Freeing up a TCP/IP port? [closed] - linux

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Closed 12 months ago.
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netstat -tulnap
shows me what ports are in use. How to free up a port in Linux?

As the others have said, you'll have to kill all processes that are listening on that port. The easiest way to do that would be to use the fuser(1) command. For example, to see all of the processes listening for HTTP requests on port 80 (run as root or use sudo):
# fuser 80/tcp
If you want to kill them, then just add the -k option.

To kill a specific port in Linux use the below command
sudo fuser -k Port_Number/tcp
replace Port_Number with your occupied port.

In terminal type :
netstat -anp|grep "port_number"
It will show the port details. Go to last column.
It will be in this format . For example :- PID/java
then execute :
kill -9 PID
For MAC:
lsof -n -i :'port-number' | grep LISTEN
Sample Response :
java 4744 (PID) test 364u IP0 asdasdasda 0t0 TCP *:port-number (LISTEN)
and then execute :
kill -9 PID
Worked on Macbook

To check all ports:
netstat -lnp
To close an open port:
fuser -k port_no/tcp
fuser -k 8080/tcp
In both cases you can use the sudo command if needed.

You can use tcpkill (part of the dsniff package) to kill the connection that's on the port you need:
sudo tcpkill -9 port PORT_NUMBER

The "netstat --programs" command will give you the process information, assuming you're the root user. Then you will have to kill the "offending" process which may well start up again just to annoy you.
Depending on what you're actually trying to achieve, solutions to that problem will vary based on the processes holding those ports. For example, you may need to disable services (assuming they're unneeded) or configure them to use a different port (if you do need them but you need that port more).

Kill the process that is listening to the port in question. I believe netstat shows you process ids.

If you really want to kill a process immediately, you send it a KILL signal instead of a TERM signal (the latter a request to stop, the first will take effect immediately without any cleanup). It is easy to do:
kill -KILL <pid>
Be aware however that depending on the program you are stopping, its state may get badly corrupted when doing so. You normally only want to send a KILL signal when normal termination does not work. I'm wondering what the underlying problem is that you try to solve and whether killing is the right solution.

I think the only way will be to stop the process which has opened the port.

sudo killall -9 "process name"

Shutting down the computer always kills the process for me.


Closing an open ssh port in Linux with one line [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I often ssh tunnel into Rstudio on a server I have set up. I'm trying to devise a single command that I can use to close the ssh port. I know that I can find the PID for localhost:1234 with:
sudo lsof -i :1234
And I also know that I can kill the process with:
sudo kill $(sudo lsof -t -i:1234)
The issue is that if I have Chrome open to run Rstudio server, the 2nd command will kill the open Chrome browswer as well. Is there a way to modify the 2nd command so that I close the open ssh port, but not the Chrome browser? There are two PID numbers, so I could theoretically grep for 'ssh' but I'm not sure how.
For example, I get the following output from the first command. I want to modify the 2nd command so that I can kill PID 15834, but not 30117. Apologies, I hope that makes more sense.
try this
sudo kill $(sudo lsof -t -i:1234 -c ssh)
-c => selects the listing of files for processes executing the command that begins with the characters of c.
Just firewall the port:
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 1234 -j DROP

How to kill nodemon process on mac? [closed]

Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 2 years ago.
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I am having trouble with exiting past nodemon instance.
node    98355 user   14u  IPv6 0x51b8b9857a4e56a3      0t0  TCP *:redwood-broker (LISTEN)
It has taken my 3000 port so I am trying to exit it. I searched it by using lsof -wni tcp:3000
I could see that PID is 98335, so tried kill 98335, kill -9 98335, sudo kill 98335, sudo kill -9 98335 and so on but no luck, it's just saying
kill: kill 98335 failed: no such process
But if I save something, nodemon watching job is printing out to console, which means that process is still alive.
Please help me.
To work around the issue, find the proces running on the port number and kill it:
kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:3000)
Install 1.17.5 npm install nodemon#1.17.5 --save-dev --save-exact.
you can use
ps -ef | grep node
to find the process id
and then
sudo kill -9 <PID>
PID is the process ID. Try the following command in terminal to list and search for process using a regex:-
ps gx | grep 'Symantec'
The above example is to list all the 'Symantec' related processes. Replace 'Symantec' with your own phrase. Next use variations of 'kill' command. You can either use:-
kill pid
Replace 'pid' with actual process id. Or use,
as suggested before. To reiterate another useful suggestion, use
man kill
to see the manual for 'kill' command and also scroll down and see related commands which is mentioned under.
to kill all running node processes with -9 option
sudo pkill -f node -9
sudo kill -9 PID
This will forcefully kill your process
you kill wrong PID its 98355 not 98335

auditing opened/closed ports on Linux

Is there an auditing tool to check which and when ports are opened and closed on Linux?
My goal is to run my application and check its ports usage.
lsof or netstat don't fit because they just tell me which ports are currently opened, and looping on such command won't give me accurate results...
strace -f -e trace=bind mvn install
strace will displays the bind sytem call each time my application an the children processes open a port.

how does fuser report on sockets as non-root user?

I'm trying to use fuser to find the pids of processes I own which have certain TCP ports open.
In the fuser man page it says:
... The most common time this problem occurs is when looking for TCP or UDP sockets when running fuser as a non-root user. In this case fuser will report no access. ...
However, on my Ubuntu box, fuser does report sockets open for processes that I own, e.g.:
perl -MIO::Socket 'IO::Socket::INET->new(Listen => 10, LocalPort => 3000)' &
fuser -n tcp 3000
Question: how are things set up to allow this to happen? Is it a kernel config option?
Note: the question is: how are some linux distros configured so that fuser will report processes owning sockets when fuser is run as a normal user? One one Ubuntu distro "fuser -n tcp 3000" will report a process if I own the process, yet on another linux distro (I think Centos) it won't report the process even if I own it.
fuser goes through the /proc file system (proc(5)) working through the /proc/[pid]/fd/ directory and checking the file descriptors. Processes owned by you have corresponding /proc entries again owned by you. This allows you to check your processes, but not others.
One very useful tool to see what given program is doing is strace(1). For example, you can see what system calls, and with what arguments, are done by the fuser:
~$ strace fuser -n tcp 3000

Force unmount of NFS-mounted directory [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
I have an NFS-mounted directory on a Linux machine that has hung. I've tried to force an unmount, but it doesn't seem to work:
$ umount -f /mnt/data
$ umount2: Device or resource busy
$ umount: /mnt/data: device is busy
If I type "mount", it appears that the directory is no longer mounted, but it hangs if I do "ls /mnt/data", and if I try to remove the mountpoint, I get:
$ rmdir /mnt/data
rmdir: /mnt/data: Device or resource busy
Is there anything I can do other than reboot the machine?
You might try a lazy unmount:
umount -l
If the NFS server disappeared and you can't get it back online, one trick that I use is to add an alias to the interface with the IP of the NFS server (in this example,
The command for that is something roughly like:
ifconfig eth0:fakenfs netmask
Where is the IP of the NFS server that went away. You should then be able to ping the address, and you should also be able to unmount the filesystem (use unmount -f). You should then destroy the aliased interface so you no longer route traffic to the old NFS server to yourself with:
ifconfig eth0:fakenfs down
FreeBSD and similar operating systems
The command would be something like:
ifconfig em0 alias netmask
And then to remove it:
ifconfig em0 delete
man ifconfig(8) for more!
Try running
lsof | grep /mnt/data
That should list any process that is accessing /mnt/data that would prevent it from being unmounted.
I had the same problem, and
neither umount /path -f,
neither umount.nfs /path -f,
neither fuser -km /path,
finally I found a simple solution >.<
sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart, then lets do the simple umount ;-)
Your NFS server disappeared.
Ideally your best bet is if the NFS server comes back.
If not, the "umount -f" should have done the trick.
It doesn't ALWAYS work, but it often will.
If you happen to know what processes are USING the NFS filesystem,
you could try killing those processes and then maybe an unmount would work.
Finally, I'd guess you need to reboot.
Also, DON'T soft-mount your NFS drives. You use hard-mounts to guarantee
that they worked. That's necessary if you're doing writes.
Couldn't find a working answer here; but on linux you can run "umount.nfs4 /volume -f" and it definitely unmounts it.
