Is G4jsf still being developed/supported? - jsf

I've been evaluating different Java Web Application UI Frameworks. I have about 8 months of intensive JSF experience that I'd like to continue using. JSF also provides me the spider-readable markup as well as the ability to create very simple forms without touching much Java code.
I also will have need for thick-client side interfaces that will perform well with few server round trips. GWT seemed like an ideal choice for this.
So, when I found G4jsf, I thought I had found the best of both worlds. However, I can't seem to find any active development on it. I hope it hasn't died, but it seems like that is the case.
Is there active development on this? Or am I two years too late?

Well, based on the conversation in the reference below, it seems that G4jsf is no longer being supported. If the poster is in fact Sergey Smirnov, I would imagine he'd be a pretty reliable source on the matter. :)


Is there ever a good reason to use PHP inside ExpressionEngine templates?

I've heard mixed things about this. I know it's easy when you're stuck to simply enable PHP in the template and hack your way around a problem. However, it almost always introduces potential security issues, and makes a mess of your template to boot.
In most cases where PHP is used, it would be cleaner to write a simple plugin in PHP to achieve what you need.
My question is this: Is it ever acceptable to use PHP inside ExpressionEngine templates? Or is this considered bad practice? If you were a developer who inherited a site I coded, would you cringe if you saw PHP inside templates?
This could just as easily be a question on the merits of eval() and whether it should ever be used. Most of the answers to questions along those lines are equally applicable here.
My view is that enabling PHP in templates is always a Bad Idea. At best, it's not a terrible idea, but there's always a better option. A custom addon will invariably be a better approach, even with seemingly harmless code snippets. I think it's also most likely to be used by those least qualified to use it. Personally, when I started building sites with EE my PHP skills ranged somewhere between 'totally inept' and 'knows enough to be dangerous'. At that time, if I came across a limitation in EE's code I'd often implement a solution via some inline PHP, partly because the idea of developing a custom addon seemed too daunting and partly because clicking a little 'enable PHP' radio button was so simple. Years later, whenever I need to update one of these sites, I definitely do cringe. Here are some of the side effects of PHP in templates:
Potentially introducing serious security vulnerabilities.
Increasing load times, potentially by a lot.
Debugging code becomes harder (good luck figuring out which file/line number has that error).
With tools like you can have the groundwork for an addon in place in 30 seconds. It requires a tiny amount of extra effort, but the gains are well worth it.
Let's imagine I'm answering this question as part of the 80% of people building websites with ExpressionEngine who may consider themselves as designers and or people who have little to no PHP experience:
Is it ever acceptable to use PHP inside ExpressionEngine templates?
No it's not acceptable, please don't do it!
Or is this considered bad practice?
Yup, pretty much.
If you were a developer who inherited a site I coded, would you cringe
if you saw PHP inside templates?
Definitely would cringe and maybe even curse a little.
Okay, now let's imagine I'm answering as part of the 20% who would consider themselves as an EE developer and or who have most experience programming over say designer all day:
Is it ever acceptable to use PHP inside ExpressionEngine templates?
Once in a while it's acceptable. For example you might find a need to turn on PHP for this Stash setup. It really depends on the complexity of what you are trying to achieve. Most things should go into an add-on whenever possible and being "lazy" doesn't count as a time when PHP is acceptable in templates.
Or is this considered bad practice?
ExpressionEngine and Codeigniter for that matter provide a great base to build add-ons and best practices include proper separation when ever possible. This includes separation from PHP and Templates; more often than not.
If it can go into an add-on it should as mentioned before. With that said, there isn't really anything limiting you from using PHP in templates except knowing that this may have security implications, cause future headaches for clients and other devs/designers etc.
If you were a developer who inherited a site I coded, would you cringe
if you saw PHP inside templates?
Definitely wouldn't cringed (unless your PHP was a disaster right from the start) though, would probably question why such simple and even complex code wasn't where it belonged; in an add-on.
Note: I pulled the percents out of thin air though, they quite possibly could be close to reality.
Also note: I realize the use of designer/developer in my answer could be seen as stereotyping though, wasn't quite sure how to avoid it. Hope no one takes offense.
I would consider using something like the phpstringfun add-on. This splits the different, but you're still working in EE tags.
I wouldn't sweat using small amounts of well-documented PHP in templates, but keep it as simple and abstracted as you can.

Java Server Faces 2.0 or Tapestry 5.2? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
Are there any up to date articles comparing JSF 2 and Tap 5? Everything I seem to find is comparing JSF 1.2 and Tap4.
Does anyone have any experience with T5 or JSF2 and time to evangelize one or the other?
I'm looking for a framework for rapid development in Java, on top of Hibernate and mySql.
Other framework sales pitches accepted, but JSF2 and T5 are currently our top picks.
I've worked mostly with Tapestry 5 over the last few years; I won't evangelize though. Choosing a good web framework is certainly a good idea, but usually not your prime problem.
A list of good and bad things from the top of my head:
Tapestry 5 has a rather steep initial learning curve. There's magic and metaprogramming happening everywhere. You could argue it's overdoing convention over configuration.
Simple stuff is very simple to do, harder stuff requires you to understand in detail how Tapestry 5 works and can be hard if you don't (yet).
I love the live class reloading. You change something in a T5 component or template and you see it right away. Really useful when your app does a lot of stuff and takes 30s+ to start in Jetty.
Tapestry does not support dynamic page structures. This is usually not a problem, but if you're developing some kind of portal solution where people can individually arrange components, don't use Tapestry. Tapestry is for static structures, which it handles really well.
Tapestry has beautiful URLs. package/page/${param1}/${param2} ...
Tapestry uses the proper HTTP verbs to do stuff. A link is a GET, a form submission is a POST, the post-redirect-get pattern is the norm.
Tapestry's community is not very large. Apart from Howard Lewis Ship, there are a few other committers, but nothing like the support Wicket has. Thus, Tapestry evolves rather slowly.
Tapestry's approach to templating (instrumenting HTML with types and IDs) is one of the better ones I've seen, but it doesn't go as far as Wicket in keeping code out of the HTML. On the other hand, the class files are less verbose. Still, I think the Wicket way is preferable.
Tapestry is somewhat under-documented.
I like Tapestry very much, I think you can be very productive with it, and I would always happily participate in projects where it is used.
I would, however, advise to also check out Wicket. It seems to have gained more traction than Tapestry and solves some problems less magically, but with a common sense approach.
(I've only briefly used JSF 1, which I found was completely off in just about everything it did: wrapping every request in a POST (thus breaking basic web functionality), using JSPs, but requiring to use special tags for everything, even plain HTML... I read a lot has improved in the JSF camp, but I can't tell, I've never looked at it again.)
Taking up your offer and pitching another Framework :
If you want really rapid development then you should look at the Play Framework.
I've used JSF/Richfaces/Seam/Hibernate etc and I'd say that using Play more than doubles your productivity. There are no deploy cycles. So no developer downtime. It's got JPA/Hibernate baked in and lots of plugins that extend it's functionality in other directions.
I also like the fact that it makes your pages so lightweight. My biggest issue with JSF was always the weight of the pages (unecessary IDs, lots of tables, client state etc)
Take some time and view the webcast.
Check out my presentation JSF 2.0 vs. Tapestry 5: A head-to-head comparison at Jazoon 2010. This might help you to make your decision.
As Tapestry committer I would advise you to choose Tapestry, but I think the best way to make the decison is to give both a try. Need more demo applications?
Most important Tapestry 5 feature for me is the flexibility of the framework. You can override almost every piece of code inside Tapestry's core, thanks to Tapestry IoC.
Don't look to me for an unbiased opinion ... Tapestry has been my life for several years now, and I continue to love it.
That being said, the learning curve is getting less steep, the documentation is improving rapidly, and Igor's book is just around the corner.
Some of the things that confuse people are simply lack of documentation; for example, the naming conventions are optional, there's always more explicit configuration (in the form of method annotations) that some people are more comfortable with.
To address a couple of Henning points:
Tapestry component templates are, by design, static (and this is very important to Tapestry's scalability and clusterablity story). However, an add-on that's part of my TapX library supports dynamic external templates that fill the gap.
Also, if you want to keep your templates maximally spare, you can do that too, such as:
<form t:id="myForm">
... in the template, with the remainder in the Java class:
#Component(parameters={"zone=target", "clientValidation=blur",
"context=client", "secure=true")
private Form myForm;
.... in other words, all the Tapestry specific content out of the template and into the code. Not ideal for trivial components (more switching back and forth between template and Java source) but great for keeping the worlds nice and separate.
I've been pretty pleased with Tapestry. It is a different approach than what most people are use to. It uses a lot of the same paradigm as WebObjects (what the iTunes store is built on).
Tapestry does a very good job of minimizing the amount of code you have to write to accomplish a task. This is great once you know what you are doing, but it can be frustrating at first while you are learning the naming conventions because some stuff seems to magically work and other things won't because you named wrong.
One of my favorite things about Tapestry is how little XML is required. For example, if you create a Hibernate entity, you place it in the com.example.entities package and give it the #Entity annotation. There is no other configuration necessary--no XML, no adding the the class name to a file somewhere, etc.
I'd highly recommend taking a look at actual code to see what you think. Here are a couple suggestions:
Also take a look at the jumpstart site. It contains a number of examples along with the code showing you exactly how to use most of the various components. It also contains a starting point app that gives you some user management features if you want to base an application on it.
Also check out the revamped Tapestry documentation. It isn't posted on the main site yet, but it is already a very big step forward:
Use JSF 2, particularly if you make use of Java EE 6 features. If you want to have fancy UI, try Primefaces.
As per your requirement, the important part to consider is that you're using MySQL, and that's it. Therefore, take if from different angle. You're using JPA2 (and your persistence provider happens to be Hibernate in this case). With this approach, down the track you can quickly very easily 'swap' your persistence provider or database you're using.
Looks like Java EE 6 solves it.
Here's a pretty good comparison of Tapestry 5 and JSF 2
Note this was put together by Igor Drobiazko, a Tapestry 5 comitter
I love this question about Tapestry. Maybe it will influence your decision.

Guidance on broadening horizons

Let me setup my question with some info. I'm not in college yet and strictly a hobby programmer. Probably a little more than 2 years ago I got started programming on mac. I started with very simplistic GUI examples with Cocoa and XCode. Long story short, I learned from the top down, first learning objective-c, then venturing into more "low-level" projects where I became better at basic C and even used a few C++ libraries in my existing projects.
What I'm saying is that I've never really done anything outside of an XCode project and occasional iPhone project. I've implemented lots of stuff, algorithms, math, etc. but all within that environment. I look at the world of programming and there is so much out there that's not necessarily a standalone application. It seems to me that the hardest thing is finding out where to start; how to setup the environment. I guess I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions, projects, tutorials, maybe on setting up environments for different languages on different systems. Web programming, java applets? etc.
On the note of environments, I would be interested in knowing on a more basic level what makes a "development environment." To my basic knowledge, an "environment" combines the language, with the compiler that interprets that language, and contains libraries that provide an API for the language, where the compiled product runs on a certain system. This is my basic concept, but again, I'm here.
Sorry if this question... well... combines too many questions, but any input or guidance is welcome. Thanks in advance for any replies!
Not sure if I understood your question correctly or if this will help you, but here are my (relative newbie) thoughts and rambling:
I've done Java at uni in two different courses, one where we wrote the code in Notepad and then compiled it in command line, in some dubious DOS application, and then two years later when we worked in NetBeans and while NetBeans was a lot better and easier, I learned a lot and was a lot more careful when writing code after the Notepad experience (especially after waiting for several minutes for a compile only to see a message caused by a silly bug).
If you can choose between IDEs, I would read on different blogs, see what people prefer and why and make a choice. The problem is that most of the time, both at uni and at work, you can't choose and have to go with the teachers/managers choose, and make the best of it.
It seems to me that the hardest thing is finding out where to start; how to setup the environment.
I think it would be easiest if you found something that you want to do, and then take small steps and get bits done. I work as a desktop app developer and 3 years ago I set up a wordpress blog for a friend and imported posts and comments from a different blogging platform, with minimal knowledge about everything involved. I started with things that were already done by others and learned how to use them and then slowly tried to fill in the gaps - the comments part wasn't done then, so I had to learn about databases, how I could see them and then write the code that inserted in them, etc.
What I'm trying to say is that if you find something to do (and if you don't have ideas for projects, you can find several posts with ideas here, on SO) and then set goals towards doing that, even if you don't finish it, or your studying takes you in areas you hadn't expected, it will all be useful at some point.
I guess I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions, projects, tutorials, maybe on setting up environments for different languages on different systems. Web programming, java applets? etc.
This is way too broad a question. If you're doing web programming, you need to set up a web programming environment. At a minimum, you would need an HTTP server. You'd probably also need a relational database. The rest of the web environment would be language dependent.
If you're doing GUI programmng, you would need access to the device or devices (iPhone, Android, etc.) that you want to write programs for.
To my basic knowledge, an "environment" combines the language, with the compiler that interprets that language, and contains libraries that provide an API for the language, where the compiled product runs on a certain system.
That gets you started, yes. You'd want an integrated development environment to write the code. Again, you'd probably need a relational or object oriented database. The rest of the development environment is language dependent.

Refactoring: Cross Cutting Concerns workaround

Is there a workaround for implementing cross cutting concerns without going into aspects and point cuts et al.?
We're in Spring MVC, and working on a business app where it's not feasible to go into AspectJ or Spring's aspect handling due to various reasons.
And some of our controllers have become heavily bloated (too heavily), with tons of out-of-focus code creeping in everywhere.
Everytime I sit down to refactor, I see the same things being done over and over again. Allow me to explain:
Everytime I have to prepare a view, I add a list of countries to it for the UI. (Object added to the ModelAndView). That list is pulled out of a DB into ehCache.
Now, initially it was terrible when I was trying to add the lists INLINE to the mav's everywhere. Instead, I prepared a function which would process every ModelAndView. How? well, with more garbage calls to the function!
And I bought out one trouble for another.
What's a design pattern/trick which can help me out a bit? I'm sick of calling functions to add things to my ModelAndView, and with over 3500 lines of only controller code, I'm going mad finding all the glue points where things have gone missing!
Suggestion are welcome. Cross cutting concerns flavor without AspectJ or Spring native.
Since you are using Java, you may consider moving your code to Scala, since it interacts well with Java, then you can use traits to get the functionality you want.
Unfortunately cross-cutting is a problem with OOP, so changing to functional programming may be a solution, but, I expect that in actuality they are using AOP to implement these mixins, so it would still be AOP, just abstracted out.
The other option is to look at redesigning your application, and make certain that you don't have duplicate code, but a major refactoring is very difficult and fraught with risk.
But, for example, you may end up with your ModelAndView calling several static utility classes to get the data it needs, or do ensure that the user has the correct role, for example.
You may want to look at a book, Refactoring to Patterns ( for some ideas.

If you had one wish for SubSonic what would it be?

I know this question seems subjective but it's really pretty simple. As a long term user, and part time contributor to SubSonic I'm interested in what the community thinks would be the single best way to improve it.
So what's your opinion, how would you make SubSonic even better? What one thing would make you more likely to use/recommend/evangelise/stop complaining about it?
As I said I know this is a bit subjective and may get closed but as SO is the main support forum for SubSonic I think this could be a useful way to solicit opinion and/or contributions.
To keep this from turning into a general discussion here's the rules:
No omnibus wishes
No duplicate wishes
Up-vote those you agree with rather than re-posting them
Ability to run in MediumTrust out of the box
In all honesty the biggest thing thats lacking is solid documentation and HowTo's
Its got better but I think it needs a lot more.
Ability to automatically map collections of other objects, like Fluent NHibernate does.
When SubSonic throws an exception that isn't clear, I'd like to be able to use Google or some other mechanism to discover more information about how to keep my development effort moving forward. Right now it's too easy to get into a situation where you have to go spelunking into the SubSonic source code since SubSonic doesn't seem to be very proactive when the user goes off the "happy path".
This critique is hardly specific to SubSonic. Many (most?) software products suffer from this same problem. I have not really had this problem with NHibernate though, which is SubSonic's most clear competitor.
Faster and higher quality releases
Binary types for SimpleRepository (Images)
Left Outer Joins
Support more database-independent code generation...
What I mean by this is that it is truly a real pain if your application wants to talk to different databases (e.g. SQL Server and Oracle) and you want to only have one set of generated DAL objects. I would love it if you had the option of specifying that any SQL code that gets sent to the DB would be as compatible with most engines as possible, since right now if you generated your objects targeting SQL Server then all queries will be of the form:
SELECT [schema].[table_name] FROM ....
Sadly, this does not work in Oracle, so basically you're out of luck there.
Perhaps this isn't a huge concern for most of you, but I'm currently writing a commercial app that touts one of its main features as being able to run on various database engines just by changing its configuration and I chose SubSonic because I thought it could handle the job pretty easily, but I'm honestly having second thoughts now because of all the hoops I may have to jump through just to get this to work correctly under different environments.
Support MS Access ,Postgres and FireBird database :)....
