MOSS 2007 Wiki Export to MS Word or PDF - sharepoint

I've started using MOSS 2007's wiki feature for storing the ongoing technical documentation related to a project I'm working on, and it occurred to me after I started writing a few pages that there's no easy way to export out all of the pages into one document.
For those of you familiar with MOSS 2007, any ideas how this might be accomplished?

In the past I've created a site feature that exports SharePoint content to PDF and HTML but that was for publishing sites. I assume it needs some rewriting to make it working with the Wiki.
It basically iterates through the navigation of a site and all it's sub sites and reads all the pages stored in the "pages" document library. For each page it then extracts the content using XSLT.
Let me know whether I shall make the source somewhere available.

You should be able to create a view that shows the content for all of the wiki articles. It's not pretty; you'll get one really long web page. I don't have sharepoint up and running right now to tell you the exact steps, but I have done it before.

BlueRidge has an extension that allows you to export to PDF, but at 640+ euro it's a tad pricey.

You could copy/paste your content into your desired document. It's not convenient but it is a potential work around.

I am also after a solution for this. We have a multilevel Wiki content that follows a levelling structures. Can we automatically export the MOSS Wiki content to a more structured database such as Excel, Access, or XML?


define a new home page to sharepoint site

I realized a simple interface for my sub SharePoint site. but I have no idea how I download my files Interface (Javasript, css, html) that index.html becomes my homepage on my website .
best regards
Upload all files to a document library, then use SharePoint Designer to set index.html as the home page.
Edit: If you want SharePoint functionality, then you need to do what we all do: Use a SharePoint page and customize it to show/hide what you want to see. In many cases, custom CSS can be used to hide unwanted SharePoint elements. Custom HTML can be applied by editing an individual page.
Second edit: It seems that you have very sparse understanding of SharePoint and what it can do. You need to learn how SharePoint works. It's way more than just html and it's WAAAAY more than can be posted in an answer here. No way around that. Get clued up about what SharePoint does before you do things with it that it does not do naturally.

SharePoint ASP.NET Mock Site

Does any one know if there is a ASP.NET website available that is a pretty good clone of the style and layout of a SharePoint site? I don't need the functionality of SharePoint, I would like to be able to quickly mock up some controls for SharePoint, with out having to actually deploy stuff to the server, and want to be able to see what the controls would look like rendered in SharePoint.
Make sense?
If there is nothing available I'm just going to do a "save complete" with FireFox on my SharePoint site, and convert the results into a master page that I can use. If someone else has already done the work, that would be fantastic.
Heather Solomon has an excellent SharePoint CSS Cheat Sheet. Also, if you use sharepoint native controls like the SPGridView, most of the styling will be inherited / already implemented for you.
Your 'Save Complete' idea is the one I would suggest. You could also have some sort of bookmarklet/script that receives a html page url and injects it into the sharepoint page without actually changing it, but it is way more complicated.
My advice would be to use SharePoint Designer to play with the design and to use Features for deploying the customizations. Your question is pretty vague in that I can't tell if you have access to a VM to do a test install? Also, are we talking WSS 3.0 or MOSS 2007 or the latest version? Is it a publishing site? What kind of controls are you working on? Web Parts?

How do modify a form on a sharepoint site?

I have a task that I need to perform for a friend as a favor, to modify some forms on a MOSS/Sharepoint site to add some javascript to each form for some SEO tracking purposes.
I've had a little bit of exposure to Sharepoint, but it is mostly by using the Sharepoint Designer 2007 tool.
I am able to navigate to the site, and I can see the content in Sharepoint Designer. However, I am not able to see the forms, and I'm a bit stuck.
Here is an example of a form that I need to modify:
I've read a little online, but I'm stuck. I don't know if these are infopath forms or what. I just need to modify the forms.
Is there a simple answer to this problem? Or a good resource to get up to speed quickly for this task?
I'm not a sharepoint expert, so thank you in advance for answering a simple question.
While hardly the simplest approach, but since this is a developer site, I would recommend creating a DelegateControl to add to your site. Using DelegateControls has several benefits, for example:
the ability to selectively activate and deactivate the controls through features
no need to modify any out-of-the-box files which would break supportability
ability to output different content on a page-by-page basis
You can opt to use one of the DelegateControls of the default master pages if you need to deploy to an existing site based on one of the default site definitions. The AdditionalPageHead is a favorite among developers, as it allows multiple overrides to be active at the same time.
If you want to create your own master pages you can add DelegateControls as you like.
If you want to learn more about DelegateControls you can check out the first issue of Understanding SharePoint Journal (Disclaimer: I wrote that issue). Also, check out the MSDN article on How to customize a Delegate Control.
you can also check PowerForms which is a silverlight webpart that fully customizes sharepoint forms. You can add business logic in forms using custom assemblies and a lot other advanced tasks. Give it a try, i think it will solve a lot of problems.
You have a couple of options here:
If you need to add a unique code, like Google analytics you should probably deploy your code to the master page.
In case you need to customize forms for lists you will have to do it with SharePoint designer. In that case you will find EditItem.aspx and NewItem.aspx with SharePoint Designer pages or any other custom page. Open SPD, locate your list, expand it, look for Forms subfolder and you will find all the forms there.
Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer is now free, as of 1-Apr-2009. It's a good tool, not only for modifying individual pages, but for entire sites.

Drag and Drop files into a SharePoint webpart to upload into DocLibrary

Is it possible to create a SharePoint (wss3 or MOSS 2007) webpart, to allow files to be dragged and dropped onto it, which would then upload the files into a predefined document library ?
I imagine that this would require some form of client side scripting (Ajax ?), but my knowledge in ajax is a bit sketchy.
From my exploration so far, I'm thinking:
User drags file onto 'drop zone' Webpart.
This action triggers some code
This code Loads the file into a SharePoint library (like this : Uploading a File to SharePoint)
Any pointers would be gratefully recieved
Many thanks.
What I'd do is, like you said, a web part with javascript that allow the user to drag and drop some files into a zone inside the webpart. Once the user has finished I'll upload those files after click on a Button of the webpart. I think is better to work with SharePoint in an unique transaction and not upload and delete files using AJAX. So, the drag and drop functionality can be done using some kind of javascript like Scriptaculous and the other one like a classic postback.
You might also want to look at another way to perform this. If you do it in a webpart, you will need to add that webpart in every sites where you want this fonctionnality to work. You might want to try Sharegate ( It's a end user tool that allows you to drag and drop file from your computer (or any SharePoint list / library) to any SharePoint library. By dropping the document inside the library, you will be ask to select a property template where you can define all the properties attach to your document. Not only you will drag and drop documents, but you will structure the information at the same time. Hope this was helpful!
Perhaps my reply is little bit irrelevant to your post!
I think upload files to SharePoint is not a painstaking job, the build-in feature is enough for us to upload files.
The trouble, I think, lies in the check in process, may be that is what you should do!
Altought maybe not that important now, but there is a SharePoint addon on CodePlex now
that allows files to be uploaded by Drag & Drop into SharePoint document libraries.
Available here:
Works in Firefox & Chrome, uses FileApi from HTML5, supports both SharePoint 2007 & 2010.

SharePoint: Back up single page

I need to back up a sharepoint web page which containts web parts and other html tweaks. I would like to keep a back up of the page itself with the web parts in the appropriate places, is this possible? Right now I just opened SharePoint designer, opened my page and saved as to my hard drive. Is there another way? Is this a complete back up of the page? Thanks.
I do the same for small changes and it has worked fine for me up to now. That said the only offical way to do it is use Microsoft's Data Protection Manager software which will let you backup/restore individual pages.
Of course you can go the doclib where the page is stored and use the ECB SendTo>>Download a copy
the interesting part of this approach is that you get the ASP.NET markup (w/server control specs)...
