Does anyone know of a good resource on the Audible Audio (.aa) file spec?
I'm trying to write a program that can use them, if no one knows of a resource, any tips on reverse engineering the spec my self? I opened it up in a Hex editor and poked around, looks like an MP3 but with a ton more header info.
This site provides some more info in regards to where certain chunks of data reside within the .aa file.
I have done some research into the Audible header to create a player for my car radio/computer. Basically there is a block of 3700 characters at the beginning of the file that encompasses a number of fields of interest, such as Title, Author, Narrator, etc. I have some limited parsing code in C# to display some of the basic info from the .aa file. as follows:
private void ParseFields(string fileName)
string aaHeader;
string tryDate;
if (fileName == "") return;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName))
char[] buff = new char[3700];
sr.Read(buff, 0, buff.Length);
aaHeader = new string(buff);
_author = GetParsedItem(aaHeader, "author");
_author = "?";
_title = GetParsedItem(aaHeader, "short_title");
_title = "???";
_narrator = GetParsedItem(aaHeader, "narrator");
_narrator = "?";
_description = GetParsedItem(aaHeader, "description");
_description = "???";
_longDescription = GetParsedItem(aaHeader, "long_description");
_longDescription = "";
tryDate = GetParsedItem(aaHeader, "pubdate");
if (tryDate != "")
_pubDate = Convert.ToDateTime(GetParsedItem(aaHeader, "pubdate"));
_pubDate = DateTime.Today;
_pubDate = DateTime.Today;
private string GetParsedItem(string buffer, string fieldName)
if (buffer.Contains(fieldName))
int pos = buffer.IndexOf(fieldName);
pos += fieldName.Length;
int posEnd = buffer.IndexOf('\0',pos);
//if the value for the field is empty, skip it and look for another
if (pos == posEnd)
pos = buffer.IndexOf(fieldName, posEnd);
pos += fieldName.Length;
posEnd = buffer.IndexOf('\0', pos);
return buffer.Substring(pos, posEnd - pos);
return "(not found - " + fieldName + ")";
I think, there is no spec. Have a look at Wikipedia/
Audible introduced one of the first digital audio players in 1997.
The following year it published a Web site from which audio files in its
proprietary .aa format could be downloaded. Audible holds a number of patents
in this area.
summary: proprietary/patents
I am using Microsoft Azure Text To Speech with Unity. But there will be broken sounds at the beginning and end of the playing sound. Is this normal, or result.AudioData is broken. Below is the code.
public AudioSource audioSource;
void Start()
public void SynthesisToSpeaker(string text)
var config = SpeechConfig.FromSubscription("[redacted]", "southeastasia");
config.SpeechSynthesisLanguage = "zh-CN";
config.SpeechSynthesisVoiceName = "zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural";
// Creates a speech synthesizer.
// Make sure to dispose the synthesizer after use!
SpeechSynthesizer synthesizer = new SpeechSynthesizer(config, null);
Task<SpeechSynthesisResult> task = synthesizer.SpeakTextAsync(text);
StartCoroutine(CheckSynthesizer(task, config, synthesizer));
private IEnumerator CheckSynthesizer(Task<SpeechSynthesisResult> task,
SpeechConfig config,
SpeechSynthesizer synthesizer)
yield return new WaitUntil(() => task.IsCompleted);
var result = task.Result;
// Checks result.
string newMessage = string.Empty;
if (result.Reason == ResultReason.SynthesizingAudioCompleted)
var sampleCount = result.AudioData.Length / 2;
var audioData = new float[sampleCount];
for (var i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i)
audioData[i] = (short)(result.AudioData[i * 2 + 1] << 8
| result.AudioData[i * 2]) / 32768.0F;
// The default output audio format is 16K 16bit mono
var audioClip = AudioClip.Create("SynthesizedAudio", sampleCount,
1, 16000, false);
audioClip.SetData(audioData, 0);
audioSource.clip = audioClip;
else if (result.Reason == ResultReason.Canceled)
var cancellation = SpeechSynthesisCancellationDetails.FromResult(result);
The default audio format is Riff16Khz16BitMonoPcm, which has a riff header in the beginning of result.AudioData. If you pass the audioData to audioClip, it will play the header, then you hear some noise.
You can set the format to a raw format without header by speechConfig.SetSpeechSynthesisOutputFormat(SpeechSynthesisOutputFormat.Raw16Khz16BitMonoPcm);, see this sample for details.
A use case for my app is to convert speech (single word utterances) to text. I need to use Azure speech to text for this. Sometimes the speech needs to be converted into an integer - I need to submit the response as a quantity for example.
My question is is there anyway, via the REST API, to tell the speech to text service I want a numeric result? Currently it is returning things like 'one' instead of '1' and 'free' instead of '3'. I don't think there is a way to do this from the documentation but I wanted to see if anyone else has solved this problem before I think of a way around it.
This is the code I am using in my proof of concept project:
public static async Task SpeechToTextAsync(MemoryStream data, ISpeechResultCallback callBack)
string accessToken = await Authentication.GetAccessToken();
IToast toastWrapper = DependencyService.Get<IToast>();
if (accessToken != null)
toastWrapper.Show("Acquired token");
callBack.SpeechReturned("Acquired token");
using (var client = new HttpClient())
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("");
request.SendChunked = true;
request.Accept = #"application/json;text/xml";
request.Method = "POST";
request.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11;
request.Host = "";
request.ContentType = #"audio/wav; codecs=audio/pcm; samplerate=16000";
// request.Headers["Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key"] = Program.SubscriptionKey;
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
request.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = false;
data.Position = 0;
byte[] buffer = null;
int bytesRead = 0;
using (Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream())
buffer = new Byte[checked((uint)Math.Min(1024, (int)data.Length))];
while ((bytesRead = data.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
requestStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
// Flush
string responseData = null;
using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse())
var encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(((HttpWebResponse)response).CharacterSet);
using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
using (var reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, encoding))
responseData = reader.ReadToEnd();
AzureSTTResults deserializedProduct = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AzureSTTResults>(responseData);
if(deserializedProduct == null || deserializedProduct.NBest == null || deserializedProduct.NBest.Length == 0)
toastWrapper.Show("No results");
callBack.SpeechReturned("No results");
catch (Exception ex)
toastWrapper.Show("No token required");
callBack.SpeechReturned("No token required");
And here is an example of the result that I would like to be '1':
"RecognitionStatus": "Success",
"Offset": 0,
"Duration": 22200000,
"NBest": [
"Confidence": 0.43084684014320374,
"Lexical": "one",
"ITN": "One",
"MaskedITN": "One",
"Display": "One."
I suggest to use this nuget from Microsoft. It works like a charm, here an example.
NumberRecognizer.RecognizeNumber("I have two apples", Culture.English)
According to the offical document Speech-to-text REST API, there is no option can help converting the numberic words to numbers.
Considering for the numberic words in English have the pattern in syntax, you can use a simple algorithm to implement the feature for converting words to numbers. As references, you can follow these below to write your own one in C# by yourself.
Converting words to numbers in c++
Translate (Convert) Words to Numbers RRS feed in SQL Server
Words in Numbers
Hope it helps.
I have written quite a few different add-ins now but I keep struggling to get a windows form working on Revit. The program builds fine and I have the dll set up for Revit to access.
Here are the different sections of my code. The program is more extensive than what is seen but I believe that the problem is a reference issue or a problem with my ADDIN file. Maybe there is a different way I need to set up my ADDIN file since I have a windows form in it?? Let me know.
Here is a Dropbox folder with the screenshots in it.
Let me know if there is anything else you need to see. The error in Revit says it has to do with the FullName but I believe I put it in the ADDIN file correctly, and I did it the same as I had for other ADDINs.
Thank you for your help!
public class CicuitChecker : IExternalCommand
public Result Execute(
ExternalCommandData commandData,
ref string message,
ElementSet elements)
//set document variable
Document document = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(document))
trans.Start("Circuit Checker");
UIApplication uiApp = commandData.Application;
Document doc = uiApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
//run through looped form in case of user not selecting needed fields, and store what family the user wants the program to check
Boolean messedUp = false;
Boolean All = false, lightF = false, recep = false, elecEquip = false, equipCon = false, junc = false, panels = false;
FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc), collector2 = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);
while (messedUp)
CircuitChecker.CircuitCheckerForm form = new CircuitChecker.CircuitCheckerForm();
//Get application and document objects
foreach (String item in form.getSelectionElementsLB())
if (item.Equals("All"))
All = true;
else if (item.Equals("Lighting Fixtures"))
lightF = true;
else if (item.Equals("Recepticales"))
recep = true;
else if (item.Equals("Electrical Equipment (including Panels)"))
elecEquip = true;
else if (item.Equals("Junctions"))
junc = true;
messedUp = true;
TaskDialog.Show("Error", "At least one element must be selected.");
if (form.getSelectionPlaceLB().Equals("Entire Project"))
= new FilteredElementCollector(doc)
= new FilteredElementCollector(doc)
else if (form.getSelectionPlaceLB().Equals("Elements in Current View"))
= new FilteredElementCollector(doc, document.ActiveView.Id)
= new FilteredElementCollector(doc, document.ActiveView.Id)
messedUp = true;
TaskDialog.Show("Error", "A place must be selected.");
Color color = new Color(138, 43, 226); // RGB
OverrideGraphicSettings ogs = new OverrideGraphicSettings();
OverrideGraphicSettings ogsOriginal = new OverrideGraphicSettings();
int notCircuited = 0;
//ElementId symbolId = family
ElementCategoryFilter lightFilter = new ElementCategoryFilter(BuiltInCategory.OST_LightingFixtures);
ElementCategoryFilter recepFilter = new ElementCategoryFilter(BuiltInCategory.OST_ElectricalFixtures);
ElementCategoryFilter elecEquipFilter = new ElementCategoryFilter(BuiltInCategory.OST_ElectricalEquipment);
//ElementClassFilter filter = new ElementClassFilter(typeof("Junction Boxes - Load"));
//FamilyInstanceFilter juncFilter1 = new FamilyInstanceFilter(doc, );
LogicalOrFilter first = new LogicalOrFilter(lightFilter, recepFilter);
if (All)
IList<Element> allArr = collector.ToElements();
foreach (Element e in allArr)
int cirNum = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_ELEC_CIRCUIT_NUMBER).AsInteger();
String panel = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_ELEC_CIRCUIT_PANEL_PARAM).AsString();
if (!(IsNumeric(cirNum)) || (panel.Equals("")) || (panel.Equals("<unnamed>")))
doc.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(e.Id, ogs);
doc.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(e.Id, ogsOriginal);
IList<Element> elecEquipArr = collector.ToElements();
foreach (Element e in elecEquipArr)
String panel = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_ELEC_PANEL_SUPPLY_FROM_PARAM).AsString();
if ((panel.Equals("")))
doc.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(e.Id, ogs);
doc.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(e.Id, ogsOriginal);
TaskDialog.Show("Circuit Checker", notCircuited + " lighting fixtures are not circuited in this view.");
if (!trans.HasEnded())
if (lightF)
IList<Element> lightArr = collector.ToElements();
foreach (Element e in lightArr)
int cirNum = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_ELEC_CIRCUIT_NUMBER).AsInteger();
String panel = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_ELEC_CIRCUIT_PANEL_PARAM).AsString();
if (!(IsNumeric(cirNum)) || (panel.Equals("")) || (panel.Equals("<unnamed>")))
doc.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(e.Id, ogs);
doc.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(e.Id, ogsOriginal);
if (recep)
IList<Element> recepArr = collector.ToElements();
foreach (Element e in recepArr)
int cirNum = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_ELEC_CIRCUIT_NUMBER).AsInteger();
String panel = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_ELEC_CIRCUIT_PANEL_PARAM).AsString();
if (!(IsNumeric(cirNum)) || (panel.Equals("")) || (panel.Equals("<unnamed>")))
doc.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(e.Id, ogs);
doc.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(e.Id, ogsOriginal);
if (elecEquip)
IList<Element> elecEquipArr = collector.ToElements();
foreach (Element e in elecEquipArr)
String panel = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_ELEC_PANEL_SUPPLY_FROM_PARAM).AsString();
if ((panel.Equals("")))
doc.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(e.Id, ogs);
doc.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(e.Id, ogsOriginal);
if (junc)
IList<Element> juncArr = collector.ToElements();
foreach (Element e in juncArr)
int cirNum = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_ELEC_CIRCUIT_NUMBER).AsInteger();
String panel = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_ELEC_CIRCUIT_PANEL_PARAM).AsString();
if (!(IsNumeric(cirNum)) || (panel.Equals("")) || (panel.Equals("<unnamed>")))
doc.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(e.Id, ogs);
doc.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(e.Id, ogsOriginal);
TaskDialog.Show("Circuit Checker", notCircuited + " lighting fixtures are not circuited in this view.");
return Result.Succeeded;
public static Boolean IsNumeric(Object Expression)
if (Expression == null || Expression is DateTime)
return false;
if (Expression is Int16 || Expression is Int32 || Expression is Int64 || Expression is Decimal || Expression is Single || Expression is Double || Expression is Boolean)
return true;
if (Expression is string)
Double.Parse(Expression as string);
return true;
catch { } // just dismiss errors but return false
return false;
This code is having the functionality in the 'main class.' I have since moved the functionality to the form class as konrad suggested but am still receiving the FullClassName error in Revit. Please Help!
The schedule data add-in provides a full Visual Studio solution demonstrating how to display a Windows form in a Revit add-in, including the generation of the Windows form on the fly:
Here's how I usually set up my Windows Forms based External Commands. Remember that you have to create an External Command, and your addin manifest must point at this class. Then from this class you can launch the Form like so:
public class SomeCommand : IExternalCommand
public Result Execute(
ExternalCommandData commandData,
ref string message,
ElementSet elements)
// Get application and document objects
UIApplication uiApp = commandData.Application;
Document doc = uiApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
UIDocument uidoc = uiApp.ActiveUIDocument;
SomeNamespace.SomeForm form = new SomeNamespace.SomeForm(doc);
return Result.Succeeded;
// Catch any exceptions and display them
catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.OperationCanceledException)
return Result.Cancelled;
catch (Exception ex)
message = ex.Message;
return Result.Failed;
So I have a Form class that I instantiate from my ExternalCommand and pass Document to its constructor. That way I have access to document when I am interacting with the form later. I wire up all functionality in code behind of the Form.
Agree, the OP's question is why doesn't the addin work...
From looking at the images, it seems like the issue is that Revit is not properly finding the full class name of the command.
It's a little unusual that you don't have your command class wrapped in a namespace (your form class is, for example).
I would recommend wrapping it in a namespace like "circuitchecker" - like your form class.
Then the "full name" in the addin file would become "circuitchecker.circuitchecker"
(the namespace.classname) - this helps Revit distinguish different classes that might have the same name.
side note: I don't believe that putting a URL into the Image/LargeImage fields in the addin will work - but not positive.
Note: This question may look like a repetition of several question posted on the forum, but I am really stuck on this problem from quite some time and I am not able to solve this issue using the solutions posted for similar questions. I have posted my code here and need help to proceed further
So, here is my issue:
I am writing a Java GUI application which loads a file before performing any processing. There is a waiting time on an average of about 10-15 seconds during which the file is parsed. After this waiting time, what I get see on the GUI is,
The parsed file in the form of individual leaves in the JTree in a Jpanel
Some header information (example: data range) in two individual JTextField
A heat map generated after parsing the data in a different JPanel on the GUI.
The program connects to R to parse the file and read the header information.
Now, I want to use swing worker to put the file reading process on a different thread so that it does not block the EDT. I am not sure how I can build my SwingWorker class so that the process is done in the background and the results for the 3 components are displayed when the process is complete. And, during this file reading process I want to display a JProgressBar.
Here is the code which does the whole process, starting from selection of the file selection menu item. This is in the main GUI method.
JScrollPane spectralFilesScrollPane;
if ((e.getSource() == OpenImagingFileButton) || (e.getSource() == loadRawSpectraMenuItem)) {
int returnVal = fcImg.showOpenDialog(GUIMain.this);
// File chooser
if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
file = fcImg.getSelectedFile();
//JTree and treenode creation
DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(file);
rawSpectraTree = new JTree(root);
DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel) rawSpectraTree.getModel();
try {
// R connection
rc = new RConnection();
final String inputFileDirectory = file.getParent();
System.out.println("Current path: " + currentPath);
rc.assign("importImagingFile", currentPath.concat("/importImagingFile.R"));
rc.assign("currentWorkingDirectory", currentPath);
rc.assign("inputFileDirectory", inputFileDirectory);
rawSpectrumObjects = rc.eval("importImagingFile(inputFileDirectory,currentWorkingDirectory)");
rc.assign("plotAverageSpectra", currentPath.concat("/plotAverageSpectra.R"));
rc.assign("rawSpectrumObjects", rawSpectrumObjects);
REXP averageSpectraObject = rc.eval("plotAverageSpectra(rawSpectrumObjects)");
rc.assign("AverageMassSpecObjectToSpectra", currentPath.concat("/AverageMassSpecObjectToSpectra.R"));
rc.assign("averageSpectraObject", averageSpectraObject);
REXP averageSpectra = rc.eval("AverageMassSpecObjectToSpectra(averageSpectraObject)");
averageSpectraMatrix = averageSpectra.asDoubleMatrix();
String[] spectrumName = new String[rawSpectrumObjects.asList().size()];
for (int i = 0; i < rawSpectrumObjects.asList().size(); i++) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Spectrum_" + (i + 1));
model.insertNodeInto(node, root, i);
// Expand all the nodes of the JTree
for(int i=0;i< model.getChildCount(root);++i){
DefaultMutableTreeNode firstLeaf = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode)rawSpectraTree.getModel().getRoot()).getFirstLeaf();
rawSpectraTree.setSelectionPath(new TreePath(firstLeaf.getPath()));
// List the min and the max m/z of in the respective data fields
rc.assign("dataMassRange", currentPath.concat("/dataMassRange.R"));
rc.assign("rawSpectrumObjects", rawSpectrumObjects);
REXP massRange = rc.eval("dataMassRange(rawSpectrumObjects)");
double[] massRangeValues = massRange.asDoubles();
minMzValue = (float)massRangeValues[0];
maxMzValue = (float)massRangeValues[1];
GlobalMinMz = minMzValue;
GlobalMaxMz = maxMzValue;
// Adds the range values to the jTextField
// Update status bar with the uploaded data details
statusLabel.setText("File name: " + file.getName() + " | " + "Total spectra: " + rawSpectrumObjects.asList().size() + " | " + "Mass range: " + GlobalMinMz + "-" + GlobalMaxMz);
// Generates a heatmap
rawIntensityMap = gim.generateIntensityMap(rawSpectrumObjects, currentPath, minMzValue, maxMzValue, Gradient.GRADIENT_Rainbow, "RAW");
imagePanel.add(rawIntensityMap, BorderLayout.CENTER);
coordinates = new JLabel();
coordinates.setBounds(31, 31, rawIntensityMap.getWidth() - 31, rawIntensityMap.getHeight() - 31);
tabbedSpectralFiles.setEnabledAt(1, false);
rawSpectraTree.addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener() {
public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) {
try {
DefaultMutableTreeNode selectedNode =
(DefaultMutableTreeNode) rawSpectraTree.getLastSelectedPathComponent();
int rowCount = listTableModel.getRowCount();
for (int l = 0; l < rowCount; l++) {
} catch (RserveException e2) {
} catch (REXPMismatchException e1) {
spectralFilesScrollPane = new JScrollPane();
loadPeakListMenuItem.setEnabled(true); //active now
loadPeaklistsButton.setEnabled(true); //active now
propertiesMenuItem.setEnabled(true); // active now
propertiesButton.setEnabled(true); //active now
} catch (RserveException e1) {
"There was an error in the R connection. Please try again!", "Error",
} catch (REXPMismatchException e1) {
"Operation requested is not supported by the given R object type. Please try again!", "Error",
// hideProgress();
I tried creating a SwingWorker class, but I am totally confused how I can get all the three outputs on the GUI, plus have a progress bar. It is not complete, but I don't know how to proceed further.
public class FileReadWorker extends SwingWorker<REXP, String>{
private static void failIfInterrupted() throws InterruptedException {
if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
throw new InterruptedException("Interrupted while loading imaging file!");
// The file that is being read
private final File fileName;
private JTree rawSpectraTree;
private RConnection rc;
private REXP rawSpectrumObjects;
private double[][] averageSpectraMatrix;
private Path currentRelativePath = Paths.get("");
private final String currentPath = currentRelativePath.toAbsolutePath().toString();
final JProgressBar progressBar = new JProgressBar();
// public FileReadWorker(File fileName)
// {
// this.fileName = fileName;
// System.out.println("I am here");
// }
public FileReadWorker(final JProgressBar progressBar, File fileName) {
this.fileName = fileName;
addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
if ("progress".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) {
progressBar.setValue((Integer) evt.getNewValue());
protected REXP doInBackground() throws Exception {
System.out.println("I am here... in background");
DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(fileName);
rawSpectraTree = new JTree(root);
DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel) rawSpectraTree.getModel();
rc = new RConnection();
final String inputFileDirectory = fileName.getParent();
rc.assign("importImagingFile", currentPath.concat("/importImagingFile.R"));
rc.assign("currentWorkingDirectory", currentPath);
rc.assign("inputFileDirectory", inputFileDirectory);
rawSpectrumObjects = rc.eval("importImagingFile(inputFileDirectory,currentWorkingDirectory)");
rc.assign("plotAverageSpectra", currentPath.concat("/plotAverageSpectra.R"));
rc.assign("rawSpectrumObjects", rawSpectrumObjects);
REXP averageSpectraObject = rc.eval("plotAverageSpectra(rawSpectrumObjects)");
rc.assign("AverageMassSpecObjectToSpectra", currentPath.concat("/AverageMassSpecObjectToSpectra.R"));
rc.assign("averageSpectraObject", averageSpectraObject);
REXP averageSpectra = rc.eval("AverageMassSpecObjectToSpectra(averageSpectraObject)");
averageSpectraMatrix = averageSpectra.asDoubleMatrix();
for (int i = 0; i < rawSpectrumObjects.asList().size(); i++) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Spectrum_" + (i + 1));
model.insertNodeInto(node, root, i);
// Expand all the nodes of the JTree
for(int i=0;i< model.getChildCount(root);++i){
return averageSpectra;
public void done() {
Any help would be very much appreciated.
I've been looking in to generate text.
What I've learned so far is that I will have to use word-level Markov-text generation. I've found a few examples of those on this site. here
Now knowing this wouldn't work I tried it anyways and copied it to Processing. With the errors of not finding the correct libraries.
Is there anyone out there that has done this or can point me in a good direction to find more about doing text generation with processing. Or even somebody who want's to do a collab. Being open source and what not.
What I want isn't that more different than the example on the site, except the letter count should be word based and the database is given by words I put in there. The last part could be altered to an other source which I'm still brainstorming about. But could be everything actually with words. If you have any ideas please be free to contribute.
I'll edit this post when I know more from other forums. So when there's a solution I can pass it to others.
// required imports for Processing
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
String inputFile = "Sonnet51.txt";
Markov markovChain1;
String sentence = "";
void setup() {
size (900, 500);
markovChain1 = new Markov();
// load text
String[] input = loadStrings(inputFile);
for (String line : input) {
// generate a sentence!
sentence = markovChain1.generateSentence();
void draw() {
// noLoop();
text(sentence, 19, 190);
fill(2, 255, 2);
text("Please press mouse", 19, height-33);
void mousePressed() {
// generate a sentence!
sentence = markovChain1.generateSentence();
// ==========================================
class Markov {
Hashtable<String, Vector<String>> markovChain =
new Hashtable<String, Vector<String>>();
Markov() {
markovChain.put("_start", new Vector<String>());
markovChain.put("_end", new Vector<String>());
void addWords(String line) {
String[] words = line.split(" ");
for (int i=0; i<words.length; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
Vector<String> startWords = markovChain.get("_start");
Vector<String> suffix = markovChain.get(words[i]);
if (suffix == null) {
suffix = new Vector<String>();
markovChain.put(words[i], suffix);
else if (i == words.length-1) {
Vector<String> endWords = markovChain.get("_end");
else {
Vector<String> suffix = markovChain.get(words[i]);
if (suffix == null) {
suffix = new Vector<String>();
markovChain.put(words[i], suffix);
else {
markovChain.put(words[i], suffix);
String generateSentence() {
String newPhrase = "";
String nextWord = "";
Vector<String> startWords = markovChain.get("_start");
int startWordsLen = startWords.size();
nextWord = startWords.get(int(random(startWordsLen)));
newPhrase += " " + nextWord;
while (nextWord.charAt (nextWord.length ()-1) != '.') {
Vector<String> wordSelection=null;
wordSelection = markovChain.get(nextWord);
if (wordSelection!=null) {
int wordSelectionLen = wordSelection.size();
nextWord = wordSelection.get(int(random(wordSelectionLen-1)));
newPhrase += " " + nextWord;
return newPhrase.toString();
return newPhrase.toString();
} // class
use following text to use for the generator.
Thus can my love excuse the slow offence
Of my dull bearer when from thee I speed
From where thou art why should I haste me thence
Till I return of posting is no need
O! what excuse will my poor beast then find
When swift extremity can seem but slow
Then should I spur though mounted on the wind.
In winged speed no motion shall I know.
Then can no horse with my desire keep pace.
Therefore desire of perfectst love being made.
Shall neigh no dull flesh in his fiery race;
But love for love thus shall excuse my jade.
Since from thee going, he went wilful-slow
Towards thee Ill run, and give him leave to go.
It works completely and now I can begin to change it for making bigger texts. I anybody have ideas let me know. But this case is solved for me.
Thanks to ChrisIr from Processing forum.
The RiTa library already does this if you want to take a look at it. Or just use it.
I think that code you're using is making things more complicated. This Java example is much clearer, and should work "out of the box" in Processing – just copy/paste!
Here's the Processing-ified version that should work, though I think it might need some tweaking.
// required imports for Processing
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
String inputFile = "Sonnet51.txt";
Markov markovChain;
void setup() {
markovChain = new Markov();
// load text
String[] input = loadStrings(inputFile);
for (String line : input) {
// generate a sentence!
String sentence = markovChain.generateSentence();
class Markov {
Hashtable<String, Vector<String>> markovChain = new Hashtable<String, Vector<String>>();
Markov() {
markovChain.put("_start", new Vector<String>());
markovChain.put("_end", new Vector<String>());
void addWords(String line) {
String[] words = line.split(" ");
for (int i=0; i<words.length; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
Vector<String> startWords = markovChain.get("_start");
Vector<String> suffix = markovChain.get(words[i]);
if (suffix == null) {
suffix = new Vector<String>();
markovChain.put(words[i], suffix);
} else if (i == words.length-1) {
Vector<String> endWords = markovChain.get("_end");
} else {
Vector<String> suffix = markovChain.get(words[i]);
if (suffix == null) {
suffix = new Vector<String>();
markovChain.put(words[i], suffix);
} else {
markovChain.put(words[i], suffix);
String generateSentence() {
String newPhrase= "";
String nextWord = "";
Vector<String> startWords = markovChain.get("_start");
int startWordsLen = startWords.size();
nextWord = startWords.get(int(random(startWordsLen)));
newPhrase += " " + nextWord;
while (nextWord.charAt (nextWord.length()-1) != '.') {
Vector<String> wordSelection = markovChain.get(nextWord);
int wordSelectionLen = wordSelection.size();
nextWord = wordSelection.get(int(random(wordSelectionLen)));
newPhrase += " " + nextWord;
return newPhrase.toString();