Building Linux packages for multiple distributions and versions - linux

My company has a software product that's written in C for a Linux platform, built with autotools and distributed via binary packages. To make the binaries, we first produce a source RPM and then compile the source from the SRPM.
Currently we only provide RPM packages for 64-bit Fedora 10, but we want to start providing packages for multiple Linux distributions - 32-bit as well as 64-bit - and possibly different versions of each distribution as well (e.g. Fedora 11 as well as Fedora 10).
I've heard that the best way to produce builds for multiple Linux flavours is to have a single build server and use a different chrooted environment for each set of packages that you want to build. Does anyone have a good resource that explains this in more detail, maybe with examples of well known projects that use this build mechanism, or have a better alternative to achieve the same goal ?

Maybe you can research the following projects to get started:
Novell Build service
Fedora Koji

You can use LSB appchecker to test your application/dynlib/shell script compatibility. After that you can use RPM for all RPM distribution and use alien for all apt-get distribution and tar.gz for other

Tools like checkinstall will help you to produce packages for different distros. Personally, if you are looking to integrate with existing package management systems, you will also want to host multiple repositories on your servers and provide packages there, then have users configure their package managers to pull the apps off your servers.

Depending on what your software exactly does and which dependencies it has (if any) on local libraries, you may be able to build your software using an older glibc distribution and have it work in many different distributions. This is what we do with InstallBuilder. If you do not have dependencies on specific packages, it is also possible to create RPM or DEB packages that will run on most RPM or DEB-based Linux distros out there. Cross-Linux development, in any case, it is not easy :) Good luck!

This is one of the cases covered by Bob Aiello in this article on build agents. We have several customers who use this approach to build on several platform in parallel.


CMake/CPack: Preferred package generators for different platforms

I want to distribute executables and libraries of a C/C++ project on Linux, OSX and Windows. What are the preferred CPack generators, i.e. which are likely to be available for most users? On Windows there only seems to be NSIS, but on Linux and OSX there are several alternatives.
By the way, a source distribution is generated as well, so in theory, users of all platforms should be able to compile the code themselves, but we want to provide precompiled binaries for convenience.
There are multiple common practices on each of the different platforms. Which one is best for you will depend on a variety of factors, but the following should at least help choose among the more popular formats that CMake/CPack has direct support for. I'm assuming you are using CPack via CMake (i.e. via the CPack module, possibly with package components using the CPackComponent module as well).
The NSIS package generator produces executable installers which average users are well accustomed to using. These support component-based installs, so you could provide the source as an optional component. CMake's support for this package generator is fairly mature, but it is perhaps becoming a less preferred method in recent times.
The WIX package generator produces MSI installers. Support for this is newer and seems to be more active in terms of feature development, etc. It also supports component-based installs and seems to be becoming the preferred format over NSIS.
There are a number of options to choose from for Mac, but which one is most appropriate depends on what you want to package up. If you just want to provide a single app bundle, the DMG package generator (also sometimes referred to as the DragNDrop generator) is probably what you want. Users are well acquainted with these and they are easy to use. Avoid the Bundle generator, it is older and more limited in what it supports, the DMG generator should be preferred instead.
For packages containing more than a single bundle, the DMG generator is still potentially suitable, but a proper installer may be more appropriate. Until recent years, the PackageMaker generator was the go-to generator for that, but it has been superseded by the ProductBuild generator (supported by CMake since version 3.7).
On RedHat-based systems, RPM is usually the package format of choice (use the RPM generator), whereas for Debian-based systems the DEB format is preferred (use the DEB generator). Debian-based systems can support RPM using tools like alien, but users almost always prefer a native DEB format. If you're happy to provide both, you can keep both camps happy, but note that you will have to pay careful attention to binary compatibility. Simple packages used to be able to build against the LSB (Linux Standards Base) to produce a single RPM that would work on all major Linux distributions (even Debian-based ones), but the LSB hasn't really kept up with recent developments and it never really supported the full set of functionality most complex apps needed (or the versions of packages they provided were too old). The LSB does, however, provide very useful tools like the app checker for assessing whether packages you've built (by any means) will be missing symbols, etc. across various Linux distributions.
Note that for Linux, you should distinguish between whether you are targeting packaging for inclusion in Linux distributions themselves or whether you expect users to download and install the packages outside of the distribution's packaging system. Larger independent commercial software products will tend to be distributed as standalone packages, including the relevant libraries, etc. and installing under /opt by default (if they follow guidelines like those advocated by the LSB and Filesystem Hierarchy Standard - FHS (PDF)). Ideally, you would make your packages relocatable so that distribution maintainers have an easier time adapting your packaging method to their distribution's requirements.
RPM and DEB both support source packages to some degree.
The IFW package generator is favoured by some as a way to produce installers which have a similar look and feel across all platforms. It is also quite progressive in offering support for features like downloadable components. If having an easy-to-use graphical installer across all platforms is of interest, then this one is probably what you're looking for.
The Archive package generator provides support for archives like ZIP, tarballs, 7z and more. These are very basic formats that simply lump your files together into a single archive. These don't have the useful features like desktop integration, pre-/post-install and uninstall, but they are handy as a second alternative package format to one of the above. In particular, they can be useful for users who don't have admin access on their systems and want to simply unpack to a convenient location.

Universal installers on Linux

I think its a fairly common problem, but I need to have community opinion and so I am posting this question.
Use case: I am trying to create a single package (32bit) for all the linux distros (32bit, 64bit) that I want to support.
Problem: The INSTALLER
Needs to be able to run pre/post install scripts.
Should be able to run on both 32bit and 64 bit machines
Should be able to support older and newer distros (Centos 6 and above)
Should have an online repository for updating packages.
Should be able to run without X server
Should not have any dependency on a software that cannot be installed using standard yum/zypper/apt commands. Should not depend on any non standard repository.
I came across this link:
It lists many alternatives, but none of them seems to satisfy all the above requirements. (Or have I overlooked something)
In addition I looked at the following two alternatives:
QT installer Fwk (needs X to run, if I am right)
self-extracting scripts with tars bundled.
The only solution that fits all the needs is "self-extracting scripts with tars bundled". But it requires a lot of work, effectively managing all the installation/upgrade stuff myself. Before I go ahead with this alternative, can anyone please confirm if he/she has any success in creating a single package for many distros?
I don't believe in the concept of rolling one's own installer with a self-extracting archive overly much. Every distro is different, and should be addressed using their own installation mechanisms. Also, writing your own installer is re-inventing the wheel.
I'd advertise using the packaging methods of all the distros you're targetting. Essentially, one SPEC file is typically enough to support CentOS 6,7, and all modern Fedora versions. Use mock or the copr service to generate all the binary packages for the distros you're targeting; then a debian rules file should be enough to generate Debian, Ubuntu and Mint packages. Add a pacman script if you want to support Arch Linux, too (it's pretty easy).
Admittedly, this way, you end up with a whole bunch of different packages, and not one. However, now you have an installer for each system that actually fits that system, is linked against the libraries available on that distro, and thus, you don't have to include all the dependencies like in a flatpack etc.
Installation from Distribution-specific packages is almost always "smoother" than installation through some self-extracting archive that wasn't actually designed for my specific distro version, so this is probably a big plus for your users. Also, having packages usually makes it very easy and stable to offer an update path, should you decide your software needs patches later on.

Compiling for many linux distributions

in a short I'm gonna release an application written in OCaml and I was planning to distribute it by source code.
The problem is that the OCaml development system is not something light neither so common to have installed so I would like to release it also in a binary way for various operating systems.
Windows makes no problem since I can compile it through cygwin and distribute it with the required dlls
OS X is not a problem too since I can compile it and distribute it easily (no external dependencies from what I've tried)
When arriving to Linux problems arrive since I don't really know which is the best way to compile and distribute it. The program itself doesn't depend on anything (everything is statically linked) but how to cover many distributions?
I have an ubuntu server 10 virtualized with an amd64 architecture, I used this machine to test the program under Linux and everything works fine. Of course if I try to move the binary to a 32bit ubuntu it stops working and I haven't been able to try different distributions... are there tricks to manage this kind of issue? (that seems recurring)
for example:
can I compile both 32 bit and 64 from the same machine?
will a binary compiled under ubuntu run also on other distributions?
which "branches" should I consider when wanting to cover as many distros as possible?
You can generally produce 64 and 32 bit binaries on a 64 bit machine with relative ease - i.e. the distribution usually has the proper support in its compiler packages and you can actually test your build. Note that the OS needs to be 64 bit too, not just the CPU.
Static binaries generally run everywhere, provided adequate support from the kernel and CPU - keep an eye on your compiler options to ensure this. They are your best bet for compatibility. Shared libraries can be an issue. To deal with this, binaries linked with shared libraries can be bundled with those libraries and run with a loader script if necessary.
You should at least target Debian/Ubuntu with dpkg packages, Redhad/Fedora/Mandriva with RPM and SUSE/OpenSUSE with RPM again (I mention these two RPM cases separately because you might need to produce separate packages for these "families" of distributions). You should also provide a .tar.bz2 or a .run installer for the rest.
You can have a look at the options provided by e.g. Oracle for Java and VirtualBox to see how they provide their software.
You could look at building it in the openSUSE Build Service. Although run by openSUSE, this will build packages for:
Enterprise variants
Red Hat Enterprise/CentOS
The best solution is to release the source code under a free license. You can package it for a couple distributions yourself (e.g. Debian, Fedora), then cooperate with other people porting it to others. The maintainers will often do most of this work with only a few required upstream changes.
Yes you can compile for both 32 and 64 bits from the same machine :
Most likely a binary running on Ubuntu will run on other distributions, the only thing you need to worry about if it you are using shared libraries (especially if you use some GUI framework or things like that).
Not sure what you mean by branch, but if you are talking about distribution, I would use the most vanilla Ubuntu distribution...
I'd recommend you just package a 32 and 64-bit binary for .deb and RPM, that way you can hit most of the major distros (Debian, Fedora, openSUSE, Ubuntu).
Just give clear installation instructions regarding dependencies, command-line fu for other distros, etc. and you shouldn't have much a problem just distributing a source tarball.

Is ubuntu 9.04 good choice for embedded linux application development?

I want to change linux distro my Development(Host) Machine which I use for embedded development.
I cross-compile applications for many different processors. It is required for me to download different different libraries to evaluate their functionality/Performance/Stability on different devices , as well as on PC.
So Is ubuntu 9.04 a good choice for me?
If you are using gcc or other source based compiler that runs on linux then I would say yes, you want a linux distro, and ubuntu is currently the most popular/best. I would try to avoid distro specific things, drive down the middle of the road and you should be able to use any distro equally well.
That will largely depend on your needs. For an embedded system, I'd go with any distribution that sports a very small footprint and supports the necessary hardware.
Depending on your hardware, Debian might work fine. You could create your image with debootstrap which allows for fairly small customized installs. It still includes apt and other things which might not be desirable, although that could be to your benefit if you need to push out updates.
If you did go with Debian, you could most likely do all your development on Ubuntu and then push to your embedded system.
i use ubuntu for my host system and a chrooted gentoo install for building apps for an embedded target. I found gentoo was a good choice as it is source distributed and easy to select what version of a particular library is installed.
One thing that is good to know is that ubuntu and derivatives uses dash and not bash as /bin/sh. This confuses crosstools and can give you severe headaches.

Why do various Linux distros use different package managers?

Why do Linux distros have different package managers?
I find this very strange because other software such as text editors, desktop environments and graphics software (Inkscape, Blender, GIMP) are shared among distributions. Why not have a common setup tool?
Like most things in the UNIX world where there are duplications of behaviour, it's a combination of many things, but mostly history, politics/religion, and the desire to build a better mousetrap / NiH syndrome. The existence of multiple system compononents that perform equivalent tasks is often praised as a useful feature, by open source proponents.
Broadly speaking you mostly need to worry about four flavours of package management system. You have the debian derived systems, like debian, ubuntu which use .deb and the apt/dpkg family of management tools. You have the redhat derived systems which use the .rpm format and the rpm / yum family of management tools. Feature wise these both are broadly equivalent, in my opinion.
The important thing is try and learn the toolset you're working with well, they're all well documented. Learn about how to check dependencies and verify package signatures and integrity, and find out what services a package provides, and conversely what package is responsible for a particular installed file or program, using the native package tools for your distribution of choice. Ideally learn the command line options to do this for yum and rpm and then dpkg and aptitude and you'll have most bases covered. Then use the GUI tools if you prefer.
I think the most important thing to remember is that it's generally a mistake to mix packages from different distributions or releases in the same system even if they use the same package format e.g. do not install debian .deb files on your ubuntu system, or SuSE rpm files on your Fedora system, unless you really understand what you're doing.
The other two flavours I mentioned are less mainstream, but I list them for completeness sake. These are
a) no package system outside of
binary/source tarball a la classic
slackware , and
b) source build tools modelled after BSD ports, a la classic gentoo.
Again, you don't want to be here, until you understand why you might want to, in my opinion.
Historical reasons. Similarly, you could ask why there are multiple companies providing similar services, when just one company could be more efficient overall.
See for a comparison of different package formats from the viewpoint of a Debian developer. Also note that you can use a program called alien to install a package of one kind on other kinds of systems. It's not perfect, but it helps when a vendor delivers software in the "wrong" package format for your chosen distro.
Historic Inertia.
Fedora uses both APT and YUM now, they have a little blurb about it on their Wiki, when they started making Fedora they chose YUM because APT hadn't had any updates for a while, and they support APT now, but default to YUM because that is what the Anaconda installer uses.
Some do share a package manager. I've used Apt on several distributions. Some distros need something more specific to their philosophy. For example, Gentoo needs something that grabs source and compiles rather than just installing a binary.
In some cases it's simply that the makers of the distro prefer one package management system to another. The nice thing about Linux is choice and multiple package management systems mean more choice.
There are also many different text-editors, desktop-environments and so on. The different distributions share this only, because they provide all these programs.
But they have to decide for one package-manager. Different package-manager wouldn't know about software installed by another package-manager. So distributions decide for one or develop one themself, tailored to their specific needs.
Two very common package managers are RPM and apt, that are both used by different distributions.
