Handling WCF Proxy null return issue - wcf-proxy

I have a WCF Client Proxy connected to a third party webservice.
The proxy works fine with nearly everything except on function.
This function works just fine with a ASMX proxy.
I have added service trace logging and can see the response from the service coming back.
Only the proxy returns null.
So now I know for sure that the proxy is at fault.
Where to from here?
I found the issue. WCF is less forgiving than an ASMX proxy.
The service WSDL specifies that the returned object was called "data", and the actual xml passed back was called "result"
So that was a great goose chase! I think i wasted 4 hours on this problem!

You can try to use Trace Viewer to analyse WCF communications in more detail and find out more detail when errors are encountered.
Within the app.config (Client) and web.config (Server), you can add blocks. To enable tracing, simply add dignostics blocks and trace files will be generated in the specified location when the app is run. This should enable you to dig a little deeper with the problem.
Trace viewer can be found:
("C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\SvcTraceViewer.exe")
Info on trace viewer usage:
Also, what type of method is it? does it return complex types or simple types?
Ah, sorry about the mis-read, didn't realise you had no control of server side. I'd try to update the service reference/proxy (you've probably already done that) and check if anything has changed.
WCF doesn't make tracking down issues very easy i'm afraid. Is it possible to provide the method signatures for a call that works and one that doesn't so we can see what data types are being passed about?


How do I reduce the amount of trace logs that Application Insights sends to the server

I'm working with a production system that has a moderate amount of load. The amount of trace events and AI sends up is way too detailed, and makes it difficult to wade through logs later.
Each request to the server has information such as:
Message='Selected formatter='JsonMediaTypeFormatter', content-type='application/json; charset=utf-8'', Operation=DefaultContentNegotiator.Negotiate
Message='Action returned 'RZ.API.Support.Controllers.OperationActionResult`1[System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RZ.Entity.System.ClientMessage]]'', Operation=ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ExecuteAsync
There are maybe 30 entries for each request!
I just need the request type:
12/16/2015, 9:17:29 AM - REQUEST
GET /api/v1/user/messages
And the result code - as well as any custom stuff I do along the way.
So basically I want to trim most the traces except the request and the result (and any errors etc).
I have my eye on this bad boy in the AI config:
<Add Type="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Web.RequestTrackingTelemetryModule, Microsoft.AI.Web"/>
... but I cannot for the life of me see any doco on how to ask it to reduce the amount of stuff that is sent!
Any help is much appreciated.
P.S. All the extra logging has put us over the 15m a month plan, we had to upgrade!
RequestTrackingTelemetryModule does not do anything like you described. It adds requests, exceptions and dependencies collection. And in you example you are saying you see verbose WebApi traces being forwarded to ApplicationInsights. I assume you actually use Application Insights logging adapter.
Here you can read how WebApi traces can be forwarded to AI Version 1: http://apmtips.com/blog/2014/11/13/collect-asp-dot-net-mvc-web-api-traces-with-application-insights/
Here you can read how WebApi traces can be forwarded to AI Version 2:
Source code of logging adapters: https://github.com/Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-dotnet-logging
Documentation: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/app-insights-search-diagnostic-logs/#trace
So you have multiple options:
Do not use logging adapters
Change verbosity of WebApi tracing (read http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/testing-and-debugging/tracing-in-aspnet-web-api). I would prefer this one since you probably want to collect failures.
Remove WebApi tracing (as you did)
To answer my own question.
In my WebApiConfig file, I had:
Removing this line drastically cut down the clutter to what I was trying to achieve.
As of version 2.0 of the Application Insights SDKs, you can also limit the data sent by enabling sampling:
if you add
to your ApplicationInsights.config, the sdk can limit how much goes out. The article above has a LOT more settings/configuration you can use to get other specific behavior, but the one above is the simplest.
As far as I know there are no configuration options available for the RequestTrackingTelemetryModule. You could just turn it off (by uninstalling the respective NuGet package or commenting the xml) and / or install different / additional telemetry modules.
See app-insights-configuration-with-applicationinsights-config for a list of modules and configuration options.

How to proper log every exception using OWIN

my question should be quite simple, but unfortunately I had no luck in solving it.
Basically, I have some Web API controllers hosted by OWIN and deployed on Azure.
I really need to track down exceptions that occur in each middleware (for example OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider or SignalR Persistent Connections), but I definitely don't have a clue on how to achieve it.
I tried Elmah, but it doesn't seem to work properly with OWIN due to lacking HttpContext.
I tried using log4net, but I'm only able to log exceptions thrown by Web API Controllers using a custom ExceptionFilterAttribute.. others are ignored.
I tried to define a custom LoggerFactory and to assign it in Startup, using app.SetLoggerFactory(new MyLoggerFactory()),
but exception thrown by other middlewares are not logged.
I tried to get at least a meaningful error message sent to the client, but despite <customErrors mode="Off"/> and <deployment retail="false"/>, Azure refuses to return anything but {"message":"an error has occurred"}.. I tried both Azure Web Sites and Azure Cloud Services.
I saw some cloud alternatives that should work with OWIN, like Elmah.io or Raygun.io, but I don't need their cloud features and it is definitely not worth paying hundreds $ per year just to log some exceptions.
What should be the best way to log any possible exception thrown by my application?
Thanks for your help
have you take a look at this link ? http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/error-handling/web-api-global-error-handling
Because you can't catch all the exceptions using an exceptionFilter, they propose to use a IExceptionLogger and IExceptionHandler to allow global error handling in Web Api 2.
After that, if it's not fit your need, you can construct an OwinMiddleWare that you will place in first position (before the Authenticate stage), this middleware could :
create a requestId in the header of the response
analyse the response code, before sending response, and if it's not a IsSuccessStatusCode, you could log the exception message to a DB and replace the content of the response to send a simple error message to the client using the requestId (to allow you to find the related exception in your db)
hope this help

Azure failed request error details

I've got an Azure app up and running, but various requests generate a 500 error. There are no other details that come back from the server to let me know exactly what the problem is. No stack trace, no error message. The only thing I get back from the server are the http headers indicating I've got an error.
I've done a little looking around but can't seem to find a way to retrieve the error details that I'm looking for. I've seen some articles that suggest that I enable logging, but I'm not sure 1) how to do that, 2) where those log files would go and 3) how to access said log files. I've seen posts that say to add a whole bunch of code to my application to enable logging, but all I'm looking for is an error message and a stack trace from a 500 error. Do I really have to add a bunch of code to my app to see that information? If not, how can I get at it?
The best long-term solution is to enable Azure Diagnostics, which I think is what you're referring to. If you want a quick-and-dirty solution, you can log errors out to a file and then RDP into the role instances to view them. This is very similar to what you would do on a server in your own datacenter.
You can create the logs however you like. I've used log4net and RollingFileAppenders with some success. Setting the logfile path to something like "\logs\mylog.txt" will place the logs in the E: drive of the VM. Note you'll still need code somewhere in your app to capture the error and write it to the log - typically the global error handler in Global.asax is a good place for that.
You'll also have to enable RDP access to your role instances. There are many articles detailing how to do that. Here's one.
This is not a generally recommended approach because the logs may disappears when the role recycles or is recreated. It's also a pain in the butt to log to keep an eye on all those different servers.
One other warning - it's possible that the 500 error is due to some failure in your web.config. If that is the case, all the the application-level error logging in the world isn't going to help you. So be sure that your web.config is valid, and also check the Windows Event Logs while you're RDP'd into the server.
500 internal server error is most generally caused by some problem on the server when it was not able to understand incoming requests or there was some problem in configuration. So, try to run the app locally and see if there is some problem. You can record errors in a database in catches/application_error and also can use tracing. Believe me they are very helpful and worth a few extra lines of code.
For tracing have a look here, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ff714589.aspx

401 Unauthorized with OData Update and Delete

For the first time I have stumbled upon a problem where the solution has not already been provided (completely) on SO, but I hope someone out there can help.
My problem is similar to PUT and DELETE in RESTful WCF Service cause 401 Unauthorized error .
That is, I have a WCF Data Service where I get a 401 whenever I try to do updates or deletes (read and post works without any problems). The difference to the abovementioned post is that I am not hosting my service in IIS but on Windows Azure, so I am not able to apply that solution.
I have the same problem (401: invalid credentials when attempting updates or deletes) on both a .NET client and a restlet client using the OData extension. However, on the .NET client I am able to resolve the issue by setting UsePostTunneling = true.
In my service I have set config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("*", EntitySetRights.All).
Does anyone know how I can resolve the issue for my restlet client?
First thing I would check is to see if you have PUT and DELETE verbs enabled in your handlers. Are you running this from a web role in full IIS or are you using Hosted Web Core (HWC), or something else? Usually, more than a 401, I see a 405 error because WebDAV is on the machine and PUT and DELETE verbs conflict there. You end up having to disable WebDAV for the app.
I would also check your authentication method in your web.config. I have seen the 'none' type cause issues, so change that to Forms.

Debug an Error in a Custom SharePoint Web Service

I have created a custom SharePoint web service that was deployed to, and successfully tested on, a test environment. Unfortunately, the web service has since stopped working, and I am trying to determine what the error is.
The web service now returns the following error in the SOAP response:
Server was unable to process request. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
There have been no changes to the deployed web service, so I am assuming that a more recent deployment has altered the SharePoint configuration. My web service .asmx is deployed to the _vti_bin folder, and the assembly is deployed to the GAC. I can see the WSDL file being displayed when I browse to http://servername:port/_vti_bin/MyCustomWebService.asmx. The web methods in the assembly make use of logging (to the Windows Event log), but no logging is occurring when I try and access the web service, which suggests that the call is not getting as far as entering the web method.
Given the above, can anyone offer any suggestions as to debug this issue?
Thanks. MagicAndi.
I have now realised that when I consume the web service from the endpoint http://servername:port/Site/_vti_bin/MyCustomWebService.asmx, it works, but when I use the endpoint http://servername:port/_vti_bin/MyCustomWebService.asmx, the web service fails as described above. I will update further when I diagnose the cause of the issue.
this is a try catch to get more infomraion on the exception. It will give you more information which will help debug your problem
try {
// Do soap call here
catch (System.Web.Protocols.SoapException soap_ex)
catch(System.Exception ex)
The easiest option is to attach a debugger set to break on exceptions. If your infrastructure rules don't allow that, you'll probably need to add some additional logging to your code on the server. If you are lucky there may be enough information available in the soap message, but in my experience null reference exceptions usually need more information to be found easily.
