Page Not Found Error on SharePoint Sites in TFS - sharepoint

I'm in big trouble here, today i was asked to add a new user to TFS, the first thing I do is adding it to SharePoint, but now every time I tried to enter the project portal (Team Explorer -> right click on project -> Show project portal) I got an page not found error, with every single project, Here are some basic info about the setup:
2 Tier TFS, TFS server, ReportServices and SharePoint are on the same server.
If I try to enter administration portal on this server (cd21vids1 is the tfs server)
http://cd21vids1:17012/ -- I get Directory Listing Denied
http://cd21vids1:17012/default.aspx -- I get the default page, which works OK.
If i enter a project site i get this results (88 is the default port for SharePoint in this server):
http://cd21vids1:88/Sites/Cnbv.Framework/ -- Page not found
http://cd21vids1:88/Sites/Cnbv.Framework/default.aspx -- I get the page but with no styles and the layout is wrong, also i get an error on the "remaining work" report (directory listing denied), the reports that have problems are "Issues List" and "Exit Criteria Status" (Directory Listing Denied on both cases).
Everything else seems to work OK, (builds, check-ins), I hope you can help me out, thanks.
Juan Zamudio
UPDATE: I did some more tests, i get a page not found error in the url
Maybe this is way I get the default page without the correct layout.
UPDATE2: Also when I click the "Windows Sharepoint Services Site Administration" link I get this error:
"The Team Foundation Server could not locate the online Site Administration application for this team project portal in Windows SharePoint Services. The most likely cause of this error is that the language settings on the team project portal do not match the current language of your Visual Studio client. The location of Site Administration is specific to the language of the project portal. Contact the Team Foundation Server administrator for availability information of Site Administration for this project portal. For more information, see the Windows SharePoint Services Administrator's Guide."
Someone changed the language to the server from English US to Spanish MX, I changed the language back to English and restarted the server but no dice (BTW I already had a folder named 2058 in "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\" like explained in this post

my SharePoint problem is fixed, here are the details.
Run "SharePoint Product Technologies Configuration Wizard"
1.1. Select do not disconnect from this server farm, click next
1.2. Select No, this machine will continue to host the web site, click next.
1.3 Click Next
Restart IIS

I have had the same problem with the core.css file. I didn't want to use Sharepoint designer to solve it cause it would have unghosted my site!
So I tried this (it works) : on the site administration, go to "master page", and down the page you have a way to redefine the css used for the site. So i put there the url :/_layouts/1036/Styles/core.css (1036= French, so use 1033 if you are site is in english!), and after validation it worked.
The problem is that the page still try to get the core.css from http://MYServeur/_styles/core.css ..and return a 404!
But at least I have my style back. I just post it in case... I still hope a real better solution...


HTTP 403 Forbidden : This website requires you to log in

Using asp .net MVC 4.0 , razor , VS2010 , IIS5.2 , windows Server 2003
I have built an application which i want to publish in IIS. what i did is listed below:
Cleaned then built the solution.
right click on project file and clicked PUBLISH.
publish method : File System
Target Location : C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\testing
then publish.
Then i went to IIS and got my site in Default web sites. happy :). Then i did:
right clicked on testing(my app) and open properties.
In the tabdirectory everything goes fine.
in asp.nettab, i set asp .net version 4.0.30319
here is a little confusion, I set home/index as my default content page in documentstab
then I right click testing and clicked browse. And it shows :
Most likely causes:
This website requires you to log in.
This error(HTTP 403 Forbidden) means that this program was able to connect to
the website, but it does not have permission to view the webpage.
a short summury what i got as error message. This is my fist mvc application and first hosting. What is my fault here? what should i do now?
I had the similar issue. Please try the following:
A. Suggestion below from Microsoft Technet helped me:
The solution is to ensure that the Authenticated Users or \Users group (which usually contains DOMAIN\Users group) has Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and Read permissions on the /BIN folder below C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories{Sitename80}. Follow the steps listed below to grant the required permissions:
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the /bin directory of
your web application
Right-click on the folder and click on Properties
Go to Security tab and click on Edit
Click on Add and add the local server group Authenticated
Users or < SERVER NAME >\Users (this usually contains
DOMAIN\Users group).
Select the Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and Read
permissions (if you are planning to add Everyone to the /bin folder,
grant Read permissions only)
Click OK to apply the new settings
NOTE: you may need to to it after every Publish, as permissions somehow may get reset.
B. In VS - set the default page for your website, or try navigating to specific page as opposed to simply opening the website with only the site name.
I know it sounds dumb, but that also was the problem for me
after publishing your webiste to IIS, navigate to http://myServer/mySite/somePage instead of http://myServer/MySite

Error when trying to deploy webpart

I've been searching on Google for a resolution to this problem, but cannot find one that matches yet.
I'm trying to deploy a simple "Hello World" web part to SharePoint using Visual Studios 2010.
I'm getting an error when I hit F5: "Error occurred in deployment step 'Retract Solution': Cannot connect to the SharePoint site: Make sure that this is a valid URL and the SharePoint site is running on the local computer. If you moved this project to a new computer or if the URL of the SharePoint site has changed since you created the project, update the Site URL property of the project."
Ok, I have done a lot of searching and I'll tell you what I've tried so far. I have full admin rights on the farm, full rights to both databases. I made sure the webpart URL property matches the site property listed in Central Admin as well.
If anyone has any advice or insight it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
P.S. (Edit) Also, the farm I'm deploying to and visual studio are on the same machine? would that cause it?
Check the properties of your project in Visual Studio. Click on project node in solution explorer and press F4, then check there 'Site URL' property. It should contains one of the following
http://[your machine name][:port]/[site collection or web relative URL]
http://localhost[:port]/[site collection or web relative URL]
http://[your machine IP address][:port]/[site collection or web relative URL]
Note that Visual Studio must be installed on that machine which is your Web Front End or Application server.
If you got some errors with solution retracting try first deactivate and delete it via Central Admin. Then try to make some deploy-retract checking cycle in Visual Studio. If you still would get errors please post here the log from Visual Studio Output window (Ctrl+W, O).
I was able to go ahead and deploy the web part using STSADM commands from tutorials that you guys referenced in this topic, thanks so much for that.
It seems the problem I'm having involves multi-server install, and I don't think there is a quick work around yet.
Thank you all for the responses!
Follow below mentioned steps to debug this issue :
1) Browse the URL in IE on your server where you have hosted the site.
2) If you are able to browse then try deploying this web part on another site by giving new site URL in project properties in Visual studio.
3) To deploy a solution onto a site you must have visual studio on the same computer where you hosting the site.
4) Try deploying WSP through stsadm, Click here to see the details. To create WSP in Visual studio right click on project -> click on 'Package' -> once its complete right click on project -> click on 'Open in windows explorer' -> open 'bin' directory -> open 'Debug' directory -> you shall see a file named as your project name & extension would be .wsp
5) If anything above doesn't help put down your deploying steps.
Please do the following
Can you first verify the Site Collection you are trying to deploy is working or not
Open the properties of the SharePoint Project >Properties(F4)> Build Tab and see that the platform has been set to Active(Any CPU).
Delete the Solution from Central Administration and then try to deploy the solution once again.
If you still have the same problem then attach the log file from the SharePoint logs.
Have you mention the Site URL property in Visual Studio Sharepoint project?. you can open using (ctrl+shift+p) for Window of Properties then Check project Properties and make sure Site
URL is the Web application where you want solution to be deployed.
might be helpful this link:

Custom master page not refreshing upon deployment in Sharepoint 2010 Foundation

I use VS2010 on Server 2008 R2 with Sharepoint 2010 Foundation.
I have created a custom master page following instructions from here: (activating my custom page as feature), and was delighted with the results. But as soon as I changed the images and attempted to deploy them through VS2010, I noticed that my changes were not showing in the page (which was still showing the old images).
Useful observations:
It's a Sandboxed solution.
I checked that wsp is built with the new images, and so it was.
When I retract my solution, I also go to Master Page Gallery, and
delete my custom master page from there to make sure I start from
scratch. No difference.
My SP Designer does not give me an option to "revert to site
My "Look and Feel" section in central admin does not offer a
"reset to site definition" option.
Checking "CustomizedPageStatus" property of the SPFile for my master page shows that it's set to "none", and indeed, calling RevertContentStream throws an exception. This indicates it may not necessarily be the unghosting issue.
Does anybody know where my images get deployed to, and what the cause of this problem may be? The "Deployment Location" property does not lead to the correct location (in fact, I can't even see my Feature's folder). Could it be something to do with the way variables in the path - {SharePointRoot}\Template\Features{FeatureName}\StyleLibrary\Branding101\Images\ - are parsed?
I am new to Sharepoint, so all and any help would be much appreciated.
Since this is a Sandboxed solution, everything gets stored in the content database, accessible through SharePoint Designer 2010. In SP Designer, open the site you are working on, then look under "All Files" in Site Objects: that's where I found my masterpages, images, etc.
Deployment paths (displayed in module properties in VS2010) are just red herring, as no deployment to the file system itself takes place. Hope this helps somebody else!

SharePoint Foundation on Windows 7 Home Premium

I've installed SharePoint Foundation on Windows 7 Home Premium using the tutorial at:
Everything went well except for the last step when I actually try to load either the site or Central Administration. Instead of a Foundation website, only a blank page appears.
I tried without success the suggested solution to change IIS -> Authentication -> Basic Authentication to Enabled.
After this change it was necessary to enter a username and password when trying to access a Foundation site. Unfortunately, after entering correct data a "Server Not Found" message appeared and I was not able to proceed.
Any ideas?
Thank you for your time,
1st step of troubleshooting this is to take SharePoint out of the equation. Setup a new web application in IIS, put in a simple 'hello world' type static html page and try and load that. If you can't then the problem is IIS/networking and not SharePoint.
For what it's worth, I've found a way to install SharePoint Foundation 2010 on Windows 7 Home Premium and solve the Windows Authentication issue (you CAN actually enable it on Home Premium as well - it's just a manual process, that's all).
You can find the steps I followed on my blog at
Hope this helps a few folks!

Need Help publishing a browser enabled InfoPath form to a Sharepoint 2007 Server

I’m trying to publish an InfoPath form to a SharePoint document library, and have the form be viewable in a web browser.
The problem is that in the InfoPath publishing wizard tells me that although the form is browser compatible, that it cannot be browser enabled because of one of the following:
The Server is not running InfoPath forms services
The necessary features are not available on the site collection
The policy setting on the server does not allow a user to browser enable forms.
Well, I’ve verified that the SiteCollection has an active feature called “Office SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Collection features”, which includes Form Services, so I assume that the first two issues are not the cause
Also, I’ve verified in Central Admin that the Forms Services are configured to allow browser-compatible forms to be viewable in the web browser. So the 3rd reason doesn’t seem to make sense either.
I've tried applying different Security levels to the form: Restricted/Domain/Full Trust, but that doesn't seem to have an effect. I have been able to publish this form to a different SharePoint site, so I'm assuming that the issue is with the configuration of the SharePoint site, not the InfoPath form
Does anyone have any other ideas as to why this might not be working?
Thanks for any help you can provide!!
Make sure in the Form Lib Advanced Setting section you have the Option "Display as a Web page" is set "Opening browser-enabled documents"
Try testing the XSN file against the MOSS server by copying the file to the server itself (c:\temp for example) and running the following command:
c:\temp> stsadm -o verifyformtemplate -filename myform.xsn
The tool STSADM.EXE sits in %programfiles%\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\bin so add this to your %PATH%.
Post the answer back here if it still baffles you.
Besides the recommendation from #x0n to check if directory has been allocated as usable, check the event viewer and see if anything is showing.
As a stupid but check item go to:
Central Administration > Operations > Convert License Type
and ensure that you have the enterprise Client access listed.
