One simple but monolithic codebase vs many clearly documented dependencies - dependency-management

Often when beginning a new project, I start out with what I believe to be the best of intentions in terms of how to structure the codebase. I love the idea of numerous small modules that do one thing well, are de-coupled from other parts of the codebase, and could potentially be reused by myself in other (similar) projects or open sourced for others to take advantage of.
However, come crunch week when I'm actually trying to get something into production, there's been more than one occasion where the complexity of managing all these different modules has proved too much of an overhead (despite good documentation and deploy methodology). On those times I've simply changed tack and bundled all the modules into one repository and managed it all as one codebase, meaning I can track everything together through different branches, deploying to staging and test environments, etc...
What are the advantages and disadvantages of these different approaches, and how do you manage working in one way or the other?
Advantages of one monolithic codebase:
Easy to deploy
Easy to rollback
Easy to branch/manage all changes together
No (or less) potentially complex dependencies to document and manage
Advantages of modular dependencies:
Clean architecture (one module does one thing well)

I do not see the opposites as much as you do. Taking a .NET experience as an example, I can ensure parts of my code are geared towards well-defined responsibilities, I can structure my codebase into namespaces, ensuring that the touching points of the namespaces are well defined and that classes within the same namespace really do belong together.
However, all this can happen within a single unit of deployment, single project, branch, what have you. If you stick to that, units of code that may become reusable in the context of the projects you do will crystallize and that would be the point where you may decide to introduce a new unit of code, with its own deployment artefact, source control branch, etc.

Here is a talk from Google explaining (a little bit) how they handle their gigantic monolithic code repository. And why they have one.
By the way, I don't think it has to be opposed to a well defined set of dependencies. I would even say that to handle a monolithic codebase, you have to be super careful with the dependency graph and the responsibilities. Because with this kind of organisation, it is easy to add a lot of more or less useful deps…


Cucumber: Best practice for writing cucumber steps that are shared among different feature sets?

I'm new to cucumber as a testing suite. I notice that as I build out feature and write steps. Lets say as a bad example (since I'm working backwards) I write a bunch of stuff for creating posts that require a User.
I end up writing a bunch of User based steps (log in process etc) in a feature set mainly dedicated to Post features.
Is it best practice to later move steps into the appropriate feature set as tests get more complicated and features get added?
You have two parts to consider here.
Organize scenarios so they make sense. That is to place them in the proper feature files.
Organize the implementation of the steps so they make sense. That is, implement the steps in the proper source code files.
Your question boils down to "What makes sense in my context?".
It depends on your stakeholders, do they want all user facing scenarios in the same feature file or are they more interested in business facing scenarios that sometimes involve users? Organize the scenarios so your stakeholders are happy.
How should you organize the steps then? It depends on your developers and your ability to share state between step definitions that are implemented in different source code files.
My approach would probably be to start out small and let the suite grow. This would initially not involve sharing state between different classes during runtime. When the suite feels to large to handle, divide it in two parts that are as coherent as you can make them. When this gets to large, repeat the division again. You will, hopefully, end up with something that works well in your context.
Remember that your context and your product is unique. It probably deserves a unique solution that your team feel they can maintain.
Understandability and therefore manintainability is the most important property I can think of regarding the executable specification you are building.

Is there any advantage in building a business application with an Entity-Component System?

I understand the appeal of using the data-driven Entity-Component System for game development. Naturally I am trying to find other areas to apply this paradigm. As I am about to embark on developing a small business application, I've been wondering how well Entity-Component would fit in with it. However I cannot find any examples or discussions on using Entity-Component in anything besides games. Is there a reason? Would there be any advantages in using Entity-Component in software besides games?
I ended up taking a risk and trying to use ECS outside of the gaming domain (now as an indie, formerly company employee) and with results that astounded me. I wouldn't do things any other way now and have an easier-to-maintain system than ever before (not perfect, but so much better than the COM-style architectures we used to use in my industry). I took the plunge mainly because it seemed to provide answers for all the things me and my team in the past were struggling with using a COM architecture, though I imagined with such a risky move that I might just end up exchanging one set of problems for another (was willing to take the risk now that I was on my own). Turned out I didn't exchange one can of worms for another. ECS solved practically all those problems while barely introducing any new ones.
That said, I'm in the VFX domain and it's not that different from games. We still have to animate things like characters, emit particles, interact with meshes, textures, play sound clips, render the result, allow people to write plugins, scripts, etc.
To try to apply ECS in a business domain is far more ballsy. That said, I imagine it could really help create a maintainable system if you have relatively few systems processing a huge number of entity combinations.
What I found that made ECS so much easier for me to maintain compared to previous object-oriented approaches, and even within my personal projects, was that the previous approaches often transferred the maintenance overhead away from the clients using the classes to the classes themselves. However, there would be dozens of interfaces, hundreds of subclasses, all inheriting different things and implementing different interfaces to maintain individually. Testing also becomes difficult with so many granular classes and the need to do mock testing.
My brain can only handle so much and hundreds of subclasses interacting with each other was far beyond the limit. Very quickly I found myself no longer able to reason about what was going on, let alone when or where, overwhelmed by complex interactions leading to complex side effects, and never so confident that I could sandwich new code somewhere in there without causing unwanted side effects.
The computing scientist’s main challenge is not to get confused by the
complexities of his own making. -- E. W. Dijkstra
This applied even for projects I exclusively authored myself. There came a breaking point, typically after a few hundred thousand LOC or so, where I could no longer even comprehend my own creation. I'd refactor here and there, pick up a little momentum, only to take a vacation, come back, and be lost all over again.
ECS removed that challenge, and I don't mean to the degree that I can take a 2-week vacation, come back to the codebase, look at some code, and get the vision of crystal clarity that I had when I was writing it in the first place. ECS doesn't improve things that much in this regard and it still takes some time for me to reacquaint myself with code I haven't looked at in a good while. The reason ECS helped so much is that I didn't need to recall everything I wrote in order to extend and change the software. The systems are so decoupled from each other that it's not a huge deal if I forgot how one works exactly. I can just concentrate on what I need to do and not have to worry about complex interactions of side effects being triggered through complex interactions of control flow. I can just focus on what I need to do and not have to think much about anything else.
This applies even when introducing brand new core-level features integrated into the product. These days when I introduce a new central feature to the product, like a brand new audio system central to the product, the only thing I have to think much about is how to integrate it into the user interface. Integrating it into the architecture is relatively effortless compared to previous architectures I worked in.
Meanwhile with the ECS, I only have to maintain a couple dozen systems to provide no less functionality than the above. They do have some complex logic inside, but I don't have to maintain the hundreds of different entity combinations there are, since they just store components, and I don't have to maintain component types since they just store raw data and I rarely ever find the need to go back and change them (very close to never).
Being able to extend an ECS architecture in hindsight with central concepts is about the easiest thing I've encountered so far and requires the minimum amount of knowledge of how the existing codebase works.
As a very fresh example, I recently encountered a strong desire for scripters using my software to be able to access entities in the scene using a simple, global name. Before they had to specify a full scene path like, Scene.Lights.World.Sunlight as opposed to simply, Sunlight.
Normally in the previous architectures I worked in, that would have ranged from a highly intrusive to moderately intrusive change. A COM-style system revolving around pure interfaces might require introducing a new interface or, worse, changing an existing one, and updating a few hundred subtypes to implement the new functions. If we had a central abstract base class that everything already inherited, we might be able to modify that one centrally to implement this new interface (or the new parts of an existing interface), but it would likely be monstrous if there was a central base class for everything that might want such a name, and require wading through a lot of delicate code.
With the ECS, all I had to do was introduce a new component, GlobalName, with a system that processes GlobalName components and can find an entity quickly through a specified name. It also handles making sure that no two GlobalName components have a matching name. Due to the nature of the ECS, it's also very easy to pick up when this GlobalName component is destroyed as a result of an entity being destroyed or the component being removed from it to keep the data structure used to accelerate searches by name (a trie) in sync.
After that I was just able to attach this GlobalName component to anything that scripters wanted to refer to by a global name. They can also attach it themselves and then refer to a given entity later through that name. Components also serialize themselves in ways that preserves backwards compatibility for the most part (ex: previous versions of the software which did not know what GlobalName was will simply ignore it upon loading scene data referring to it).
It was about as painless and as non-intrusive of a change as I could change imagine considering that this was added very late in hindsight to a 4-year old software which did not anticipate the need for this whatsoever. And I managed to get it working just fine on the very first try. As a bonus, all the non-trivial code newly added to make this work lives isolated in its own space; it's not jumbled up with anything else and doesn't contribute to the complexity of anything else as would inevitably have to be the case if I used abstract interfaces or base classes. I did not have to modify anything central to make this work except a few lines of trivial script and some trivial GUI code to display these global names when available.
"Inherit Anywhere"
Have you ever wished you could extend a class's functionality from anywhere in your code without actually modifying its code? For example:
// In some part of the system exists a complex beast of a class
// which is tricky modify:
class Foo {...};
// In some other part of the system is a simple class that offers
// new behavior we'd like to have in 'Foo', with abstract functionality
// (virtual functions, i.e.) open to substitution:
class Bar {...};
// In some totally different part of the system, maybe even a script,
// make Foo inherit Bar's behavior on the fly, including its default
// constructor, copy constructor, and destructor behavior for Bar's state.
The above leaves the question: where will the abstract functionality of Bar be implemented, since Foo doesn't provide such an
implementation? That's where systems analogically kick in for ECS.
I think the temptation will be there for most of us who had to wade through some existing class's complex code to just make it do a few new things while risking causing unwanted side effects/glitches/toe-stepping, or we might have even faced a temptation for a third party library outside of our control to just offer a little bit more functionality that we'd find very useful throughout the code using this third party library if it just provided "this one thing", or we might just hate the idea of having to change our colleagues' existing code (don't want to step on toes) even though we're tasked to provide new central behavior.
ECS offers you that kind of flexibility although in a very different way from the above example (but gives you the analogical benefits). It allows you to extend anything's behavior/functionality/state from anywhere. As in the above example of extensibility, I did not have to modify anything that exists to provide that global name searching functionality and state. I can extend the behavior of these entities from the outside, even from script, by just adding a new type of component to any entity I want at which point any systems I write interested in such components will then be able to pick up and process using a duck typing approach ("If it has a GlobalName component, it can be provided a global name which can be utilized to find a matching component very quickly").
Associating Data
Similar to the above, have you ever faced a temptation to associate data to existing objects in the code? In such cases we might have to maintain parallel arrays or associative containers like dictionaries/maps, and such code can be tricky to write correctly given that it has to stay in sync as new objects are added and removed.
ECS solves that problem at a central level, since now you can just attach components and remove components to/from any entity you want very efficiently. That becomes your means of associating new data on the fly. You no longer have to manually synchronize associative data structures.
Another issue for me just personally, and it may be because I never mastered the art of unit testing (though I did work with a colleague who really studied up on the subject), is that it never made me confident that a system was relatively bug-free. Integration tests gave me greater confidence in that regard. The problem for me was this: even if the unit test passes, how do you know the client will not misuse the interface? What if they use it at the wrong time? What if they try to use it from multiple threads when it's deliberately not designed to be thread-safe?
I get no huge sense of relief to see unit tests passing, since most of the bugs encountered had to do with what was going on between the interfaces being tested, and we had many incoming in spite of all of the hundreds of unit tests we wrote passing. I love test-driven development, and I did find value in the unit test of telling me that this one unit was doing what it was supposed to do which allowed me to use it more confidently throughout the codebase, but the unit testing never gave me a huge sense of relief about the correctness of the codebase as a whole.
ECS solved that problem for me and made unit testing much more valuable even to someone like me who never mastered the art of testing since there are a handful of systems, they each do their hefty share of work (not granular little objects), and they're concrete. If we have to do anything resembling mock testing, it's simply to insert the components/entities necessary to run them and test them. It starts to feel like testing a system is closer to integration testing than unit testing, even though the system is the smallest testable unit.
Homogeneous Processing
To apply ECS requires embracing a more loopy kind of logic with more homogeneous loops doing one thing at a time. A lot of OOP tends to encourage non-homogeneous control flows and complex interactions causing many things to happen in any given phase/state of the system. This was the most difficult part I found initially since I wanted to apply disparate tasks at one time to a given entity/set of components, and my temptation couldn't be satisfied so directly given decoupled systems which only perform one task at a time. So I had to learn how to defer processing, storing some state for the next system to use, and I also use (to a minimum) an event queue so that systems can trigger events which get processed by others.
Nevertheless, I found ways to program the equivalent of a complex interaction as a result of a series of simple loops doing one thing at a time. It never turned out to be as difficult as I imagined to force myself to work this way, applying one uniform task over one set of entities at one time. And after being forced to do this for a while and maintaining the results -- wow! I should have been doing that all along. It's actually kind of depressing reflecting back on a decade of maintaining architectures that were so much harder to maintain than they needed to be after getting the breath of fresh air that was the ECS architecture.
This is a simplified "interaction" diagram (not necessarily indicative of direct coupling, as the coupling version would be from concrete objects to abstract interfaces) comparing the differences before and after I adopted ECS. Here's before:
Except that's just between a small number of types (I was too lazy to draw hundreds). And this was why I always struggled to maintain these things and felt tangled up in the code. It's because the interactions between the code were actually a tangled mess, leading you to all sorts of remote functions in the system causing side effects along the way. After (and now the components are just raw data, they contain no functionality of their own):
And the second version was so, so much easier to comprehend, so much easier to extend, so much easier to maintain, so much easier to reason about in terms of correctness, so much easier to test, etc. If your business architecture can effectively fit into the second type of model, I can't overstate how much it can simplify everything.
One of the scariest parts to me when I started developing the ECS engine was the lack of information hiding. When components are just raw data, they're dangling what I thought should be their privates in the air for anyone to touch. This could be doubly scary in a business domain that might be more mission-critical in nature.
Yet I found invariants just as easy to maintain, if not more, due to the limited number of systems that access any given component (and typically if the data is modified, it only makes sense for one system in the entire codebase to do it), the extremely simple control flows, and the extremely predictable side effects that result. And it's pretty easy to test the codebase for correctness when you just have a handful of systems to worry about as far as functionality.
So if you are willing to take the risk, I think it could potentially be applied very effectively in certain business domains. The main thing I think is worth thinking about upfront first is if you can model the entirety of your software's needs as a handful of systems processing data stored in components, with each system still performing a bulky but singular responsibility (the analogical equivalents of a RenderingSystem, GuiSystem, PhysicsSystem, InputSystem, etc). Naturally the benefits of ECS diminish if you find you need hundreds of disparate systems to capture the business logic.
If you're interested, I can extend my answer in some later iterations and try to go over some of the minor struggles I faced with the ECS when I was completely wet behind the ears about it.
(Apologies for the necromancy)
Coming from an enterprise background, I have recently been considering this question. Entity-component systems are comparatively new, and represent a completely different design paradigm to what most business developers will have experience with.
Considering my own company's example, I have seen a few scenarios where an entity-component system would offer benefits.
For example, in our primary application, addresses are associated with contacts and organisations. (There are ContactAddress and OrganisationAddress joining tables in our database.) One client wishes to associate projects with addresses as well. There are many ways of achieving this, but an entity-component based approach would seem quite elegant to me - simply add an Addressable component to the Project entity, and the GUI should sort itself out.
Instead, we will likely be adding a new joining table and new data-input pages (albeit re-using common controls).
The primary disadvantage, I would think, would be (initial) lack of developer awareness of the best ways of applying this paradigm to business software, precisely because it doesn't appear to have been done before. Once you start with such an approach, you are committed to it - if it proves frustrating once your project reaches a certain complexity, there's no way out without a significant rewrite.

Reorganizing a project for expansion/reuse

The scope of the project I'm working on is being expanded. The application is fairly simple but currently targets a very specific niche. For the immediate future I've been asked to fork the project to target a new market and continue developing the two projects in tandem.
Both projects will be functionally similar so there is a very strong incentive to generalize a lot of the guts of the original project. Also I'm certain I'll be targeting more markets in the near future (the markets are geographic).
The problem is a previous maintainers of the project made a lot of assumptions that tie it to its original market. It's going to take quite a bit of refactoring to separate the generic from the market specific code.
To make things more complex several suggestions have been tossed around on how to organize the projects for the growing number of markets:
Each market is a separate project, commonalities between projects are moved to a shared library, projects are deployed independently.
Expand the existing project to target multiple markets, limiting functionality based on purchased license.
Create a parent application and redesign projects as plugins, purchased separately
All three suggestions have merit and ideally I would like to structure the codeto be flexible enough that any of these is possible with minor adjustments. Suggestion 3 appears to be the most daunting as it would require building a plugin architecture. The first two suggestions are a bit more plausible.
Are there any good resources available on the pros and cons of these different architectures?
What are the pros and cons on sharing code between projects verses copying and forking?
Forking is usually going to get you a quicker result initially, but almost always going to come around and bite you in maintenance -- bug fixes and feature enhancements from one fork get lost in the other forks, and eventually you find yourself throwing out whole forks and having to re-add their features to the "best" fork. Avoid it if you can.
Moving on: all three of your options can work, but they have trade-offs in terms of build complexity, cost of maintenance, deployment, communication overhead and the amount of refactoring you need to do.
1. Each market is a separate project
A good solution if you're going to be developing simultaneously for multiple markets.
It allows developers for market A to break the A build without interfering with ongoing work on B
It makes it much less likely that a change made for market A will cause a bug for market B
You have to take the time to separate out the shared code
You have to take the time to set up parallel builds
Modifications to the shared code now have more overhead since they affect both teams.
2. Expand the existing project to target multiple markets
Can be made to work okay for quite a while. If you're going to be working on releases for one market at a time, with a small team, it might be your best bet.
The license work is probably valuable anyway, even if you move toward (1) or (3).
The single code base allows refactoring across all markets.
Even if you're just working on something for market A, you have to build and ship the code for markets B, C and D as well -- okay if you have a small code base, but increasingly annoying as you get into thousands of classes
Changes to one market risk breaking the code for other markets
Changes to one market require other markets to be re-tested
3. Create a parent application and redesign projects as plugins
Feels technically sweet, and may allow you to share more code.
All the pros of (1), potentially, plus:
clearer separation of shared and market-specific code
may allow you to move toward a public API, which would allow offloading some of your work onto your customers and/or selling lucrative service projects
All the cons of (1), plus requires even more refactoring.
I would guess that (2) is sort of where you find yourself now, apart from the licensing. I think it's okay to stay there for a little while, but put some effort into moving toward (1) -- moving the shared code into a separate project even if it's all built together, for instance, trying to make sure the dependencies from market code to shared code are all one-way.
Whether you end up at (1) or (3) kind of depends. Mostly it comes down to who's "in charge" -- the shared code, or the market-specific code? The line between a plugin, and a controller class that configures some shared component, can be pretty blurry. My advice would be, let the code tell you what it needs.
1) NO! You don't want to manage different branches of the same code base... Because as common as the code may be, you will want to make sweeping changes, and one project will "at the moment" not be as important as the others, and then you will get one branch growing faster than the others.... insert snowball.
2) This is more or less the industry standard. Big config file, limit things based on license/configuration. It can make the app a bit cumbersome, but as long as the code complains about mutually exclusive stuff and all the developers are in constant communication about new features and how they ripple throughout the entire application, you should do fine. This also is the easiest to hack, if that is a concern.
3) This also 'can' work. If you are using C#, plugins are relatively simple, you only have to worry about dependency hell. If the plugins have any chance of becoming circularly interdependant (that is, a requires b requires c requires a), then this will quickly explode and you will revert (quite easily) back to #2.
The best resources you have are probably the past experiences of your coworkers on different projects, and the experience of people yammering about it on here or Slashdot or wherever. Certainly the cheapest.
Pros of sharing code:
One change changes everything.
Unified data model.
There is only one truth. (Much easier for everyone to be on the same page)
Cons of sharing code:
One change changes everything.. Be careful.
If one bug is in it, it affects everything.
Pros of copying/forking:
Usually quicker to implement a specific feature for a specific customer.
Faster to hack when you realize that assumption A is only applicable for markets B and C, not D.
Cons of copying/forking:
One or more of the copied projects will eventually fail, due to a lack of cohesion in your code.
As above said: Sweeping changes take a lot longer.
Good luck.
You said "copying and forking" which leads me to think that perhaps you haven't considered managing this "fork" as a branch in a revision control system like SVN. By doing it this way, when you refactor the branch to accomodate a different industry, you can merge those changes back into the main trunk with the aid of the revision control system.
If you are following a long term strategy of moving to a single app where all the variations are controlled by a config file (or an SQLITE config database) then this approach will help you. You don't have to merge anything until you are confident that you have generalised it for both industries, so you can still build two unique systems as long as you need to. But, you aren't backing yourself into a corner because it is all in one source code tree, the trunk for the legacy industry, and one branch for each new industry.
If your company really wants to atack multiple industries, then I don't think that the config database solution will meet all your needs. You will still need to have special code modules of some sort. A plug-in architecture is a good thing to put in because it will help, particularly if you embed a scripting engine like Python into your app. However, I don't think that plugins will be able to meet all your code variation requirements when you get into the "thousands of classes" scale.
You need to take a pragmatic approach that allows you to build a separate app today for the new industry, but makes it relatively easy to merge the improvements into the existing app as you go along. You may never reach the nirvana of a single trunk with thousands of classes and several industries, but you will at least have tamed the complexity, and will only have to deal with really important variations where there is real divergence in the industry need.
If I were in your shoes, I would also be looking at any and all features in the app which might be considered "reporting" and trying to factor them out, maybe even into an off the shelf reporting tool.

Using multiple languages in one project

From discussions I've had about language design, it seems like a lot of people make the argument that there is not and will never be "one true language". The alternative, according to these people, is to be familiar with several languages and to pick the right tool for the job. This makes perfect sense at the level of a whole project or a large subproject that only has to interact with the rest of the project through a very narrow, well-defined interface.
On the other hand, using lots of different languages seems like a very awkward thing to do when trying to solve lots of small subproblems elegantly. In other words, IMHO, general purpose languages that are decent at everything still matter. As a trivial example, let's say you need to do the following:
Read a bunch of data in some arbitrary format from a file. Check it for errors, etc. (Best done in something like Perl).
Load this data into matrices, do a bunch of hardcore matrix ops on it (Best done in something like Matlab).
Run a custom, computationally intensive routine on it that must be fast and space-efficient (Best done in C or C++).
This is a fairly simple project, other than writing the computationally intensive custom matrix processing routine, yet the only good answer about what language to use seems to be a general-purpose one that's decent at everything.
What am I missing here? How does one use multiple languages effectively to take advantage of each of their strengths?
I have worked on many projects that contain a fairly diverse mix of languages. Unless it's a .NET project, you usually use these different languages at different tiers or in different processes. Maybe your webapp is in PHP and your application server in java. So you do not really "mix and match" at method level.
In .NET and for some of the java vm languages the rules change a bit, since you can mix much more freely. But the features of these languages are mostly defined by the class libraries - which are common. So the motivation for switching languages in .net is usually driven by other factors, such as which language the developers know. F# actually provides quite a few language features that are specific for that language, so it seems to be a little bit of an exception within .NET. Some of the java VM languages also add methods to the standard java libraries, adding features not available in java.
You do actually get quite used to working with multiple languages as long as all of them have good IDE support. Without that I really think I would be lost.
Embedded languages like Lua make this pretty easy. Lua is a great dynamic language along the lines of Ruby or Python and allows you to quickly develop high quality code. It also has tight integration with C, which means you can take advantage of C/C++ libraries and optimize performance critical sections by writing them in C or C++.
In scientific computing it's also not uncommon to have a script that for example will do some data processing in Matlab, use Perl to reformat the output and then pass that into another app written in Matlab, C or whatever. This tends to be more common when integrating apps that have been written by different people than when developing something from scratch, though.
You're saying that the choices are either a) write everything in one language and lose efficiency, or b) cobble together a bunch of different executables in order to use the best language for each section of the job.
Most working programmers pick option c: do the best they can with the languages their IT departments support in production. Generally programmers have some limited language choice within a particular framework such as the JVM or CLR - so it's neither the toolbox utopia nor the monolanguage ghetto.
Even LAMP and Rails support (demand, really) different languages at different levels - HTML, Javascript, Ruby, C in the case of Rails. If you're writing software services (which is where most of the interesting work is happening these days) then you're hardly ever writing in just one language. But your choices aren't infinite, either.
Consider the most difficult part of your task. Is parsing the file the most complex part? A good language for reading files, and then manipulating them might be the most pertinent choice.
Are the math transformations the most difficult part? You might want to suck it up and use matlab, feeding it in with scripts or other home grown tools.
Is performance the most important part? How much calculation will be done versus the transformations and parsing? If 90% of the work done will be on calculation, and the other parts are only transitory, then consider a C/C++ solution.
There's nothing inherently wrong with playing to multiple language strengths in a simple solution, especially if you don't mind gluing it together with scripts. However, the more languages and modules that you integrate increase your dependencies, and the more dependencies you have, the more and more difficult it becomes to distribute and maintain your app. That's where the real trade-off lies: the fewer technologies, libraries, and bits of software you need to run the app, the simpler it becomes. The simpler the app, the more maintainable, distributable, debuggable, and usable it becomes.
If you don't mind the extra overhead of integrating the multiple pieces of technology, or that overhead will save you an equal or greater amount of development time, go right ahead.
I think it's fine. If you set it up as an n-tier setup where each layer accesses what is below it the same way (SOAP/XML/COM, etc), I have found it to be invisible in the end.
For your example, I would choose one language for the front end that is easy, quick, flexible, and can make many, many, many, many, many types of calls to different interfaces such as com, corba, xml, .net, custom dll libraries, ftp, and custom event gateways. This ensures that you can call, or interface with any other lanugage easily.
My tool of choice for this is Coldfusion from working with ASP/PHP/Java and a bit of Ruby. It seems to have it all in one place and is very simple. For your specific case, COldfusion will allow you to compile your own library tag that you can call in your web code. Inside the tag you can put all the c code you like and make it do whatever you want.
There are free and open source versions of Coldfusion available and it is fantastic for making Java and .NET calls naively from one code base. Check it out, I really feel it might be the best fit as it's made for these kinds of corporate solutions.
I know PHP can be pretty good for this too depending on your situation, and I'm sure isn't too far behind.
My work in multiple languages has involved just a simple mix of C# and C++/CLI (that's like C++ with .NET if you haven't heard of it). I do think that it's worth saying that the way .NET and Visual Studio allow you to combine many different languages together means that you won't have as high of an overhead as you would normally expect when combining two languages - Visual Studio keeps it all together. Given that there are many .NET clones of various languages - F#, IronPython, IronRuby, JScript.NET for example - Visual Studio is quite a good way in which you can combine various languages.
Down to the technical level which sounds like what you're interested in, the way it's done in Visual Studio is you must have one project for each separate language, and each project gets compiled into an assembly - basically meaning it becomes a library for the other projects to use. You'll have one main project which drives everything and calls the other libraries. The requirement of each different language having to be a different project means you wouldn't change languages at the method level, but if you are doing a large enough application that you can logically separate it into multiple projects, it can actually be quite useful. In particular, the separation and abstraction can make things easier overall.

Have we given up on the idea of code reuse? [closed]

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A couple of years ago the media was rife with all sorts of articles on
how the idea of code reuse was a simple way to improve productivity
and code quality.
From the blogs and sites I check on a regular basis it seems as though
the idea of "code reuse" has gone out of fashion. Perhaps the 'code
reuse' advocates have all joined the SOA crowd instead? :-)
Interestingly enough, when you search for 'code reuse' in Google the
second result is titled:
"Internal Code Reuse Considered Dangerous"!
To me the idea of code reuse is just common sense, after all look at
the success of the apache commons project!
What I want to know is:
Do you or your company try and reuse code?
If so how and at what level, i.e. low level api, components or
shared business logic? How do you or your company reuse code?
Does it work?
I am fully aware that there are many open source libs available and that anyone who has used .NET or the Java has reused code in some form. That is common sense!
I was referring more to code reuse within an organizations rather than across a community via a shared lib etc.
I originally asked;
Do you or your company try and reuse code?
If so how and at what level, i.e. low level api, components or shared business logic? How do you or your company reuse code?
From where I sit I see very few example of companies trying to reuse code internally?
If you have a piece of code which could potentially be shared across a medium size organization how would you go about informing other members of the company that this lib/api/etc existed and could be of benefit?
The title of the article you are referring to is misleading, and is actually a very good read. Code reuse is very beneficial, but there are downsides with everything. Basically, if I remember correctly, the gist of the article is that you are sealing the code in a black box and not revisiting it, so as the original developers leave you lose the knowledge. While I see the point, I don't necessarily agree with it - at least not to a "sky is falling" regard.
We actually group code reuse into more than just reusable classes, we look at the entire enterprise. Things that are more like framework enhancement or address cross-cutting concerns are put into a development framework that all of our applications use (think things like pre- and post-validation, logging, etc.). We also have business logic that is applicable to more than one application, so those sort of things get moved to a BAL core that is accessible anywhere.
I think that the important thing is not to promote things for reuse if they are not going to really be reused. They should be well documented, so that new developers can have a resource to help them come up to speed, as well. Chances are, if the knowledge isn't shared, the code will eventually be reinvented somewhere else and will lead to duplication if you are not rigorous in documentation and knowledge sharing.
We reuse code - in fact, our developers specifically write code that can be reused in other projects. This has paid off quite nicely - we're able to start new projects quickly, and we iteratively harden our core libraries.
But one can't just write code and expect it to be re-used; code reuse requires communication among team members and other users so people know what code is available, and how to use it.
The following things are needed for code reuse to work effectively:
The code or library itself
Demand for the code across multiple projects or efforts
Communication of the code's features/capabilities
Instructions on how to use the code
A commitment to maintaining and improving the code over time
Code reuse is essential. I find that it also forces me to generalize as much as possible, also making code more adaptable to varying situations. Ideally, almost every lower level library you write should be able to adapt to a new set of requirements for a different application.
I think code reuse is being done through open source projects for the most part. Anything that can be reused or extended is being done via libraries. Java has an amazing number of open source libraries available for doing a large number of things. Compare that to C++, and how early on everything would have to be implemented from scratch using MFC or the Win32 API.
We reuse code.
On a small scale we try to avoid code duplication as much as posible. And we have a complete library with a lot of frequently used code.
Normally code is developed for one application. And if it is generic enough, it is promoted to the library. This works excelent.
The idea of code reuse is no longer a novel idea...hence the apparent lack of interest. But it is still very much a good idea. The entire .NET framework and the Java API are good examples of code reuse in action.
We have grown accustomed to developing OO libraries of code for our projects and reusing them in other projects. Its a part of the natural life cycle of an idea. It is hotly debated for a while and then everyone accepts and there is no reason for further discussion.
Of course we reuse code.
There are a near infinite amount of packages, libraries and shared objects available for all languages, with whole communities of developers behing them supporting and updating.
I think the lack of "media attention" is due to the fact that everyone is doing it, so it's no longer worth writing about. I don't hear as many people raising awareness of Object-Oriented Programming and Unit Testing as I used to either. Everyone is already aware of these concepts (whether they use them or not).
Level of media attention to an issue has little to do with its importance, whether we're talking software development or politics! It's important to avoid wasting development effort by reinventing (or re-maintaining!) the wheel, but this is so well-known by now that an editor probably isn't going to get excited by another article on the subject.
Rather than looking at the number of current articles and blog posts as a measure of importance (or urgency) look at the concepts and buzz-phrases that have become classics or entered the jargon (another form of reuse!) For example, Google for uses of the DRY acronym for good discussion on the many forms of redundancy that can be eliminated in software and development processes.
There's also a role for mature judgment regarding costs of reuse vs. where the benefits are achieved. Some writers advocate waiting to worry about reuse until a second or third use actually emerges, rather than spending effort to generalize bit of code the first time it is written.
My personal view, based on the practise in my company:
Do you or your company try and reuse code?
Obviously, if we have another piece of code that already fits our needs we will reuse it. We don't go out of our way to use square pegs in round holes though.
If so how and at what level, i.e. low level api, components or shared business logic? How do you or your company reuse code?
At every level. It is written into our coding standards that developers should always assume their code will be reused - even if in reality that is highly unlikely. See below
If your OO model is good, your API probably reflects your business domain, so reusable classes probably equates to reusable business logic without additional effort.
For actual reuse, one key point is knowing what code is already available. We resolve this by having everything documented in a central location. We just need a little discipline to ensure that the documentation is up-to-date and searchable in a meaningful way.
Does it work?
Yes, but not because of the potential or actual reuse! In reality, beyond a few core libraries and UI components, there isn't a large amount of reuse.
In my personal opinion, the real value is in making the code reusable. In doing so, aside from a hopefully cleaner API, the code will (a) be documented sufficiently for another developer to use it without trawling the source code, and (b) it will also be replaceable. These points are a great benefit to on-going software maintenance.
Do you or your company try and reuse code? If so how and at what
level, i.e. low level api, components or shared business logic? How do
you or your company reuse code?
I used to work in a codebase with uber code reuse, but it was difficult to maintain because the reused code was unstable. It was prone to design changes and deprecation in ways that cascaded to everything using it. Before that I worked in a codebase with no code reuse where the seniors actually encouraged copying and pasting as a way to reuse even application-specific code, so I got to see the two extremities and I have to say that one isn't necessarily much better than the other when taken to the extremes.
And I used to be an uber bottom-up kind of programmer. You ask me to build something specific and I end up building generalized tools. Then using those tools, I build more complex generalized tools, then start building DIP abstractions to express the design requirements for the lower-level tools, then I build even more complex tools and repeat, and at some point I start writing code that actually does what you want me to do. And as counter-productive as that sounded, I was pretty fast at it and could ship complex products in ways that really surprised people.
Problem was the maintenance over the months, years! After I built layers and layers of these generalized libraries and reused the hell out of them, each one wanted to serve a much greater purpose than what you asked me to do. Each layer wanted to solve the world's hunger needs. So each one was very ambitious: a math library that wants to be amazing and solve the world's hunger needs. Then something built on top of the math library like a geometry library that wants to be amazing and solve the world's hunger needs. You know something's wrong when you're trying to ship a product but your mind is mulling over how well your uber-generalized geometry library works for rendering and modeling when you're supposed to be working on animation because the animation code you're working on needs a few new geometry functions.
Balancing Everyone's Needs
I found in designing these uber-generalized libraries that I had to become obsessed with the needs of every single team member, and I had to learn how raytracing worked, how fluids dynamics worked, how the mesh engine worked, how inverse kinematics worked, how character animation worked, etc. etc. etc. I had to learn how to do pretty much everyone's job on the team because I was balancing all of their specific needs in the design of these uber generalized libraries I left behind while walking a tightrope balancing act of design compromises from all the code reuse (trying to make things better for Bob working on raytracing who is using one of the libraries but without hurting John too much who is working on physics who is also using it but without complicating the design of the library too much to make them both happy).
It got to a point where I was trying to parametrize bounding boxes with policy classes so that they could be stored either as center and half-size as one person wanted or min/max extents as someone else wanted, and the implementation was getting convoluted really fast trying to frantically keep up with everyone's needs.
Design By Committee
And because each layer was trying to serve such a wide range of needs (much wider than we actually needed), they found many reasons to require design changes, sometimes by committee-requested designs (which are usually kind of gross). And then those design changes would cascade upwards and affect all the higher-level code using it, and maintenance of such code started to become a real PITA.
I think you can potentially share more code in a like-minded team. Ours wasn't like-minded at all. These are not real names but I'd have Bill here who is a high-level GUI programmer and scripter who creates nice user-end designs but questionable code with lots of hacks, but it tends to be okay for that type of code. I got Bob here who is an old timer who has been programming since the punch card era who likes to write 10,000 line functions with gotos in them and still doesn't get the point of object-oriented programming. I got Joe here who is like a mathematical wizard but writes code no one else can understand and always make suggestions which are mathematically aligned but not necessarily so efficient from a computational standpoint. Then I got Mike here who is in outer space who wants us to port the software to iPhones and thinks we should all follow Apple's conventions and engineering standards.
Trying to satisfy everyone's needs here while coming up with a decent design was, probably in retrospect, impossible. And in everyone trying to share each other's code, I think we became counter-productive. Each person was competent in an area but trying to come up with designs and standards which everyone is happy with just lead to all kinds of instability and slowed everyone down.
So these days I've found the balance is to avoid code reuse for the lowest-level things. I use a top-down approach from the mid-level, perhaps (something not too far divorced from what you asked me to do), and build some independent library there which I can still do in a short amount of time, but the library doesn't intend to produce mini-libs that try to solve the world's hunger needs. Usually such libraries are a little more narrow in purpose than the lower-level ones (ex: a physics library as opposed to a generalized geometry-intersection library).
YMMV, but if there's anything I've learned over the years in the hardest ways possible, it's that there might be a balancing act and a point where we might want to deliberately avoid code reuse in a team setting at some granular level, abandoning some generality for the lowest-level code in favor of decoupling, having malleable code we can better shape to serve more specific rather than generalized needs, and so forth -- maybe even just letting everyone have a little more freedom to do things their own way. But of course all of this is with the aim of still producing a very reusable, generalized library, but the difference is that the library might not decompose into the teeniest generalized libraries, because I found that crossing a certain threshold and trying to make too many teeny, generalized libraries starts to actually become an extremely counter-productive endeavor in the long term -- not in the short term, but in the long run and broad scheme of things.
If you have a piece of code which could potentially be shared across a
medium size organization how would you go about informing other
members of the company that this lib/api/etc existed and could be of
I actually am more reluctant these days and find it more forgivable if colleagues do some redundant work because I would want to make sure that code does something fairly useful and non-trivial and is also really well-tested and designed before I try to share it with people and accumulate a bunch of dependencies to it. The design should have very, very few reasons to require any changes from that point onwards if I share it with the rest of the team.
Otherwise it could cause more grief than it actually saves.
I used to be so intolerant of redundancy (in code or efforts) because it appeared to translate to a product that was very buggy and explosive in memory use. But I zoomed in too much on redundancy as the key problem, when really the real problem was poor quality, hastily-written code, and a lack of solid testing. Well-tested, reliable, efficient code wouldn't suffer that problem to nearly as great of a degree even if some people duplicate, say, some math functions here and there.
One of the common sense things to look at and remember that I didn't at the time is how we don't mind some redundancy when we use a very solid third party library. Chances are that you guys use a third party library or two that has some redundant work with what your team is doing. But we don't mind in those cases because the third party library is great and well-tested. I recommend applying that same mindset to your own internal code. The goal should be to create something awesome and well-tested, not to fuss over a little bit of redundancy here and there as I mistakenly did long ago.
So these days I've shifted my intolerance towards a lack of testing instead. Instead of getting upset over redundant efforts, I find it much more productive to get upset over other people's lack of unit and integration testing! :-D
While I think code reuse is valuable, I can see where this sentiment is rooted. I've worked on a lot of projects where much extra care was taken to create re-usable code that was then never reused. Of course reuse is much preferable to duplicate code, but I have seen a lot of very extenisve object models created with the goal of using the objects across the enterprise in multiple projects (kind of the way the same service in SOA can be used in different apps) but have never seen the objects actually used more than once. Maybe I just haven't been part of organizations taking good advantage of the principle of reuse.
The two software projects I've worked on have both been long term development. One is about 10 years old, the other has been around for over 30 years, rewritten in a couple versions of Fortran along the way. Both make extensive reuse of code, but both rely very little on external tools or code libraries. DRY is a big mantra on the newer project, which is in C++ and lends itself more easily to doing that in practice.
Maybe the better question is when do we NOT reuse code these days? We are either in a state on building using someone elses observed "best practices" or prediscovered "design patterns" or just actually building on legacy code, libraries, or copying.
It seems the degree to which code A is reused to make code B is often based around how much the ideas in code A taken to code B are abstracted into design patterns/idioms/books/fleeting thoughts/actual code/libraries. The hard part is in applying all those good ideas to your actual code.
Non-technical types get overzealous about the reuse thing. They don't understand why everything can't be copy-pasted. They don't understand why the greemelfarm needs a special adapter to communicate the same information that it used to to the old system to the new system, and that, unfortunately we can't change either due to a bazillion other reasons.
I think techies have been reusing from day 1 in the same way musicians have been reusing from day 1. Its an ongoing organic evolution and sythesis that will keep ongoing.
Code reuse is an extremely important issue - where code is not reused, projects take longer and are harder for new team members to get into.
However, writing reusable code takes longer.
Personally, I try to write all my code in a reusable way, this takes longer, but it results in the fact that most of my code has become official infrastructures in my organization and that new projects based on these infrastructures take significantly less time.
The danger in reusing code, is if the reused code is not written as an infrastructure - in a general and encapsulated manner with as few as possible assumptions and as much as possible documentation and unit testing, that the code can end up doing unexpected things.
Also, if bugs are found and fixed, or features added, these changes are rarely returned to the source code, resulting in different versions of the reused code, that no one knows of or understands.
The solution is:
1. To design and write the code with not only one project in mind, but to think of future requirements and try to make the design flexible enough to cover them with minimal code change.
2. To enclose the code within libraries that are to be used as-is and not modified within using projects.
3. To allow users to view and modify the code of of the library withing its solution (not within the using project's solution).
4. To design future projects to be based on the existing infrastructures, making changes to the infrastructures as necessary.
5. To charge maintaining the infrastructure to all projects, thus keeping the infrastructure funded.
Maven has solved code reuse. I'm completely serious.
