Server.Transfer and System.Threading.ThreadAbortException - multithreading

I am using in my app as well and I am not getting the exception. The workaround that the knowledge base article suggests (Server.Execute) does not work for me. I am getting lots of javascript exceptions from the Ajax Toolkit on the target page if I use Server.Execute, and I did not dig into the cause.
My question - what arguments do you see against just swallowing the exception as a 'known limitation' and moving on?
My reason for using Server.Transfer in this one very specific case is that I want to mask the (real) target url of the page that is actually executing. It works pretty well, except for this exception (that the user never sees).

Make sure you are not calling Server.Transfer() within an exception handler (try..catch/finally).
Server.Transfer always raises ThreadAbortException upon completion. If you wrap it in an exception handler you should trap for explicit exception types instead of just 'Exception'.
See the help for Server.Transfer on MSDN. Here is info about ThreadAbortException


What does `napi_throw_error` do when called from an asynchronous N-API addon's `napi_async_complete_callback`?

I recently completed making an asynchronous version for all the functions in a pure C API, wrapped with N-API to work with JS/TS as a nodejs addon.
The last problem I had to fix was making sure that C POSIX-style errors (ie, returned integer codes) were transferred correctly to the JS at the end of a worker's execution (with the corresponding string, for which we have both an enum of exceptions, and a list of error messages).
When thrown with napi_throw_error (as I did for the synchronous version of all our calls), within the napi_async_complete_callback, these exceptions were never caught at the JS level (I suppose it was because it was within a different async context; I saw online people having a similar problem with ajax). Instead, I opted to just construct my errors as napi_value types, and return these via napi_reject_deferred. This seemed to have the desired effect, of being caught properly when doing a try { await My_NapiWrapper_XYZ() } catch (ex) { ... }.
So I don't really have a problem to fix, but I AM intrigued. These napi_throw_error thrown errors do probably go somewhere. Though I have no idea where. Where should one look to catch an error thrown with napi_throw_error from a napi_async_complete_callback ? Can you give a code example ?
No, they don't go anywhere. It is a bug that I just opened with them:
There is a general problem with handling exceptions in asynchronous callbacks. Normally, they cannot be catched and should lead to program termination but Node's developers have decided to try to keep it running when they can.

How to check if ID3D12GraphicsCommandList has been closed?

I'm learning DirectX12 and writing some utility classes to encapsulate functionality. Right now I'm working on mechanism for pooling CommandLists.
The pool assumes all command lists are closed. I wanted to validate that during inserting to the pool, but I can't manage to check it. From MSDN:
Returns S_OK if successful; otherwise, returns one of the following
E_FAIL if the command list has already been closed, or an invalid API was called during command list recording.
Which is precisely what I'm looking for, but when I call ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::Close() to validate, it throws exception in KernelBase.dll. It looks really bizarre to me. Is this specification incompliance?
//EDIT: I cannot catch the exception, even with catch(...). It tells me maybe something may be wrong with my setup, but everything else is working for me.

node: illegal access error - using es6 proxies

When I run my code with node 0.10.26, I'm getting an 'illegal access' error when using ES6 proxies. It doesn't happen with node 0.11.14
Any ideas how I can try to approach this? There's no stack trace.
I have a pretty convoluted proxy implementation, I've implemented the following methods:
get, set, has, hasOwn, delete, keys, enumerate, getOwnPropertyNames, getPropertyNames, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getPropertyDescriptor
Is there a Proxy test suite set I can throw at it to see if I've implemented something incorrectly? Or any other way to see the source of the problem? I don't even know how to invoke half of the things I implemented :)
Any libraries that I can replace the Proxy object with? I think I saw one before but can't find it now.
EDIT: more details I forgot: It's not that there's no stack track, there's a stack trace from bluebird promise and it begins with Promise$_rejectPromises, which makes me think the error is related to this problem but I still don't know how find the source error with the problematic property.
So while looking for a Proxy replacement, I stumbled onto this thread, which says that this problem happens when something tries to use JSON.stringify() on the proxy.
I'm happy to say that implementing my own toJSON() method on the proxy object solved the problem.
Ahhh... so good to be back to 0.10.26

Debugging XAML UnhandledException

Occasionally the UnhandledException handler in my app is raised due to an unhandled XAML exception.
The UnhandledExceptionEventArgs contains the message
and an inner-exception of type ArgumentException
Value does not fall within the expected range.
There is nothing in the call stack other than InitialiseComponent() which I can step into/ over without any exception being thrown.
Any ideas on how to debug further or any experience with E_RUNTIME_SETVALUE issues?
I do remember I had to once add basically no-op value converters to some XAML so I could see what was going on and trace the error. That might help in this case as well.
Also try to turn on mixed-mode debugging to see if more data comes from the native stack.
I had this in UWP and it was because I was using OnIdiom
<OnIdiom x:Key="MyFontSize" x:TypeArguments="x:Double" Tablet="28" Phone="16">
I didn't have desktop included in one of the values and I was running my app on my desktop.

OpenSL ES slCreateEngine causes error

I have an OpenSL ES function call that causes no problems in one application, but causes a problem in another application, both run on the same device.
The line is:
result = slCreateEngine(&engineObject, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
Where result is of the type SLresult, engineObject is of the type SLObjectItf
The error I seem to get is:
05-19 11:56:27.007: ERROR/libOpenSLES(1425): slCreateEngine while another engine 0x299fa0 is active
It seems this is not logged from my code, but maybe it is caused by it? So what could cause this line to produce an error in one app, but not in the other?
As it happens to be, it was partly Android's Activity life-cycle which caused the error, but mostly my own fault. It was caused by the onCreate() and onResume() methods Android provides for an Activity. I never thought of the fact that onResume() also get's called when an Activity is started. Because of this, I never realized that I had a 2nd call to the slCreateEngine function.....
According to the docs "OpenSL ES for Android supports a single engine per application". I had a quick check of the source for OpenSL an I can see this is enforced by a global storing the current active engine.
So if you want to call slCreateEngine, you must make sure all other engines have been destroyed first. This includes the possibility of any 3rd party code you are linking in too (incase you are linking in something else that is creating an OpenSL engine object before you do).
