Word and Custom Content Types - sharepoint

I have defined a new content type (document) for sharepoint. The problem I have is that word automatically comes up with window allowing updating of these properties (for example effective date) that is not validated and I don't want it to show when the user is uploading changes (I fill in some of these fields on the updated method in the eventreceiver class). Is it possible to disable this or at least customize the word behavior?

You can create your own Document Information Panels: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb684925.aspx.
Another alternative might be to set the ShowInNewForm/ShowInEditForm properties of the SPField. But im not sure if Word uses them.


Remove note's autosave functionality by adding other entity's notes on form in CRM 2011

In CRM 2011, notes get automatically created and attached to main record on lost focus event. Requirement is to remove this auto save functionality. Only till main form is open user should be able to edit notes. And newly added notes should only get saved once main form is saved. For example, if user add one note and closes the browser or do not save the main form, then that note should not get attached to main record, new note should get discarded.
I was thinking following solution:
create new custom entity TempNotesHolder
Create 1:N relationship with the entity where we want this functionality, for example Case entity
Make actual case's note section read only(it is requirement, user don't want to edit/delete functionality for notes once note get created)
Write plugin for create event of Case and create one Record for TempNotesHolder and associate it with case(RegardingId field in TempNotesHolder = incidentId) This will ensure one Case will always have only one associated TempNotesHolder record. There is no way in CRM 2011 to ensure One entity record will have only one record in associated entity i.e. 1:1 relationship. At least I don't know the way. Let me know if any one are aware about it.
On Case form, add one IFrame below Case's note section
on case form load event, get TempNotesHolderId associated with case using fetchXml.(There is no actual field in Case entity that refer to associated TempNotesHolder, hence need to use fetchXml. Some how we can add associated TempNotesHolderId to Case entity, and place that field on Case form, make it hidden, to avoid fetchXml)
Prepare url to display only notes of TempNotesHolder record.(/_controls/notes/notesdata.aspx?EnableInlineEdit=false&EnableInsert=true&id=&ParentEntity=
Set this url to newly added IFrame, so notes of associated TempNotesHolder get displayed in IFrame. It will also have link "Add New Note".
User can add note to TempNotesHolder which are not directly added to Case record.
Next develop plugin on pre save event of Case and check if there are any notes added to TempNoteHolder, if yes move those notes to Case record, and delete notes for TempNoteHolderId. This way notes will get saved to main record only on main form save.
To handle browser close event after adding few notes to TempNotesHolder, write plugin on Case pre Retrieve event, check if any notes present for associated TempNotesHolderId, if present then delete those notes. (As notes are present on TempNotesHolderId, that means due to some reason these notes are not moved to actual case record and we no longer need them, so delete them. This will ensure on case load, TempNotesHolder note section always be blank)
The above solution was fine till step 8. When I tried to add notes in TempNotesHolder, it gave me error, "Record with does not exists in TempNotesHolder". Then I checked that GUID, I disappointed to know CRM is taking IncidentId when I create note for TempNotesHolder. Then I tracked down the actual code for create notes to find why it is taking IncidentId instead of TempNotesHolderId. I found following code in "_static/_controls/notes/notes.htc" function name "UpdateNote"
CRM is taking _parentCrmFormSubmit.crmFormSubmitId.value as objectid while creating note.
Now I stuck with this problem. Any thoughts to overcome this show stopper issue are appreciated. Also any other alternate solution to main requirement are also welcome.
Pravin Pujari (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Developer)
I would suggest simplifying the solution as follows:
Add a field to Case called new_notetext.
Create a Plugin against the Pre-Create and Pre-Update messages on the Case entity.
In the plugin, take anything entered into new_notetext and add a note to the Case entity using that text. Then clear the field new_notetext so nothing is saved with the record.
Should work just fine and is much simpler to implement.

SharePoint 2010 - Customizing the rendering and behavior of a List field

In my SharePoint List, I have an "Employee" column that is a User type field. I would like to add some custom Business Logic to the processing of this field.
Currently, when the user adds a row, I check to see if the user is an Employee or a Manager and then change the behavior on this column accordingly. I do this by statically rendering the field in my custom "ListForm Rendering Template", just before my custom ListFieldIterator. I simply use a standard SharePoint FormField (and FormLabel) control. In the markup of the FormField control, I specify the FieldName (Employee) and an event handler for the Load event. In this Load event, I will check to see if the current user is an Employee or Manager (using two different SharePoint groups). If the user is an Employee I set the value of the field to the current user (this part works perfectly). I also want to change the field so it can't be modified. I thought I might be able to just change the ControlMode on the field (in the code of the OnLoad Event Handler) to Display, but for some reason this has no effect. The field still renders with the full, people picker editor. Am I not changing the fields control mode soon enough? Or is this simply not the correct approach? The other logic I want to put in is if the user is a Manager, I would like to allow that user to select the person from a list (SharePoint group) of Employees. It may be easier to just use the people picker and limit the selectable users to that group. (I think I can do this with the SelectionGroup property.) Although, it would be better if I could just provide a dropdownlist of users, which I could possibly do with a hidden dropdownlist that I would show and event handlers that I could use (handle event selectedindexchanged) to pull the value selected and populate the (now hidden) Employee (user) field. Does this approach make sense? Assuming all that will work, the real difficulty I am having is with changing the ControlMode (rendering) on the field (when the user is an employee) to a label or some kind of read only control, which is how that field renders when viewing the row, which is why I think if I can just trick the control into thinking it is in Display mode then it should work perfectly!
I am still learning SharePoint, but I am very proficient in ASP .Net. This is why I would like to keep my customizations in this Custom Rendering Template, using code behind and leverage my existing skill set as much as properly.
Any thoughts, opinions or advice? Does anyone know why I can't get the column to switch the "Control Mode"?
I do not think that I fully understand your scenario. Some code samples could help.
But anyway it sounds like you want some heavy customizations of the user field. In that case you might want to have a look at creating a custom field with all its advantages and disadvantages. Have a look at MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg132914.aspx
Another option might be - in case you do not want to re-use this column in many list definitions - that you can get away with your custom rendering template and create a custom create/edit form where you implement the specific edit behaviour for the field (plain ASP.NET with some SharePoint controls). Here is a nice walk-through on how to grab a custom edit form from SharePoint designer: http://community.bamboosolutions.com/blogs/sharepoint-2010/archive/2011/05/12/sharepoint-2010-cookbook-how-to-create-a-customized-list-edit-form-for-development-in-visual-studio-2010.aspx
I hope this helps. Kr., Bernd.

SharePoint Multiple New Item Forms

I've got a custom list with a custom content type. I'm aware that when you create a new item you can see a drop down for the different content types on that list which I assume all have their own NewForm.aspx somewhere. I can specify in the content type definition which columns are shown on the New form and that I can replace the new form with a custom one of my own design.
What I'm trying to achieve is to have multiple New forms but for the same content type listed on the New drop down. I would like each new form to expose different fields of the content type. Additionally I'd like to make particular New forms only visable by users with particular permissions although this isn't critical.
I've got a content type with all the fields I need for a risk assessment. When a new item is created it only exposes fields to enter contact details. Once this is created a workflow with infopath forms then drives the gathering of the rest of the risk assessment information through booking, the inspection itself and approval of the data. I want the ability to have a second option to easily enter all this information on a different new form for an inspection that's already been done and needs logging in the system.
You could customize the NewForm.aspx (e.g. via SharePoint Designer) for the initial submission case. Obviously, all of the required fields will need to be populated in some fashion.
The EditForm.aspx is the out-of-box page for updating existing list items. You may be able to customize this to meet your update an existing risk assessment case. From the post above it's not entirely clear to me whether this distinction between these pages is fully understood.
In both of these cases, you can add code-behind to the .aspx pages. However, it's usually best to start as simply as possible, keep it as simple as possible and only add complexity as necessary.
Hope this makes sense and helps. Good luck!
Per your scenario, I have done something similar by creating one content type per actor/stage. Consider using a simple SharePoint Designer workflow to change your content types onChanged (simply by setting the Content Type) column so that the perspective actors only see the columns you want them to see in the edit/newforms. As long as the proper content type is set, your users will only see the fields you want them to see. Furthermore, with creative use of views and audience targetting of pages you can somewhat prevent these users from seeing columns.
Also, you can prevent users from seeing the different content types (under the new button) in the advanced content type page.

How to hide a custom field type from new column choices

I'm trying to figure out a clean way to hide a custom field type from the list of available columns when a user goes to add a new column to a list. I only want this field type to show up when a given feature has been activated (the feature could be site, web, or web app scoped for my purposes).
One theory (haven't had a chance to try implementing this yet) is that I could set all the ShowOnListAuthoringPages (and similar) properties to "false" in the fldtypes_myfield.xml file, then programmatically set this value to true when a given feature is activated.
In XML file, please set
<Field Name="UserCreatable">FALSE</Field>
I't work with me
Are you sure that you are able to see the Publishing Fields Type in the List Create Column Only with Publishing Infrastructure feature activated. I have a MOSS 2007 Server and I Create a Site Collection based on the Team Site (In this Publishing Infrastructure was not active) but still I was able to see the Rich HTML Fields in the Create Site Column Page. I doubt Publishing Infrastructure controls this function. Your option is good one for this, I would say.
Custom Field Types Features are per definition Farm Scoped, since Custom Field Types have to be deployed farm wide.
You cannot "hide" them from users. A field in a list is based on a field type (bool, user etc.). You CAN hide fields, not the base types. So if a user wishes to create an entirely new (site) column, he or she 'll be able to see that field type.
So, it does look like the only way to do really hide the field times is with attributes in the fldtypes_myfield.xml file. There are a series of properties that affect it's visibility described in this MSDN page. In my particular case I ended up just using the UserCreatable property and marking it as false. This pretty much means the field type won't show up in the UI anywhere, so you'll need to make a feature or some kind of list/library template that you deploy that makes use of the type. I guess this is an area we can hope for improvement on in SP 2010 (perhaps along with a scoping mechanism for event receivers so they don't have to be "global" in the farm).

How to save a word template for a content type without filling in required fields

I have a content type that has required fields. I have associated Word document with the content type as a template. I now want to edit the Word template, but word won't allow me to save the template without filling in the required fields. However, if I fill in the required fields and save the document, then those fields get populated with my values when you create a new document. This isn't good because I want the fields to be blank when a new document is created - I want the users to be forced to fill in those values.
I can update the templace by updating the colums and making them optional, editing the word template, saving the template & then changing the columns back to required. This is a PITA - there's got to be a better way, does anyone know what it is?
I've been using this work around: When I edit the template (ie go to the content type settings --> Advanced settings --> Edit Template), I make my changes and save the file locally. Then, on the same page that I clicked the "Edit Template" link, I upload the copy that I saved locally. Saving it locally avoids the validation that happens when you try to save it back to SharePoint. But the validation still gets applied to any new documents of that content type. So no need to toggle the settings off & on! :)
Have you tried saving the document as a normal document content type, making the changes, saving it, then moving back over the top of where the old version of the template was?
The only solution I've found is to modify document templates on library level. Just upload a new document template for the required content type.
However, this will not work if you'd like to re-use one and same content type across different document libraries.
