and has a free tier.
All three are great options, and I'd recommend looking into them in more detail to see what option is best for you. Can't go wrong with any of them.
I had a similar problem: A Python-Flask-SQLite app for me and my office pals to use together.
The solution was creating one .exe file with pyinstaller, hosting this and the database files in a network drive (one that everyone that will use the app has access). As everybody (~10 people) sees the same db, things works fine!

Using another server to store files: Good or bad idea?

I am thinking of using another "less" important server to store files that our clients want to upload and handling the data validation, copying, insertion, etc at that end.
I would display the whole upload thingy through iframe on our website and using HTML,PHP,SQL as syntax-languages for the thingy?
Now I would like to ask your opinions is this is a good or bad idea.
I´m figuring out that the pros and cons are:
The other server is "less" valuable, meaning if something malicious could be uploaded there it would not be the end of the world
Since the other server has less events/users/functionality/data it would help to lessen the stress of our main website server
If the less important server goes down the other functionality on main server would still be functioning
Firewall prevents outside traffic (at least to a certain point)
The users need to be logged through the main website
It does not have any CMS+plugins, so it might be more vunerable
It might generate more malicious traffic towards it.
Makes the upkeep of the main website that much more complicated for future developers
Generally I´m not found of the idea that users get to uploading files, but it is not up to me.
Thanks for your input. I´m looking forward to hearing your opinions.
Servers have file quotas and bandwidths defined/allocated for them.
If you transfer your "less" used files to another server ,it will help your main server to improve its performance.
And also there wont be much maintenance headaches with the main server if all files are uploaded there.
Conclusion : It is a good idea.
Well, I guess most importantly, you will need a single sign-on (SSO) solution in place between the two web applications. I assume you don't want user A be able to read or delete files from user B.
SSO between 2 servers is a lot more complicated than for a single web application. Unless this site is only deployed in an intranet with a Active Directory domain controller in which case you can use Kerberos.
I'm not sure it's worth it just for the advantages you name.

What are the things that must be taken care of before deploying a cakephp website

Im just done with a cakephp website, but im still in a doubt on what are the things that I must take care of, before making this website live.
Since it is a big application that require users to Register and Login and to manage their accounts. Any sort of help is appreciated.
There is a section in the CakePHP book answering directly that:
Harden instillation, set production mode if you are using different SQL services, disable php error reporting, enable caching, disable and remove all client side debugging like DebugKit, make sure any comments in your html will not give hackers an advantage like printing variables.
Php frameworks can be resource hogs. I think the last but most important is to test server with some generated traffic. There are services that can do this for you. You may need to separate resources or set up an additional server for SQL if you expect a lot of traffic.
There may be a couple other things you might want to do.. Just browse your core.php and bootstrap.php. Make sure everything is working is correctly for production environment.
Here are some common but important things to be taken care of before making cake website live.
Check for read/write permissions on desired folders.
Check for images,js files and css files you need on your website .
Check for writable temp folder and clear cache.
Set debug level to 0.
Make sure database connectivity works fine.

Is there any reason why a dev server should be accessible from the internet?

This is a very generic question that popped up in my mind. The reason has been that I came across a website dev server which leaked sensitive information about a database connection due an error. I was stunned at first and now I wonder why someone puts a development server out in the internet and make it accessible to everyone?
For me there is no reason for doing this.
But it certainly did not happen by accident that a company created a subdomain ( and pushed development code to it. So what could be the reason to ignore the fact of high security risk?
A quick search did not bring up any information about this. I'm interested in any further readings about this specific topic.
Thank you in advance
There is no reason for your dev servers to be accessible by the general public.
As a customer I just had an experience with a private chef site where I spent time interacting with their dev server because it managed to get crawled by Bing. Everything was the same as the live site but I got increasingly frustrated because paying a deposit failed to authorise. The customer support team had no idea I was on the wrong site either. The only difference was the URL. My e-mail address is now in their test system sending me spam every night when they do a test run.
Some options for you to consider, assuming you don't want to change the code on the page:
IP Whitelisting is the bare minimum
Have a separate login page that devs can use that redirects to the dev site with the correct auth token - bonus points for telling stray users that this is a test side and the live site is at https://.....
Use a robots.txt to make sure you don't get indexed
Hide it all behind a VNET - this really isn't an issue anymore with VPNs or services like Bastion.
Also consider the following so your devs/testers don't accidentally use the wrong site:
Have a dev css to make it obvious its a test system (this assumes you do visual testing later in your pipeline)
Use a banner to make it clear this is a dev site
Note that this would be a dev server. If you are using ringed/preview/progressive deployment then these should work just as well as the live site because they are the live site.
It's extremely common for a development environment or any "lower level" environment for that matter to be exposed to the pubic internet. Today, especially with more and more companies working in the public cloud and having remote team members, it's extremely more productive to have your development team or UAT done without having the need to set up a VPN connection or a faster more expensive direct connections to the cloud from your company's on premise network.
It's important to mention that exposing to the public internet does not mean that you shouldn't have some kind of HTTP Authentication in these environments that hides the details of your website. You can also use a firewall with an IP address whitelist. This is still very important so you don't expose your product and lose a possible competitive advantage. It's also important because lower level environments tend to be more error prone and important details about the inner workings of your application may accidentally show up.

Azure scaling with Orchard cms

I was reading through these questions:
Scaling Orchard with Azure Web Sites
Orchard CMS Performance
How to deploy Orchard CMS in Windows Azure?
I started to think about an e-commerce project I am undertaking and would like to clarify a few things if possible.
Please forgive me because I am finding it very difficult to articulate this question in a way I feel I have clearly communicated what I am thinking.
Firstly, what factors and when would those factors kick in for me to start thinking about scaling to handle the traffic of my web site. The type of factors I am aware of would include:
Session handling
I am thinking the amount of data being served in a request but not sure on the full implications of request size
Secondly, with all things there should be a certain level of up-front planning when trying to set up a web site that can handle traffic of certain levels. Would the Azure scaling need to be done upfront or is it a simple matter to make it work now for what is needed and then up-scale at a later date when it is necessary?
Let me give a real life scenario to try aid where my fear is:
A radio broadcast was put out for a certain web site trying to sell
their wares. The web site was not planned very well. The web site
started to receive visits from people listening to the radio show. So
many visitors that the web site was not able to handle the traffic and
an error message was displayed telling the world that they should
'talk to the administrator' or words to that effect. You know the
picture I am sure and I am also very certain it would be embarrassing
for any web developer to be told that this was happening to a web site
they had designed.
I would really like to really be able to distil a proper question out of this, but there are many things that I am just not aware of. To try an make this question less vague I will try to summarise what I would like to achieve:
I want to have a web site that is able to handle a lot of traffic following successful advertising/marketing campaigns. I want to walk the tightrope of budget versus functionality, which is why I would like to be able to do the least amount possible to start with and be able to easily up-scale as demand dictates.
Bearing this in mind, what approach/considerations should I take to avoid nasty pitfalls with performance/availability/reliability when using an Orchard CMS/Azure combination to deliver my project?
Orchard on Azure Web Sites is working great for us, see
A few things to bear in mind with the site configuration are:
follow the guidelines in
set up caching (module Contrib.Cache available in the gallery) which will use IIS's application cache.
set up the Warmup feature to keep the site alive,
also ensure that dynamic compilation is off by using the Config/HostComponents.config
We are currently in "shared" mode of azure web sites, we don't have much traffic yet, but out load testing with has not taken the site down once. at any time we can move to the "reserved" mode (it does take up to 24h for it to happen)
Version 1.6 will bring a lot of improvements to Orchard, try to get started with your development in it.
Hope this has helped.
