Multicore + Hyperthreading - how are threads distributed? - multithreading

I was reading a review of the new Intel Atom 330, where they noted that Task Manager shows 4 cores - two physical cores, plus two more simulated by Hyperthreading.
Suppose you have a program with two threads. Suppose also that these are the only threads doing any work on the PC, everything else is idle. What is the probability that the OS will put both threads on the same core? This has huge implications for program throughput.
If the answer is anything other than 0%, are there any mitigation strategies other than creating more threads?
I expect there will be different answers for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
Using sk's answer as Google fodder, then following the links, I found the GetLogicalProcessorInformation function in Windows. It speaks of "logical processors that share resources. An example of this type of resource sharing would be hyperthreading scenarios." This implies that jalf is correct, but it's not quite a definitive answer.

Linux has quite a sophisticated thread scheduler which is HT aware. Some of its strategies include:
Passive Loadbalancing: If a physical CPU is running more than one task the scheduler will attempt to run any new tasks on a second physical processor.
Active Loadbalancing: If there are 3 tasks, 2 on one physical cpu and 1 on the other when the second physical processor goes idle the scheduler will attempt to migrate one of the tasks to it.
It does this while attempting to keep thread affinity because when a thread migrates to another physical processor it will have to refill all levels of cache from main memory causing a stall in the task.
So to answer your question (on Linux at least); given 2 threads on a dual core hyperthreaded machine, each thread will run on its own physical core.

A sane OS will try to schedule computationally intensive tasks on their own cores, but problems arise when you start context switching them. Modern OS's still have a tendency to schedule things on cores where there is no work at scheduling time, but this can result in processes in parallel applications getting swapped from core to core fairly liberally. For parallel apps, you do not want this, because you lose data the process might've been using in the caches on its core. People use processor affinity to control for this, but on Linux, the semantics of sched_affinity() can vary a lot between distros/kernels/vendors, etc.
If you're on Linux, you can portably control processor affinity with the Portable Linux Processor Affinity Library (PLPA). This is what OpenMPI uses internally to make sure processes get scheduled to their own cores in multicore and multisocket systems; they've just spun off the module as a standalone project. OpenMPI is used at Los Alamos among a number of other places, so this is well-tested code. I'm not sure what the equivalent is under Windows.

I have been looking for some answers on thread scheduling on Windows, and have some empirical information that I'll post here for anyone who may stumble across this post in the future.
I wrote a simple C# program that launches two threads. On my quad core Windows 7 box, I saw some surprising results.
When I did not force affinity, Windows spread the workload of the two threads across all four cores. There are two lines of code that are commented out - one that binds a thread to a CPU, and one that suggests an ideal CPU. The suggestion seemed to have no effect, but setting thread affinity did cause Windows to run each thread on their own core.
To see the results best, compile this code using the freely available compiler csc.exe that comes with the .NET Framework 4.0 client, and run it on a machine with multiple cores. With the processor affinity line commented out, Task Manager showed the threads spread across all four cores, each running at about 50%. With affinity set, the two threads maxed out two cores at 100%, with the other two cores idling (which is what I expected to see before I ran this test).
I initially found some differences in performance with these two configurations. However, I haven't been able to reproduce them, so I edited this post to reflect that. I still found the thread affinity interesting since it wasn't what I expected.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
static extern int GetCurrentThreadId();
static void Main(string[] args)
Task task1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => ThreadFunc(1));
Task task2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => ThreadFunc(2));
Stopwatch time = Stopwatch.StartNew();
Task.WaitAll(task1, task2);
static void ThreadFunc(int cpu)
int cur = GetCurrentThreadId();
var me = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads.Cast<ProcessThread>().Where(t => t.Id == cur).Single();
//me.ProcessorAffinity = (IntPtr)cpu; //using this line of code binds a thread to each core
//me.IdealProcessor = cpu; //seems to have no effect
//do some CPU / memory bound work
List<int> ls = new List<int>();
for (int j = 1; j != 30000; ++j)

The probability is essentially 0% that the OS won't utilize as many physical cores as possible. Your OS isn't stupid. Its job is to schedule everything, and it knows full well what cores it has available. If it sees two CPU-intensive threads, it will make sure they run on two physical cores.
Just to elaborate a bit, for high-performance stuff, once you get into MPI or other serious parallelization frameworks, you definitely want to control what runs on each core.
The OS will make a sort of best-effort attempt to utilize all cores, but it doesn't have the long-term information that you do, that "this thread is going to run for a very long time", or that "we're going to have this many threads executing in parallel". So it can't make perfect decisions, which means that your thread will get assigned to a new core from time to time, which means you'll run into cache misses and similar, which costs a bit of time. For most purposes, it's good enough, and you won't even notice the performance difference. And it also plays nice with the rest of the system, if that matters. (On someone's desktop system, that's probably fairly important. In a grid with a few thousand CPU's dedicated to this task, you don't particularly want to play nice, you just want to use every clock cycle available).
So for large-scale HPC stuff, yes, you'll want each thread to stay on one core, fixed. But for most smaller tasks, it won't really matter, and you can trust the OS's scheduler.

This is a very good and relevant question. As we all know, a hyper-threaded core is not a real CPU/core. Instead, it is a virtual CPU/core (from now on I'll say core). The Windows CPU scheduler as of Windows XP is supposed to be able to distinguish hyperthreaded (virtual) cores from real cores. You might imagine then that in this perfect world it handles them 'just right' and it is not an issue. You would be wrong.
Microsoft's own recommendation for optimizing a Windows 2008 BizTalk server recommends disabling HyperThreading. This suggests, to me, that the handling of hyper-threaded cores isn't perfect and sometimes threads get a time slice on a hyper-threaded core and suffer the penalty (a fraction of the performance of a real core, 10% I'd guess, and Microsoft guesses 20-30%).
Microsoft article reference where they suggest disabling HyperThreading to improve server efficiency:
It is the SECOND recommendation after BIOS update, that is how important they consider it. They say:
"Disable hyper-threading on BizTalk
Server and SQL Server computers
It is critical hyper-threading be
turned off for BizTalk Server
computers. This is a BIOS setting,
typically found in the Processor
settings of the BIOS setup.
Hyper-threading makes the server
appear to have more
processors/processor cores than it
actually does; however hyper-threaded
processors typically provide between
20 and 30% of the performance of a
physical processor/processor core.
When BizTalk Server counts the number
of processors to adjust its
self-tuning algorithms; the
hyper-threaded processors cause these
adjustments to be skewed which is
detrimental to overall performance. "
Now, they do say it is due to it throwing off the self-tuning algorithms, but then go on to mention contention problems (suggesting it is a larger scheduling issue, at least to me). Read it as you will, but I think it says it all. HyperThreading was a good idea when were with single CPU systems, but is now just a complication that can hurt performance in this multi-core world.
Instead of completely disabling HyperThreading, you can use programs like Process Lasso (free) to set default CPU affinities for critical processes, so that their threads never get allocated to virtual CPUs.
So.... I don't think anyone really knows just how well the Windows CPU Scheduler handles virtual CPUs, but I think it is safe to say that XP handles it worst, and they've gradually improved it since then, but it still isn't perfect. In fact, it may NEVER be perfect because the OS doesn't have any knowledge of what threads are best to put on these slower virtual cores. That may be the issue there, and why Microsoft recommends disabling HyperThreading in server environments.
Also remember even WITHOUT HyperThreading, there is the issue of 'core thrashing'. If you can keep a thread on a single core, that's a good thing, as it reduces the core change penalties.

You can make sure both threads get scheduled for the same execution units by giving them a processor affinity. This can be done in either windows or unix, via either an API (so the program can ask for it) or via administrative interfaces (so an administrator can set it). E.g. in WinXP you can use the Task Manager to limit which logical processor(s) a process can execute on.
Otherwise, the scheduling will be essentially random and you can expect a 25% usage on each logical processor.

I don't know about the other platforms, but in the case of Intel, they publish a lot of info on threading on their Intel Software Network. They also have a free newsletter (The Intel Software Dispatch) you can subscribe via email and has had a lot of such articles lately.

The chance that the OS will dispatch 2 active threads to the same core is zero unless the threads were tied to a specific core (thread affinity).
The reasons behind this are mostly HW related:
The OS (and the CPU) wants to use as little power as possible so it will run the tasks as efficient as possible in order to enter a low power-state ASAP.
Running everything on the same core will cause it to heat up much faster. In pathological conditions, the processor may overheat and reduce its clock to cool down. Excessive heat also cause CPU fans to spin faster (think laptops) and create more noise.
The system is never actually idle. ISRs and DPCs run every ms (on most modern OSes).
Performance degradation due to threads hopping from core to core are negligible in 99.99% of the workloads.
In all modern processors the last level cache is shared thus switching cores isn't so bad.
For Multi-socket systems (Numa), the OS will minimize hopping from socket to socket so a process stays "near" its memory controller. This is a complex domain when optimizing for such systems (tens/hundreds of cores).
BTW, the way the OS knows the CPU topology is via ACPI - an interface provided by the BIOS.
To sum things up, it all boils down to system power considerations (battery life, power bill, noise from cooling solution).


Threads vs processess: are the visualizations correct?

I have no background in Computer Science, but I have read some articles about multiprocessing and multi-threading, and would like to know if this is correct.
Lets say I have 2 cores, 3 threads 'running' (competing?) per core, as shown in the picture (HYPER-THREADING DISABLED). Then I take a snapshot at some moment, and I observe, for example, that:
Core 1 is running Thread 3.
Core 2 is running Thread 5.
Are these declarations (and the picture) correct?
A) There are 6 threads running in concurrency.
B) There are 2 threads (3 and 5) (and processes) running in parallel.
Lets say I have MULTI-THREADING ENABLED this time.
Are these declarations (and the picture) correct?
C) There are 12 threads running in concurrency.
D) There are 4 threads (3,5,7,12) (and processes) running in 'almost' parallel, in the vcpu?.
E) There are 2 threads (5,7) running 'strictlÿ́' in parallel?
A process is an instance of a program running on a computer. The OS uses processes to maximize utilization, support multi-tasking, protection, etc.
Processes are scheduled by the OS - time sharing the CPU. All processes have resources like memory pages, open files, and information that defines the state of a process - program counter, registers, stacks.
In CS, concurrency is the ability of different parts or units of a program, algorithm or problem to be executed out-of-order or in a partial order, without affecting the final outcome.
A "traditional process" is when a process is an OS abstraction to present what is needed to run a single program. There is NO concurrency within a "traditional process" with a single thread of execution.
However, a "modern process" is one with multiple threads of execution. A thread is simply a sequential execution stream within a process. There is no protection between threads since they share the process resources.
Multithreading is when a single program is made up of a number of different concurrent activities (threads of execution).
There are a few concepts that need to be distinguished:
Multiprocessing is whenwe have Multiple CPUs.
Multiprogramming when the CPU executes multiple jobs or processes
Multithreading is when the CPU executes multiple mhreads per Process
So what does it mean to run two threads concurrently?
The scheduler is free to run threads in any order and interleaving a FIFO or Random. It can choose to run each thread to completion or time-slice in big chunks or small chunks.
A concurrent system supports more than one task by allowing all tasks to make progress. A parallel system can perform more than one task simultaneously. It is possible though, to have concurrency without parallelism.
Uniprocessor systems provide the illusion of parallelism by rapidly switching between processes (well, actually, the CPU schedulers provide the illusion). Such processes were running concurrently, but not in parallel.
Hyperthreading is Intel’s name for simultaneous multithreading. It basically means that one CPU core can work on two problems at the same time. It doesn’t mean that the CPU can do twice as much work. Just that it can ensure all its capacity is used by dealing with multiple simpler problems at once.
To your OS, each real silicon CPU core looks like two, so it feeds each one work as if they were separate. Because so much of what a CPU does is not enough to work it to the maximum, hyperthreading makes sure you’re getting your money’s worth from that chip.
There are a couple of things that are wrong (or unrealistic) about your diagrams:
A typical desktop or laptop has one processor chipset on its motherboard. With Intel and similar, the chipset consists of a CPU chip together with a "northbridge" chip and a "southbridge" chip.
On a server class machine, the motherboard may actually have multiple CPU chips.
A typical modern CPU chip will have more than one core; e.g. 2 or 4 on low-end chips, and up to 28 (for Intel) or 64 (for AMD) on high-end chips.
Hyperthreading and VCPUs are different things.
Hyperthreading is Intel proprietary technology1 which allows one physical to at as two logical cores running two independent instructions streams in parallel. Essentially, the physical core has two sets of registers; i.e. 2 program counters, 2 stack pointers and so on. The instructions for both instruction streams share instruction execution pipelines, on-chip memory caches and so on. The net result is that for some instruction mixes (non-memory intensive) you get significantly better performance than if the instruction pipelines are dedicated to a single instruction stream. The operating system sees each hyperthread as if it was a dedicated core, albeit a bit slower.
VCPU or virtual CPU terminology used in cloud computing context. On a typical cloud computing server, the customer gets a virtual server that behaves like a regular single or multi-core computer. In reality, there will typically be many of these virtual servers on a compute node. Some special software called a hypervisor mediates access to the hardware devices (network interfaces, disks, etc) and allocates CPU resources according to demand. A VCPU is a virtual server's view of a core, and is mapped to a physical core by the hypervisor. (The accounting trick is that VCPUs are typically over committed; i.e. the sum of VCPUs is greater than the number of physical cores. This is fine ... unless the virtual servers all get busy at the same time.)
In your diagram, you are using the term VCPU where the correct term would be hyperthread.
Your diagram shows each core (or hyperthread) associated with a distinct group of threads. In reality, the mapping from cores to threads is more fluid. If a core is idle, the operating system is free to schedule any (runnable) thread to run on it. (Some operating systems allow you to tie a given thread to a specific core for performance reasons. It is rarely necessary to do this.)
Your observations about the first diagram are correct.
Your observations about the second diagram are slightly incorrect. As stated above the hyperthreads on a core share the execution pipelines. This means that they are effectively executing at the same time. There is no "almost parallel". As I said, above, it is simplest to think of a hyperthread as a core "that runs a bit slower".
1 - Intel was not the first computer to com up with this idea. For example, CDC mainframes used this idea in the 1960's to get 10 PPUs from a single core and 10 sets of registers. This was before the days of pipelined architectures.

Can multiple OS processes run in parallel on multicore CPU?

So I got into a debate whether multicore CPU allows parallel execution of separate processes.
As far as I understand, each core allows executing different threads but they all have to belong to one process. Or am I wrong?
My reasoning is that, while each core has separate set of registers and L1/L2 cache (depending on hardware), they all have to share other stuff like L3 cache or TLB (I don't have a lot of knowledge about cpu architecture, so feel free to correct me).
I tried searching for an answer, but couldn't find any results (maybe the question is too dumb lol).
Thanks a lot in adance.
Multiple threads of multiple processes can be scheduled to run on a single core. Of course, at a given time only one thread runs on the core. The queue of processes to run on the core is managed by the scheduler. A good scheduler will provide to the core a good mix of CPU-bound and I/O-bound processes so that all of the components in the machine have well-balanced load.
So a multi-core CPU allows not only parallel but also concurrent execution of processes. On the other hand, a single core CPU can allow only parallel execution. No concurrency is there in single core machines.
All the resources of a core are given to the thread/process currently running on it (not in Hyper Threading though). The first resource that is in possession of multiple processes at the same time, if I'm not wrong, is Main Memory or RAM. All processes use some part of the RAM even when they are not running on the core. To load the process to the core a Process Control Block (PCB) is loaded from RAM by setting the registers, address spaces and stack to the same state which the process was in, when it was unloaded from the core to give time to another process.
The time quantum for each process varies from a few ms to a few hundred ms. Compared to that a L1/L2 cache access is a few ns and a main memory access is a few hundred ns. The image below should be interesting:
Two processes or threads can be run truly concurrently on separate cores provided they don't contend on a shared resource at the electronic level.
The most obvious thing to contend on in an Intel chip is the L3 cache and RAM. If you have two or more Intel chips they're talking to each other over QPI. Whilst this allows a cluster of CPUs each with their own memory controllers to operate in an SMP configuration, it becomes another thing to contend on if threads want data from another chip's memory.
In AMD chips each core has a memory controller, and Hypertransport does the job of synthesizing an SMP configuration. Pleasingly this makes all cores everywhere the pretty much the same, even in multi-chip systems (it's Hypertransport inside and outside the chips).
Both Intel and AMD have done excellent jobs of creating architectures that minimise the memory contention that occurs in a multi-core, symmetric multi-processing system without us having to think too hard about how we write software. If you want the absolute most out of your hardware you can program taking into account the underlying NUMA hardware architecture, and you may (it's really hard) reduce some of the contention that's going on.
Other things that might prevent true concurrent execution is if there's a specialised subsystem serving several cores. For example the UltraSPARC T1 shared a floating point unit between 8 cores. Obviously they can't all use it at once!
FPGAs are often seen as great things for parallelisable computations such as FFTs. However they have limited internal memory, and if the computation starts needing to store more data you have to use external RAM. That immediately limits the degree of parallelism that can be achieved, as different parts of the FPGA start contending for access to the external RAM. In such cases it is doubtful whether an FPGA is the right way to go; an FPGA clocked at 500MHz accessing RAM (which is also very slow, still) with no advanced onboard caching is not going to be as fast as a well design CPU with an advanced cache and multi memory controller subsystems.

Multithreads on kernel

In Galvin, I came across
Finally, many operating system kernels are now multithreaded; several threads operate in the kernel, and each thread performs a specific task.
Question 1
It does not imply that all of them will run at the same time, since at a given time only 1 process/thread can acquire control over the processor right? Though they could be doing various work, like one on CPU, other working on I/O like getting key strokes in the buffer etc., right?
Question 2
Multithreading will show better performance on multiprocessor systems only right?
Answer 1: Every core of your CPU can execute one command at any given time. Since nearly all of modern CPUs are multi core you'll get better performance if your app is multithreaded.
Answer 2:Multithreading will show better performance in most of the cases even on systems with single core CPUs. Your app will become more responsive to user input if you dispatch your time intensive jobs to multiple threads
The parallelization levels are as below:
Mutli Computers
Multi Processors
Multi Cores
Multi Threads
At higher levels you see more benefit from threading. E.g your multithreaded app will run better in multi cores CPUs in compare with single core(multi threaded) CPUs

With modern OS schedulers, does it still make sense to manually lock processes to specific CPUs/cores?

I recently learned that sometimes people will lock specific processes or threads to specific processors or cores, and it's thought that this manual tuning will best distribute the load. This is a bit counter-intuitive to me -- I would think the OS scheduler would be able to make a better decision than a human about how to spread the load. I could see it being true for older operating systems that perhaps weren't aware of issues like their being more latency between specific pairs of cores, or shared cache between one pair of cores but not another pair. But I assume 'modern' OSs like Linux, Solaris 10, OS X, and Vista should have schedulers that know this information. Am I mistaken about their capabilities? Am I mistaken that it's a problem the OS can actually solve? I'm particularly interested in the answer for Solaris and Linux.
The consequence is whether or not I need to inform users of my (multithreaded) software of how they might consider balancing on their box.
First of all, 'Lock' is not a correct term to describe it. 'Affinity' is more suitable term.
In most case, you don't need to care about it. However, in some cases, manually setting CPU/Process/Thread affinity could be beneficial.
Operating systems are usually oblivious to the details of modern multicore architecture. For example, say we have 2-socket quadcore processors, and the processor supports SMT(=HyperThreading). In this case, we have 2 processors, 8 cores, and 16 hardware threads. So, OS will see 16 logical processors. If an OS does not recognize such hierarchy, it is highly likely to lose some performance gains. The reasons are:
Caches: in our example, two different processors (installed on two different sockets) are not sharing any on-chip caches. Say an application has 4 busy-running threads and a lot of data are shared by threads. If an OS schedules the threads across the processors, then we may lose some cache locality, resulting in performance lose. However, the threads are not sharing much data (having distinct working set), then separating to different physical processors would be better by increasing effective cache capacity. Also, more tricky scenario could be happen, which is very hard for OS to be aware of.
Resource conflict: let's consider SMT(=HyperThreading) case. SMT shares a lot of important resources of CPU such as caches, TLB, and execution units. Say there are only two busy threads. However, an OS may stupidly schedule these two threads on two logical processors from the same physical core. In such case, a significant resources are contended by two logical threads.
One good example is Windows 7. Windows 7 now supports a smart scheduling policy that consider SMT (related article). Windows 7 actually prevents the above 2. case. Here is a snapshot of task manger in Windows 7 with 20% load on Core i7 (quadcore with HyperThreading = 8 logical processors):
The CPU usage history is very interesting, isn't? :) You may see that only a single CPU in pairs is utilized, meaning Windows 7 avoids scheduling two threads on a same core simultaneously as possible. This policy will definitely decrease the negative effects of SMT such as resource conflict.
I'd like to say OS are not very smart to understand modern multicore architecture where a lot of caches, shared last-level cache, SMT, and even NUMA. So, there could be good reasons you may need to manually set CPU/process/thread affinity.
However, I won't say this is really needed. Only when you fully understand your workload patterns and your system architecture, then try it on. And, see the results whether your try is effective.
For general-purpose applications, there is no reason to set the CPU affinity; you should just allow the OS scheduler to choose which CPU should run the process or thread. However, there are instances where it is necessary to set the CPU affinity. For example, in real-time systems where the cost of migrating a thread from one core to another (which can happen at any time if the CPU affinity has not been set) can introduce unpredictable delays that can cause tasks to miss their deadlines and which preclude real-time guarantees.
You can take a look at this article about a multi-core aware implementation of real-time CORBA that, among other things, had to set the CPU affinity so that CPU migration could not result in missed deadlines.
The paper is: Real-Time Performance and Middleware for Multiprocessor and Multicore Linux Platforms
For applications designed with parallelism and multiple cores in mind, OS-default thread affinity is sometimes not enough. There are many approaches to parallelism, but so far all require involvement of the programmer and knowledge - at some level at least - of the architecture on which the solution will be mapped. This includes the machines, CPU's and threads that are involved.
This is an actively researched subject, and there is an excellent course on MIT's OpenCourseWare that delves into these issues:
Well something many people haven't thought here is the idea of forbidding two processes to run on the same processor (socket). It might be worth to help the system to bound different heavily used processes to different processors. This can avoid contention if the scheduler is not clever enough to figure it out itself.
But this is more a system admin task then one for the programmers. I have seen optimizations like this for a few high performance database servers.
Most modern operating systems will do an effective job of allocating work between cores. They also attempt to keep threads running on the same core, to get the cache benefits you mentioned.
In general, you should never be setting your thread affinity unless you have a very good reason to. You don't have as good an insight as the OS into the other work that threads on the system are doing. Kernels are constantly being updated based on new processor technology (single CPU per socket to hyper threading to multiple cores per sockets). Any attempt by you to set hard affinity may backfire on future platforms.
This article from MSDN Magazine, Using concurrency for scalability, gives a good overview of multithreading on Win32. Regarding CPU affinity,
Windows automatically employs
so-called ideal processor affinity in
an attempt to maximize cache
efficiency. For example, a thread
running on CPU 1 that gets context
switched out will prefer to run again
on CPU 1 in the hope that some of its
data will still reside in cache. But
if CPU 1 is busy and CPU 2 is not, the
thread could be scheduled on CPU 2
instead, with all the negative cache
effects that implies.
The article also warns that CPU affinity shouldn't be manipulated without a deep understanding of the problem. Based on this information, my answer to your question would be No, except for very specific, well-understood scenarios.
I am not even sure you can pin processes to a specific CPU on linux. So, my answer is "NO" - let the OS handle it, it's smarter then you most of the time.
It seems that on win32 you have some control over which CPU family are you going to run this process. Now I only wait for someone to prove me wrong also on linux/posix ...

Developing Kernels to support Multiple CPUs

I am looking to get into operating system kernel development and figured my contribution would be to extend the SANOS operating system in order to support multiple core machines. I have been reading books on operating systems (Tannenbaum) as well as studying how BSD and Linux have tackled this challenge but still am stuck on several concepts.
Does SANOS need to have more sophisticated scheduling algorithms when it runs on multiple CPUs or will what is currently in place work fine?
I know that it is a good idea for threads to have affinity to a core that they were started on, but is this handled via scheduling or by changing the implementation of how threads are created?
What would need to be considered such that SANOS could run on a machine with hundreds of cores? From what I can tell, BSD and Linux at best only support a maximum of a dozen of cores.
Your reading material is good. SO no problems there. Also take a peek at the CS downloadable lectures on operating system design from Stanford.
The scheduling algorithm may need to be more sophisticated. This depends on the types of applications running and how greedy they are. Do they yield themselves or are they forced to. That kind of thing. This is more a question of what your processes want, or expect. A RTOS will have more complex scheduling than a desktop.
Threads should have an affinity to one core, because 2 threads in one process can execute in parallel ... but not at the same real-time on the same core. Putting them on different cores allows them to really-run-in-parallel. Also caching can be optimized for core affinity. This is really a mix of your thread implementation and scheduler. The sched may want to ensure threads are started at the same time on cores, rather than ad-hoc to reduce the amount of time threads wait on eachother and things. If your thread library is user-space, maybe it assigns core, or lets the scheduler decide based on capacity or recent deaths.
Scalability is often a kernel limit (which can be arbitrary). In Linux, if I recall, the limits are due to static sizing of arrays that hold CPU information structs in the scheduler. Hence they are a fixed size. This can be changed by recompiling the kernel. Most good scheduling algorithms will support a very large number of cores. As your core or processor count gets higher, you need to be careful that you don't fragment a processes execution too much. If a program has 2 threads, try and schedule them in close-time-proximity because causation may exist (through shared data) between them.
You also need to decide how your threads are implemented, and how a process is represented (be it heavy or lightweight) in the kernel. Are threads kernel managed? user-space managed? These things all have an impact on scheduler design. Look at how POSIX threads are implemented in various operating systems. There is just so much for you to think about :)
in short there are not really any straight-cut answers to where the logic does, or should reside. It is all down to design, application expectation, time-constraints (on the programs) and so on.
Hope this helps, I am not an expert here however.
