Are there good reasons not to exploit '#!/bin/make -f' at the top of a makefile to give an executable makefile? - linux

Mostly for my amusement, I created a makefile in my $HOME/bin directory called, and made it executable, and the first lines of the file read:
#!/bin/make -f
# Comments on what the makefile is for
all: ${SCRIPTS} ${LINKS} ...
I can now type:
and this causes make to execute.
What are the reasons for not exploiting this on a permanent basis, other than this:
The makefile is tied to a single directory, so it really isn't appropriate in my main bin directory.
Has anyone ever seen the trick exploited before?
Collecting some comments, and providing a bit more background information.
Norman Ramsey reports that this technique is used in Debian; that is interesting to know. Thank you.
I agree that typing 'make' is more idiomatic.
However, the scenario (previously unstated) is that my $HOME/bin directory already has a cross-platform main makefile in it that is the primary maintenance tool for the 500+ commands in the directory.
However, on one particular machine (only), I wanted to add a makefile for building a special set of tools. So, those tools get a special makefile, which I called for this question (it has another name on my machine).
I do get to save typing 'make -f' by using '' instead.
Fixing the position of the make utility is problematic across platforms.
The #!/usr/bin/env make -f technique is likely to work, though I believe the official rules of engagement are that the line must be less than 32 characters and may only have one argument to the command.
#dF comments that the technique might prevent you passing arguments to make. That is not a problem on my Solaris machine, at any rate. The three different versions of 'make' I tested (Sun, GNU, mine) all got the extra command line arguments that I type, including options ('-u' on my home-brew version) and targets 'someprogram' and macros CC='cc' WFLAGS=-v (to use a different compiler and cancel the GCC warning flags which the Sun compiler does not understand).
I would not advocate this as a general technique.
As stated, it was mostly for my amusement. I may keep it for this particular job; it is most unlikely that I'd use it in distributed work. And if I did, I'd supply and apply a 'fixin' script to fix the pathname of the interpreter; indeed, I did that already on my machine. That script is a relic from the first edition of the Camel book ('Programming Perl' by Larry Wall).

One problem with this for generally distributable Makefiles is that the location of make is not always consistent across platforms. Also, some systems might require an alternate name like gmake.
Of course one can always run the appropriate command manually, but this sort of defeats the whole purpose of making the Makefile executable.

I've seen this trick used before in the debian/rules file that is part of every Debian package.

To address the problem of make not always being in the same place (on my system for example it's in /usr/bin), you could use
#!/usr/bin/env make -f
if you're on a UNIX-like system.
Another problem is that by using the Makefile this way you cannot override variables, by doing, for example make CFLAGS=....

"make" is shorter than "./Makefile", so I don't think you're buying anything.

The reason I would not do this is that typing "make" is more idiomatic to building Makefile based projects. Imagine if every project you built you had to search for the differently named makefile someone created instead of just typing "make && make install".

You could use a shell alias for this too.

We can look at this another way: is it a good idea to design a language whose interpreter looks for a fixed filename if you don't give it one? What if python looked for Pythonfile in the absence of a script name? ;)
You don't need such a mechanism in order to have a convention based around a known name. Example: Autoconf's ./configure script.


Makefile explanation. Understanding someone else's Makefile

I am relatively new to programming on Linux.
I understand that Makefiles are used to ease the compiling process when compiling several files.
Rather than writing "g++ main.cpp x.cpp y.cpp -o executable" everytime you need to compile and run your program, you can throw it into a Makefile and run make in that directory.
I am trying to get a RPi and Arduino to communicate with each other using the nRF24L01 radios using tmrh20's library here. I have been successful using tmrh20's Makefile to build the the executable needed (on the RPi). I would like to, however, use tmrh20's library to build my own executables.
I have watched several tutorial videos on Makefiles but still cannot seem to piece together what is happening in tmrh20's.
The Makefile (1) in question is here. I believe it is somehow referencing a second Makefile (2) (for filenames?) here. (Why is this necessary?)
If it helps anyone understand (it took me a while) I had to build using SPIDEV (the instructions here) the Makefile (3) in the RF24 directory which produced several object files which I think are relevant to Makefile (1)&(2).
How do I find out what files I need to make my own Makefile, from tmrh20's Makefile (if that makes sense?) He seems to use variables in his Makefile that are not defined? Or are perhaps defined elsewhere?
Apologies for my poor explanation.
The canonical sequence is not just make and make install. There is an initial ./configure step (such a file is here) that sets up everything and generates several files used in the make steps.
You only need to run this configure script successfully only once, unless you want to change build parameters. I say "successfully" because the first execution will usually complain that you are missing libraries or header files. But ince ./configure runs without errors, make and make install should run without errors.
PS: I didn't try to compile it, but since the project has a rather comprehensive configure it is likely complete and you shouldn't need to tweak makefiles if your follow the usual procedure.
The reason for splitting the Makefiles in the way you've mentioned and linked to here is to separate the definition of the variables from the implementation. This way you could have multiple base Makefiles that define their PROGRAM variable differently, but all do the same thing based on the value of that variable.
In my own personal opinion, I see some value here - but there very many ways to skin this proverbial cat.
Having learned GNU Make the hard way, I can only recommend you do the same. There's a slight steep curve at the beginning, but once you get the main concepts down following other peoples Makefiles gets pretty easy.
Good luck:

How to modify standard linux commands?

I am looking for a way to edit the source code of common Linux commands (passwd, cd, rm, cat)
Ex. Every time the 'cat' command is called (by any user), it performs its regular function, but also prints "done" to stdout after.
If you're only looking to "augment" the commands as in your example, you can create e.g. /opt/bin/
/bin/cat && echo "done"
and then either:
change the default PATH (in /etc/bash.bashrc in Ubuntu) as follows:
or rename cat to e.g. cat.orig and move to /bin/cat.
(If you do the latter, your script needs to call cat.orig not cat).
If you want to actually change the behavior, then you need to look at the sources here:
and then build them and replaces them.
All this assumes, of course, that you have root permissions, seeing how you want to change that behavior for any user.
The answer to how to modify the source is not to, unless you have a REALLY good reason to. There’s a plethora of reasons why you shouldn’t, but a big one is that you should try to avoid modifying the source of anything that could receive an update. The update breaks, if not erases, your code and you’re left with a lot of work.
Alternatively, you can use things like Alias for quick customizations and write scripts that call and rely upon the command being available, instead of worrying about its implementation. I’ve over explained, but that’s because I’m coming to you as someone with only a little experience with Linux but much more in Development, and what I’ve said extends beyond an Operating Systems CLI capabilities and lands further into general concepts of development.

"make install" - Changing output destination for all builds

I am doing Linux development on a few machines, mainly Slackware 13.37 and Ubuntu 12.04. I am testing and validating the results of a few simple makefiles, and want to confirm the output of make install. However, before I go ahead testing this, I want to know if there is a portable means of changing the default output destination for make install for any makefile.
I would prefer if I could somehow stage my output, so all output goes to, for example:
instead of:
I know that in QNX development environments, for example, I can set environment variables like QCONF_OVERRIDE and INSTALL_ROOT_nto, and guarantee that no makefile is able to install anywhere other than a subdirectory of /test for example. Is there a similar mechanism for GCC on Ubuntu that just requires setting some environment variables in my ~/.bashrc file? I do all my work via command-line and VIM anyways, so I'm not worried about the case where a pretty IDE doesn't understand these environment variables due to them not being in a .kderc, .gnomerc, or equivalent.
Thank you.
Short answer: no.
Long answer:
There isn't a way to set the output destination for any Makefile; the Makefile or some other part of the build system has to be designed to make it possible. make is a very simple tool because it's intended to function identically across a wide variety of platforms. Consequently, it doesn't really use environment variables that aren't present in the Makefile itself. This is good in terms of environment pollution and for keeping things less magic, but bad for achieving your desired goal.
A bit of context: things are a bit more complicated in part because, unlike the QNX development environment (a largely homogeneous cross-compilation environment), a large portion of software that uses make (I'm assuming GNU make but this applies to other versions as well) to build is written for a heterogeneous build and run environment—it may be designed to be able to build for different distributions, operating systems (Linux, MS Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, etc.), and even hardware architecture (x86, arm, mips, power, sparc, sh, etc.). Sometimes you're building for the same system and sometimes for a different one. Unsurprisingly, there isn't really a standard way to define an install path across such a variety of systems.
Basile mentioned in his answer that for programs that use the GNU build system, you can use ./configure --prefix=/test. This will typically work for simple programs that use Autotools. For more complicated programs using GNU Autotools, there are usually complications if more diverse options are available:
cross-compiling? You might want your prefix to be set to where it's going to be installed on the target system (maybe /usr/local), and to use make install DESTDIR=/test.
Does your build system expect dependencies in the prefix directory, but you want to find them elsewhere? Better run ./configure --help to see what other options there are for providing alternate paths (often --with-foo=/prefix/of/foo)
I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting right now, but I think you get the picture.
Keep in mind that only applies to projects that use Autotools. Other projects may have other systems (perhaps naming a variable or editing a configuration file), so ultimately your best bet is to read the project documentation, and failing that, the Makefile. Fun, eh?
P.S. Having variables defined in the environment is different than passing them as a command argument to make, i.e. SPAM="alot" make target is different from make target SPAM="alot"—the latter will override makefile variables. See the GNU make docs on Variables from the Environment.
Just change prefix variable in makefile
then run
make install
also you can run following command for installing binaries
make prefix=/test install
At least for GNU software (using autotools) you should configure your software with
./configure --prefix=/test
just using (without a specific --prefix to configure before)
make prefix=/test install
usually won't work correctly, because some of the files are builtin for the program so their path becomes a constant inside it.
You could also use make install DESTDIR=/tmp/dest and then copy /tmp/dest to /test but it won't work correctly neither
For example, my /usr/local/bin/emacs binary has /usr/local/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp as some string (checked with strings /usr/local/bin/emacs command) and the /usr/local/ part of that path is the configure-d prefix.
BTW, you could have a chroot-ed environment to test your applications for various distributions.

Where did the first make binary come from?

I'm having to build gnu make from source for reasons too complicated to explain here.
I noticed to build it I require the make command itself, in the traditional fashion:
make install
So what if I didn't have the make binary already? Where did the first ever make binary come from?
From the same place the first gcc binary came from.
The first make was created probably using a shell script to do the build. After that, make would "make" itself.
It's a notable achievement in systems development when the platform becomes "self-hosting". That is the platform can build itself.
Things like "make make" and "gcc gcc.c".
Many language writers will create their language in another language (say, C) and when they have moved it far enough along, they will use that original bootstrap compiler to write a new compiler in the original language. Finally, they discard the original.
Back in the day, a friend was working on a debugger for OS/2, notable for being a multi-tasking operating system at the time. And he would regale about the times when they would be debugging the debugger, and find a bug. So, they would debug the debugger debugging the debugger. It's a novel concept and goes to the heart of computing and abstraction.
Inevitably, it all boils back to when someone keyed in something through a hardwire key pad or some other switches to get an initial program loaded. Then they leveraged that program to do other work, and it all just grows from there.
Stuart Feldman, then at AT&T, wrote the source code for make around the time of 7th Edition UNIX™, and used manual compilation (or maybe a shell script) until make was working well enough to be used to build itself. You can find the UNIX Programmer's Manual for 7th Edition online, and in particular, the original paper describing the original version of make, dated August 1978.
make is just one convenience tool. It is still possible to invoke cc, ld, etc. manually or via other scripting tools.
If you're building GNU make, have a look at in the source tree after running configure:
# Shell script to build GNU Make in the absence of any `make' program.
# Generated from by configure.
Compiling C programs is not the only way to produce an executable file. The first make executable (or more notably the C compiler itself) could for example be an assembly program, or it could be hand coded in machine code. It could also be cross compiled on a completely different system.
The essence of make is that it is a simplified way of running some commands.
To make the first make, the author had to manually act as make, and run gcc or whatever toolset was available, rather than having it run automatically.

Gurus say that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is bad - what's the alternative?

I read some articles about problems in using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, even as a part of a wrapper script:
In this case - what are the recommended alternatives?
You can try adding:
to the linker options. This will save you the need to worry about the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, and you can decide at compile time to point to a specific library.
For a path relative to the binary, you can use $ORIGIN, eg
($ORIGIN may not work when statically linking to shared libraries with ld, use -Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined to fix this)
I've always set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and I've never had a problem.
To quote you first link:
When should I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH? The short answer is never. Why? Some users seem to set this environment variable because of bad advice from other users or badly linked code that they do not know how to fix.
That is NOT what I call a definitive problem statement. In fact it brings to mind I don't like it. [YouTube, but SFW].
That second blog entry ( is much more forthcoming on the nature of the problem... which appears to be, in a nutshell, library version clashes ThisProgram requires Foo1.2, but ThatProgram requires Foo1.3, hence you can't run both programs (easily). Note that most of these problems are negated by a simple wrapper script which sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for just the executing shell, which is (almost always) a separate child process of interactive shell.
Note also that the alternatives are pretty well explained in the post.
I'm just confused as to why you would post a question containing links to articles which apparently answer your question... Do you have a specific question which wasn't covered (clearly enough) in either of those articles?
the answer is in the first article you quoted.
In UNIX the location of a library can be specified with the -L dir option to the compiler.
As an alternative to using the -L and -R options, you can set the environment variable LD_RUN_PATH before compiling the code.
I find that the existing answers to not actually answer the question in a straightforward way:
LD_RUN_PATH is used by the linker (see ld) at the time you link your software. It is used only if you have no -rpath ... on the command line (-Wl,rpath ... on the gcc command line). The path(s) defined in that variable are added to the RPATH entry in your ELF binary file. (You can see that RPATH using objdump -x binary-filename—in most cases it is not there though! It appears in my development binaries, but once the final version gets installed RPATH gets removed.)
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is used at runtime, when you want to specify a directory that the dynamic linker (see ldd) needs to search for libraries. Specifying the wrong path could lead to loading the wrong libraries. This is used in addition to the RPATH value defined in your binary (as in 1.)
LD_RUN_PATH really causes no security threat unless you are a programmer and don't know how to use it. As I am using CMake to build my software, the -rpath is used all the time. That way I do not have to install everything to run my software. ldd can find all the .so files automatically. (the automake environment was supposed to do that too, but it was not very good at it, in comparison.)
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is a runtime variable and thus you have to be careful with it. That being said, many shared object would be really difficult to deal with if we did not have that special feature. Whether it is a security threat, probably not. If a hacker takes a hold of your computer, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is accessible to that hacker anyway. What could happen is that you use the wrong path(s) in that variable, your binary may not load, but if it loads you may end up with a crashing binary or at least a binary that does not work quite right. One concern is that over time you get new versions of the library and you are likely to forget to remove the LD_LIBRARY_PATH which means you may be using an unsecure version of the library.
The one other possibility for security is if the hacker installs a fake library of the same name as what the binary is searching, library that includes all the same functions, but that has some of those functions replaced with sneaky code. He can get that library loaded by changing the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. Then it will eventually get executed by the hacker. Again, if the hacker can add such a library to your system, he's already in and probably does not need to do anything like that in the first place (since he's in he has full control of your system anyway.) Because in reality, if the hacker can only place the library in his account he won't do anything much (unless your Unix box is not safe overall...) If the hacker can replace one of your /usr/lib/... libraries, he already has full access to your system. So LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not needed.
