Uable to access sharepoint site - sharepoint

I turned on directory browsing (in IIS) for my sharepoint site, then turned it off again and now every time I try to access the site through a web browser I get 404 error, page cannot be found.
I know it's something to do with authentication but don't know where to start looking/fixing ?

Can you give a bit more background? Do you get 404's for all pages? Can you hit layouts pages? E.G:
404's in SharePoint shouldn't be taken at face value. Check your ULS logs in:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\LOGS
We ran into a smiliar issue yesterday

More of a work around this:
Rather than try to figure out what permissions to set/reset, just delete the web application, specifying Yes to 'Delete IIS Web' sites and No to 'Delete content databases'.
This will keep the content database (with all your content you can't currently access).
Then create a new web application with the same name and host header and enter the existing content database name.
This should then recreate the IIS web app with correct permissions and connect to the existing content database.


Http 403 error in Microsoft edge

I was getting "HTTP 403 error Microsoft Edge can’t get to this page", while launching an application from IIS in Windows 10. Please suggest a solution for this.
If all permissions are set and even though your website shows 403 forbidden, most likely the default page is not set for your website. With IIS, you can configure the default document as follows.
Connect to IIS.
Expand the sites and select the desired website.
From right hand side feature view, click on Default Document.
Set your desire default page and save the settings.
While you browse any website, IIS searches for the default page to be displayed. If the first default document is not available, IIS will look for the next default page from the list. When IIS is unable to find any match and directory listing is enabled for that particular website, IIS will show you the list of folders. If directory listing is disabled, IIS will return an HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden message to the browser.
If an empty application gives you a 403 I can think of two immediate reasons.
The permissions are wrong. You might need to give the application pool user (IIS AppPool\NAMEOFAPPPOOL with recommended configuration) read permission to the directory.
You don't have any content. If you try to access a directory in IIS you will get a 403. Add a file and try to access that directly, or a Default.aspx or index.html file to the directory you're trying to access.

IIS returns error code 403 in response header and no error page

My setup:
Windows Server 2012
IIS 8.5
SharePoint 2013
The SharePoint site is configured to requeire client certificate. If the user has no valid certificate or the password was wrong IIS returns error code 403 in response header. I would like IIS to return a custom error page instead where I could guide the user how to fix the issue.
There are just to many options where I can configure error pages. Which is the right one?
In IIS I have three possible sites to configure.
Default Web Site
My web application
My web aplication port 443
Custom errors in web.config
Error Pages in IIS
.Net Error Pages in IIS
I have tried some of these options but with no success. Can anybody help me?
Just edit the web.config file in your Visual Studio solution, modify the customErrors section and then check the file into Github to trigger a new deployment.
If you don't use VS, then find your web.config file. Worst case scenario you can edit it directly.

Using Umbraco with Subfolders

I have built an Umbraco project (7.2.2) on my local machine and it all works well. I now want to copy it to our test server running IIS 7.5.
I have created a Virtual Folder in IIS under the default web site and copied the project across. The url I am using is I can access the content ok but if I try to login to edit the content I get a blank page (umbraco#/login/false) and shortly afterwards it returns to the login page with Session timed out.
If I Inspect the page I can see that some resources have failed to load with Error 404. It is looking for and not
Is there a configuration setting I need to change to make this work properly?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
You need to update the umbracoPath setting in the web.config

Create user friendly alias for a sharepoint site

I have a test Sharepoint server running on a Windows 7 machine. The url is http://liu-t500-01 and i want to create a user friendly alias http://temp for it. i have added temp
to my hosts file (an A/host entry) and i have also created an alternate access mapping in Central Administration
http://liu-t500-01 Default http://liu-t500-01
http://temp Intranet http://temp
However when i try http://temp in the browser the sharepoint site does not come up. This is probably a simple problem but has me scratching my head...what did i do wrong?
Changing the IIS binding only will cause errors. You need to modify the alternate access mappings in SharePoint. There are tons of good articles our there that tell what to do in detail.
Here is just one:
Try adding a host header in IIS
In IIS click on your site
choose the Bindings action
Click Add
In the Host Name field enter "temp"
click OK

Redirect loop problem in IIS on shared hosting

I have a problem where when I go to my website it comes up with a redirect loop. I've tried clearing the URL Redirects from the IIS Admin Console in the web control panel from my hosting provider and I've also tried removing the httpd.ini file from the site root directory to try and clear all re-directs, but for some reason when I go to the site it STILL wants to redirect in an endless loop. The site is
Before i did anything I had a subdirectory domain pointing set up which made actually use as the root folder.
I wanted to change this so that instead of that I wanted my site to actually redirect to the site1 folder, rather than use it as the root. So I went into the IIS Admin Console on my hosting providers web control panel and tried to add a URL Redirect from '/' to '/site1/'. Then i went to the domain pointing admin page in the hosting providers web control panel and deleted the domain pointing. Anyway after doing all this, the site is now stuffed and if I go to back to both these areas and clear the redirects and the domain pointing and even go and remove the httpd.ini file that was created, the site still incorrectly re-directs!
What can I do to resolve this? Any ideas? Has anyone experienced this before on a shared hosting account without direct access to IIS.
From the control panel it says my server platform is Windows 2008 Server Enterprise.
