How can I remove a file "--remove-files"? - linux

I tested:
rm \-\-remove-files
but I am unable to remove it. How can I do it?

rm ./--remove-files.
Note that -- isn't interpreted by the shell, and by extension, escaping it with \ will have no effect.

$ ls -lah -- --remove-files
-rw-r--r-- 1 xistence xistence 0B May 4 19:29 --remove-files
$ rm -- --remove-files
$ ls -lah -- --remove-files
ls: --remove-files: No such file or directory
So what you want is to use the -- as one of the arguments to rm, that means it stops processing getopt's, after that anything is taken literally:
rm -- --remove-files

rm -- --remove-files

The solution is:
rm -- --remove-files


Delete dir with hyphen in name

I'm on CentOS 7.2 and I've somehow managed to create a folder called "-p". I can't seem to remove it now. I've tried the following:
rmdir -p
rmdir "-p"
rmdir \-p
rmdir "\p"
It's probably simple, but I'm struggling.
I guess worst case I'll move anything out of the parent folder and go for a rm -rf
Many thanks
EDIT: just figured out the command that did it (and has done it again)
mkdir –p /etc/redis /var/redis
...I don't even
You could do:
rm ./-p
And depending on the rm used:
rm -- -p
You can pass foldernames starting with hypens to mkdir and rmdir after a "double hypen".
Here's an example:
$ ls -1
$ mkdir -- -p
$ ls -1
$ rmdir -- -p
$ ls -1

How to remove a file with special characterictics

Hi I just created a file by mistake, doing a tar actually, anyway the problem I have is that I can't remove that file. It is called --exclude-tag-under=hey.txt
I am trying to use rm -rf command but it doesn't do the trick. this is the output
[root]# rm -rf '--exclude-tag-under\=hey.txt'
rm: unrecognized option '--exclude-tag-under\=hey.txt'
Try 'rm --help' for more information.
the problem here is that the command rm is recognizing the file as a flag and thats a problem, I've tried also
rm -rf *hey.txt
but it doesnt work neither
I've also tried to change the name of the file but its the same problem
Prepend ./ like this: rm ./--exclude-tag-under\=hey.txt
When in doubt, check the man pages.
Running man rm will give you the rm man page, which, on Linux and OpenBSD (the ones I have tested) at least, will have a section saying:
To remove a file whose name starts with a '-', for example '-foo', use
one of these commands:
rm -- -foo
rm ./-foo
Use rm -- --exclude-tag-under=hey.txt
$ ls
$ rm -- --exclude-tag-under=hey.txt
$ ls

Move multiple files with unique name to new folder and append to file name

I have about 2000 files in a folder.
All the files contain the string test in the name.
What I need to do is move all those files ~1250 to a folder called trash within the same directory and append _scrap to the end of each file.
mv *test* trash/
What I want is something like this:
[root#server] ls
test1.txt test2.txt test3.txt trash video1.txt video2.txt video3.txt
[root#server] mv *test* trash/*_scrap
[root#server] ls
trash vidoe1.txt video2.txt video3.txt
[root#server] ls trash/
test1.txt_scrap test2.txt_scrap test3.txt_scrap
I can move all files, however I cannot figure out how to append the _scrap to the end.
As I have to do this on a number of machines, a one liner would be preferable over a small script.
$ touch test1.txt test2.txt test3.txt vidoe1.txt vidoe2.txt vidoe3.txt
$ mkdir trash
$ for file in *test*; do mv "$file" "trash/${file}_scrap"; done
$ ls
trash vidoe1.txt vidoe2.txt vidoe3.txt
$ ls trash
test1.txt_scrap test2.txt_scrap test3.txt_scrap
You could also use xargs
$ ls *test* | xargs -t -I{} mv {} trash/{}_scrap
mv test1.txt trash/test1.txt_scrap
mv test2.txt trash/test2.txt_scrap
mv test3.txt trash/test3.txt_scrap
You could use find
$ find . -name '*test*' -maxdepth 1 -exec mv {} trash/{}_scrap \;
You can use rename to avoid shell for loops. It's a perl script but it comes installed with many common distros (including Ubuntu 14):
$ mv *test* trash/
$ rename 's/$/_scrap/g' trash/*
$ ls trash/
test1.txt_scrap test3.txt_scrap test2.txt_scrap

Linux Glob Pattern to remove all files containing a '?'?

I would like to descend into a directory and recursively remove all filenames that contain a ?.
I wgeted a website and files of the form index.html?p=46 were downloaded..extra marks for why this was.
I tried:
rm -R *?*
that failed: removed all regular files
rm -R *\?*
also failed: No such file of directory
Try this: find . -iname '*\?*' -exec rm {} \;
$ ls
xxy x?y
$find . -iname '*\?*'
$ find . -iname '*\?*' -exec rm {} \;
$ ls
As for why it happened, the website you wgetted had links to index.html passing those parameters and you (presumably) told wget to mirror it.
? maps to single character. You need to escape it:
$ touch a a?a
$ ls *?*
a a?a
$ ls *\?*

Using find - Deleting all files/directories (in Linux ) except any one

If we want to delete all files and directories we use, rm -rf *.
But what if i want all files and directories be deleted at a shot, except one particular file?
Is there any command for that? rm -rf * gives the ease of deletion at one shot, but deletes even my favourite file/directory.
Thanks in advance
find can be a very good friend:
$ ls
a/ b/ c/
$ find * -maxdepth 0 -name 'b' -prune -o -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'
$ ls
find * -maxdepth 0: select everything selected by * without descending into any directories
-name 'b' -prune: do not bother (-prune) with anything that matches the condition -name 'b'
-o -exec rm -rf '{}' ';': call rm -rf for everything else
By the way, another, possibly simpler, way would be to move or rename your favourite directory so that it is not in the way:
$ ls
a/ b/ c/
$ mv b .b
$ ls
a/ c/
$ rm -rf *
$ mv .b b
$ ls
Short answer
ls | grep -v "z.txt" | xargs rm
The thought process for the above command is :
List all files (ls)
Ignore one file named "z.txt" (grep -v "z.txt")
Delete the listed files other than z.txt (xargs rm)
Create 5 files as shown below:
echo "a.txt b.txt c.txt d.txt z.txt" | xargs touch
List all files except z.txt
ls|grep -v "z.txt"
We can now delete(rm) the listed files by using the xargs utility :
ls|grep -v "z.txt"|xargs rm
You can type it right in the command-line or use this keystroke in the script
files=`ls -l | grep -v "my_favorite_dir"`; for file in $files; do rm -rvf $file; done
P.S. I suggest -i switch for rm to prevent delition of important data.
P.P.S You can write the small script based on this solution and place it to the /usr/bin (e.g. /usr/bin/rmf). Now you can use it as and ordinary app:
rmf my_favorite_dir
The script looks like (just a sketch):
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
files=`ls -l`
files=`ls -l | grep -v $1`
for file in $files; do
rm -rvi $file
At least in zsh
rm -rf ^filename
could be an option, if you only want to preserve one single file.
If it's just one file, one simple way is to move that file to /tmp or something, rm -Rf the directory and then move it back. You could alias this as a simple command.
The other option is to do a find and then grep out what you don't want (using -v or directly using one of finds predicates) and then rming the remaining files.
For a single file, I'd do the former. For anything more, I'd write something custom similar to what thkala said.
In bash you have the !() glob operator, which inverts the matched pattern. So to delete everything except the file my_file_name.txt, try this:
shopt -s extglob
rm -f !(my_file_name.txt)
See this article for more details:
I don't know of such a program, but I have wanted it in the past for some times. The basic syntax would be:
' for f in $(except "*.c" "*.h" -- *); do
printf '%s\n' "$f"
The program I have in mind has three modes:
exact matching (with the option -e)
glob matching (default, like shown in the above example)
regex matching (with the option -r)
It takes the patterns to be excluded from the command line, followed by the separator --, followed by the file names. Alternatively, the file names might be read from stdin (if the option -s is given), each on a line.
Such a program should not be hard to write, in either C or the Shell Command Language. And it makes a good excercise for learning the Unix basics. When you do it as a shell program, you have to watch for filenames containing whitespace and other special characters, of course.
I see a lot of longwinded means here, that work, but with
a/ b/ c/ d/ e/
rm -rf *.* !(b*)
this removes everything except directory b/ and its contents (assuming your file is in b/.
Then just cd b/ and
rm -rf *.* !(filename)
to remove everything else, but the file (named "filename") that you want to keep.
mv subdir/preciousfile ./
rm -rf subdir
mkdir subdir
mv preciousfile subdir/
This looks tedious, but it is rather safe
avoids complex logic
never use rm -rf *, its results depend on your current directory (which could be / ;-)
never use a globbing *: its expansion is limited by ARGV_MAX.
allows you to check the error after each command, and maybe avoid the disaster caused by the next command.
avoids nasty problems caused by space or NL in the filenames.
cd ..
ln trash/useful.file ./
rm -rf trash/*
mv useful.file trash/
you need to use regular expression for this. Write a regular expression which selects all other files except the one you need.
