How to turn-off a plugin in Vim temporarily? - vim

I have multiple plugins in Vim and some of them modify the default behavior of Vim. For example I use Vimacs plugin, which makes Vim behave like emacs in the insert mode alone. Sometime I want to turn off the Vimacs plugin without moving the vimacs.vim out of the plugins directory. Is there a way to do it?

You can do this if you use a plugin manager like Vundle or Pathogen, which will keep the plugin in its own directory underneath the ~/.vim/bundle/ directory.
In that case, just find out the runtimepath of the vimacs plugin with the following command:
set runtimepath?
Let's say it's ~/.vim/bundle/vimacs.
Then, put this command in your .vimrc:
set runtimepath-=~/.vim/bundle/vimacs
To load vimacs, just comment that line out and relaunch Vim (or source your .vimrc).

See which variable vimacs check on start. On the begin of the script file find something Like if exists('g:vimacs_is_loaded").... Then set this variable in your .vimrc or while start vim with vim --cmd "let g:vimacs_is_loaded = 1".

In case you are using pathogen, this post gives a better answer, in my opinion. Since I have frequent need to disable snippets when using latex, also added this in my ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf:
map bs shell vim --cmd "let g:pathogen_blacklist = [ 'ultisnips', 'vim-snipmate' ]" %f
This way, whenever I want to open a file with snippets disabled, it is easy.


SPF VIM syntax on by default

I just installed spf13 vim on my machine with CentOS. One thing I noticed is that I was not able to set "syntax on" by default.
The difference are the parenthesis color and the GLOB color. The default color is very light on my monitor, so really want to set syntax on by default.
I am not sure what went wrong. Here is my ~/.vimrc.local
filetype plugin on
syntax on
Setting up vim defaults can be funky on new installs.
First, confirm that the rc is being sourced.
Place the line echom "file is sourced on startup" into your .vimrc.
Open a new instance of vim. Type :messages then <return>. If you don't see that line, the file isn't being sourced.
To find out where vim is looking for your .vimrc:
Enter the command :echo $HOME. The folder it outputs is a good place to try putting a .vimrc or .vimrc.local file. Try both of those.
Also try :e $MYVIMRC, which might find the file you need to edit anyway.
Finally, make sure to put set nocompatible in your rc.

ctags not working as expected with Vim plus general setup problems (C programming)

I have installed cvim and NodeTree plugins and generated an exuberant ctags file for my build tree.
This is what my ~/.vim/.vimrc file looks like:
:noremap :TlistToggle
:let Tlist_Show_One_File = 1
:let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 1
:let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1
set tags=./tags;/
set number
set tabstop=4
set incsearch
When I start editing a file, I notice that Ctrl ] does not work and I have to resort to typing ta: funcname - which gets tiring after a while. Interestingly enough, Ctrl T pops me off the tag stack as expected - I don't understand whats going on - how do I fix this?
Incidentally, vim (appears to) completely ignores the contents of my .vimrc file and I always have to type the same commands in the editor, so as to get the settings I want - very annoying.
Last but not the least, I used to be able to type :make in the editor window, drop to the console and then have the build results displayed in a little window which I can then go to and select a line (with an error or warning say), and then have the editor automagically take me to the offending line - unfortunately, I don't remember the plugin (or commands) I used to allow me to build from within vim.
So, how do I:
Fix my vim setup so that I can move to definitions/declarations using Ctrl-]
Fix my .vimrc file so that contents are actually applied to my vim session.
Find the appropriate plugin to install to allow builds (using make) from within vim
You're asking about a weird mix of problems.
Fix my vim setup so that I can move to definitions/declarations using Ctrl-]
The tags functionality is working; I suspect that you have a mapping blocking Ctrl-]. Try
:verbose nmap <C-]>
:nunmap <C-]>
Fix my .vimrc file so that contents are actually applied to my vim session.
:echo $MYVIMRC
will tell you the location of the .vimrc that Vim uses. Also, check the output of :scriptnames which scripts get loaded, and read :help vimrc to understand the logic Vim applies.
Find the appropriate plugin to install to allow builds (using make) from within vim
That's built into Vim. With the appropriate 'makeprg' set (it defaults to make), you can run :make. Vim parses the output (through the 'errorformat' option), and you can open the quickfix list via :copen.
Your vimrc is:
If you run Vim 7.4, it should be:
If you run Vim 7.3 or older, it should be:
And... what Ingo said.

vundle: ConqueTerm: not an edit command

I tried to install Conque-Shell via Vundle, and when I input :ConqueTerm bash in vim, it showed 'ConqueTerm: Not an edit command'. I thought there was something wrong with my path. But I did write set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle in my .gvimrc. And the configure of Vundle is at the beginning of the .gvimrc.
I copied the .vim/bundle/Conque-Shell/plugin/conque_term.vim to .vim/plugin/conque_term.vim and then it worked.
So, is there anything wrong with my .gvimrc?? Thanks!
My .gvimrc:
If you observe the output of :scriptnames (the list of scripts sourced during startup), you'll note that .gvimrc comes last, after .vimrc and the plugins. Therefore, any changes to the 'runtimepath' there are too late; plugins (like ConqueTerm) have already been loaded. You can read more about the startup process at :help initialization.
Even if you only use the GUI GVIM, put the common settings into ~/.vimrc; the ~/.gvimrc file is for GUI-only stuff that doesn't apply to the terminal Vim, e.g. setting 'guifont' and similar options.

What can I do if vim still chooses the wrong syntax highlighter?

I'm on a system (linux) that always recognizes cpp files (*.cc) as tcl files. I don't know what file type that is, but I wanted to override it. The correct syntax highlighting is chosen if I manually do :set ft=cpp. However, I'm having troubles setting that automatically and I don't want to use the modeline option. My own .vimrc doesn't interfere (same result if I rename it).
From the vim help (:help ftplugin-override)
If a global filetype plugin does not do exactly what you want, there are three
ways to change this:
1. Add a few settings.
You must create a new filetype plugin in a directory early in
'runtimepath'. For Unix, for example you could use this file:
vim ~/.vim/ftplugin/fortran.vim
You can set those settings and mappings that you would like to add. Note
that the global plugin will be loaded after this, it may overrule the
settings that you do here. If this is the case, you need to use one of the
following two methods.
I have used this option before on another machine and that worked. I've tried
<file> .vim/ftplugin/tcl.vim
set filetype=cpp
"au BufRead,BufNewFile * set filetype=cpp
The first line correctly sets the filetype (:set ft? returns cpp), but syntax highlighting is not the same as if I said :set ft=cpp. It's still the tcl syntax highlighting. The second line does nothing.
2. Make a copy of the plugin and change it.
You must put the copy in a directory early in 'runtimepath'. For Unix, for
example, you could do this:
cp $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/fortran.vim ~/.vim/ftplugin/fortran.vim
Then you can edit the copied file to your liking. Since the b:did_ftplugin
variable will be set, the global plugin will not be loaded.
A disadvantage of this method is that when the distributed plugin gets
improved, you will have to copy and modify it again.
There seems to be no file in my $VIMRUNTIME directory /usr/share/vim/vim72/ftplugin/ called tcl.vim.
3. Overrule the settings after loading the global plugin.
You must create a new filetype plugin in a directory from the end of
'runtimepath'. For Unix, for example, you could use this file:
vim ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/fortran.vim
In this file you can change just those settings that you want to change.
Has the same effect as 1. Is there anything else I can try? Thanks a lot in advance.
cpp is the default filetype for *.cc and *.cpp files.
The tcl filetype is only set for *.tcl, *.tk, *.itcl, *.itk and *.jacl.
I see no reason why Vim would default to tcl when loading a *.cc file but you could check if theses files are installed:
and if the correct checks are done in:
Are you the only person working on this machine? Do you use modelines?

Enable Vim Syntax Highlighting By Default

I know how to turn syntax highlighting on and off in vim by running this in the editor:
:syntax on/off
But I want syntax highlighting to be enabled by default, so I don't have to turn it on every time I run vim.
How do I do this?
Edit your $HOME/.vimrc (Unix/Linux/OSX) or $HOME/_vimrc (Windows) to include the following line:
syntax on
If your syntax highlighting doesn't work when you start Vim, you probably don't have a
$HOME/.vimrc or $HOME/_vimrc (known collectively as vimrc from now on). In that case, you have two options:
Create an empty vimrc.
Copy vimrc_example.vim as your vimrc (recommended, thanks #oyenamit). You can find vimrc_example.vim in the runtime directory.
The location of the runtime directory varies between operating systems:
On my system (Arch Linux, and Mac, thanks #totophe), it's in /usr/share/vim/vim73.
On Windows, it's in \Program Files\Vim\vim73.
Also, to highlight the syntax of a Specific File TYPE (or programming language extension), you can use following commands, while file is already opened in Vim and you want to try syntax highlighting on the fly:
:set filetype=php
OR shortcut:
:se ft=php
Above commands will change the syntax-highlighting for currently opened file as it should be for PHP code.
Uncommenting the "syntax on" in vimrc file.
Move to the directory,
cd /etc/vim/
vim vimrc
now search "syntax" and uncomment it. Save it and reopen the file in vim.
For anyone that gets here because of TurnKeyLinux using vim-tiny which doesn't have the syntax module enabled try this article to install full vim
# apt-get remove vim-tiny
# apt-get install vim
# hash vim
# vim
I also found that this is one of the lessons in vimtutor.
To find it, you can type command vimtutor in your Terminal (I used on Mac), and scroll down to see if there is a lesson called CREATE A STARTUP SCRIPT (for me it was Lesson 7.2), where it describes how to set up an initial vimrc file.
In my $HOME/.vimrc I load a color scheme (solarized) and found that I need to place syntax on after I load the plugin. If it's before loading the plugin it doesn't work.
" this turns syntax highlighting on by default
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
Plugin 'lifepillar/vim-solarized8'
syntax on
" this does not turn syntax highlighting on by default
syntax on
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
Plugin 'lifepillar/vim-solarized8'
To Find the vimrc_example.vim as suggested in answers above
Command : sudo find /usr -iname "vimrc_example.vim"
