Randomly Pick Lines From a File Without Slurping It With Unix - linux

I have a 10^7 lines file, in which I want to choose 1/100 of lines randomly
from the file. This is the AWK code I have, but it slurps all the file content
before hand. My PC memory cannot handle such slurps. Is there other approach to do it?
awk 'BEGIN{srand()}
!/^$/{ a[c++]=$0}
for ( i=1;i<=c ;i++ ) {
num=int(rand() * c)
if ( a[num] ) {
print a[num]
delete a[num]
if ( d == c/100 ) break
}' file

if you have that many lines, are you sure you want exactly 1% or a statistical estimate would be enough?
In that second case, just randomize at 1% at each line...
awk 'BEGIN {srand()} !/^$/ { if (rand() <= .01) print $0}'
If you'd like the header line plus a random sample of lines after, use:
awk 'BEGIN {srand()} !/^$/ { if (rand() <= .01 || FNR==1) print $0}'

You used awk, but I don't know if it's required. If it's not, here's a trivial way to do w/ perl (and without loading the entire file into memory):
cat your_file.txt | perl -n -e 'print if (rand() < .01)'
(simpler form, from comments):
perl -ne 'print if (rand() < .01)' your_file.txt

I wrote this exact code in Gawk -- you're in luck. It's long partially because it preserves input order. There are probably performance enhancements that can be made.
This algorithm is correct without knowing the input size in advance. I posted a rosetta stone here about it. (I didn't post this version because it does unnecessary comparisons.)
Original thread: Submitted for your review -- random sampling in awk.
# Waterman's Algorithm R for random sampling
# by way of Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming, volume 2
if (!n) {
print "Usage: sample.awk -v n=[size]"
t = n
NR <= n {
pool[NR] = $0
places[NR] = NR
NR > n {
M = int(rand()*t) + 1
if (M <= n) {
if (NR < n) {
print "sample.awk: Not enough records for sample" \
> "/dev/stderr"
# gawk needs a numeric sort function
# since it doesn't have one, zero-pad and sort alphabetically
pad = length(NR)
for (i in pool) {
new_index = sprintf("%0" pad "d", i)
newpool[new_index] = pool[i]
x = asorti(newpool, ordered)
for (i = 1; i <= x; i++)
print newpool[ordered[i]]
function READ_NEXT_RECORD(idx) {
rec = places[idx]
delete pool[rec]
pool[NR] = $0
places[idx] = NR

This should work on most any GNU/Linux machine.
$ shuf -n $(( $(wc -l < $file) / 100)) $file
I'd be surprised if memory management was done inappropriately by the GNU shuf command.

I don't know awk, but there is a great technique for solving a more general version of the problem you've described, and in the general case it is quite a lot faster than the for line in file return line if rand < 0.01 approach, so it might be useful if you intend to do tasks like the above many (thousands, millions) of times. It is known as reservoir sampling and this page has a pretty good explanation of a version of it that is applicable to your situation.

The problem of how to uniformly sample N elements out of a large population (of unknown size) is known as Reservoir Sampling. (If you like algorithms problems, do spend a few minutes trying to solve it without reading the algorithm on Wikipedia.)
A web search for "Reservoir Sampling" will find a lot of implementations. Here is Perl and Python code that implements what you want, and here is another Stack Overflow thread discussing it.

In this case, reservoir sampling to get exactly k values is trivial enough with awk that I'm surprised no solution has suggested that yet. I had to solve the same problem and I wrote the following awk program for sampling:
#!/usr/bin/env awk -f
if(k=="") k=10
NR <= k {
reservoir[NR-1] = $0;
{ i = int(NR * rand()) }
i < k { reservoir[i] = $0 }
for (i in reservoir) {
print reservoir[i];
If saved as sample_lines and made executable, it can be run like: ./sample_lines -v k=5 input_file. If k is not given, then 10 will be used by default.
Then figuring out what k is has to be done separately, for example by setting -v "k=$(dc -e "$(cat input_file | wc -l) 100 / n")"

You could do it in two passes:
Run through the file once, just to count how many lines there are
Randomly select the line numbers of the lines you want to print, storing them in a sorted list (or a set)
Run through the file once more and pick out the lines at the selected positions
Example in python:
fn = '/usr/share/dict/words'
from random import randint
from sys import stdout
count = 0
with open(fn) as f:
for line in f:
count += 1
selected = set()
while len(selected) < count//100:
selected.add(randint(0, count-1))
index = 0
with open(fn) as f:
for line in f:
if index in selected:
index += 1

Instead of waiting until the end to randomly pick your 1% of lines, do it every 100 lines in "/^$/". That way, you only hold 100 lines at a time.

If the aim is just to avoid memory exhaustion, and the file is a regular file, no need to implement reservoir sampling. The number of lines in the file can be known if you do two passes in the file, one to get the number of lines (like with wc -l), one to select the sample:
awk -v percent=0.01 -v n="$(wc -l < "$file")" '
BEGIN {srand(); p = int(n * percent)}
rand() * n-- < p {p--; print}' < "$file"

Here's my version. In the below 'c' is the number of lines to select from the input. Making c a parameter is left as an exercise for the reader, as is the reason the line starting with c/NR works to reliably select exactly c lines (assuming input has at least c lines).
gawk '
BEGIN { srand(); c = 5 }
c/NR >= rand() { lines[x++ % c] = $0 }
END { for (i in lines) print lines[i] }
' "$#"


AWK print every other column, starting from the last column (and next to last column) for N interations (print from right to left)

Hopefully someone out there in the world can help me, and anyone else with a similar problem, find a simple solution to capturing data. I have spent hours trying a one liner to solve something I thought was a simple problem involving awk, a csv file, and saving the output as a bash variable. In short here's the nut...
The Missions:
1) To output every other column, starting from the LAST COLUMN, with a specific iteration count.
2) To output every other column, starting from NEXT TO LAST COLUMN, with a specific iteration count.
The Data (file.csv):
Desired results for Mission 1:
Desired results for Mission 2:
My Attempts:
The closes I have come to solving any of the above problems, is an ugly pipe (which is OK for skinning a cat) for Mission 1. However, it doesn't use any declared iterations (which should be 5). Also, I'm completely lost on solving Mission 2.
Any help to simplify the below and solving Mission 2 will be HELLA appreciated!
outcome=$( awk 'BEGIN {FS = "#"} {for (i = 0; i <= NF; i += 2) printf ("%s%c", $(NF-i), i + 2 <= NF ? "#" : "\n");}' file.csv | sed 's/##.*//g' | awk -F# '{for (i=NF;i>0;i--){printf $i"#"};printf "\n"}' | sed 's/#$//g' | awk -F# '{$1="";print $0}' OFS=# | sed 's/^#//g' );
Also, if doing a loop for a specific number of iterations is helpful in solving this problem, then magic number is 5. Maybe a solution could be a for-loop that is counting from right to left and skipping every other column as 1 iteration, with the starting column declared as an awk variable (Just a thought I have no way of knowing how to do)
Thank you for looking over this problem.
There are certainly more elegant ways to do this, but I am not really an awk person:
Part 1:
awk -F# '{ x = ""; for (f = NF; f > (NF - 5 * 2); f -= 2) { x = x ? $f "#" x : $f ; } print x }' file.csv
Part 2:
awk -F# '{ x = ""; for (f = NF - 1; f > (NF - 5 * 2); f -= 2) { x = x ? $f "#" x : $f ; } print x }' file.csv
The literal 5 in each of those is your "number of iterations."
Sample data:
$ cat mission.dat
One awk solution:
NOTE: OP can add logic to validate the input parameters.
$ cat mission
# format: mission { 1 | 2 } { number_of_fields_to_display }
mission=${1} # assumes user inputs "1" or "2"
offset=$(( mission - 1 )) # subtract one to determine awk/NF offset
iteration_count=${2} # assume for now this is a positive integer
awk -F"#" -v offset=${offset} -v itcnt=${iteration_count} 'BEGIN { OFS=FS }
{ # we will start by counting fields backwards until we run out of fields
# or we hit "itcnt==iteration_count" fields
for (i=NF-offset ; i>=0; i-=2) # offset=0 for mission=1; offset=1 for mission=2
{ loopcnt++
if (loopcnt > itcnt)
fstart=i # keep track of the field we want to start with
# now printing our fields starting with field # "fstart";
# prefix the first printf with a empty string, then each successive
# field is prefixed with OFS=#
pfx = ""
for (i=fstart; i<= NF-offset; i+=2)
{ printf "%s%s",pfx,$i
# terminate a line of output with a linefeed
printf "\n"
' mission.dat
Some test runs:
###### mission #1
# with offset/iteration = 4
$ mission 1 4
#with offset/iteration = 5
$ mission 1 5
# with offset/iteration = 6
$ mission 1 6
###### mission #2
# with offset/iteration = 4
$ mission 2 4
# with offset/iteration = 5
$ mission 2 5
# with offset/iteration = 6;
# notice we pick up field #1 = empty string so output starts with a '#'
$ mission 2 6
this is probably not what you're asking but perhaps will give you an idea.
$ awk -F_ -v skip=4 -v endoff=0 '
for(i=offset;i<=NF-endoff;i+=skip) printf "%s",$i (i>=(NF-endoff)?ORS:OFS)}' file
you specify the number of skips between columns and the end offset as input variables. Here, for last column end offset is set to zero and skip column is 4.
For clarity I used the input file
$ cat file
changing FS for your format should work.

Convert a text file into columns

Let's assume I have scientific data, all numbers arranged in a single column but representing an intensities matrix of n (width) by m (height). The column of the input file has in total n * m rows. An input example may look like that:
The new output should be such that I have n new columns with m rows. Sticking to my example with 30 fields input and n = 3, m = 10, I would need an output file like this (separator does not matter much, could be a blank, a tab etc.):
1 11 21
2 12 22
... ... ...
10 20 30
I use gawk under Windows. Please note that there are no special FS, more real-world examples are like 60 * 60 or bigger.
If you are not limited to awk but have GNU core-utils (cygwin, native, ..) then the simplest solution is to use pr:
pr -ts" " --columns 3 file
I believe this will do:
awk '
{ split($0,data); }
m = 10;
n = 3;
for( i = 1; i<=m; i++ ) {
for( j = 0; j<n; j++ ) {
printf "%s ", data[j*m + i] # output data plus space in one line
# here you might want to start a new line though you did not ask for it:
printf "\n";
}' inputfile
I might have the index counting wrong but I am sure you can figure it out. The trick is the split in the first line. It splits your input on whitespace and creates an array data. The END block runs after processing your file and just accesses data by index. Note array indices count from 0.
Assumption is all data is in a single line. Your question isn't quite clear on this. If it is on several lines you'd have to read it into the array differently.
Hope this gets you started.
I notice you changed your question while I was answering it. So change
{ split($0,data); }
{ data[++i] = $1; }
to account for the input being on different lines. Actually, this would give you the option to read it into a two dimensional array in the first place.
Read two dimensional array
To read as a two dimensional array assuming m and n are known beforehand and not encoded in the input somehow:
awk '
m = 10;
n = 3;
for( i = 0; i<m; i++ ) {
for( j = 0; j<n; j++ ) {
data[i,j] = $0;
# do something with data
}' inputfile
However, since you only want to reformat your data you could do it immediately. Combining the two solutions getting rid of data and passing m and n on the command line:
awk -v m=10 -v n=3'
for( i = 0; i<m; i++ ) {
for( j = 0; j<n; j++ ) {
printf "%s ", $0 # output data plus space in one line
printf "\n";
}' inputfile
Here is a fairly simple solution (in the example I've set n equal to 3; plug in the appropriate value for n):
awk -v n=3 '{ row = row $1 " "; if (NR % n == 0) { print row; row = "" } }' FILE
This works by reading in records one line at a time concatenating each line with the preceding lines. When n lines have been concatenated, it prints the concatenated result on a single new line. This repeats until there are no more lines left in the input.
You can use the below command
paste - - - < input.txt
By default, the delimiter is TAB, to change the delimiter, use below command
paste - - - -d' ' < input.txt

Bash - Swap Values in Column

I have some CSV/tabular data in a file, like so:
(They're not always numbers, just random comma-separated values. Single-digit numbers are easier for an example, though.)
I want to shuffle a random 40% of any of the columns. As an example, say the 3rd one. So perhaps 3 and 1 get swapped with each other. Now the third column is:
1 << Came from the last position
3 << Came from the first position
I am trying to do this in place in a file from within a bash script that I am working on, and I am not having much luck. I keep wandering down some pretty crazy and fruitless grep rabbit holes that leave me thinking that I'm going the wrong way (the constant failure is what's tipping me off).
I tagged this question with a litany of things because I'm not entirely sure which tool(s) I should even be using for this.
Edit: I'm probably going to end up accepting Rubens' answer, however wacky it is, because it directly contains the swapping concept (which I guess I could have emphasized more in the original question), and it allows me to specify a percentage of the column for swapping. It also happens to work, which is always a plus.
For someone who doesn't need this, and just wants a basic shuffle, Jim Garrison's answer also works (I tested it).
A word of warning, however, on Rubens' solution. I took this:
for (i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) {
delim = (i != NF) ? "," : "";
printf "\n";
removed the printf "\n"; and moved the newline character up like this:
for (i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) {
delim = (i != NF) ? "," : "\n";
because just having "" on the else case was causing awk to write broken characters at the end of each line (\00). At one point, it even managed to replace my entire file with Chinese characters. Although, honestly, this probably involved me doing something extra stupid on top of this problem.
This will work for a specifically designated column, but should be enough to point you in the right direction. This works on modern bash shells including Cygwin:
paste -d, <(cut -d, -f1-2 test.dat) <(cut -d, -f3 test.dat|shuf) <(cut -d, -f4- test.dat)
The operative feature is "process substitution".
The paste command joins files horizontally, and the three pieces are split from the original file via cut, with the second piece (the column to be randomized) run through the shuf command to reorder the lines. Here's the output from running it a couple of times:
$ cat test.dat
$ paste -d, <(cut -d, -f1-2 test.dat) <(cut -d, -f3 test.dat|shuf) <(cut -d, -f4- test.dat)
$ paste -d, <(cut -d, -f1-2 test.dat) <(cut -d, -f3 test.dat|shuf) <(cut -d, -f4- test.dat)
create a vector with n pairs, from 1 to number of lines, and the respective value in the line (for the selected column), and then sort it randomly;
find how many lines should be randomized: num_random = percentage * num_lines / 100;
select the first num_random entries from your randomized vector;
you may sort the selected lines randomly, but it should be already randomly sorted;
printing output:
i = 0
for num_line, value in column; do
if num_line not in random_vector:
print value; # printing non-randomized value
print random_vector[i]; # randomized entry
#! /bin/bash
n_lines=$(wc -l < ${infile})
prob=$(bc <<< "$3 * ${n_lines} / 100")
# Selected lines
paste -d ',' <(seq 1 ${n_lines}) <(cut -d ',' -f ${col} ${infile}) \
| sort -R | head -n ${prob} > ${tmp}
# Rewriting file
awk -v "col=$col" -F "," '
(NR == FNR) {id[$1] = $2; next}
(FNR == 1) {
i = c = 1;
for (v in id) {value[i] = id[v]; ++i;}
for (i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) {
delim = (i != NF) ? "," : "";
if (i != col) {printf "%s%c", $i, delim; continue;}
if (FNR in id) {printf "%s%c", value[c], delim; c++;}
else {printf "%s%c", $i, delim;}
printf "\n";
' ${tmp} ${infile}
rm ${tmp}
In case you want a close approach to in-placement, you may pipe the output back to the input file, using sponge.
To execute, simply use:
$ ./script.sh <inpath> <column> <percentage>
As in:
$ ./script.sh infile 3 40
This allows you to select the column, randomly sort a percentage of entries in that column, and replace the new column in the original file.
This script goes as proof like no other, not only that shell scripting is extremely entertaining, but that there are cases where it should definitely be used not. (:
I'd use a 2-pass approach that starts by getting a count of the number of lines and read the file into an array, then use awk's rand() function to generate random numbers to identify the lines you'll change and then rand() again to determine which pairs of those lines you will swap and then swap the array elements before printing. Something like this PSEUDO-CODE, rough algorithm:
awk -F, -v pct=40 -v col=3 '
NR == FNR {
array[++totNumLines] = $0
FNR == 1{
pctNumLines = totNumLines * pct / 100
for (i=1; i<=(pctNumLines / 2); i++) {
oldLineNr = rand() * some factor to produce a line number that's in the 1 to totNumLines range but is not already recorded as processed in the "swapped" array.
newLineNr = ditto plus must not equal oldLineNr
swap field $col between array[oldLineNr] and array[newLineNr]
{ print array[FNR] }
' "$file" "$file" > tmp &&
mv tmp "$file"

How to select random lines from a file

I have a text file containing 10 hundreds of lines, with different lengths. Now I want to select N lines randomly, save them in another file, and remove them from the original file.
I've found some answers to this question, but most of them use a simple idea: sort the file and select first or last N lines. unfortunately this idea doesn't work to me, because I want to preserve the order of lines.
I tried this piece of code, but it's very slow and takes hours.
let LineIndex=1;
while [ "$LineIndex" -le "$MaxLines" ]
# count number of lines
NUM=$(wc -l $FILEsrc | sed 's/[ \r\t].*$//g');
let X=(${RANDOM} % ${NUM} + 1);
echo $X;
sed -n ${X}p ${FILEsrc}>>$FILEtrg; #write selected line into target file
sed -i -e ${X}d ${FILEsrc}; #remove selected line from source file
LineIndex=`expr $LineIndex + 1`;
I found this line the most time consuming one in the code:
sed -i -e ${X}d ${FILEsrc};
is there any way to overcome this problem and make the code faster?
Since I'm in hurry, may I ask you to send me complete c/c++ code for doing this?
A simple O(n) algorithm is described in:
array R[k]; // result
integer i, j;
// fill the reservoir array
for each i in 1 to k do
R[i] := S[i]
// replace elements with gradually decreasing probability
for each i in k+1 to length(S) do
j := random(1, i); // important: inclusive range
if j <= k then
R[j] := S[i]
Generate all your offsets, then make a single pass through the file. Assuming you have the desired number of offsets in offsets (one number per line) you can generate a single sed script like this:
sed "s!.*!&{w $FILEtrg\nd;}!" offsets
The output is a sed script which you can save to a temporary file, or (if your sed dialect supports it) pipe to a second sed instance:
... | sed -i -f - "$FILEsrc"
Generating the offsets file left as an exercise.
Given that you have the Linux tag, this should work right off the bat. The default sed on some other platforms may not understand \n and/or accept -f - to read the script from standard input.
Here is a complete script, updated to use shuf (thanks #Thor!) to avoid possible duplicate random numbers.
# Add a line number to each input line
nl -ba "$FILEsrc" |
# Rearrange lines
shuf |
# Pick out the line number from the first $MaxLines ones into sed script
sed "1,${MaxLines}s!^ *\([1-9][0-9]*\).*!\1{w $FILEtrg\nd;}!;t;D;q" |
# Run the generated sed script on the original input file
sed -i -f - "$FILEsrc"
[I've updated each solution to remove selected lines from the input, but I'm not positive the awk is correct. I'm partial to the bash solution myself, so I'm not going to spend any time debugging it. Feel free to edit any mistakes.]
Here's a simple awk script (the probabilities are simpler to manage with floating point numbers, which don't mix well with bash):
tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXXXXX)
awk -v total=$(wc -l < "$FILEsrc") -v maxLines=$MaxLines '
BEGIN { srand(); }
maxLines==0 { exit; }
{ if (rand() < maxLines/total--) {
print; maxLines--;
} else {
print $0 > /dev/fd/3
}' "$FILEsrc" > "$FILEtrg" 3> $tmp
mv $tmp "$FILEsrc"
As you print a line to the output, you decrement maxLines to decrease the probability of choosing further lines. But as you consume the input, you decrease total to increase the probability. In the extreme, the probability hits zero when maxLines does, so you can stop processing the input. In the other extreme, the probability hits 1 once total is less than or equal to maxLines, and you'll be accepting all further lines.
Here's the same algorithm, implemented in (almost) pure bash using integer arithmetic:
tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXXXXX)
total=$(wc -l < "$FILEsrc")
while read -r line && (( MaxLines > 0 )); do
(( MaxLines * 32768 > RANDOM * total-- )) || { printf >&3 "$line\n"; continue; }
(( MaxLines-- ))
printf "$line\n"
done < "$FILEsrc" > "$FILEtrg" 3> $tmp
mv $tmp "$FILEsrc"
Here's a complete Go program :
package main
import (
func main() {
N := 10
rand.Seed( time.Now().UTC().UnixNano())
f, err := os.Open(os.Args[1]) // open the file
if err!=nil { // and tell the user if the file wasn't found or readable
r := bufio.NewReader(f)
var lines []string // this will contain all the lines of the file
for {
if line, err := r.ReadString('\n'); err == nil {
lines = append(lines, line)
} else {
nums := make([]int, N) // creates the array of desired line indexes
for i, _ := range nums { // fills the array with random numbers (lower than the number of lines)
nums[i] = rand.Intn(len(lines))
sort.Ints(nums) // sorts this array
for _, n := range nums { // let's print the line
Provided you put the go file in a directory named randomlines in your GOPATH, you may build it like this :
go build randomlines
And then call it like this :
./randomlines "path_to_my_file"
This will print N (here 10) random lines in your files, but without changing the order. Of course it's near instantaneous even with big files.
Here's an interesting two-pass option with coreutils, sed and awk:
total=$(wc -l < infile)
seq 1 $total | shuf | head -n $n \
| sed 's/^/NR == /; $! s/$/ ||/' \
| tr '\n' ' ' \
| sed 's/.*/ & { print >> "rndlines" }\n!( &) { print >> "leftover" }/' \
| awk -f - infile
A list of random numbers are passed to sed which generates an awk script. If awk were removed from the pipeline above, this would be the output:
{ if(NR == 14 || NR == 1 || NR == 11 || NR == 20 || NR == 21 ) print > "rndlines"; else print > "leftover" }
So the random lines are saved in rndlines and the rest in leftover.
Mentioned "10 hundreds" lines should sort quite quickly, so this is a nice case for the Decorate, Sort, Undecorate pattern. It actually creates two new files, removing lines from the original one can be simulated by renaming.
Note: head and tail cannot be used instead of awk, because they close the file descriptor after given number of lines, making tee exit thus causing missing data in the .rest file.
<$FILE nl -s $"SEP" -nln -w1 |
sort -R |
tee \
>(awk "NR > $SAMPLE" | sort -t"$SEP" -k1n,1 | cut -d"$SEP" -f2- > $FILE.rest) \
>(awk "NR <= $SAMPLE" | sort -t"$SEP" -k1n,1 | cut -d"$SEP" -f2- > $FILE.sample) \
# check the results
wc -l $FILE*
# 'remove' the lines, if needed
mv $FILE.rest $FILE
This might work for you (GNU sed, sort and seq):
seq 1 $(sed '$=;d' input_file) |
sort -R |
sed $nq |
sed 's/.*/&{w output_file\nd}/' |
sed -i -f - input_file
Where $n is the number of lines to extract.

Implement tail with awk

I am struggling with this awk code which should emulate the tail command
print vect[$i]
So what I'm trying to achieve here is an tail command emulated by awk/
For example consider cat somefile | awk -f tail.awk 10
should print the last 10 lines of a text file, any suggestions?
All of these answers store the entire source file. That's a horrible idea and will break on larger files.
Here's a quick way to store only the number of lines to be outputted (note that the more efficient tail will always be faster because it doesn't read the entire source file!):
awk -vt=10 '{o[NR%t]=$0}END{i=(NR<t?0:NR);do print o[++i%t];while(i%t!=NR%t)}'
more legibly (and with less code golf):
awk -v tail=10 '
output[NR % tail] = $0
if(NR < tail) {
i = 0
} else {
i = NR
do {
i = (i + 1) % tail;
print output[i]
} while (i != NR % tail)
Explanation of legible code:
This uses the modulo operator to store only the desired number of items (the tail variable). As each line is parsed, it is stored on top of older array values (so line 11 gets stored in output[1]).
The END stanza sets an increment variable i to either zero (if we've got fewer than the desired number of lines) or else the number of lines, which tells us where to start recalling the saved lines. Then we print the saved lines in order. The loop ends when we've returned to that first value (after we've printed it).
You can replace the if/else stanza (or the ternary clause in my golfed example) with just i = NR if you don't care about getting blank lines to fill the requested number (echo "foo" |awk -vt=10 … would have nine blank lines before the line with "foo").
print vect[$i]
$ indicates a positional parameter. Use just plain i:
print vect[i]
The full code that worked for me is:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# Make that arg empty so awk doesn't interpret it as a file name.
ARGV[1] = "";
print vect[i]
You should probably add some code to the END to handle the case when NR < num.
You need to add -v num=10 to the awk commandline to set the value of num. And start at NR-num+1 in your final loop, otherwise you'll end up with num+1 lines of output.
This might work for you:
awk '{a=a b $0;b=RS;if(NR<=v)next;a=substr(a,index(a,RS)+1)}END{print a}' v=10
