Shouldn't C# 4.0's new "named parameters" feature be called "named arguments"? - c#-4.0

I suppose there could be historical reasons for this naming and that other languages have similar feature, but it also seems to me that parameters always had a name in C#. Arguments are the unnamed ones. Or is there a particular reason why this terminology was chosen?

Oh, you wanted arguments! Sorry, this is parameters - arguments are two doors down the hall on the left.

Yes, you're absolutely right (to my mind, anyway). Ironically, although I'm usually picky about these terms, I still use "parameter passing" when I should probably talk about "argument passing". I suppose one could argue that prior to C# 4.0, if you're calling a method you don't care about the parameter names, whereas the names become part of the significant metadata when you can specify them on the arguments as well.
I agree that it makes a difference, and that terminology is important.
"Optional parameters" is definitely okay though - that's adding metadata to the parameter when you couldn't do so before :) (Having said that, it's not going to be optional in terms of the generated IL...)
Would you like me to ask the team for their feedback?

I don't think so. The names are quite definitely the names of parameters, as they are defined and given a specific meaning in the method definition, where they are properly called the parameters to the method. At the call site, arguments can now be tagged with the name of the parameter that they supply a value for.
The new term refers to the perspective of the method caller - which is logical because that's where the feature applies. Previously, callers only had to think of parameters as being "positioned parameters". Now they can optionally treat them as "named parameters" - hence the name.

I dont know if its worth adding it now, but MS calls it named arguments anyway. See named and optional arguments


Naming confusion: 'isPackageOmitted' or 'packageIsOmitted'?

As for property names 'isPackageOmited' and 'packageIsOmitted', which should I choose?
Could some native speaker help me?
TLDR: don't put "is" into the middle of the name. It's hard to see quickly. Use isPackageOmitted.
The standard is to always prefix accessors, mutators and predicates with get, set and is.
So you would have methods like getPackage(), setPackage(), and isPackageOmitted().
Even though PackageIsOmitted reads closer to normal English, it is a really good idea to follow the convention of prefixing. It makes it incredibly easy to instantly know that this is a method that retrieves the boolean value.
Compare anIncrediblyLongAnacondaIsAbleToEatSheep with isAnIncrediblyLongAnacondaAbleToEatSheep. The second one instantly tells you that this is a boolean value, while in the first example you have to carefully look through the whole name to figure it out.
Now, if this is just the property, it would probably be best to drop the "is" altogether. Does it really provide any new information? I'd say, generally, it would be best to have a property called packageOmitted and a method isPackageOmitted() to retrieve the property value.
packageIsOmitted is better since "Package is omitted." is an assertion which is either True xor False, whereas "Is Package omitted?" is a question whose answer is either Yes xor No.

Accessing a routine's Capture from within

What's the syntax for accessing a subroutine Capture once it's called? self only works for objects, and &?ROUTINE refers to the static routine, not its state once called. So first, is it possible to access the routine's Capture from inside? If so, what's the syntax for accessing it? I've looked at the related Synopse but I can't find a way, if there's one.
There's no way to do exactly what you're asking for. While conceptually arguments are passed by forming a Capture object holding them, which is then unpacked by a signature, for most calls no Capture ever really exists. With every operator in Perl 6 being a multi-dispatch subroutine call, the performance of calling is important, and the language design is such that there's plenty of room for implementations to cheat in order to achieve acceptable performance.
It is possible to explicitly ask for a Capture, however:
sub foo(|c ($a, $b)) { say c.perl; }
foo(1, 2);
This will capture the arguments into c and then unpack them also into $a and $b, enforcing that inner signature.
One might realize that things like callsame do indeed find a way to access the arguments to pass them on, even though no Capture appears in the signature. Their need to do so causes the compiler to opt any routine containing a callsame out of various optimizations, which would otherwise discard information needed to discover the arguments. This isn't ideal, and it's probable it will change in the future - most likely by finding a way to sneak a |SECRET-CAPTURE into the signature or similar.

Is there a list of names you should not use in programming?

Is there a list of items on the web that you should not use when creating a model or variable?
For example, if I wanted to create apartment listings, naming a model something like Property would be problematic in the future and also confusing since property is a built-in Python function.
I did try Googling this, but couldn't come up with anything.
Rules and constraints about naming depend on the programming language. How an identifier/name is bound depends on the language semantics and its scoping rules: an identifer/name will be bound to different element depending on the scope. Scoping is usally lexical (i.e. static) but some language have dynamic scoping (some variant of lisp).
If names are different, there is no confusion in scoping. If identifiers/names are reused accrossed scopes, an identifier/name might mask another one. This is referred as Shadowing. This is a source of confusion.
Certain reserved names (i.e. keywords) have special meaning. Such keyword can simply be forbidden as names of other elements, or not.
For instance, in Smallatalk self is a keyword. It is still possible to declare a temporary variable self, though. In the scope where the temporary variable is visible, self resolves to the temporary variable, not the usual self that is receiver of the message.
Of course, shadowing can happen between regular names.
Scoping rules take types into consideration as well, and inheritance might introduce shadows.
Another source of confusion related to binding is Method Overloading. In statically typed languages, which method is executed depends on the static types at the call site. In certain cases, overloading makes it confusing to know which method is selected. Both Shadowing and Overloading should avoided to avoid confusions.
If your goal is to translate Python to Javascript, and vice versa, I guess you need to check the scoping rules and keywords of both languages to make sure your translation is not only syntactically correct, but also semantically correct.
Generally, programming languages have 'reserved words' or 'keywords' that you're either not able to use or in some cases are but should stay away from. For Python, you can find that list here.
Most words in most natural languages can have different meanings, according to the context. That's why we use specifiers to make the meaning of a word clear. If in any case you think that some particular identifier may be confusing, you can just add a specifier to make it clear. For example ObjectProperty has probably nothing to do with real estate, even in an application that deals with real estate.
The case you present is no different than using generic identifiers with no attached context. For example a variable named limit or length may have completely different meanings in different programs. Just use identifiers that make sense and document their meaning extensively. Being consistent within your own code base would also be preferable. Do not complicate your life with banned term lists that will never be complete and will only make programming more difficult.
The obvious exceptions are words reserved by your programming language of choice - but then again no decent compiler would allow you to use them anyway...

What's this language token/keyword/thingy mean?

At the following URL: is the following code chunk:
boolean visitDevice(in string deviceID, in nsICacheDeviceInfo deviceInfo);
I thought I was dealing with c++, but "in" is not a c++ keyword according to c++ keyword lists i looked up, nor is it a java keyword. So what's it there for and what's it mean?
It means that the parameter is an input parameter, meaning that it will be used but not modified by the function.
The opposite of an in parameter is an out parameter, which means that the parameter is going to be modified, but not explicitly returned. If you were to use an out parameter after a method that uses it, the value is going to (potentially) be different.
As nos points out in the comment, the page you linked to is describing a .idl, or Interface definition language, file. I'm not familiar with the IDL that Mozilla uses (but if you want to learn more, you can read about it here), but I am somewhat familiar with the Object Management Group's IDL, which says that in parameters are call-by-value, out parameters are call-by-result, and inout parameters are call-by-value/result.
The language is Mozilla's Interface Description Language (XPIDL).
The keyword "in" is described here: here
I've seen frameworks/SDKs for C/C++ that define macros to indicate whether a parameter is for input, output or both. I'm guessing that that's what's going on in your example.
For example, the Windows DDK does this for IN OUT and INOUT (if I remember right). When compiling these macros are defined to nothing, they have the potential to be defined to something useful for other tools (like an IDL compiler or a static analysis tool). I;m not sure if they still use these macros in the more recent DDKs.
Microsoft has taken this idea to an extreme with the SAL macros that give a very fine level of control over what behavior is expected for a parameter.

Should I cast a CString passed to Format/printf (and varargs in general)?

I recently took in a small MCF C++ application, which is obviously in a working state. To get started I'm running PC-Lint over the code, and lint is complaining that CStringT's are being passed to Format. Opinion on the internet seems to be divided. Some say that CSting is designed to handle this use case without error, but others (and an MSDN article) say that it should always be cast when passed to a variable argument function. Can Stackoverflow come to any consensus on the issue?
CString has been carefully designed to be passed as part of a variable argument list, so it is safe to use it that way. And you can be fairly sure that Microsoft will take care not to break this particular behavior. So I'd say you are safe to continue using it that way, if you want to.
That said, personally I'd prefer the cast. It is not common behavior that string classes behave that way (e.g. std::string does not) and for mental consistency it may be better to just do it the "safe" way.
P.S.: See this thread for implementation details and further notes on how to cast.
