I've been reading a number of tutorials on Haskell. However, I have not been able to get the compiled application to run on a multicore (I have an Intel Quad Core) on windows (32 bit).
I have tried a number of things:
ghc -O2 --make A.hs -threaded
./real-par +RTS -N2
./real-par +RTS -N4
But no luck.
The compiled application runs 100% on one core only.
Any ideas?
import Control.Parallel
import Control.Monad
import Text.Printf
fib :: Int -> Int
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = l `pseq` r `pseq` l+r
l = fib (n-1)
r = fib (n-2)
main = forM_ [0..350] $ \i ->
printf "n=%d => %d\n" i (fib i)
Using par instead of pseq seems to fix it.
If vili is correct (I can't test as I don't own any MS boxes), it might be related to this bug
I tried to run some programs with multicore and kinda confused by the results.
By default sorting in program below takes 20 seconds, when I run it with +RTS -N2 it takes around 16 secs, but with +RTS -N4 it takes 21 second!
Why it is like that? And is there example of program that gets faster with each extra core? (had similar results with other programs in tutorials)
Here's example of program:
import Data.List
import Control.Parallel
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
qsort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
qsort (x:xs)
= let a = qsort $ filter (<=x) xs
b = qsort $ filter (>x) xs
in b `par` a ++ x:b
qsort [] = []
randomList :: Int -> [Int]
randomList n = take n $ tail (iterate lcg 1)
where lcg x = (a * x + c) `rem` m
a = 1664525
c = 1013904223
m = 2^32
main :: IO ()
main = do
let randints = randomList 5000000
t1 <- getPOSIXTime
print . sum $ qsort randints
t2 <- getPOSIXTime
putStrLn $ "SORT TIME: " ++ show (t2 - t1) ++ "\n"
I can't duplicate your results. (Which is a good thing, since I think I was the one claiming to see a performance improvement with -N2 and -N4 with the code you posted.)
On Linux with GHC 8.8.3, and compiling to a standalone executable with -O2 -threaded, I get the following timings on a 4-core desktop:
$ stack ghc -- --version
Stack has not been tested with GHC versions above 8.6, and using 8.8.3, this may fail
Stack has not been tested with Cabal versions above 2.4, but version was found, this may fail
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 8.8.3
$ stack ghc -- -O2 -threaded QuickSort3.hs
Stack has not been tested with GHC versions above 8.6, and using 8.8.3, this may fail
Stack has not been tested with Cabal versions above 2.4, but version was found, this may fail
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( QuickSort3.hs, QuickSort3.o )
Linking QuickSort3 ...
$ ./QuickSort3 +RTS -N1
SORT TIME: 7.671760902s
$ ./QuickSort3 +RTS -N2
SORT TIME: 5.700858877s
$ ./QuickSort3 +RTS -N3
SORT TIME: 4.88330669s
$ ./QuickSort3 +RTS -N4
SORT TIME: 4.93364958s
I get similar results with a 16-core Linux laptop and also similar results with a 4-core Windows virtual machine (also using GHC 8.8.3) running on that laptop.
I can think of a few possible explanations for your results.
First, I don't have a tremendously fast desktop machine, so your timings of 20secs seem suspicious. Is it possible you're doing something like:
$ stack runghc QuickSort3.hs +RTS -N4
If so, this passes the +RTS flags to stack, and then runs the Haskell program in single-threaded mode using the slow byte-code interpreter. In my tests, the sort then takes about 30secs no matter what -Nx flag value I pass.
Second, is it possible you're running this on a virtual machine with a limited number of cores (or an extremely old piece of two-core hardware)? As noted, I tried testing under a Windows virtual machine and got similar results to the Linux version with a 4-core virtual machine but quite erratic results with a 2-core virtual machine (e.g., 11.4, 13.0, and 51.3secs for -N1, -N2, and -N4 respectively, so worse performance for more cores in general, and off-the-charts bad performance for 4 cores).
You could try the following simple parallel sums benchmark, which might scale better:
import Data.List
import Control.Parallel
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
randomList :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
randomList seed n = take n $ tail (iterate lcg seed)
where lcg x = (a * x + c) `rem` m
a = 1664525
c = 1013904223
m = 2^32
main :: IO ()
main = do
t1 <- getPOSIXTime
let n = 50000000
a = sum $ randomList 1 n
b = sum $ randomList 2 n
c = sum $ randomList 3 n
d = sum $ randomList 4 n
e = sum $ randomList 5 n
f = sum $ randomList 6 n
g = sum $ randomList 7 n
h = sum $ randomList 8 n
print $ a `par` b `par` c `par` d `par` e `par` f `par` g `par` h `par` (a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h)
t2 <- getPOSIXTime
putStrLn $ "SORT TIME: " ++ show (t2 - t1) ++ "\n"
I want to print real-time output from two different functions on the console at the same time, in Haskell.
Is it possible?
You can use this code...
import Control.Parallel
main = a `par` b `par` c `pseq` print (a + b + c)
a = ack 3 10
b = fac 42
c = fib 34
fac 0 = 1
fac n = n * fac (n-1)
ack 0 n = n+1
ack m 0 = ack (m-1) 1
ack m n = ack (m-1) (ack m (n-1))
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
I expect that a and b are calculated simultaneously on different cores and print their progress on the console at the same time.
You can run two concurrent print actions by spawning two threads with forkIO. Each thread computes and prints its own output, and then signals the main thread to terminate.
For example:
main :: IO ()
main = do
v1 <- newEmptyMVar
v2 <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ do
print (10+4)
putMVar v1 ()
forkIO $ do
print (20+5)
putMVar v2 ()
-- wait for the threads
takeMVar v1
takeMVar v2
Note that:
The outputs might happen at the same time. Even if it's unlikely, it could be possible that the output strings 14 and 25 get interleaved as 1245. One should use another lock to prevent that.
The two Haskell threads may run on different cores or on the same core. If the computation is long, if we are using the threaded RTS (compile with -threaded), and if we have specified enough cores (run the executable with something like ./myExe +RTS -N2 -RTS, using -N alone will choose all available cores), the RTS should use multiple cores.
Here, computing fib 38 and fib 39 in the two threads I get:
$ time ./ParallelExample ; time ./ParallelExample +RTS -N2 -RTS
real 0m9.094s
user 0m9.076s
sys 0m0.020s
real 0m5.823s
user 0m9.532s
sys 0m0.040s
In the first test, the two Haskell threads run on top of the same OS thread, roughly using only one core.
I am pretty new to Haskell threads (and parallel programming in general) and I am not sure why my parallel version of an algorithm runs slower than the corresponding sequential version.
The algorithm tries to find all k-combinations without using recursion. For this, I am using this helper function, which given a number with k bits set, returns the next number with the same number of bits set:
import Data.Bits
nextKBitNumber :: Integer -> Integer
nextKBitNumber n
| n == 0 = 0
| otherwise = ripple .|. ones
where smallest = n .&. (-n)
ripple = n + smallest
newSmallest = ripple .&. (-ripple)
ones = (newSmallest `div` smallest) `shiftR` 1 - 1
It is now easy to obtain sequentially all k-combinations in the range [(2^k - 1), (2^(n-k)+...+ 2^(n-1)):
import qualified Data.Stream as ST
combs :: Int -> Int -> [Integer]
combs n k = ST.takeWhile (<= end) $ kBitNumbers start
where start = 2^k - 1
end = sum $ fmap (2^) [n-k..n-1]
kBitNumbers :: Integer -> ST.Stream Integer
kBitNumbers = ST.iterate nextKBitNumber
main :: IO ()
main = do
params <- getArgs
let n = read $ params !! 0
k = read $ params !! 1
print $ length (combs n k)
My idea is that this should be easily parallelizable splitting this range into smaller parts. For example:
start :: Int -> Integer
start k = 2 ^ k - 1
end :: Int -> Int -> Integer
end n k = sum $ fmap (2 ^) [n-k..n-1]
splits :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [(Integer, Integer, Int)]
splits n k numSplits = fixedRanges ranges []
where s = start k
e = end n k
step = (e-s) `div` (min (e-s) (toInteger numSplits))
initSplits = [s,s+step..e]
ranges = zip initSplits (tail initSplits)
fixedRanges [] acc = acc
fixedRanges [x] acc = acc ++ [(fst x, e, k)]
fixedRanges (x:xs) acc = fixedRanges xs (acc ++ [(fst x, snd x, k)])
At this point, I would like to run each split in parallel, something like:
runSplit :: (Integer, Integer, Int) -> [Integer]
runSplit (start, end, k) = ST.takeWhile (<= end) $ kBitNumbers (fixStart start)
where fixStart s
| popCount s == k = s
| otherwise = fixStart $ s + 1
For pallalelization I am using the monad-par package:
import Control.Monad.Par
import System.Environment
import qualified Data.Set as S
main :: IO ()
main = do
params <- getArgs
let n = read $ params !! 0
k = read $ params !! 1
numTasks = read $ params !! 2
batches = runPar $ parMap runSplit (splits n k numTasks)
reducedNumbers = foldl S.union S.empty $ fmap S.fromList batches
print $ S.size reducedNumbers
The result is that the sequential version is way faster and it uses little memory, while the parallel version consumes a lot of memory and it is noticeable slower.
What might be the reasons causing this? Are threads a good approach for this problem? For example, every thread generates a (potentially large) list of integers and the main thread reduces the results; are threads expected to need much memory or are simply meant to produce simple results (i.e. only cpu-intensive computations)?
I compile my program with stack build --ghc-options -threaded --ghc-options -rtsopts --executable-profiling --library-profiling and run it with ./.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/lts-6.1/7.10.3/bin/combinatorics 20 3 4 +RTS -pa -N4 -RTS for n=20, k=3 and numSplits=4. An example of the profiling report for the parallel version can be found here and for the sequential version here.
In your sequential version calling combs does not build up a list in memory since after length consumes an element it isn't needed anymore and is freed. Indeed, GHC may not even allocate storage for it.
For instance, this will take a while but won't consume a lot of memory:
main = print $ length [1..1000000000] -- 1 billion
In your parallel version you are generating sub-lists, concatenating them together, building Sets, etc. and therefore the results of each sub-task have to be kept in memory.
A fairer comparison would be to have each parallel task compute the length of the k-bit numbers in its assigned range, and then add up the results. That way the k-bit numbers found by each parallel task wouldn't have to be kept in memory and would operate more like the sequential version.
Here is an example of how to use parMap. Note: under 7.10.2 I've had mixed success getting the parallelism to fire - sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. (Figured it out - I was using -RTS -N2 instead of +RTS -N2.)
compile with: ghc -O2 -threaded -rtsopts foo.hs
time ./foo 26 +RTS -N1
time ./foo 26 +RTS -N2
import Data.Bits
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import System.Environment
nextKBitNumber :: Integer -> Integer
nextKBitNumber n
| n == 0 = 0
| otherwise = ripple .|. ones
where smallest = n .&. (-n)
ripple = n + smallest
newSmallest = ripple .&. (-ripple)
ones = (newSmallest `div` smallest) `shiftR` 1 - 1
combs :: Int -> Int -> [Integer]
combs n k = takeWhile (<= end) $ iterate nextKBitNumber start
where start = 2^k - 1
end = shift start (n-k)
main :: IO ()
main = do
( arg1 : _) <- getArgs
let n = read arg1
print $ parMap rseq (length . combs n) [1..n]
good approaches for this problem
What do you mean by this problem? If it's how to write, analyze and tune a parallel Haskell program, then this is required background reading:
Simon Marlow: Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell
in particular, Section 15 (Debugging, Tuning, ..)
Use threadscope! (a graphical viewer for thread profile information generated by the Glasgow Haskell compiler) https://hackage.haskell.org/package/threadscope
I'm currently trying to optimize my solution to problem 14 at Projet Euler.
I really enjoy Haskell and I think it's a very good fit for these kind of problems, here's three different solutions I've tried:
import Data.List (unfoldr, maximumBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isNothing)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Control.Parallel
next :: Integer -> Maybe (Integer)
next 1 = Nothing
next n
| even n = Just (div n 2)
| odd n = Just (3 * n + 1)
get_sequence :: Integer -> [Integer]
get_sequence n = n : unfoldr (pack . next) n
where pack n = if isNothing n then Nothing else Just (fromJust n, fromJust n)
get_sequence_length :: Integer -> Integer
get_sequence_length n
| isNothing (next n) = 1
| otherwise = 1 + (get_sequence_length $ fromJust (next n))
-- 8 seconds
main1 = print $ maximumBy (comparing length) $ map get_sequence [1..1000000]
-- 5 seconds
main2 = print $ maximum $ map (\n -> (get_sequence_length n, n)) [1..1000000]
-- Never finishes
main3 = print solution
s1 = maximumBy (comparing length) $ map get_sequence [1..500000]
s2 = maximumBy (comparing length) $ map get_sequence [500001..10000000]
solution = (s1 `par` s2) `pseq` max s1 s2
Now if you look at the actual problem there's a lot of potential for caching, as most new sequences will contain subsequences that have already been calculated before.
For comparison, I wrote a version in C too:
Running time with caching: 0.03 seconds
Running time without caching: 0.3 seconds
That's just insane! Sure, caching reduced the time by a factor of 10, but even without caching it's still at least 17 times faster than my Haskell code.
What's wrong with my code?
Why doesn't Haskell cache the function calls for me? As the functions are pure caching shouldn't caching be trivial, only a matter of available memory?
What's the problem with my third parallel version? Why doesn't it finish?
Regarding Haskell as a language, does the compiler automatically parallellize some code (folds, maps etc), or does it always have to be done explicitly using Control.Parallel?
Edit: I stumbled upon this similar question. They mentioned that his function wasn't tail-recursive. Is my get_sequence_length tail recursive? If not how can I make it so?
Edit2: To Daniel:
Thanks a lot for the reply, really awesome.
I've been playing around with your improvements and I've found some really bad gotchas.
I'm running the tests on Windws 7 (64-bit), 3.3 GHZ Quad core with 8GB RAM.
The first thing I did was as you say replace all Integer with Int, but whenever I ran any of the mains I ran out of memory,
even with +RTS kSize -RTS set ridiciously high.
Eventually I found this (stackoverflow is awesome...), which means that since all Haskell programs on Windows are run as 32-bit, the Ints were overflowing causing infinite recursion, just wow...
I ran the tests in a Linux virtual machine (with the 64-bit ghc) instead and got similar results.
Alright, let's start from the top. First important thing is to give the exact command line you're using to compile and run; for my answer, I'll use this line for the timings of all programs:
ghc -O2 -threaded -rtsopts test && time ./test +RTS -N
Next up: since timings vary greatly from machine to machine, we'll give some baseline timings for my machine and your programs. Here's the output of uname -a for my computer:
Linux sorghum 3.4.4-2-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jun 24 18:59:47 CEST 2012 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 # 2.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
The highlights are: quad-core, 2.4GHz, 64-bit.
Using main1: 30.42s user 2.61s system 149% cpu 22.025 total
Using main2: 21.42s user 1.18s system 129% cpu 17.416 total
Using main3: 22.71s user 2.02s system 220% cpu 11.237 total
Actually, I modified main3 in two ways: first, by removing one of the zeros from the end of the range in s2, and second, by changing max s1 s2 to maximumBy (comparing length) [s1, s2], since the former only accidentally computes the right answer. =)
I'll now focus on serial speed. (To answer one of your direct questions: no, GHC does not automatically parallelize or memoize your programs. Both of those things have overheads that are very difficult to estimate, and consequently it's very difficult to decide when doing them will be beneficial. I have no idea why even the serial solutions in this answer are getting >100% CPU utilization; perhaps some garbage collection is happening in another thread or some such thing.) We'll start from main2, since it was the faster of the two serial implementations. The cheapest way to get a little boost is to change all the type signatures from Integer to Int:
Using Int: 11.17s user 0.50s system 129% cpu 8.986 total (about twice as fast)
The next boost comes from reducing allocation in the inner loop (eliminating the intermediate Maybe values).
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
get_sequence_length :: Int -> Int
get_sequence_length 1 = 1
get_sequence_length n
| even n = 1 + get_sequence_length (n `div` 2)
| odd n = 1 + get_sequence_length (3 * n + 1)
lengths :: [(Int,Int)]
lengths = map (\n -> (get_sequence_length n, n)) [1..1000000]
main = print (maximumBy (comparing fst) lengths)
Using this: 4.84s user 0.03s system 101% cpu 4.777 total
The next boost comes from using faster operations than even and div:
import Data.Bits
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
even' n = n .&. 1 == 0
get_sequence_length :: Int -> Int
get_sequence_length 1 = 1
get_sequence_length n = 1 + get_sequence_length next where
next = if even' n then n `quot` 2 else 3 * n + 1
lengths :: [(Int,Int)]
lengths = map (\n -> (get_sequence_length n, n)) [1..1000000]
main = print (maximumBy (comparing fst) lengths)
Using this: 1.27s user 0.03s system 105% cpu 1.232 total
For those following along at home, this is about 17 times faster than the main2 that we started with -- a competitive improvement with switching to C.
For memoization, there's a few choices. The simplest is to use a pre-existing package like data-memocombinators to create an immutable array and read from it. The timings are fairly sensitive to choosing a good size for this array; for this problem, I found 50000 to be a pretty good upper bound.
import Data.Bits
import Data.MemoCombinators
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
even' n = n .&. 1 == 0
pre_length :: (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int)
pre_length f 1 = 1
pre_length f n = 1 + f next where
next = if even' n then n `quot` 2 else 3 * n + 1
get_sequence_length :: Int -> Int
get_sequence_length = arrayRange (1,50000) (pre_length get_sequence_length)
lengths :: [(Int,Int)]
lengths = map (\n -> (get_sequence_length n, n)) [1..1000000]
main = print (maximumBy (comparing fst) lengths)
With this: 0.53s user 0.10s system 149% cpu 0.421 total
The fastest of all is to use a mutable, unboxed array for the memoization bit. It's much less idiomatic, but it's bare-metal speed. The speed is much less sensitive on the size of this array, so long as the array is about as large as the biggest thing you want the answer for.
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.Base
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Bits
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
even' n = n .&. 1 == 0
next n = if even' n then n `quot` 2 else 3 * n + 1
get_sequence_length :: STUArray s Int Int -> Int -> ST s Int
get_sequence_length arr n = do
bounds#(lo,hi) <- getBounds arr
if not (inRange bounds n) then (+1) `fmap` get_sequence_length arr (next n) else do
let ix = n-lo
v <- unsafeRead arr ix
if v > 0 then return v else do
v' <- get_sequence_length arr (next n)
unsafeWrite arr ix (v'+1)
return (v'+1)
maxLength :: (Int,Int)
maxLength = runST $ do
arr <- newArray (1,1000000) 0
writeArray arr 1 1
loop arr 1 1 1000000
loop arr n len 1 = return (n,len)
loop arr n len n' = do
len' <- get_sequence_length arr n'
if len' > len then loop arr n' len' (n'-1) else loop arr n len (n'-1)
main = print maxLength
With this: 0.16s user 0.02s system 138% cpu 0.130 total (which is competitive with the memoized C version)
GHC won't parallel-ize anything automatically for you. And as you guess get_sequence_length is not tail-recursive. See here. And consider how the compiler (unless it's doing some nice optimizations for you) can't evaluate all those recursive additions until you hit the end; you're "building up thunks" which isn't usually a good thing.
Try instead calling a recursive helper function and passing an accumulator, or try defining it in terms of foldr.
I've written code for the Project Euler's Challenge 14, in both Haskell and C++ (ideone links). They both remember any calculations they have previously done in an array.
Using ghc -O2 and g++ -O3 respectively, the C++ runs 10-15 times faster than the Haskell version.
Whilst I understand the Haskell version may run slower, and that Haskell is a nicer language to write in, it would be nice to know some code changes I can make to the Haskell version to make it run faster (ideally within a factor of 2 or 3 of the C++ version)?
Haskell code is here:
import Data.Array
import Data.Word
import Data.List
collatz_array =
upperbound = 1000000
a = array (1, upperbound) [(i :: Word64, f i :: Int) | i <- [1..upperbound]]
f i = i `seq`
check_f i = i `seq` if i <= upperbound then a ! i else f i
if (i == 1) then 0 else (check_f ((if (even i) then i else 3 * i + 1) `div` 2)) + 1
in a
main =
putStrLn $ show $
foldl1' (\(x1,x2) (y1,y2) -> if (x2 >= y2) then (x1, x2) else (y1, y2)) $! (assocs collatz_array)
I've now also done a version using unboxed mutable arrays. It is still 5 times slower than the C++ version, but a significant improvement. The code is on ideone here.
I'd like to know improvements to the mutable array version which bring it closer to the C++ version.
Some problems with your (mutable array) code:
You use a fold to find the maximal chain length, for that the array has to be converted to an association list, that takes time and allocation the C++ version doesn't need.
You use even and div for testing resp dividing by 2. These are slow. g++ optimises both operations to the faster bit operations (on platforms where that is supposedly faster, at least), but GHC doesn't do these low-level optimisations (yet), so for the time being, they have to be done by hand.
You use readArray and writeArray. The extra bounds-checking that isn't done in the C++ code also takes time, once the other problems are dealt with, that amounts to a significant portion of the running time (ca. 25% on my box), since there are done a lot of reads and writes in the algorithm.
Incorporating that into the implementation, I get
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array.Base
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Bits
collatz_array :: ST s (STUArray s Int Int)
collatz_array = do
let upper = 10000000
arr <- newArray (0,upper) 0
unsafeWrite arr 2 1
let check i
| upper < i = return arr
| i .&. 1 == 0 = do
l <- unsafeRead arr (i `shiftR` 1)
unsafeWrite arr i (l+1)
check (i+1)
| otherwise = do
let j = (3*i+1) `shiftR` 1
find k l
| upper < k = find (next k) $! l+1
| k < i = do
m <- unsafeRead arr k
return (m+l)
| otherwise = do
m <- unsafeRead arr k
if m == 0
then do
n <- find (next k) 1
unsafeWrite arr k n
return (n+l)
else return (m+l)
next h
| h .&. 1 == 0 = h `shiftR` 1
| otherwise = (3*h+1) `shiftR` 1
l <- find j 1
unsafeWrite arr i l
check (i+1)
check 3
collatz_max :: ST s (Int,Int)
collatz_max = do
car <- collatz_array
(_,upper) <- getBounds car
let find w m i
| upper < i = return (w,m)
| otherwise = do
l <- unsafeRead car i
if m < l
then find i l (i+1)
else find w m (i+1)
find 1 0 2
main :: IO ()
main = print (runST collatz_max)
And the timings (both for 10 million):
$ time ./cccoll
8400511 429
real 0m0.210s
user 0m0.200s
sys 0m0.009s
$ time ./stcoll
real 0m0.341s
user 0m0.307s
sys 0m0.033s
which doesn't look too bad.
Important note: That code only works on 64-bit GHC (so, in particular, on Windows, you need ghc-7.6.1 or later, previous GHCs were 32-bit even on 64-bit Windows) since intermediate chain elements exceed 32-bit range. On 32-bit systems, one would have to use Integer or a 64-bit integer type (Int64 or Word64) for following the chains, at a drastic performance cost, since the primitive 64-bit operations (arithmetic and shifts) are implemented as foreign calls to C functions in 32-bit GHCs (fast foreign calls, but still much slower than direct machine ops).
The ideone site is using a ghc 6.8.2, which is getting pretty old. On ghc version 7.4.1, the difference is much smaller.
With ghc:
$ ghc -O2 euler14.hs && time ./euler14
./euler14 0.63s user 0.04s system 98% cpu 0.685 total
With g++ 4.7.0:
$ g++ --std=c++0x -O3 euler14.cpp && time ./a.out
8400511 429
./a.out 0.24s user 0.01s system 99% cpu 0.252 total
For me, the ghc version is only 2.7 times slower than the c++ version.
Also, the two programs aren't giving the same result... (not a good sign, especially for benchmarking)