Access Services and SharePoint 2010 - Need Info - sharepoint

I've been asked to research the ability to publish Access solutions directly to SharePoint as demonstrated in the demo below.
I'm going to keep searching via Google / Bing - but I thought I'd check here to see if anyone has any good links to information on this feature. At first glance it seems like I'm getting alot of brief blog entries with links to the SP2009 conference or to the above video.

Yes, there's some excellent discussion happening with Albert Kallal and others on this topic in the newsgroups. See my blog postings on the topic of SharePoint and Access 2010. I've given you a link to the SharePoint tags as I will be blogging any additional discussions in the newsgroups using that tag. So keep checking back every week or two.
Also I believe Access 2010 is now available as a public beta this week so you can download some or all of it yourself. Visit Technet/MSDN.

This site is in beta, Access Hosting
. I can't speak for he quality of their service (Hosting Windows Server, SharePoint, SQL Server), but they have several tutorials and other information on publishing Accesss 2010 apps on SharePoint. Their service is free for trial and they have not posted any pricing that I could find.


Guidance on the most effective way to learn sharepoint

I am a .NET developer with a few years of experience in Winforms, WPF and some ASP.NET with C#. What would be the best way for me to go about learning sharepoint, as a developer? I would be Learning on my spare time, My work currently has nothing to do with sharepoint, but I have seen a bit of what sharepoint can do and I felt that It is a technology worth investing my time in.
I am interested In books, videos, possible training, webcasts, videos, blogs, forums, communities and any advice you may have.
I made a pretty detailed list here that I have accumulated over the past 5 years trying to learn SharePoint - I hope it helps:
Best way to learn SharePoint
I always receive the emails about SharePoint training. But it needs to pay $100+.
Here is the one.
One of the ways to get started learning about SharePoint is to use Sharepoint Hands Labs. You can read about it here SharePoint 2010 Hands on Labs. Also interesting tutorials are Sharepoint Labs on Codeplex and
SharePoint Server Virtual Labs on MSDN.
Good luck!
I took the official Microsoft SharePoint 2010 developer course and that was very useful. Several different companies offer it but it isn't cheap. Also SharePoint 2010 Development with Visual Studio 2010 was a big help as well. Also find out if your city has a SharePoint user group in it. Mine does and it is a great way to network with other SharePoint users and developers.
Here are a couple resources that may help you get started. (Download for the examples is near the top)
And I would likely start with either a custom event receiver or a visual web part and just work on accessing data in a list. (Custom event receiver that prevents deletes on a list).
For books I like
Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2010
Professional SharePoint 2010 Development
Real World SharePoint 2010: Indispensable Experiences from 22 MVPs
Also as a first step you should install SharePoint and get a feel for it, once you do that look at SharePoint designer as it can accomplish a lot of tasks that users normally want.

SharePoint security overview - where to start?

I need to read-up on SharePoint security. Can anyone recommend where to start? The areas I need to look into are:
Security of remote clients which use SharePoint web services (SOAP or RESTful).
Security of data sitting on SharePoint.
Authentication of users.
User permissions.
At the moment, I'm unsure of where to start or even what to Google. I guess a check-list of things to read up on would great.
MSDN and technet are very good resources. Search both for "SharePoint Security" and you will find all kinds of things down different tracks like Developer, ITPro.
Try this for a starting point:
Or just start digging here:
SharePoint is really just an application built on top of 3 main technologies: web side
SQL Server database
Windows operating system
You should start with a basic understanding of these 3 technologies.
You can then go on to how SharePoint handles security within SharePoint.
In addition to the many useful articles on Microsoft TechNet, you should take a look at the SharePoint blog at TITUS. I don't mean this reply to be as self-serving as it sounds, but the TITUS blog at is focussed on SharePoint security. There are a number of (non-product related) articles and papers there that might be helpful, which educate on SharePoint security, mostly from a user permissioning, authentication and authorization perspective. As well, check out the article titled "Effectively Managing Permissions in Microsoft SharePoint 2010" (written by me) at the DIWUG eMagazine site: Again, its focussed on permission management, especially in large libraries and lists in SharePoint (impact on performance, etc). Hope this helps.

Begin with Sharepoint technology

I am new to SharePoint technology. I don't have any idea where to start and how to proceed. So can anyone suggest me how I should proceed to know about the technology?
Your question is very open ended and will probably gather some criticism for being so but here's the 2 best suggestions I can provide you;
First - Read Books!
The first thing to understand is that Sharepoint comes in two flavours. You have the free to use Windows Sharepoint Services (WSS) which is the core of the product. This part is free and you can start developing using it right now! The second part is MOSS which is the commercial extensions of WSS. This contains loads of really cool features and additional controls such as the Content Query Webpart.
I'd recommend that you start with a good WSS book to understand the fundamentals. To this end I'd recommend Inside Microsoft Windows Sharepoint Services
Second - Do the virtual labs. These allow you experiments with the main topics of Sharepoint in a controlled environment without even having to install or configure it yourself.
See: Sharepoint Virtual Labs
Finally, here's a good site for covering some additional topics
Microsoft Sharepoint References

Where to start learning SharePoint 2010?

I recently started at a new job where I'll be working with Sharepoint 2010 to set up (or actually upgrade) an intranet. Unfortunately, I have no experience with SP2010, and the last time I touched SP2007 (or a virtual server for that matter) was four years ago.
I'll be attending a course soon, but until then I have to make myself useful. I've already managed to install a working Sp2010 server and have played around with some web applications and site collections, and trying to find out how Sharepoint Designer works, but I don't really have an idea what I'm doing or what goals I should set for myself to actually learn useful stuff.
I've also watched some tutorials, but most are really problem-specific (problems I don't have yet) or dive into the code (which I won't, probably).
So.. where to start?
There are a lot of great training videos on Channel9.
Sahil Malik's book is organized as what are the basic things all SharePoint 2010 developers need to know.
It is a good place to start.
I would suggest video tutorials because:
They are FREE!
They give you more context than just reading what to do.
A quick search will get you specific topics.
Check out Bing videos on SharePoint 2010. There's lots of great content out there to get you going fast.
when i started with SP2010, i began by searching:
New features in Lists and Document
Libraries New search capabilities
DocumentSets (they are very interesting!)
Office Web Apps (Excel and Word web access)
A little bit of FAST Search Engine
Integration with silverlight
Changes in the object model
New tools in VS2010
(MSDN, codeplex, codeproject, stackoverflow, and several blogs from Sharepoint MVPs are good places to look for)
I don't know if this would help but that's where I started.. if you need specific help you can find several groups in linkedin.. there are a lots of MVPs helping..
Good luck!
I would recommend you to check out the SharePoint guidance on codeplex. It comes with at sample portal application that is explained and with best practices and guidance for creating a SharePoint site. I am sure that this will provider vital information and knowledge for your project.
Kr., Bernd.
Follow the below link to learn sharepoint. It contains sharepoint tutorial videos and all.
Basically i started my sharepoint learning with the following examples:
Create a feature to change site title
Create a feature to change site theme
Create a feature with feature stapling
Create a feature that activates another feature
Create a site through code
Create a list through code
Populate a list with data through code
Create a lookup column in list through code
These are the basic examples that you can understand what is Sharepoint as a beginner.
Please see the below link for more beginner programs:
Litso install a dev box on you machine and get started.
Try doing some migration from one server to the other.

Is it possible to create a SharePoint internet site?

I want to use a CMS that can be accessed by my clients via the internet. All SharePoint usage I have seen is for intranet sites only. What I am looking to do:
Landing page for all clients, with general information.
Client login to client specific portal page with client specific information.
Accessible via the internet. The clients may or may not have SharePoint.
General and client specific wikis.
I won't be hosting this myself. I would be looking for a hosting provider as well.
I am also looking at using DotNetNuke, which has a lower cost of entry. I am open to suggestions of other CMSs, but my skills are built around C# and ASP.NET.
Before going down the SharePoint path, I wanted to make sure these things are possible.
Thanks to all that have given me some points to ponder. In summary, here is what I have decided to do (given my current skill set):
SharePoint can be used for my needs (my initial question). Many great example sites.
DotNetNuke as my CMS. I realize other good CMSs are available, but I prefer to stick to the Microsoft stack.
Branding will be easier in DotNetNuke.
The site will not be very big and not used by many. SharePoint will be overkill at this point.
Many of the 'modules' I am looking to use (wiki, forum, ...) seem to have more options/maturity using DotNetNuke.
Biggest Deciding Factor
Integrating a CMS solution with my software product and then installing/implementing this solution for individual clients will have a much larger cost with SharePoint. DotNetNuke will allow me to 'leave behind' the solution with the client without having them to invest heavily in SharePoint if they do not already own it.
Thanks to all!
Everything you require is supported by Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, which is included at no additional cost with a Windows Server license. However, SharePoint does have an administrative and development overhead that you could avoid using a different platform. It doesn't sound like you would really be leveraging any of SharePoint's particular strengths (document management, Office client integration, ad hoc collaboration sites, etc), so it's probably not worth the extra effort.
So in short, the answer to your question is "Yes", but it's probably not your best option with these specific requirements.
Check out the Top 17 case studies for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and several new MOSS-based web sites. There are some nice Internet websites too.
there are heaps of SharePoint sites out there facing the internet. There’s a great list of over 1,000 of them on the WSS Demo site here:
All of the requirements you’ve listed are achievable with the externally facing SharePoint model. There’s an obvious cost impact of going down the SharePoint path versus DotNetNuke but it’s certainly achievable in terms of functionality.
Kentico offers SharePoint Connector which allows to publish SharePoint content to external sites:
All the things you mentioned are possible. Note that hosting a SharePoint server can be expensive. Most hosting providers charge you a dedicated server hosting plan.
Also I'm not impressed with the default wiki solution in SharePoint. You might want to consider a 3th party wiki tool and point your SharePoint Search towards it so that the results are shown in your search results. Drawback is that you loose the security trimming.
You might also be interested in the BPOS solution. A (kind of) hosting service for SharePoint that Microsoft is offering.
