Exchange Server Organizational Structure - resources

I need to figure out a way to build a hierarchy by Director->Manager->Employee from an exchange server. I have very limited knowledge of exchange, so does anyone have any ideas for me?

The only thing that I can think of that may help here is the manager attribute in AD.
To build a proper hierarchy based upon the manager settings may require some coding.
I can't understand what you are trying to achieve in Exchange.


Azure alert monitor condition always stay the same

I have implemented alerting on my infrastructure. The problem is that the monitor condidition never changes to resolve. Anyone with the same problem?
Kind regards
Summarize from the comments for others' reference:
As stackoverflowusrone mentioned, different types of alerts resolve differently and also provide a sample.
Here I provide some more information about it, we can know the alert's logic by this tutorial
By the way, if you want azure develop team add some feature, you can raise a feedback ticket on this page.

Will CKAN be the best solution for a portal like

Will CKAN be the best solution for a portal like
If yes, can you provide an estimate of how much effort, time and developers would be required?
Any tips or best practices you can share for an inexperienced team? Any pitfalls to avoid?
Thank you very much.
Any help would be highly appreciated!
Kind of hard to say. Depends exactly what you want to do exactly.
CKAN, the world’s leading Open Source data portal platform CKAN is a powerful data management system that makes data accessible – by providing tools to streamline publishing, sharing, finding and using data.
CKAN is like wordpress but instead of blog posts its datasets. It helps manage and inventory datasets for an organization. It has other cool and powerful features too but that site you mentioned reminds me of ArcGIS kind of. There is also Socrata or many other vendor offerings. I prefer CKAN though.
There is a demo site ( you can play with, add and remove stuff from, etc to get a feel for it.
They have decent documentation as well that you can follow . You could setup a local version to get a feel for how hard or easy it is.
I'd say you need someone with python and server experience to get you setup and then basic usage and administration can be delegated. But it can be learnt. uses ckan for their data catalogue and have some helpful docs available as well.

What's the best and easy way to build a cloud based SaaS product?

am working on a project and don't have experience with developing applications, I want like the BEST and EASY way to build cloud based SaaS product.
Can anyone tell which tech stack I should use, which backend lang/framework, db, which cloud company etc? I know only php in backend as of now but am thinking to first learn js and then nodeJS and then use it for backend and for db am thinking to use mysql.
There's something which might affect your answer, am actually not expecting much traffic on it not even in future. Please tell considering both the scenarios, application with very low traffic expectation and application with high traffic.
I would say the best way is to sit down and write out exactly what product you want to build - what's it's audience, it's purpose, what are your requirements around security, availability, etc, what kind of information is it going to process, how is this information gathered and retrieved - and then look at what skills you have access to, or could acquire easily. That will determine what technology stack would work for you. I'm sure folks on Slack will be happy to help with that once it's clearer what you're trying to achieve.
If you don't want to put details of your product design on Stack, get advice from someone offline.
In terms of cloud hosting, for a small-scale project they're probably all going to be just fine, but the technology stack you choose would help determine which might work best.

How to implement SSO using CAS in shiro

I want to implement SSO in shiro using CAS with active directory.If Anyone having experience of this implementation,please share with me. Also suggest basic requirement for this.
Many Thanks.
this should help you getting started, I know that the post has a different name, but it actually contains what you need too.

Running script on Exchange 2010

I want to run a script when an email is received on my exchange server. I really don't have a great direction on how to implement this. I've written my script in VB and tested it on outlook. I incorrectly assumed you can run a script from a rule in Exchange like you can in Outlook.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Should I be using smtpreg.vbs or EWS or something completely different?
Exchange used to rely on event sinks for this kind of processing, but this is deprecated and not supported anymore in Exchange 2010; as the linked article says, the preferred way to handle events are now either developing a custom transport agent or using Exchange Web Services.
What you may be most interested in are EWS event notifications:
The last link provides some code samples, too.
As usual, since this is more of a developer-oriented question, StackOverflow is probably a better place to ask for detailed help.
