I have a sample I picked up from the reactive-banana repo. This uses gloss.
But when I work with events I have my own events with data. These events are not necessarily UI events. So I was expecting that FRP can help me code with custom events. So, for example, a list could change and the changed data is inside an event and another part of the application uses the changed data.
My preliminary Haskell knowledge didn't help me to achieve this using reactive-banana but I did come across something similar.
How can I use my own events likemakeTickEvent and fire them ? Can it hold data ?
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import Data.List (nub)
import System.Random
import System.IO
import Debug.Trace
import Data.IORef
import Reactive.Banana as R
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks as R
import Graphics.Gloss
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Extent
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Picture
main :: IO()
main = do
sources <- makeSources
network <- compile $ networkDescription sources
actuate network
eventLoop sources
display windowDisplay white drawBoard
windowDisplay :: Display
windowDisplay = InWindow "Window" (200, 200) (10, 10)
makeTickEvent :: MomentIO (R.Event ())
makeTickEvent = do
(etick, tick) <- newEvent
tid <- liftIO $ do
tick ()
pure etick
drawBoard :: Picture
drawBoard =
Pictures $ [ translate x y $ rectangleWire 90 90| x<-[0,90..180], y<-[0,90..180] ]
makeSources = newAddHandler
type EventSource a = (AddHandler a, a -> IO ())
addHandler :: EventSource a -> AddHandler a
addHandler = fst
eventLoop :: (EventSource ()) -> IO ()
eventLoop (displayvalueevent) =
fire displayvalueevent ()
fire :: EventSource a -> a -> IO ()
fire = snd
networkDescription :: (EventSource ()) -> MomentIO ()
networkDescription ( displayvalueevent )= do
-- Obtain events
displayvalue <- fromAddHandler (addHandler displayvalueevent)
reactimate $ putStrLn . showValue <$> displayvalue
showValue value = "Value is " ++ show value
This is from the documentation.
plainChanges :: Behavior a -> MomentIO (Event a)
plainChanges b = do
(e, handle) <- newEvent
eb <- changes b
reactimate' $ (fmap handle) <$> eb
return e
Does this create a new Event that can be fired ?
I have managed to make this code work for now. An event is fired and a new frame is rendered in the initial Gloss Window. It seems to be possible to fire a custom event. But I am not sure about encapsulating data inside the event.
makeNewEvent :: MomentIO (Reactive.Banana.Event ())
makeNewEvent = do
(enew, new) <- newEvent
tid <- liftIO $ do
putStrLn "Fire new Event"
new ()
return enew
The following code answers some questions. If I have more details I can edit later. This is still very basic as I am learning reactive-banana and 'haskell'
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
module Main where
import Data.IORef
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Graphics.Gloss hiding (pictures)
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game( Event(..) )
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game( MouseButton(..) )
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game( KeyState( Down ) )
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game
import qualified Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game as Gloss (Event, playIO)
main = do
(eventHandler,event)<- makeSources
picRef ← newIORef blank
network <- compile $ networkDescriptor picRef eventHandler
actuate network
let handleEvent e#(EventKey k Down _ _) = case k of
(SpecialKey KeySpace) -> event e
_ -> return ()
handleEvent e = return ()
(InWindow "Functional Reactive" (550, 490) (800, 200))
(\() -> readIORef picRef)
(\ ev () -> handleEvent ev)
(\_ () -> pure ())
reactToKeyPress :: IO ()
reactToKeyPress = putStrLn "Key Pressed"
drawBoard :: Picture
drawBoard =
Pictures $ [ color violet $ translate x y $ rectangleWire 90 90| x<-[0,90..180], y<-[0,90..180] ]
makeSources = newAddHandler
type EventSource a = (AddHandler a, a -> IO ())
addHandler :: EventSource a -> AddHandler a
addHandler = fst
fire :: EventSource a -> a -> IO ()
fire = snd
networkDescriptor :: IORef Picture -> AddHandler Gloss.Event -> MomentIO ()
networkDescriptor lastFrame displayGlossEvent = do
glossEvent <- fromAddHandler displayGlossEvent
reactimate $ putStrLn . showValue <$> glossEvent
picture <- liftMoment (handleKeys glossEvent )
changes picture >>= reactimate' . fmap (fmap (writeIORef lastFrame))
valueBLater picture >>= liftIO . writeIORef lastFrame
showValue value = "Value is " ++ show value
handleKeys :: Reactive.Banana.Event e -> Moment (Behavior Picture)
handleKeys glossEvent = do
let picture = drawBoard
return $ pure picture
Is it possible to create pipes that get all values that have been sent downstream in a certain time period? I'm implementing a server where the protocol allows me to concatenate outgoing packets and compress them together, so I'd like to effectively "empty out" the queue of downstream ByteStrings every 100ms and mappend them together to then yield on to the next pipe which does the compression.
Here's a solution using pipes-concurrency. You give it any Input and it will periodically drain the input of all values:
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Pipes
import Pipes.Concurrent
drainAll :: Input a -> STM (Maybe [a])
drainAll i = do
ma <- recv i
case ma of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just a -> loop (a:)
loop diffAs = do
ma <- recv i <|> return Nothing
case ma of
Nothing -> return (Just (diffAs []))
Just a -> loop (diffAs . (a:))
bucketsEvery :: Int -> Input a -> Producer [a] IO ()
bucketsEvery microseconds i = loop
loop = do
lift $ threadDelay microseconds
ma <- lift $ atomically $ drainAll i
forM_ ma $ \a -> do
yield a
This gives you much greater control over how you consume elements from upstream, by selecting the type of Buffer you use to build the Input.
If you're new to pipes-concurrency, you can read the tutorial which explains how to use spawn, Buffer and Input.
Here is a possible solution. It is based on a Pipe that tags ByteStrings going downstream with a Bool, in order to identify ByteStrings belonging to the same "time bucket".
First, some imports:
import Data.AdditiveGroup
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder as BB
import Data.Thyme.Clock
import Data.Thyme.Clock.POSIX
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Lens (view)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Pipes
import Pipes.Lift
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import qualified Pipes.Group as PG
Here is the tagging Pipe. It uses StateT internally:
tagger :: Pipe B.ByteString (B.ByteString,Bool) IO ()
tagger = do
startTime <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
evalStateP (startTime,False) $ forever $ do
b <- await
currentTime <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
-- (POSIXTime,Bool) inner state
(baseTime,tag) <- get
if (currentTime ^-^ baseTime > timeLimit)
then let tag' = not tag in
yield (b,tag') >> put (currentTime, tag')
else yield $ (b,tag)
timeLimit = fromSeconds 0.1
Then we can use functions from the pipes-group package to group ByteStrings belonging to the same "time bucket" into lazy ByteStrings:
batch :: Producer B.ByteString IO () -> Producer BL.ByteString IO ()
batch producer = PG.folds (<>) mempty BB.toLazyByteString
. PG.maps (flip for $ yield . BB.byteString . fst)
. view (PG.groupsBy $ \t1 t2-> snd t1 == snd t2)
$ producer >-> tagger
It seems to batch correctly. This program:
main :: IO ()
main = do
count <- P.length $ batch (yield "boo" >> yield "baa")
putStrLn $ show count
count <- P.length $ batch (yield "boo" >> yield "baa"
>> liftIO (threadDelay 200000) >> yield "ddd")
putStrLn $ show count
Has the output:
Notice that the contents of a "time bucket" are only yielded when the first element of the next bucket arrives. They are not yielded automatically each 100ms. This may or may not be a problem for you. It you want to yield automatically each 100ms, you would need a different solution, possibly based on pipes-concurrency.
Also, you could consider working directly with the FreeT-based "effectul lists" provided by pipes-group. That way you could start compressing the data in a "time bucket" before the bucket is full.
So unlike Daniel's answer my does not tag the data as it is produced. It just takes at least element from upstream and then continues to aggregate more values in the monoid until the time interval has passed.
This codes uses a list to aggregate, but there are better monoids to aggregate with
import Pipes
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad
-- taken from pipes-rt
doubleToNomDiffTime :: Double -> NominalDiffTime
doubleToNomDiffTime x =
let d0 = ModifiedJulianDay 0
t0 = UTCTime d0 (picosecondsToDiffTime 0)
t1 = UTCTime d0 (picosecondsToDiffTime $ floor (x/1e-12))
in diffUTCTime t1 t0
-- Adapted from from pipes-parse-1.0
:: Monad m =>
Producer a m r -> Producer (Maybe a) m r
wrap p = do
p >-> P.map Just
forever $ yield Nothing
:: (Monoid y, -- monoid dependance so we can do aggregation
MonadIO m -- to beable to get the current time the
-- base monad must have access to IO
) =>
(t -> y) -- Change element from upstream to monoid
-> Double -- Time in seconds to aggregate over
-> Pipe (Maybe t) y m ()
yieldAggregateOverTime wrap period = do
t0 <- liftIO getCurrentTime
loop mempty (dtUTC `addUTCTime` t0)
dtUTC = doubleToNomDiffTime period
loop m ts = do
t <- liftIO getCurrentTime
v0 <- await -- await at least one element
case v0 of
Nothing -> yield m
Just v -> do
if t > ts
then do
yield (m <> wrap v)
loop mempty (dtUTC `addUTCTime` ts)
else do
loop (m <> wrap v) ts
main = do
runEffect $ wrap (each [1..]) >-> yieldAggregateOverTime (\x -> [x]) (0.0001)
>-> P.take 10 >-> P.print
Depending on cpu load you the output data will be aggregated differently. With at least on element in each chunk.
$ ghc Main.hs -O2
$ ./Main
$ ./Main
$ ./Main
$ ./Main
You might want to look at the source code of
pipes-rt it shows one approach to deal with time in pipes.
edit: Thanks to Daniel Díaz Carrete, adapted pipes-parse-1.0 technique to handle upstream termination. A pipes-group solution should be possible using the same technique as well.
I'm following this tutorial and looking at the test case in source code.
My code use SimplePool.hs in the source code and created the following file: (snippet)
sampleTask :: (TimeInterval, String) -> Process String
sampleTask (t, s) = sleep t >> return s
$(remotable ['sampleTask])
jobTest :: MVar (AsyncResult (Either String String)) -> Process ()
jobTest result = do
pid <- startTestPool 1 -- start the pool of workers here only one worker
job <- return $ ($(mkClosure 'sampleTask) (seconds 2, "foobar"))
-- callAsync put job into pool
p <- callAsync pid job
a <- wait p
setResult result a
setResult :: MVar a -> a -> Process ()
setResult mvar x = liftIO $ putMVar mvar x
startTestPool :: Int -> Process ProcessId
startTestPool s = spawnLocal $ do
_ <- runPool s
return ()
runPool :: Int -> Process (Either (InitResult (Pool String)) TerminateReason)
runPool s =
-- setting a to String
let s' = poolServer :: ProcessDefinition (Pool String)
in simplePool s s'
myRemoteTable :: RemoteTable
myRemoteTable = Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.__remoteTable initRemoteTable
main :: IO ()
main = do
Right (transport, _) <- createTransportExposeInternals
"" "9901" defaultTCPParameters
localNode <- newLocalNode transport myRemoteTable
result <- newEmptyMVar
pid <- forkProcess localNode $ jobTest result
ans <- takeMVar result
putStrLn $ show pid
putStrLn $ show ans
I'm getting this error once I run it:
AsyncFailed (DiedException "exit-from=pid://")
Correct me if I'm wrong, I assume the job did not run correctly, must be some problem with the slave process.p <- callAsync pid job this line of code I think is where the task is passed on to slave process for execution. I looked into the library to find the definition of callAsync. The key line in callAsyncUsing is sendTo sid (CallMessage msg (Pid wpid)) where the function passes the task to the poolServer.
SimplePool.hs in the acceptTask the line asyncHandle <- async proc is where I think they spawn a new process to execute the task. So I think maybe the async process didn't finish running cause the the caller terminated prematurely? Or could it be that the process didn't spawn correctly? Any idea on what the best way to debug this? Also, can someone point me in the right direction to finding out how to make the poolSever span different nodes/different computers (using Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.Async.AsyncChan?)?
I have modified your code slightly, and this snippet includes the imports, so it compiles. Make sure that you are using the latest SimplePool module, as your code is using simplePool which I cannot find, and your use of runPool is ambiguous.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import Control.Distributed.Process hiding (call)
import Control.Distributed.Process.Closure
import Control.Distributed.Process.Node
import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform hiding (__remoteTable)
import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.Async
import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.ManagedProcess
import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.Test
import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.Time
import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.Timer
import Control.Distributed.Process.Serializable()
import Network.Transport
import Network.Transport.TCP
import Data.Binary
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import SimplePool hiding (runPool)
import qualified SimplePool (runPool)
sampleTask :: (TimeInterval, String) -> Process String
sampleTask (t, s) = sleep t >> return s
$(remotable ['sampleTask])
jobTest :: MVar (AsyncResult (Either String String)) -> Process ()
jobTest result = do
pid <- startTestPool 1 -- start the pool of workers here only one worker
let job = $(mkClosure 'sampleTask) (seconds 2, "foobar")
-- callAsync put job into pool
p <- callAsync pid job
a <- wait p
setResult result a
setResult :: MVar a -> a -> Process ()
setResult mvar x = liftIO $ putMVar mvar x
startTestPool :: Int -> Process ProcessId
startTestPool s = spawnLocal $ do
_ <- runPool s
return ()
runPool :: Int -> Process (Either (InitResult (Pool String)) TerminateReason)
runPool = SimplePool.runPool
myRemoteTable :: RemoteTable
myRemoteTable = Main.__remoteTable initRemoteTable
main :: IO ()
main = do
Right (transport, _) <- createTransportExposeInternals
"" "9901" defaultTCPParameters
localNode <- newLocalNode transport myRemoteTable
result <- newEmptyMVar
pid <- forkProcess localNode $ jobTest result
ans <- takeMVar result
print pid >> print ans
Running this compilable code:
$ ./Example
AsyncDone (Right "foobar")
Please note that the SimplePool sample module from the distributed-process-platform test suite has been promoted to a fully fledged component of the library. Its new location on the latest (development) branch is https://github.com/haskell-distributed/distributed-process-platform/blob/development/src/Control/Distributed/Process/Platform/Task/Queue/BlockingQueue.hs.
Some names/types have changed, so you may need to update your code in order to continue using it.
I'm processing some audio using portaudio. The haskell FFI bindings call a user defined callback whenever there's audio data to be processed. This callback should be handled very quickly and ideally with no I/O. I wanted to save the audio input and return quickly since my application doesn't need to react to the audio in realtime (right now I'm just saving the audio data to a file; later I'll construct a simple speech recognition system).
I like the idea of pipes and thought I could use that library. The problem is that I don't know how to create a Producer that returns data that came in through a callback.
How do I handle my use case?
Here's what I'm working with right now, in case that helps (the datum mvar isn't working right now but I don't like storing all the data in a seq... I'd rather process it as it came instead of just at the end):
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Main where
import Codec.Wav
import Sound.PortAudio
import Sound.PortAudio.Base
import Sound.PortAudio.Buffer
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Storable
import qualified Data.StorableVector as SV
import qualified Data.StorableVector.Base as SVB
import Control.Exception.Base (evaluate)
import Data.Int
import Data.Sequence as Seq
import Control.Concurrent
instance Buffer SV.Vector a where
fromForeignPtr fp = return . SVB.fromForeignPtr fp
toForeignPtr = return . (\(a, b, c) -> (a, c)) . SVB.toForeignPtr
-- | Wrap a buffer callback into the generic stream callback type.
buffCBtoRawCB' :: (StreamFormat input, StreamFormat output, Buffer a input, Buffer b output) =>
BuffStreamCallback input output a b -> StreamCallback input output
buffCBtoRawCB' func = \a b c d e -> do
fpA <- newForeignPtr_ d -- We will not free, as callback system will do that for us
fpB <- newForeignPtr_ e -- We will not free, as callback system will do that for us
storeInp <- fromForeignPtr fpA (fromIntegral $ 1 * c)
storeOut <- fromForeignPtr fpB (fromIntegral $ 0 * c)
func a b c storeInp storeOut
callback :: MVar (Seq.Seq [Int32]) -> PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo -> [StreamCallbackFlag] -> CULong
-> SV.Vector Int32 -> SV.Vector Int32 -> IO StreamResult
callback seqmvar = \timeinfo flags numsamples input output -> do
putStrLn $ "timeinfo: " ++ show timeinfo ++ "; flags are " ++ show flags ++ " in callback with " ++ show numsamples ++ " samples."
print input
-- write data to output
--mapM_ (uncurry $ pokeElemOff output) $ zip (map fromIntegral [0..(numsamples-1)]) datum
--print "wrote data"
input' <- evaluate $ SV.unpack input
modifyMVar_ seqmvar (\s -> return $ s Seq.|> input')
case flags of
[] -> return $ if unPaTime (outputBufferDacTime timeinfo) > 0.2 then Complete else Continue
_ -> return Complete
done doneMVar = do
putStrLn "total done dood!"
putMVar doneMVar True
return ()
main = do
let samplerate = 16000
Nothing <- initialize
print "initialized"
m <- newEmptyMVar
datum <- newMVar Seq.empty
Right s <- openDefaultStream 1 0 samplerate Nothing (Just $ buffCBtoRawCB' (callback datum)) (Just $ done m)
startStream s
_ <- takeMVar m -- wait until our callbacks decide they are done!
Nothing <- terminate
print "let's see what we've recorded..."
stuff <- takeMVar datum
print stuff
-- write out wav file
-- let datum =
-- audio = Audio { sampleRate = samplerate
-- , channelNumber = 1
-- , sampleData = datum
-- }
-- exportFile "foo.wav" audio
print "main done"
The simplest solution is to use MVars to communicate between the callback and Producer. Here's how:
import Control.Proxy
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
fromMVar :: (Proxy p) => MVar (Maybe a) -> () -> Producer p a IO ()
fromMVar mvar () = runIdentityP loop where
loop = do
ma <- lift $ takeMVar mvar
case ma of
Nothing -> return ()
Just a -> do
respond a
Your stream callback will write Just input to the MVar and your finalization callback will write Nothing to terminate the Producer.
Here's a ghci example demonstrating how it works:
>>> mvar <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar (Maybe Int))
>>> forkIO $ runProxy $ fromMVar mvar >-> printD
>>> putMVar mvar (Just 1)
>>> putMVar mvar (Just 2)
>>> putMVar mvar Nothing
>>> putMVar mvar (Just 3)
Edit: The pipes-concurrency library now provides this feature, and it even has a section in the tutorial explaining specifically how to use it to get data out of callbacks.