xsl for sharepoint calendar - sharepoint

I need to create a calendar which will join together data from a number of separate sharepoint team calendars (it's so that the press office in my organisation can see what's happening in each department side-by-side on the same page - what they would like is something like the ui for a shared google calendar).
I have discovered that I can create a linked source in Sharepoint which combines the various calendars and will provide xml output of the data I need. So what I would like now is an example of how to consume some xml and create the standard day/week/month views in a read-only calendar to my users.
What I have discovered is the following:
You can't attach a listviewwebpart - they use caml instead of xslt - they can't consume xml data. They use the object model to consume the list that it belongs to.
No source code for that web part. It's locked in a dll.
The dataformwebpart can consume any xml data source.
Some listviewwebparts can be changed to dataformwebparts but not the calendar.
Is there an example of an xslt calendar which can consume some xml and create the standard day/week/month views to get me going?

This is a common request, and not very easy with the standard web parts. You could try Ton Stegeman's Content by Type web part which I think allows you to roll up list items into a calendar, or alternatively take a look at (commercial) list rollup and calendar+ webparts from Bamboo Solutions.

From Carlos Segura Blog, excelent way to do the Calendar Join.

It is very common now to expect you can add another calendar as a 'layer' along with an existing one. E.g. that is what we do in Google calendar, in outlook, on android. I believe this is how it is intended, and it ends the quest for sync tools, query questions, data webparts.
The same thing can be done in OOTB Sharepoint; see link below where they seem to have found the right answer. It is very easy to load an additional calendar once you vreated a calendar view.


Pulling two different sets of data from the same document library in a single page SharePoint 2013

I have a document library set up with multiple different categories of document, and I'm using a metadata column to differentiate between them.
I want to be able to display two different document library web part on a page for different categories of file side by side. This is simple for one category, I just set up a list view filtered by the metadata column, but when I add a second web part alongside the first, it breaks the first one.
I have no idea why this is happening, but it seems like SharePoint isn't happy with pulling two sets of data from the same document library.
When I am editing the web parts, I can get them to both display the documents I want, but then when I click save, the first web part empties.
Not sure what other information would be useful for diagnosing or helping with the problem, so if I haven't given enough detail let me know. I am familiar with SPD as well as developing through the web interface, so if this needs a more complex solution that's fine with me!
Having spent some more time playing around with this, it struck me that I could probably achieve what I wanted using something other than a Document web part, and I was right.
Instead of using the somewhat inflexible document web part, I created a content query web part which only searched within the document library from my site, and filtered by the metadata column.
This way I can create as many queries as I like and they don't interact with each other in weird ways. It also has the advantage of being significantly easier to customise the output without needing to resort to SharePoint Designer.
Content Queries are the answer!

3 SharePoint HOWTO questions for the community

If I have a list containing NAME and EMAIL of approximately 10 rows, is there a workflow work-around allowing me to send an email to all recipients of the “selected view” of the list? The scenario involves simply browsing the list, opening a link (or clicking a button) that launches a new message in Outlook. If the above is possible, can I customize the (a) message body with a stored template, (b) carbon copy recipients and (c) message subject? Have any workarounds to accomplish this? Trying to do so without any extensions to SP with Visual Studio. Any links, tips, tricks to accomplishing this?
I intentionally created an SP site with external sharing enabled because I wanted any child sites beneath it to be externally accessible. I want to do so, however, without external users accessing the parent. Is this possible?
I’m exploring opportunity #2 above because I’d like teachers to collect documents from a “shared” read-only folder yet be permitted to create a personal (i.e. team) folder that is writable. In doing so, I’d like the modified document in their personal folder to be (a) numerically rated and (b) freely tagged with meta attributes. Thinking here is that team members can search for docs that are associated with the freely created meta data. Question is, is there a way to propagate all the meta data generated so that users can select/enter it in their subsequent searches?
I'll only answer to your 1 (because I don't understand the 2, and the 3 seems too complex to help on a forum like that).
A workflow looks at only one row/item, so you cannot do what you want in that way. At my work I don't have access to the backend programming (C#) so I'm doing everything with JavaScript. In your case you could use JavaScript in this scenario :
The user goes to a page and click on a button
A JavaScript code is triggered and gets all the data from the list
The JavaScript code creates a new item into a special list with the collected data
There is a workflow tied to this special list that sends an email based on the different fields
The last step of the workflow is to delete the item from the special list
In this scenario you can use templates for the body, and do all the things you want.
To use JavaScript with Sharepoint you can look at my framework that is called SharepointPlus or at the popular SPServices.

is there a way to generate input fields in ascx from sharepoint 2010 list

I'm developing a custom aspx form for a SharePoint list in Visual Studio, basically to add a new item to the list (that's a business requirement).
I'm wondering if there's a way to generate input controls from the list in design time just like we used to do from a database in ASP.NET.
If you're doing a straight match from the SP List to web form take a look at the SharePoint Form Generator web part
Just add the web part to the page and identify which list to build a form for.
To answer your question, yes there is a way to generate the fields. What you are looking for is the Sharepoint FormField class in the webccontrols namespace.
Here is an article explaining the entire field controls heirarchy for sharepoint. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa543321.aspx
Generally this is used inside an ASCX control, let me know if you need any more explanation.
I discovered T4, that's exactly what I'm looking for,,, I used it to generate input controls in design time... I faced some problems accessing SharePoint from T4 templates but were resolved using The Client Object model :)

How to create a shared document library in SharePoint that can be used in subsites?

We want to create a common document library on a certain site level and then create views on that document library in the different sub sites?
Is that possible in SharePoint?
Can it be done declaratively?
I would recommend to use the DataFormWebPart (requires SharePoint Designer to insert and customize the DFWP, the result can be exported to a feature)
The following blog entry lists a suitable SPDataSource sample:
SPDataSource and Rollups with the Data View
Good Luck!
Not out of the box. You will either need a third party "roll-up" ("roll-down") web part or you will need to write your own. OTB, views for lists/libraries are only visible at the current site level.
That being said, roll-ups (in one form or another) are probably one of the most common 3rd party seller for sharepoint (just a guess). In fact, I would bet there are several free projects out there that you could use (Check codeplex). You should have no problem finding one that meets your needs.
My suggestion would be to write your own, as this would give you some real good experience using the SharePoint object model and there really are no complicated concepts. Once you get past being able to do site navigation and accessing list data through the OM, you pretty much have all the tools you need.
Good Luck
I have found a cheep and great webpart which does a documents rollup from all subsites with search, paging and sorting functions.
i used it, its simple and powerful

How to tie a dropdown list to a gridview in Sharepoint 2007?

This should be a really really simple thing, but for some reason it is just eluding me.
I want a Sharepoint page which will have a drop down list that is tied to a database lookup table.
When an item is selected and they click a GO button, I want it to update a gridview that is also on the page.
I'm looking for a simple how to - while assuming I'm a sharepoint idiot. BTW, I am using the Microsoft Office Sharepoint Designer.
My need is actually very simple. I want to filter the results of a query using a drop down list. This used to be called a master - detail relationship.
For example, my regular data has school name, application name, and how long the application was running. Because there could be a hundred applications per school and there are 60+ schools, I only want to show one schools information at a time.
So, I want to put a drop down list at the top of the screen which contains the list of schools. When one is selected, the gridview should be updated to reflect the new schools information.
I currently use a drop down tied to one sharepoint list to filter a dataview of another sharepoint List.
The instructions are here:
I'm not exactly sure of the specific needs here, but it seems that you are trying to stretch a bit beyond what Sharepoint Designer is well suited to. To look up data, you do have access via the dataview web part, which is here:
However your filtering needs may prevent you from using this. If you want to do it .net without knowing too much about MOSS, you can use the "son of smartpart" (google it) which allows you to host standard .net user controls in webparts.
Hope this helps!
