SharePoint Webpart deserialize error - sharepoint

I am getting a random web part error, it works one refresh and then not the next:
Web Part Error: One of the properties of the web part has an
incorrect format. Windows SharePoint
services cannot deserialize the Web
Part. Check the format of the
properties and try again.
The web parts have been on the site for a long time, and I have checked Micorsoft Support, . And it is not a permision error becuase it has been this way for a long time. The only thing changed in regards to webparts was going into Site settings > Web Parts > New and selected some webparts that were not in the list and I think I also Checked the ones that are having this random error and clicked "Populae Gallery". Any body have a clue?

This could also be because of insufficient disk space on the server where SharePoint is hosted. Check the available disk space.
Hope this helps.

Have you tried rebooting your server. I have just recovered from this exact problem. One of my frontend servers ran out of disk space yesterday and I recovered 10Gb of it, however this didn't rectify the error I was receiving when trying to view or add page viewer webparts until I rebooted it. All is perfectly fine now.

but try doing this:
Go the central administration
service accounts
Web application pool (radio button)
webservice (drop down); select windows sharepoint services web app
application pool (second drop down); select the site that the problems occurs on e.g. home_port_80
user name (text field): type in the account info you have used during sharepoint post installation configuration
password: at last type in the password.
hope it helps

Another thing that can cause this is an "undocumented feature" in SPD that splits the Web Part properties across two lines, like this:
Just removed the line break, like this:
and everything started working again ...


SharePoint development nightmares

I thought I'd give SharePoint development a go, to broaden my understanding of Microsoft technologies and ran into a situation I refuse to understand.
I have a new web application created: http://localhost:11523 and set up the site collection as required. I can browse to the web site fine, without any issues, but now I want to start developing against this, using the object model.
Right, so after I struggled with SPSite site = new SPSite("http://localhost:11523"); I figured that I'm not running VS2008 in elevated permissions, so restarting VS I finally got one step further.
Whenever I step into my code, I get:
The Web application at
http://localhost:11523/ could not be
I've Googled this without luck. The application is most definitely there, I can browse it, add web parts and go mad. I just can't seem to connect to it via Visual Studio.
Any ideas would be great.
I thought I'd isolate my method, called "GetListFromSharePoint(string name)" into a test method (nUnit Framework) and to my surprise returned 9 entries from the list, as expected. When I dumped the method back into my web application (not SharePoint, trying to test the Composite Control through a normal Web site), and run into the mentioned problem.
This is in SharePoint 2007, and I'm developing on the same machine onto which SharePoint 2007 is installed.
This approach used to work, for some reason, I just can't get it to recognize SharePoint. The test stubs work find, just not the web application.
Edit 2
So there where a couple of things I "missed", which kind of solved the problem by itself.
Firstly, I was developing on a x64 Windows 2008 box, thus SharePoint 2007 was running in x64 mode. Cassini, turns out, is 32bit regardless of the platform you run it on, which caused some compiler bugs (I did not have IA64 compilers installed). After installing this, I figured out that the default web site (localhost:80) had been disabled by SharePoint.
Renabling the default web site, allowed me to create my web application as a virtual directory against it, which allowed my debugger compiler to run in x64.
My next challenge was access permissions. Because any new virtual directory on port 80 is assigned to the default application pool, is it assumed that the user does not have the right permissions, so I had to change my web application to run under my SharePoint web application's application pool.
The last thing I had to do was run my SharePoint code with elevated permissions.
Working like a charm :D
Note! Enable debug on your SharePoint web application....
(You have not specified version - assuming SharePoint 2010).
You need to decide what object model you want to use:
client (to be able to access the server from any other machine)
server (the one that you are trying now, can only be run locally).
Most likley reasons your code not work:
using "localhost" instead of ""computer name" in the Url. (I believe it is the reason.)
you are running your code not on the same machine as the SharePoint
you are running code under non-admin account
Check out how sites collections are configured in "Central Administration" site - urls associated with each site collection are listed there - make sure you are using correct one.
You can also try enumerating all site collections in SPWebApplication ( to start expiriments.
I dont think the SPSite connect through the IIS, and if SharePoint isn't set up to respond to localhost (done in the Central Administration) you wont be able to connect to that url. IIS works a bit different here since it relays the signals to "localhost" to the "web application instance".
Start by checking in your SharePoint Central Administration. Go to "Configure alternate access mappings" in the "System Settings" section. Here you have your SharePoint instances, there are three properties which you can see directly in the list; 'Internal URL', 'Zone' and 'Public URL for Zone'.
If the Internal URL isn't set to Localhost you wont be able to use that connection you suggested. It bay be improper to change this to another url as well, so simply try to set your SPSite site = new SPSite("http://yourinternalurl:11523"); to whatever's in that box! :)

SharePoint web part not displaying for site readers

I've built a custom SharePoint 2010 web part and deployed it to the home page of a publishing site. It's a very simple web part that just displays items from a SP list in a drop down list. The web part works fine if I'm logged in as a site owner or a member but not if I'm just a reader. The web part doesn't render at all to readers. I don't get any of the web part chrome or title, just nothing. I have other web parts (out-of-box ones) in the same zone that are displaying fine so it's not an issue of the whole zone not displaying.
As a reader, I can still view the list directly so it doesn't appear to be a problem with list permissions.
My web parts are being deployed as a farm solution, not sand-boxed and the assembly is being deployed to the GAC.
I feel like I must be missing something simple here but I'm stumped. Help.
Did you save / Check in the page after editing?
You may have to actually publish the page for a reader to see it

How to find missing web part?

Does anybody know how to find offending web part which causes this error ?
“A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Web Part Page cannot be displayed or imported because it is not registered on this site as safe.”
I have inherited an old SharePoint 2003 portal site which uses custom web parts.
I know what this error means. I also know that each web part must be installed and registred as safe in web.config. The problem is that I don't know which one is missing.
I get same error when I'm trying to open the page in FrontPage as well.
Use contents=1 in QueryString to disable/remove WebParts from page that causes errors.
stsadm.exe -o enumallwebs -includewebparts
Requires updating to Sp2 I believe, for this command to be available. Problematic web parts will appear as 'Missing' in the resultant list.
Go to Event Viewer of the machine and you shall be able to see Error entries. Out of tons of entries you have to find out the entries related to you and you shall be able to see the names of the webparts that the sharepoint site is trying to load but fails. If you shall read the complete description of the error entry in the Event Viewer, it will give you version and even PublicKey Token of the webpart as well.
I hope this helps!!!
Try reading this:
It should give you some clues to solving the problem. Essentially you have a control that is not marked as safe and it is failing. You can most likely config it to work, but the link above has other possible solutions.
in your url just append content=1. This will give you the all the webparts that are deployed. Now, you can keep deleting each of the webpart to find which one is causing issue ( ensure that you know to add the web parts back).
For example: if Url is http://localhost:9000/default.aspx, try with http://localhost:9000?contents=1
Alternatively, try to create a new webpart page,add web parts that are there on your actual page and check which one is causing issue. This will avoid changes to the actual page.
Hope this helps.
I've just suggested this same answer on MSDN:
This stsadm helped me in finding where the webpart was referenced in any way:
stsadm -o enumallwebs -includewebparts > C:\temp\somelog.txt
Then you can see the web part is listed under some <Web Id=... Url=...> XML node, i.e. you know the "culprit" web site.
At that point, some reasons I've found for those forgotten references:
the webpart is used in some sub-site of the culprit website, and the sub site is hidden from the quick list or top bar
the webpart has been deleted from the culprit website, but it still is in the "site collection recycle bin". You can reach that by going to the normal website recycle bin, then look for its link on the top bar description ("Use this page to restore items that..."). By the way, this site collection recycle bin has two views itself: be sure to check them both.
In both cases, I got some help by browsing the culprit website with SharePoint Manager. With that I could easily spot the existence of a forgotten subsite, as well as the existence of this "second level recycle bin".

SharePoint COMException

When adding or editing a page in a SharePoint Pages library we get the following exception:
[COMException (0x81020016): Item does not exist
The page you selected contains an item that does not exist. It may have
been deleted by another user. Click "Home" at the top of the page to return
to your Web site.]
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPrequestInternalClass.RenderColumn.
The weird thing is, when we first do "Check in" and then click the Publish button it works perfectly. But clicking "Publish" directly generates theis error, BUT NOT ALWAYS!
The Pages library has publishing and item planning on, NO workflow (seeing as the person who adds / edit pages is also the approver) and Major/ Minor versions.
We use a content type derived from publishing page and a custom PageLayout.
I'm sure you would have already checked this but is there any more information in the ULS logs?
Also have you tried setting the debugger to break on all exceptions and does this give you more information? Go to Debug, Exceptions and tick Common Language Runtime Exceptions. Then go to Tools, Options, Debugging and untick Enable Just My Code. Finally attach to w3wp.exe.
If you are running Windows Server 2008 you could also try taking a dump file at the point the debugger breaks above. ADPlus might help if you are running Server 2003 but I don't have experience with it. You should then be able to open the dump file with DumpChk or WinDbg.
Edit: As discussed in the comments, this is code deployed to production that can't have its service interrupted. The only way you could create a dump file is programmatically. Have a look at this question I asked that will hopefully help you if you need to go down this route.
Other things to try if you don't want to get down and dirty with debugging is to try deploying your custom bits to a clean server. See if you can still reproduce the problem or if it changes.
I am assuming that you are using load balancing with 2 web servers.
The fact that it does not happen always points to there being a difference between the servers.
There are then a few things that you could check:
Are all the versions and service packs are the same on both machines
Have any of the servers had beta software installed
Is your code the same on both servers
One thing you could do to test without taking the system down: Is to remove the first web server from the cluster see if the error occurs, then add it back and do the same thing with the second web server.

MOSS 2007 Crawl

I'm trying to get crawl to work on two separate farms I have but can't get it to work on either one. They both have two WFE's with an additional WFE configured as an Index server. There is one more server dedicated for Query and two clustered SQL 2005 back end servers for the database. I have unsuccessfully tried at least 50 different websites that I found with solutions from a search engine. I have configured (extended) my Web App to use http://servername:12345 as the default zone and as the custom and intranet zones. When I enter each of those into the content source and then try to run a crawl, I get a couple of errors in the crawl log:
http://servername:12345 returns:
"Could not connect to the server. Please make sure the site is accessible." returns:
"Deleted by the gatherer. (The start address or content source that contained this item was deleted and hence this item was deleted.)"
However, I can click both URL's and the page is accessible.
Any ideas?
More info:
I wiped the slate clean, so to speak, and ran another crawl to provide an updated sample.
My content sources are as such:
My current crawl log errors are:
Error in PortalCrawl Web Service.
Content for this URL is excluded by the server because a no-index attribute.
The Crawler could not communicate with the server. Check that the server is available and that the firewall access is configured correctly.
I double checked for typos above and I don't see any so this should be an accurate reflection.
One thing to remember is that crawling SharePoint sites is different from crawling file shares or non-SharePoint websites.
A few other quick pointers:
the sps3: protocol is for crawling user profiles for People Search. You can disregard anything the crawler says about it until you're ready for user profiles.
your crawl account is supposed to have access to your entire farm. If you see permissions errors, find the KB article that tells you the how to reset your crawl account (it's a specific stsadm.exe command). If you're trying to crawl another farm's content, then you'll have to work something else out to grant your crawl account access. I think this is your biggest issue presently.
The crawler (running from the index server) will attempt to visit the public URL. I've had inter-server communication issues before; make sure all three servers can ping each other, and make sure the index server can reach the public URL (open IE on the index server and check it out). If you have problems, it's time to dirty up your index server's hosts file. This is something SharePoint does for you anyway, so don't feel too bad doing it. If you've set up anything aside from Integrated Windows Authentication, you'll have to work harder to get your crawler working.
Anyway, there's been a lot of back and forth in the responses, so I'm just shotgunning a bunch of suggestions out there, maybe one of them is on target.
I'm a little confused about your farm topology. A machine installed as a just a WFE cannot be an indexer. A machine installed as "complete" can be an indexer, query and/or a wfe...
Also, instead of changing the default content access account, you may want to add a crawl rule instead (once everything is up and running)
Can you see if anything helpful is in the %commonprogramfiles%/microsoft shared/web server extensions/12/logs on your indexer?
The log file may be a bit verbose, you can search for "started" or "full" and that will usually get you to the line in the log where your crawl started.
Also, on your sql machine, you may be able to get more information from the MSScrawlurlhistory table.
Can you create a content source for and start a full crawl? Do you get the same error(s)?
Also, we may want to take this offline, let me know if you want to do that.
I'm not sure if there is a way to send private messages via stackoverflow though.
Most of your issues are related to Kerberos, it sounds like. If you don't have the infrastructure update applied, then Sharepoint will not be able to use kerberos auth to web sites w/ non default (80/443) ports. That's also why (I would bet) that you cannot access CA from server 5 when it's on server 4. If you don't have the SPNs set up correctly, then CA will only be accessible from the machine it is installed on. If you had installed Sharepoint using port 80 as the default url you'd be able to do the local sharepoint crawl without any hitches. But by design the local sharepoint sites crawl uses the default url to access the sharepoint sites. Check out!7C69E7B2271B08F6!363.entry for a little more detail on how to get Kerberos & Sharepoint to work well together.
In the Services on Server section check the properties for the search crawl account to make sure it is set up, and that it has permissions to access those sites.
Thanks for the new input!
So I came back from my weekend and I wanted to go through your pointers and try every one and then report back about how they didn't work and then post the results that I got. Funny thing happened, though.
I went to my Indexer (servername5) and I tried to connect to Central Admin and the main portal from Internet Explorer. Neither worked. So I went into IIS on ther Indexer to try to browse to the main portal from within IIS. That didn't work either and I received an error telling me that something else was using that port. So I saw my old website from the previous build and I deleted it from IIS along with the corresponding Application Pool. Then I started the App Pool for the web site from the new build and browsed to the website. Success. Then I browsed to the website from the browser on my own PC. Success again. Then I ran a crawl by the full URL, not the servername, like so:
Success again. It crawled the entire portal including the subsites just like I wanted. The "Items in index" populated quickly and I could tell I was rolling.
I still cannot access the Central Admin site hosted on servername4 from servername5. I'm not sure why not but I don't know that it matters much at this point.
Where does this leave me? What was the fix?
I'm still not sure. Maybe it was the rebuild. Maybe as soon as I rebuilt the server farm I had everything I needed to get it to work but it just wouldn't work because of the previous website still in IIS. (It's funny how sloppy a SharePoint un-install can be. Manual deletion of content databases, web sites, and application pools seem necessary and that probably shouldn't be the case.)
In any event, it's working now on my "test" farm so the key is to get it working on the production farm. I'm hopeful that it won't be so difficult after this experience.
Thanks for the help from everyone!
