IIS Issue? Site not coming up all of a sudden - iis

So I have a site setup on a server. It has been working for ever. All of a sudden it stops working. I tried going to it even by IP. It just says, "Under Construction..
Under Construction
The site you are trying to view does not currently have a default page. It may be in the process of being upgraded and configured..."
I check to make sure it was pointing at the right virtual dir and that the default page was set in the documents list. The default page does exist in the dir too....
Nothing has been changed via code. Nothing has been altered on the server. I have a bunch of other sites running on the same server and they are all coming up. Just wondering if there was something that may have happened or overlooked. Any thoughts or ideas?
Thanks a million.

Double check your bindings are set correctly. Perhaps a new site was created which conflicts with the bindings of your site?
Make sure .net is set to the right version. I've seen where pages are not served up when the web is set to 1.1 on a 2.0 site.
Also does the site work locally on the box? Have you ruled out firewall issues / changes or other network related elements.

It sounds like your request is being handled by another IIS site. Make sure that the host header is set correctly.
With your comment, the "Bad Request" error means that the default web site was handling the request. There are a couple of things you can check:
If this is not the site that you expected to serve your app, then you still have a website identity issue.
If your app is hosted on the default web site, then make sure that the default document is set correctly.
Also make sure that you don't have a file named "app_offline.htm" in your app's root.

Well we rebooted the server and now it works again. I guess I should have tried that in the first place. It was just odd that all the otehr sites were working. Anyway thanks for suggestions everyone.


Why website not working with all internet service providers in my country?

My website is working with some ISP while it is not working with others. Also not working from other countries.
The app is hosted at our company. Developed using sharepoint asp.net.
The app works at my home.
But if I visit the website at my brother's home who is registered to different ISP, the website opens and a login dialog appears. When entering correct username and password then submit , textboxs cleared and dialog come again.
The problem is happening with many visitors.
I just want to know what would be the problem! Does anyone faced such problem before?
I checked all IIS restrictions. There is no restrictions made.
I created a new app using sharepoint with login page and it works great.
somebody said that users with public ip can access the site while others with dhcp cannot. Can somebody explain that !
Some ISPs have transparent proxies in use. And some of them are accidentally (or even intentionally) broken and cache more, than they should. You can check whether that's the problem:
Set up your server to also allow https and then use that. You should move to https for privacy reasons anyways, so just do it now ;)
This way, the proxy can't do anything but to pass the data between client and server unmodified.
If that is not an option: Use tcpdump/wireshark/other-sniffer on both - client and server - at the same time and compare the logs. Did the second access even make it to the server?
Do you have a laptop/tablet/smartphone with which you can access the web server? Try moving that laptop from one location to the other and check, whether it works with that one laptop using one ISP and fails with the same laptop on the other ISP.
This should be a comment, but I do not have enough to post it as such.
Are sure that it is not a browser issue?
Is the login dialog from SharePoint, your app or the browser itself?
If it is from your app, can you debug it or write the log-in attempts in a log?

Orchard CMS Warmup Status Zero

I have setup a brand new Orchard CMS 1.5.1 site using Web Platform Installer on Windows 2008 Server. I wanted to test out the Performance settings so I configured the following Warmup entries one per line:
...and checked the following options:
x Generate warmup pages periodically 90 Every minutes
x Generate warmup pages any time some content is published
When I visit the site the performance was still a bit slow. The Performance Warmup settings show each page has a status of zero and a red "down arrow" icon next to it.
Is there anything else I need to enable? Is there anything I am missing in the configuration like permissions, etc.
I have noticed that my site does not have a folder to store the warm up pages. I added that folder manually but it still didn't fix my problems. Are there permissions I would need to set on that folder?
After talking with Sebastien Ros, I think I understand what is wrong but still don't know how to fix it. The base URL setting in Orchard is set to "www.mydomain.com" as it should be but networking-wise my server does not allow my site to go out to the internet and query itself by that address in order to generate the warm-up page. To make matters worse, I have several sites that are hosted on the same IP address and using host headers to distinguish between sites. This prevents me from even being able to configure the base URL as a local IP address (which cause issues with other modules anyway).
Not sure what alternatives I have now.
Make sure that the general settings page is pointing to your base URL, i.e. http://mywebsite.com.
It may be pointing to the local host by default.
I confirmed with a Network Engineer at my server host that there was a networking restriction on outgoing requests coming back in for the web site. So, the performance module could not query www.mydomain.com and get an answer. Once the network restriction was removed, I was able see Warm-ups create the cache pages with a Status 200.
Alternatively, it was suggested that I create entries in my host file for each of my Orchard sites. I did not try this but I see no reason why it would not work even with the host-headered scenario that I have.

not able to access mywebsite in webbrowser

my website opens with xx.xxx.xxx.xxx IP address till friday it was working fine..after wards not able view the site in webbrowser...what could be the problem ? how can we solve it?
My server with this IP is working and can able to view the updated data in database ..but not able to view, or open the page of website.before the website under IIS configuration was stooped and now started again..still no use..am couldnt view Login page at all.My application was developed in classic asp long back.Kindly give me any suggestion to this...its very urgent...
I tried browsing the website in IIS manger(server) .It showing page cannot be displayed.
Thanks in advance.
First, Don't Panic. Staying calm can avoid further damage.
While it's hard to tell what could be the problem, the first thing you can do is to "ping" the domain from terminal.Can you login remotely? "wget" (on linux) will download the files from website, and could help you see if the files on the site are still accessible. Check from different browsers or machines, if possible. I'm no expert in asp or IIS, so won't advice on that front. But once I had faced the same situation with my website. So I just called up the hosting service provider, and it turned out it was their problem, and they brought the server online. If it's okay from their end, you might have changed some configurations in your server or application or there might be some up-gradation changing parameters, or even an accidental deletion/ moving/ renaming of files. Just try to remember what are the things you did with your server and application, before it went down, and also ask your server administrator. That will surely help you understand the problem better, if not help to solve it right away.
Good Luck.

Is there a website level setting in IIS that would prevent an ASP page from being served?

Trying to copy a website to a new server as the old one is dying. :(
I tried copying over the files and setting it up manually, but some specific user accounts needed to be used and the guy who set all this up left the company nearly 5 years ago. And is even worse at documentation than I am.
Anyway, at that point the ASP pages were serving, but getting errors. Ok, fine... I went back and exported the configuration from the old server (lucky that worked at all) and created a new website from that config on the new server. On the new website, from the config file, the ASP pages are giving 404 errors.
The Active Server Pages extension is enabled, and I can actually get the asp pages to serve from another website on the server... so I'm thinking it's something at the website level. No idea what though.
Any ideas?
Back when I was doing classic ASP development we used Parent Paths. This is at the top of your ASP file you'll see something like;
<!--#include file="../../resource/includes/MSSQLconnection.asp"-->
This isn't enabled by default in IIS. It may not be answer but worth looking at. But was a long time ago now.
Hope this helps,
404 is a file not found error.
Start by checking you can access a 'hello world' HTML file in the folder using http: //localhost/path/toyour/HelloWorldFile.htm
Hello World
is all you need in the file = you don't need to bother with any HTML markup to test what we're interested in.
This will check that your virtual directories, application settings etc are correct before you move on to the Active Server Page settings.
Once you've got your paths sorted out and you know you are looking for your application in the correct place move on to a 'hello world' ASP file
<%="Hello World"%>
is all you need in that file!
You ask about settings in IIS which will stop ASP from working. These come to mind as the most obvious.
Depending on the OS (or more specifically the IIS version) you may also need to activate ASP pages.
These instructions from msdn cover Windows 2003 (IIS6) and Windows 2008(IIS 7.x)
If you can get your hello world script working you can move on to debugging your application.
It will be a great help when debugging the application if you can see what's going wrong so I recommend that you turn off friendly error messages if you are using Internet Explorer. Also set IIS to pass error messages on to the browser
http: //learn.iis.net/page.aspx/564/classic-asp-script-error-messages-no-longer-shown-in-web-browser-by-default/ --excuse the link formatting but SO's newbies can't post more than 2 hyperlinks in a message was getting in the way of me trying to be helpful and earning enough rep to post more!
(that may only be relevant to IIS 7.x I don't have an IIS6 installation lying around to refresh my memory.
Make sure you are browsing your application on the server using http: //localhost - this should ensure you see any errors
Good luck

File upload/download problems using Internet Explorer to a Sharepoint site

A cheeseburger to the first person who can help me make sense of this. I have a page in a Sharepoint app that uses Telerik's RadUpload to upload files. This has worked for months; last week it stopped working (in Internet Explorer, this detail is important). After talking with a co-worker about the problem, I tried the upload with Firefox; it worked. Not only that, all subsequent uploads from Internet Explorer started working. Flash forward an hour, and the aforementioned coworker, on another Sharepoint site, running on different servers, was having problems downloading (using Internet Explorer). Being half serious, half smart-aleck, I said 'try it in Firefox'. Not only did that work, ALL SUBSEQUENT DOWNLOADS IN INTERNET EXPLORER WORKED! And he re-produced this behavior on another machine. My fear is that this a browser issue. All advice will be greatly appreciated.
IE will try and present credentials to a server it knows to be in its Local Intranet zone when it tries to connect (depending on the setting of "Automatic logon only in Intranet zone").
Firefox will only present credentials when prompted, and will generally ask you by popping up a box (unless you've configured a list of sites for it to always present NTLM credentials to).
I've seen a similar case with Sharepoint where you can cause IE to work by logging in with Firefox. I theorized it was due to a permission on a remote resource being for "Authenticated Users", and you're causing your user to authenticate by logging in forcefully. We eventually set the "Automatic logon only in Intranet zone" to "Prompt" and it worked. My theory there was that it wasn't detecting the site as being in the Local Intranet zone for some reason. If you're not accessing a domain with no .'s in it, try also setting your Local Intranet site policy to match the full domain of the Sharepoint server, not just *.example.com - I've read that that can help.
Was it as simple as IE not re-downloading miss-cached .js file, maybe, that firefox did download, making IE work after that?
Pretty gnarly to debug.
