yum install subversion1.4.3 - linux

How can I reach/install an old subversion package (v1.4.3) without build any sources ?
In fact, the distrib I use is not a FC1 but a "Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 5)".
Do you know some "subversion binaries repositories" where such a configuration may be available for download ?

You can get the RHEL 4 RPM for Subversion 1.4.3 from the DAG RPM repository. The repository web site has a FAQ on configuring Yum for access.


openSUSE 15.4 zypper error installing postgreSQL

I am new to Linux,
I installed openSUSE Leap 15.4, and made the root directory ext4, I then followed these steps to install postgreSQL 13 on my system
1.sudo zypper ref && sudo zypper update
sudo zypper addrepo https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/zypp/repo/pgdg-sles-15-pg13.repo
But after this, I sudo zypper ref again and it shows an error saying:
Retrieving repository 'PostgreSQL 13 SLES 15.4 - x86_64' metadata .....................................[error]
Repository 'PostgreSQL 13 SLES 15.4 - x86_64' is invalid.
[pgdg-13|https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/zypp/13/suse/sles-15.4-x86_64] Valid metadata not found at specified URL
- [pgdg-13|https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/zypp/13/suse/sles-15.4-x86_64] Repository type can't be determined.
what can I do to install postgreSQL
I can't say precisely why your zypper command failed, but it might have to do with the fact that the repositories from your link are intended for SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP4, not for openSUSE Leap 15.4, which is what you're using. So even if you did get these repositories to work, you might run into other compatibility problems later.
To install postgresql, there is always the option to search for your package on software.opensuse.org. (I strongly recommend you bookmark this page – it's the place to look for openSUSE packages.) For postgresql13, there is indeed an official experimental package available for openSUSE 15.4, namely here, which you can install via 1-Click-Install. However, the newer version postgresql14 is already out for quite a while, so I would only advise for using the older postgresql13 if you have a very strong reason to do so. The newer postgresql14 also has an official experimental package available for openSUSE 15.4, namely here; this is the one I would recommend currently.
first check if repo is enabled zypper repos -d
check /etc/zypp/repos.d/pgdg-13.repo file
If you open the added repo file all set sles. but i think the main problem is the type=rpm-md. In any case you dont need add third part repo to install postgress. the package is already in the main repos and is called postgresql-server.
So remove the https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/zypp/repo/pgdg-sles-15-pg13.repo to prevent any other issues and package conflicts
zypper lr # to list the repos and find the number for the `https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/zypp/repo/pgdg-sles-15-pg13.repo`
zypper rr <number>
Then just install postgresql-server
Btw when you refresh the packages you dont need to run update

Unable to find the libnl RPM package for RHEL 8?

I have to install falcon-sensor rpm package for Crowdstrike to be present on server and it needed libn1 RPM package as dependencies.
I can get it from https://rpmfind.net/ as below and able to install on RHEL8.
#dnf install https://rpmfind.net/linux/centos/7.7.1908/os/x86_64/Packages/libnl-1.1.4-3.el7.x86_64.rpm
but i do not want to download it from rpm finder website.
I would like to do it using redhat repository similarly we do for other rpm packages ex. telnet,
#yum install libnl
Whenever i am hitting above command getting below error.
No match for argument: libnl
Error: Unable to find a match: libnl
I have tried enabling below repositories of RHEL 8.
codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-rhui-rpms Red Hat CodeReady L enabled: 1,842
codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-rhui-source-rpms Red Hat CodeReady L enabled: 489
*epel Extra Packages for enabled: 4,401
rhel-8-appstream-rhui-rpms Red Hat Enterprise enabled: 8,420
rhel-8-baseos-rhui-rpms Red Hat Enterprise enabled: 3,378
rhel-8-baseos-rhui-source-rpms Red Hat Enterprise enabled: 779
rhui-client-config-server-8 Red Hat Update Infr enabled: 5
How can i get libnl rpm by enabling repositories in RHEL 8?
It looks like libnl was explicitly removed in RHEL8, so you need to find the RHEL8 version of the RPM you are trying to install.
You can go the link and this will take you the rpm and then you can download it ad install it manually using rpm command.
But the package was never added to RedHat global repository for RHEL8 so you might not find it in the repository.

Is it possible to install a Fedora package on RedHat Linux Server?

I would like to install KDevelop on RedHat Linux Server v.7. Although there is no an appropriate RPM for RH Server, such an RPM does exist for Fedora.Since both Fedora and RH Server have the same code base and are supported by the same company, is it possible to install a Fedora RPM on RH Server? If yes, how can I do that?
Add the EPEL repository from Fedora to the list of repositories.
Once the repository will be added, you will be able of installing kdevelop using yum.

How to force debian squeeze to use libqt4-dev from debian wheezy without upgrading all packages to debian wheezy?

I have a continuous integration server building some software that depends on a more recent version of libqt4-dev than the apt packages in debian squeeze provide. That version is available in debian wheezy. How can I tell apt to use libqt4-dev selectively from wheezy without upgrading all of the packages in my squeeze system to wheezy?
You can do this with apt's "preferences" functionality (man apt_preferences).
To add wheezy as a source of packages without installing anything from wheezy by default, add entries for wheezy to your sources.list, and add the following to /etc/apt/preferences (or to a file in preferences.d):
Package: *
Pin: release n=wheezy
Pin-Priority: 50
Once that is set up, you can install libqt4-dev with the following command:
apt-get install -t wheezy libqt4-dev
This will also install the dependencies of libqt4-dev, which may be numerous. Not being familiar with qt, I'm not sure whether the pinning solution here is the best way to get the newer version of qt onto a squeeze system. Another possibility is the backports repository, but I don't see qt4 in there. A third possibility is to build your own backported version using apt-get -b source.

Installing Mercurial on Redhat Linux

Will Mercurial work on Redhat Linux? I tried, yum install mercurial, with no success. I tried downloading a tar ball from Mercurial site but it failed when I tried to install. Does Mercurial work at all on Redhat?
Here's instructions for obtaining RPM packages for Linux systems.
Here is a discussion describing many methods for obtaining Mercurial in Red Hat.
On Rhel 7.2 i performed below command and it worked like charm :)
sudo rpm -ivh https://www.mercurial-scm.org/release/centos7/RPMS/x86_64/mercurial-3.4-0.x86_64.rpm
Mercurial project provides RPM packages starting from version 3.4.
