Sharepoint Blog: enable/disable comments regarding field value of Posts - sharepoint

I need to enable/disable post comments regarding the value of a new field in Post list. I don't see how to do this... Any ideas?
Why is there an error when converts to XSLT? Is possible to get the querystring to do this?

I don't think you'll be able to get that level of control with the standard blog component. Should be reasonably easy to implement using CKSEBE though.
Easiest method I can think of within the standard blog is to use jQuery to hide the comment form - that way you only need to get the value of the field appearing somewhere on the page.


ACF Post Object in ACF custom block using timber/twig

I realize this is vague, but documentation is slim. Trying to get any data from either a post object field or relationship field to appear in a custom block using timber/twig. If it's on the first 2 pages of Google results, I likely tried it with no luck. My other custom blocks I don't have to create a corresponding php file, just a twig file that's pulling data from a single, simple setup for all custom blocks. Repeaters, Groups, Galleries, no problem. Post Objects or Relationships, bupkis. Any help appreciated.
official documentation did nothing:
Found this and it resolved my problem. I'll be back to post a full breakdown so the question and answer are actually useful to others.

Manipulating BlogPost MetaData

After having followed the instructions to "unabridge" blog posts in Orchard, I'd now like to separate the blog post date and comment-count, so that the date appears ahead of the blog post, and the comment-count appears after. How would that be done?
Even better, I'd additionally like to have the comment-count be a hyper link to the blog post detail. How would that be done?
To do this and many other similar things, you should enable shape tracing (it comes as part of the designer tools module). This will show you what template is rendering what, and also where they are positioned. It will also tell you what templates you can create in your theme to override behavior. The Model tab in particular will show you the whole model object graph and will give you the expression to put in your template to include any property into your markup.

Rad grid custom filtering

How can I activate custom filtering for my radgrid?(I googled but I didn't get any proper response regarding this)
I have a property like AllowCustomSorting but I don't have any property regarding filtering.
Can any one provide the way how to implement custom filtering?
If possbile give me a sample page then I will understand.
Thanks in advance.
All you need to know about filtering:
I usually do my filtering/sorting within my stored procedures as that brings huge speed benefits when working with larger tables.
I'm aware this is a fairly old question now but this link should help you:
Note that it has a sample project at the bottom of the page.
The property you are looking for is AllowFilteringByColumn="True"
This page has a sample using a dropdown and a custom filter.

How to insert a widget inside forum inself in vbulletin?

You know, the publishing suite offers other content than forum. for example blogs and also some custom content
i know how to add articles/widgets to the page itself, but how do i add such a thing into a forum secion?
for example, on the left column i would have forums and on the right column i would have some news reader widget
could someone help?
Maybe it is enough for you to enable the "forum sidebar" in the admincp.
admincp->Settings->Options->Forum Sidebar and Block Options->Enable Forum Sidebar=YES.
Now you can add custom blocks with HTML and PHP.
For vBulletin 3.x, the solution is to edit the appropriate templates (FORUMDISPLAY, SHOWTHREAD, etc). I can't be much more specific than that, I'm afraid, since the exact details will vary depending on what kind of modifications you've already made to your templates and the exact details of the widgets you wish to insert.

Change template html in sharepoint discussion reply box

I have a wss 3.0 install which needs an "anonymous" discussion board. I can modify the view so no usernames are displayed, however when I click on "reply", the message I'm replying to shows up in the rich text box with the username of the previous poster.
Is there a way to remove that username? or Remove the previous posted text altogether? I've found the schema.xml file with lots of relevant info under the ..12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\DiscussionsList\Discuss folder, but not sure if this is the easiest way to adjust this setting.
Any comments appreciated.
Best practice says that you should always create a custom list definition instead of trying to modify the OOB assets.
The easiest way to do this is take a copy of the 12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\DiscussionsList\Discuss folder, modify the feature Ids and names so that its unique. Then your free to change the schema render template (i.e view schema) and modify the edit and display forms.
If you need to modfify the actual entry form you may consider a custom control template :
Custom list definition :
I have a similar requirement (hide or mask the author inside the reply thread.). What exactly inside of schema.xml do you think will allow you to do accomplish that?
Not sure if the list forms are exposed to xslt. If so, then perhaps this is another approach.
FWIW, the other solutions I have investigated:
(1) A custom event handler. Unfortunately, I can't pinpoint which event fires when someone click reply.
(2) Anonymous blog comments (
(3) the other thing I am considering, is to introduce a global anonymous active directory login, which users can use to post anonymously. Not ideal, but for the amount of time I have spent researching a solution, might be my last hope.
