Understanding / Modeling formulas from Excel [closed] - excel

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have an excel spreadsheet that performs many calculations based on 4 cells to come up with a certain figure. I have been tasked to convert this spreadsheet to a widget like component that can be embedded into a web application.
Is there an easy way to display or understand the embedded formula's in the excel spreadsheet, so that I have an easier time converting them into ActionScript?

If I understand you correctly. Tools|Options|Windows Options and then check the Formulas box. That will show the formulas instead of the values. And it should open up the Formula Audting tool bar. Those tools should give you want you want.

Have you looked at Calc4Web? I've never used it, so I can't give a review, but the basic idea is that it generates C++ code from spreadsheet logic.

If you simply want to view the actual formula, not the result (the value), then when you are active on the cell which has formula you wish to see, press CTRL + (grave accent). The grave accent is usually one key to the left of the number 1 key on most keyboards. This works as a toggle, so if you press CTRK + (the grave accent key) again - the value will appear as it was prior to you pressing that keystroke combination.
If you wish to show ALL of the forumlae for the entire workbook, then follow these steps:
Click the Office button on the top-left and then click the Excel Options button in the bottom right of that window that comes up..
Click the "Advanced" tab in the left pane.
Scroll down to the display pptions for "This Worksheet" section
Select the "Show Formulas in Cells Instead of Their Calculated Results" check box and then click OK.

Since there doesn’t appear to be an easy way to convert excel spreadsheets into ActionScript I suggest you view the formulas and try to solve them by hand if the amount of data isn’t to large or by writing a throw away script if a lot of data is required. This way you will understand the calculations and can implement them in ActionScript rather then relying on a wizard whose code you may or may not understand.

You can also toggle this setting from the keyboard by Ctrl+~ (that's the tilde, the first key in th numbers row)
So, if you want to quickly see the formula in a cell and come back to the normal view, just press Ctrl+~ twice


Color Excel Rows By Outline Level [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm using the outline function in Excel to create an indented bill of materials (BOM) and I'd like to automatically color the rows by their outline level. A BOM is a list of parts in a product. For each sub assy in the BOM, it is typically indented to show the product structure and the Excel outline function works well for this.
What I'd like is for each level of the outline to be colored differently to aid in visualizing the BOM. I can't figure out how to capture the outline level in order to apply conditional formatting to make that happen.
Frankly, I'm after just what is described in this question, except my outline is by row instead of by column. I have not been successful in getting the solution offered there to work and haven't found another solution here or elsewhere online. I think there are assumptions made there that I don't understand or I'm not implementing the custom function properly. I'm not permitted to comment on that solution for clarification, which is why I posted a new question.
Can anyone help me get that solution to work or offer an alternative?
Thank you.
I found a partial answer. It's not quite what I want, but it's an improvement.
This section of the Office Support article on outlines describes how to apply styles to an outline. I had tried it, but the built in styles only change levels one and two and then only apply bold and italics. I simply didn't see the changes. By modifying the built in styles, they became more distinct.
That said, it only applies those styles to the lead line at each level, not to every item at each level:
Auto Styles
So, while it does help, it's not exactly what I want. I'd really like every line to have formatting corresponding to its level in the outline. As you can see in the image above, it's not easy to see where an outline level stops using this auto formatting.
This is a better solution, but I'll leave the other because it may help someone else.
Post #4 in this thread at Mr. Excel describes how to report the outline level in a cell. It's old, so the menu picks are different. You get to the Define name dialog by selecting the cell, right mouse and pick Define Name from the pop up menu.
Now that I have the outline level in a cell, I was able to use regular conditional formatting rules to format the worksheet:
Fully Colored
This does require you to save it as a macro enabled workbook.

How do I set the default paste special in excel to paste only values [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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One of the cells in my excel is used as a user entry box... IF users paste something in this cell I want only the values to be pasted and not the format. Is there a way to set the default of paste option to paste only values?
I use a keyboard shortcut to past the values. If you hit Alt, E, S, V, Enter it will past the values. (hit keys in sequence, don't hold down the Alt key.)
Alt, E, S will open the paste special dialog box, V will select Values and then Enter will make it happen. This works well for anything copied from excel.
If you are copying something from outside excel, it will give you some different options for paste special, but Alt, E, S will get you there.
Another option, as #jeeped mentioned, is you can add a button to your quick access toolbar and then you can either click them, or use a keyboard shortcut for those. The items are numbered on the quick access toolbar. Assuming you have the default save, undo, and redo, adding paste values will allow you to hit Alt+4 (or whatever number comes up when you hit Alt) and select that action.
If you want to modify you default paste, go to the option menu, in the advance parameters: there are options to modify the print default parameters. However, it does not seems to work on excel.
As a workaround, you could try to create a new macro or edit an existing one, using office support here. I didn't try it myself, but with some research it might be possible, if you really need this modification.

Excel 2010: DATE/HOUR Formating

Hello everyone i have this problem in excel 2010. It's a problem of cell format. The cell has DATE/HOUR as title that means this is the info in the cell: 02/09/14 12:12:11 and i want to format it to show only hours.Can this happen? I have tried the usual cell formating hours:min but it does take effect to the rest 5.000 cells
What i have to do is this enter to a cell and press enter.
It is impossible to continue like this for the rest 5.000 lines.
Any ideas??
I had flag to close your question because it is off-topic for StackOverflow, which is a site for programming-related questions, but:
Left-click the column header for the column you want to change. This will select every single cell for that column only.
Next Right-click the column header
Choose "Format Cells" from the menu that appears
In the Number tab, underneath Category, choose "Custom"
In the edit control underneath "Type", enter "hh"
In the future, please keep in mind that
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Excel 2007: Using Excel Tooltip to display cell data?

I can usually find an answer to the problems I'm having via a quick google search, but this one I'm struggling to even form the question in order to locate an answer.
I'm trying to find out whether it is possible to use Excel Tooltips to display cell data. For example, on mouse over: a tooltip appears displaying the cell values from selected cells, preferably with some plain text but not essential.
i.e. I have an overview table which simplifies data from another table but want said cell values to appear on mouse over.

Empty Spreadsheet holding onto space [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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My users gave me a spreadsheet to research why our program wasn't able to import.
I have been slowly dissecting it, and so far have deleted every single column and tab except for one.
I have selected and deleted all cells and made sure there were none hidden.
I have also checked that there is no code associated with the tab.
And yet, the file size is still 8 megs! If I create a new tab so I can delete the original, it then shrinks to a few k.
Where else could something be hiding in the tab to keep that size?
Extraordinarily large (bytes) workbooks with very little apparent content are all too often created by data dumps into Excel.
One reason can be that the extraction code has been included with the data (check Developer, Visual Basic).
More likely to have a significant size impact is formatting, that can be detected by Editing, Find & Select, Go To Special, Last cell and observing the highlighted cell is a long way from the last ‘occupied’ cell. This can be fixed as below:
Select row immediately below the last ‘occupied’ row.
Size may also be increased by embedded objects (check Editing, Find & Select, Selection Pane) and also the content of Comments even where these are not displayed. [The specific answer to this question.]
Pivot tables with broken links may also be a cause.
Other causes can include the likes of the apparently blank ‘last cell’ indeed being occupied (say with a font colour to match the background) or other hidden objects.
Note that in all cases the file size may not reduce in response to ‘deletions’ until it is saved.
