Is there a way to have a Web Farm that serves two different application versions using IIS 7 - iis

I have an ASP.NET application. I want to be able to invsibly rollout new versions to our customers (all users logon). I want an "old" site and a "new" site.
The user has one url. Once they are authenticated, they are sent either to the "old" or the "new" site depending on their database version.
Is this possible with IIS 7? How best to do it?

Not sure I'm completely understanding the question but I'm going to make some assumptions.
I'm presuming users logon via forms authentication, and that determining the users database version is trivial?
If so then you can simply host your old and new version in separate virtual directories
then make sure they can share authentication cookies. Once the user is successfully verified ( presumably on the new version of the site) if they should be using the old site you redirect them to the default page of that site instead of the new version. I believe the mehod to do the redirect in is RedirectFromLogonPage()
In addition to prevent the user from using a bookmark to go to the wrong site you could put something in the Session_Start() of Global.asax that does a lookup of the base URL the user should be using and redirect their request appropriately, you'd have to do that in both the new and OLD versions of the site though.


Sitecore + Mvc Application. Proper redirection without losing Google indexing.

I have big dilemma and I need help.
Basically we have sitecore web app this is our main web service. Currently my app is working with the main app via .html static pages(it works as SPA, JS calls backend with needed html content).
But database I work with grows bigger, and to access certain elements with URL I need to create ~70.000+ static files. As well this static files are needed for google indexing, so we can advertise our products. In case if there is new meta data needed or new item added, I need to run my other program that creates this static files to update everything out of txt file with all items. And we have 2 reserve servers where our sitecore web is. So it like 70k+ files for 9 languages and 3 web servers. It takes a day to recreate everything...
That why I decided to make clear MVC SPA application, and it works great. But...
I can't add my MVC application or anything except .html files to the current sitecore main app.
And the question is: how it could be done without losing google indexing and without changing main domain.
For example we have now:
What I want:
Sitecore has a settings called IgnoreUrlPrefixes. You can add mynewmvcapplication to this setting, in that case Sitecore will ignore that path as well as anything under it. Here is a good article which shows you how to update this setting without making an update to Sitecore's config files.
Take a look at Sitecore Redirect Manager Sitecore market place. This it has the capabilities to create your custom url and keeps your search engine rating.
Otherwise you can check Custom Link Provider and Custome Item Resolver. This will need more coding than the previous one. A google search with those keywords brings back many results.
Best wishes.

Datasources only found on 1 site in IIS 7

The title is not quite correct, but here is the problem situation:
Setup multiple sites on the same IIS 7 server
Installed CF10 and it works fine on all sites
CFIDE Datasources can only be found for 1 site, not all of them, even though they still work on all sites
To see CF datasources (using RDS), the URL is sitename/CFIDE/administrator/datasources/index.cfm. Each site in IIS 7 has the CFIDE directory mapped to it as far as I know. It appears in the site folder structure for all my sites as a virtual directory. I used the Web Server Configuration Tool to remove and re-add ColdFusion to all my sites.
The problem is that applications using RDS can only find datasources for one of my sites. It uses the URL given above sitename/CFIDE/administrator/datasources/index.cfm to find the datasources of the site. RDS is not picking up the datasources for any of the other sites.
I tried manually going to sitename2/CFIDE/administrator/datasources/index.cfm (sitename2 being the name of a different site in IIS to the one that's working) and I just get this error:
"The page isn't redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete."
Can anyone suggest how to fix this so the URL will resolve for each site? Otherwise my RDS feature has broken which is not good. If I test the sites themselves, they all work fine and can access my datasources just fine. So something is up with the RDS feature
I've sorted it. Looks like it was a password thing. I had to remove the require password authentication and re-apply it again.

Stop people browsing images on website

I'm pretty much new to IIS and this is the problem that I'm trying to solve.
I have a legacy web app (complied so not easily changeable) that is running in IIS 7.
This web app displays images to the user of possibly sensitive personal data but if the user views the source the of the page then they are exposed to the url which is viewable directly through any browser.
What I think that I need to do is to remove the folder permissions (where the images live) to stop people directly browsing vewing them and then create another account that has the permissions to view this folder and then associate this newly created account with the application pool that is running the site.
So my questions are would this be the correct way of doing this? And if it is, how would I actually achieve (bearing in mind that I'm a complete novice in IIS and permissions).
Any help would be muchly appreciated.

Default IIS 7 Logon Domain

I need to change the default logon domain on our website, but for some reason it still puts the computer domain as the default at login. I tried the following: but get the same results. what else could it be?
I can't seem to find any other solutions on the web, any ideas? I compared the IIS configuration to another server (that works) and it looks identical. can't for the life of me figure out what's going on.
When you authenticate to a website there are many points at which one can be presented with a login dialog. I'm going to assume you have a simple website made of only basic .HTM .CSS and .JS files. (Meaning, you aren't using ASP.NET and looking to have forms based authentication.)
The website itself, runs under the domain/user configured on the Application Pool the website runs under. I suspect you are NOT trying to adjust this. It is the security level under which the entire website's process runs. Meaning, without an end user logging in at all, this is what the website's security level is in regards to accessing the file system, network, registry, etc.
If you want ONLY users in one of your network's Windows domains to have access, you should go to the IIS website, click 'Authentication' and disable Anonymous, ASP.NET Impersonation and Forms Authentication. Then set just the domain in basic authentication to what you need it to be.
If this is what you've done, and it still fails. Then I suspect it's because the IIS machine probably needs to meet some requirement to allow this to happen. For example: It needs to be added as a member of the domain you are trying to configure. Another possibility is that some setting on the domain controller, or an inability to reach it, is preventing the webserver from presenting your web visitors with the option to log on to that domain.

MOSS 2007 Crawl

I'm trying to get crawl to work on two separate farms I have but can't get it to work on either one. They both have two WFE's with an additional WFE configured as an Index server. There is one more server dedicated for Query and two clustered SQL 2005 back end servers for the database. I have unsuccessfully tried at least 50 different websites that I found with solutions from a search engine. I have configured (extended) my Web App to use http://servername:12345 as the default zone and as the custom and intranet zones. When I enter each of those into the content source and then try to run a crawl, I get a couple of errors in the crawl log:
http://servername:12345 returns:
"Could not connect to the server. Please make sure the site is accessible." returns:
"Deleted by the gatherer. (The start address or content source that contained this item was deleted and hence this item was deleted.)"
However, I can click both URL's and the page is accessible.
Any ideas?
More info:
I wiped the slate clean, so to speak, and ran another crawl to provide an updated sample.
My content sources are as such:
My current crawl log errors are:
Error in PortalCrawl Web Service.
Content for this URL is excluded by the server because a no-index attribute.
The Crawler could not communicate with the server. Check that the server is available and that the firewall access is configured correctly.
I double checked for typos above and I don't see any so this should be an accurate reflection.
One thing to remember is that crawling SharePoint sites is different from crawling file shares or non-SharePoint websites.
A few other quick pointers:
the sps3: protocol is for crawling user profiles for People Search. You can disregard anything the crawler says about it until you're ready for user profiles.
your crawl account is supposed to have access to your entire farm. If you see permissions errors, find the KB article that tells you the how to reset your crawl account (it's a specific stsadm.exe command). If you're trying to crawl another farm's content, then you'll have to work something else out to grant your crawl account access. I think this is your biggest issue presently.
The crawler (running from the index server) will attempt to visit the public URL. I've had inter-server communication issues before; make sure all three servers can ping each other, and make sure the index server can reach the public URL (open IE on the index server and check it out). If you have problems, it's time to dirty up your index server's hosts file. This is something SharePoint does for you anyway, so don't feel too bad doing it. If you've set up anything aside from Integrated Windows Authentication, you'll have to work harder to get your crawler working.
Anyway, there's been a lot of back and forth in the responses, so I'm just shotgunning a bunch of suggestions out there, maybe one of them is on target.
I'm a little confused about your farm topology. A machine installed as a just a WFE cannot be an indexer. A machine installed as "complete" can be an indexer, query and/or a wfe...
Also, instead of changing the default content access account, you may want to add a crawl rule instead (once everything is up and running)
Can you see if anything helpful is in the %commonprogramfiles%/microsoft shared/web server extensions/12/logs on your indexer?
The log file may be a bit verbose, you can search for "started" or "full" and that will usually get you to the line in the log where your crawl started.
Also, on your sql machine, you may be able to get more information from the MSScrawlurlhistory table.
Can you create a content source for and start a full crawl? Do you get the same error(s)?
Also, we may want to take this offline, let me know if you want to do that.
I'm not sure if there is a way to send private messages via stackoverflow though.
Most of your issues are related to Kerberos, it sounds like. If you don't have the infrastructure update applied, then Sharepoint will not be able to use kerberos auth to web sites w/ non default (80/443) ports. That's also why (I would bet) that you cannot access CA from server 5 when it's on server 4. If you don't have the SPNs set up correctly, then CA will only be accessible from the machine it is installed on. If you had installed Sharepoint using port 80 as the default url you'd be able to do the local sharepoint crawl without any hitches. But by design the local sharepoint sites crawl uses the default url to access the sharepoint sites. Check out!7C69E7B2271B08F6!363.entry for a little more detail on how to get Kerberos & Sharepoint to work well together.
In the Services on Server section check the properties for the search crawl account to make sure it is set up, and that it has permissions to access those sites.
Thanks for the new input!
So I came back from my weekend and I wanted to go through your pointers and try every one and then report back about how they didn't work and then post the results that I got. Funny thing happened, though.
I went to my Indexer (servername5) and I tried to connect to Central Admin and the main portal from Internet Explorer. Neither worked. So I went into IIS on ther Indexer to try to browse to the main portal from within IIS. That didn't work either and I received an error telling me that something else was using that port. So I saw my old website from the previous build and I deleted it from IIS along with the corresponding Application Pool. Then I started the App Pool for the web site from the new build and browsed to the website. Success. Then I browsed to the website from the browser on my own PC. Success again. Then I ran a crawl by the full URL, not the servername, like so:
Success again. It crawled the entire portal including the subsites just like I wanted. The "Items in index" populated quickly and I could tell I was rolling.
I still cannot access the Central Admin site hosted on servername4 from servername5. I'm not sure why not but I don't know that it matters much at this point.
Where does this leave me? What was the fix?
I'm still not sure. Maybe it was the rebuild. Maybe as soon as I rebuilt the server farm I had everything I needed to get it to work but it just wouldn't work because of the previous website still in IIS. (It's funny how sloppy a SharePoint un-install can be. Manual deletion of content databases, web sites, and application pools seem necessary and that probably shouldn't be the case.)
In any event, it's working now on my "test" farm so the key is to get it working on the production farm. I'm hopeful that it won't be so difficult after this experience.
Thanks for the help from everyone!
