what are the Data Flow Diagrams DFD? [closed] - dataflow-diagram

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What are DF Diagrams , and how they help project managers in their job?

As you can see, is a data flow diagram a diagram that shows the dataflow in an application.
At the highest level you have the context diagram that can be represented as:
input --> | Application | --> output
You can zoom into the function to show detailed dataflow:
+-------+ +--------+ +----------+
code --> | lexer | --> | parser | --> | treetool | --> grapical representation
+-------+ +--------+ +----------+
| ^ ^
| | |
| V |
| ================ |
+--> | symbol table | -----------+
As you see, there are functions and data stores. Functions can change the data and datastores are used to store and retrieve the data.

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is graphical representation of flow of data/info. It is used to show how data is moved between different processes.
There are 4 basic notation elements:
Circle: Operation
Box: Sink of information, (input/output)
Parrallel Bar: Data store / File / Database
Arc: Flow of info/data
DFS's are in problem domain rather than in solution domain. They are basicly top level model of how something operates based on flow of information. Also there is no support for concurrency representation in DFD.
Following is an example:

The "What" is explained above.
DFD's don't help project managers.
DFD's are mainly useful for developers to get a good overview of how data flows between components in a (sub)system.


How to use same set of examples in multiple scenario outlines in cucumber features

I tried finding this solution but no luck. Its very simple requirement and I think cucumber has solution which I am not aware of.
I want to use same set of examples of scenario outlines to the multiple features. Every time I don't want to copy paste same set of example, it will lead to non-maintainability of feature files.
I tried with cucumber java with below example
Given The Economy is up for actions
When I make GET request to get **device** list with limit as <limit>
Then I should get success status as true
And I should get the **device** list with <limit> members
| limit |
| 1 |
| 10 |
| 25 |
Given The Economy is up for actions
When I make GET request to get **user** list with limit as <limit>
Then I should get success status as true
And I should get the **user** list with <limit> members
| limit |
| 1 |
| 10 |
| 25 |
Here you can see only When step is making difference, where in both steps limit examples are same. This is just an example, I have lot many cases like this in which I need to use different set of examples.
One thing which I love about testNG is data providers which will solve this problem easily. But looking forward to get similar in cucumber.
Cucumber does not provide such flexibility where we write examples/data tables only once in a feature file and access these in all other feature files.
Other side, if you do not use scenario outline in that case depending on data variation under examples lets say 3, you would have to write 3 different scenario.
If you are looking features similar to TestNG while using BDD/Gherkin, you should try pure TestNG implementation of BDD including gherkin. It is pure TestNG implementation for BDD provides all TestNG features including priority, dependency, listeners, parallel execution. It is designed for web, mobile and web-service functional test automation, providing design concepts and lots of inbuilt features required to support different use cases.
To share 'examples' data, you could store them in external static file (json/txt/what ever) and load them in particular steps implementation. I am not aware of out of the box solution in cucumber to share example between feature files.

Reuse dataTable within scenario and feature

Here is my feature file (for example)
Feature: The flower story
I bought some flowers to make a bouquet to gift it to my friend
Scenario: Make a bouquet
Given I have the following flowers
| Lotus |
| Jasmine |
| Rose |
When I make a bouquet with the flowers
Then the bouquet should have the below flowers
| Lotus |
| Jasmine |
| Rose |
Scenario: Gift bouquet to my friend
Given I have a bouquet with the following flowers
| Lotus |
| Jasmine |
| Rose |
When I gift it to my friend
And he unwraps the flowers from the bouquet
Then My friend should have the below flowers
| Lotus |
| Jasmine |
| Rose |
Problem: The flowers (dataTable) are repeating
Question: How can I reuse the data table (may with a place holder) to represent the flowers wherever I need? (assume I don't need Scenario Outline)
First, please focus more on this statement "Cucumber is not a tool, it's a thought process".Now lets see what is Scenario Outline first.
Scenario Outline : In short, multiple scenarios need to be executed having same pattern of steps with different input values.
Hope, That’s much clearer. Now let's move to Data Table
Data Table : DT concept comes into picture for accessing test data with in step definitions methods from a specific/individual step of Scenario/Scenario Outline. Data Table is defined under a step not to some place where Data table becomes accessible for few/all steps.
Would give you advise, for your scenario, Scenario Outline shall be the correct concept not Data Table. As per my understanding & knowledge, it's not possible defining Data Table under a placeholder and use for multiple steps as you mentioned.
More about Data Table : Sometimes steps in a scenario need to describe data that doesn’t easily fit on a single line of Given, When, or Then. Cucumber data table is one of the most commonly used methods for passing test data from feature files in tabular format. And you can then use this data in step definition methods in the form of Lists and Maps.
You can use Background:
Feature: The flower story
I bought some flowers to make a bouquet to gift it to my friend
Given I have the following flowers
| Lotus |
| Jasmine |
| Rose |
Scenario: Make a bouquet
When I make a bouquet with the flowers
Then the bouquet should have the below flowers
| Lotus |
| Jasmine |
| Rose |
Scenario: Gift bouquet to my friend
When I gift it to my friend
And he unwraps the flowers from the bouquet
Then My friend should have the below flowers
| Lotus |
| Jasmine |
| Rose |

Cucumber: How to pass an entire example table as value to another example table in each iteration

I am trying to find out if there is a work around for my validation here. Have replaced actual steps with something similar.
Is it possible to define example tables ,, and pass the entire table as data to each iteration ?
I have huge list of sub elements to be verified and so I do not want to define sub element data in each iteration separated by a delimiter .
Here is the sample scenario
ScenarioOutLine: Validate POST call for XXX to have valid sub elements under each element
Given Request headers are set
When Request is posted
Then the response body content has element <ele_name> with sub elements <Sub_ele>
I would hide all the mandatory verifications in the steps, in a method I always call after each scenario, and not pollute my feature files with it. The mandatory elements should always be there. They are not important when you discuss what the system actually does that the end users really care about.
BDD and Cucumber is all about communication and nothing about testing.
I always work hard on hiding the technical details I my scenarios as they need to be understood by the business representatives. Technical details belong among the steps or helper code that the steps delegate to. Your mandatory elements are a technical detail from my perspective.
You can use a DataTable after the desired Given, When, or Then step.
see reference: https://cucumber.io/docs/reference#data-tables
Depending on the language you are using you should be able to find the examples online. Here is an example of specflow:
Having Tables in Example Table in SpecFlow
If you have huge data tables (hundreds of rows) then you can think about saving the data in different file (property file, json file, or even excel file)
For smaller tables, they can be mentioned in .feature files. To make it easier to read, you can use table formatter plugins for intellij or eclipse.
Why not just use a single example table as an input to the validation step? Since nothing from the examples table is altering the given or when statements, there is no value to running this scenario multiple times.
Even if you were running it multiple times, I see no value to what you are trying to do, and it just makes it harder for humans to make any sense of the examples. Given the entire point of BDD is to have a conversation with stakeholders around the feature file and the scenarios there, anything which makes it harder for humans to understand the examples is generally a bad smell where BDD and Cucumber are concerned. Thus there is negative value in terms of trying to DRY out tables
Then the resulting page should have <Sub_element> found under <Element>:
| <Element> | <Sub_element> |
| Dept | IT |
| Dept | Marketing |
| Subject | Anatomy |
| Subject | Physciology |
| Subject | Management,Economics |
| Course | CompSci 210 |
| Course | Math 101 |

BDD: Explicit Examples - Appropriate Pronouns?

When writing scenarios, does anyone have a strong argument for choosing one of the following styles over another?
Feature: Search Product
As a customer
I want to search for a product
So that I can easily locate what I want to purchase
Scenario: Multiple Products Found (First Person Style)
Given the following products exist:
|Product |
|Normal Orange|
|Large Orange |
When I search for "orange" <---
Then the system should display the following products:
|Product |
|Normal Orange|
|Large Orange |
Scenario: Multiple Products Found (Generic Third Person Style)
Given the following products exist:
|Product |
|Normal Orange|
|Large Orange |
When the customer searches for "orange" <---
Then the system should display the following products:
|Product |
|Normal Orange|
|Large Orange |
Scenario: Multiple Products Found (Specific Person Style)
Given the following products exist:
|Product |
|Normal Orange|
|Large Orange |
When "John" searches for "orange" <---
Then the system should display the following products:
|Product |
|Normal Orange|
|Large Orange |
They all seem to work just fine - I wonder if I'm missing an obvious pitfall, as so many examples seem to use specific values for the actors (not just specific values for inputs / outcomes).
My only argument against using:
When the customer searches for "orange"
is that separate, equivalent steps would have to be defined if other actors could also use the same function.
Personally, I think "I" reads quite well (though I feel like I know otherwise). Thoughts?
It's fine either way, but there is a subtle difference.
I sometimes like to phrase things in the first person if the benefit of the outcome is for the user, and the third person if it's for someone other than the user.
For instance, you might have a story:
In order to prevent bots from spamming the site
As a moderator
I want users to prove that they are human.
And the associated scenario could either read:
Given a user is not registered
When they try to register
Then they should be presented with a CAPTCHA
When they fill in the CAPTCHA
Then they should be successfully registered
Given I am not registered
When I try to register
Then I should be presented... what, wait, no, I shouldn't!
In this instance, it's obvious that there's a cognitive disconnect with the idea that "I should be presented with a CAPTCHA", since they're annoying and nobody wants them. Putting this scenario in the third person makes it apparent that the benefit may not be for that person.
I occasionally make up names for the users - Ursula Usual for a normal user and Andy Admin for an admin, for instance. Using the third person this way can also be useful for calling out different personas and roles.
There are other scenarios in which the role is the same, but two different people play it.
Given Doctor Donald has filled out Priscilla Patient's prescriptions
When Doctor Diana looks for her file // <-- different doctor!
Then she should be able to find those prescriptions.
In the case in which other actors can use the same function, the context of their roles or permissions will be changing the behavior, and that context should be included in the scenario anyway, even if it's just implicit in their names.
I think as long as the story is clear to developers and non-developers like, I think I is fine to use. At the top you've already clarified that I am a customer. I don't think we care about which particular customer is doing the search.
I think it basically depends on the scenario.
If the scenario is one that will only ever involve customers, then "customer" is probably the most appropriate.
If a scenario may involve classes of users other than customers then the use of "John" (or "Jane", if you prefer) is more generic, and reduces the focus on just one class of user.
In general, systems are being built for somebody else to use, so while I agree that the first person ("I") style reads well, there are probably good psychological reasons for not using it.
Of course, I could be completely confused - I'm fairly new to BDD.

Where to abstract Cucumber step data properly?

I need to write a class for enforcing rules about items which may or may not be added to the same container in a warehouse, and I'd like to translate the requirements in to Cucumber before implementing it.
Each item has several attributes, such as "Item Family" (eg: electronics, book), "Item Status" (eg: main stock, faulty stock), and "Batch" (eg: 1050, 1051).
I can think of several strategies for writing a Cucumber test for this, and I'd like to know which is the recommended one:
Firstly, you could enumerate all of the attributes per product:
Given I have a tote containing:
| sku | client | family | status | batch | weight |
| 100000 | Foo | garment | main | 1234 | 10 |
When I add the item:
| sku | client | family | status | batch | weight |
| 200000 | Bar | garment | main | 1234 | 10 |
Then I should be told there is a Client conflict
Secondly, you could have a basic product hard-coded, and try specifying the minimum differing attributes from it:
Given I have a tote containing an item that's client "Foo"
When I add an item that's client "Bar"
Then I should be told there is a Client conflict
This assumes the step definitions hold the basic attributes, and override them when attributes are mentioned in the steps.
Finally, you could go a further step of abstraction:
Given I have a tote containing an item
And I add an item with a different client
Then I should be told there's a client conflict
Any guidance on the correct approach here?
The answer from The Cucumber Book would be whichever is most readable to the non-technical members of your team. Sit down with the QA lead and project manager, and ask them the same question. I had a similar problem, and started with something like your first suggestion. Then I decided it was too detailed and jumped to #3. Then I sat down with the project manager and found out that when I was creating the data I did not need any detail, but when we changed the data (in our case updating line item values on an invoice), we wanted to see what those values were in the steps.
Chapter 6 from The Cucumber Book "When Cucumbers Go Bad" was really helpful in directing to the right level of detail. I really think you should give it a read, especially the part about coming up with an Ubiquitous Language. I think that will help you decide on the right level of detail for your organization.
If you are tempted to use the first test, my question to you would be, "How often are you going to change those values?" If the answer is "not very" or "never", then you should consider whether they are adding to or detracting from the readability of the test.
P.S. I'm still reading The Cucumber Book, but so far it has been extremely helpful, for example pointing me towards FactoryGirl as socjopata suggested.
First option mentioned is the one that's most flexible and reusable. With the first approach you can cover basically any case you may need, but there are some cons, that you'll read about below.
The 2nd and 3rd options are easier to read, which is also an important factor while writing tests. Furthermore, the seem to focus on what is actually tested, i.e the key difference which "Foo" and "Bar" seem to make in that scenario/feature. And that's also preferred while writing tests.
Generally, imho writing Cucumber tests is like placing yourself between a rock and a hard place. I noticed that developers tend to reuse and over reuse cucumber steps creating hard to understand and maintain scenarios.
The second approach requires more work in defining steps, butscenarios are cleaner and easier to read... BUT it requires more time to write a scenario as well as it produces a large steps definition base, which can be hard to maintain.
If you really want Cucumber for bdd then I would most prolly lean to 2nd option. Just make sure you'll use FactoryGirl or something similar under the hood, to create generic object and overwrite only what you need at a time.
I hope that you find this useful.
